A Rattling Monster

Chapter 144: Sleek Fried Chicken

Well, would you look at that? A pigeon flying above me. Well, not exactly a pigeon, but a birdman or whatever that thing is called. Golden wings, carrying a blue staff from where that attack came from. A pure, white and yellow robe, but letting his wings on his back unrestrained. What are you, a sky magician?

-You vermin, you couldn't have just stayed where you were and die nicely? Now, we are supposed to clean up your mess. The entire world of Astria is destroyed because of you, the world itself is fragmented. After that we searched for you everywhere, but who would have thought that it was in this desolate place that you were hiding? What is it for you? Your homeworld?

So the dwarves died. Everyone died, the ratmen, the elves, the dwarves, the undead. I guess the multiple spells launched against me were too powerful for the planet to survive. Such a shame. As for what this planet represents for me? Simple, death, desolation. What will happen to the Nine Heavens now that they have failed to kill me the first time?

I begin to cast a [Death Ray] when that shining bird counters me. He cast a spell, preventing me from attacking him. I have no idea how is it working, but there is like a cage surrounding me and preventing me to use my powers. After that, I hear him sing something and see in the sky numerous light coming toward me. Damn, I need to get out, teleportation?

I manage to leave that cage and the incoming spell. I turn to see what was the effect and what I see is truly terrifying. A rain of spears and arrows, made from light, piercing the ground and destroying it at the same time. If I was still there, I would have probably died. But the pigeon is surprised by the fact that I left his cage. Too bad he won't be surprised for long. [Death Ray]!

"The dsklodsk kdsofks kosdkqlq pfffl."

The System is totally messed up, even with the sentences signifying that I slew a Hero. A roasted chicken falls from the sky. My deadly spell is far too powerful for a Hero to survive. Only a god will be able to do it, and even there I have a doubt. But I am curious because I can still see something leaking from the body. What is this? I approach and launch one of my tentacles on it. After that, I hear some fragments of discussions.

(No he is dead, the ... stupid Hades, he cou … wait for a second, what is … no, no, get him off me …)

Is it the connection between the pigeon and his master? And what happens when I try to follow it? I throw more tentacles on it, and I can absorb more and more powers. The voice in my head is getting weaker and weaker. I can even hear him beg for mercy. Well, looks lik … Do I need to jump? Why am I feeling this? JUMP!


A huge anchor crash right where I was standing. After that I see a colossal robot looking at me, in his mighty armor. The anchor begins to move towards the robot, there is a chain linking the two. What are those things, what do I need to expect after that? A dog wielding a sword defending the tomb of his master tainted by the Abyss? As for now, I need to deal with …


Laser? More robots? Behind the colossal spacesuit, there is a smaller robot, with countless rocket launchers and laser beams. Well, I got Pikachu and Snorlax, a great combination. I have to dodge the countless laser and rockets throw at me while dealing with a living wall. I try to teleport behind the small robot, but he manages to do the same and put some distance between us. Are they Heroes or something created? If it is the first, that's good, if it's the second, I am in a lot of troubles.

But I have to end this quickly. I can't catch the small robot with my teleportation, but I have something else for that. [Purple Moon]. I see the little thing getting constantly attracted by my purple sphere, and he can't dodge it in time. I don't know how, but something from my spell is preventing him to teleport out of the range of the [Purple Moon]. Now, one will be out …


DAMN! THAT BIG ROBOT! He just threw his anchor to the small one, and he is saving him. Not for long, I activate my domain, filling the air with acid. I can see the chains getting destroyed slowly and steadily. But it is too slow, [Death Ray]! Blocked. Seriously, he has a shield? Why does he have a shield like that? Something capable of negating my most deadly spell. Well, try to dodge this, [Purple Moon].

Now, the two robots are in the attraction of two different purple spheres, tearing them apart. The big one is nearly insensible and not affected by either my acid or my other spell. But the chains of its anchor are getting really weaken, and now, I can even see a link being destroyed. Finally, the anchor gets attracted by the first [Purple Moon], and the robot grabbing it fly to its death. One down, just another to go. I hear the notification of the System, and quickly dismissed it, since it is just a bunch of vowels and consonants mixed together.

But the other is extremely resistant. Even with the force of attraction, he is still standing still. And moving toward me. I can't deal with him, he is too durable and strong. I go towards the body of the second robot and he was actually a Hero. That's great, I leech the godly power out of him. However, this time, the connection is ended more quickly than the first. Right before the end, I only hear the god saying farewell to the one is was talking with. Did he commit suicide to not let me absorb his power? And then, what am I? What did I become?

My second [Purple Moon] ended and the colossal robot charged toward me. This time, I use two [Purple Moon] to stop him completely. After that, no matter what I try, I can't scratch its armor. He is indestructible, seriously, I have no way to damage that. But he is immobilized for a long time, let me try something.

I launch dozens of tentacles that land on him. Then, I directly absorb the godly power while he is still alive, or at least active as a robot. I can see him trying to break through, but what can you do against two moons? By the time my spell end, a lifeless body falls to the ground. Already three Heroes are dead, but that was the closest. I need more.

And they can probably destroy this planet too, seeing how many people died trying to fight me. I need to leave this, but I can't. I have no idea where to go. The first god, his connection was not forcefully broken. I reach the roasted pigeon, and as expected, I can still feel the god behind him. It gives me a new location, the thing that I instantly use. Look out new world here I come. Brave, intrepid, and then some.

I arrived in a world untouched by war. A world of innocence, a world of lush forest and clear rivers. I really just want to destroy it. I can feel near me and all around my location the faint power of that god. I don't know why, but it smells delicious. Just by sniffing it, I can already see that I absorbed a lot of that thing. I guess that should be the reality of the blessings given by the god to that world.

I roam for a few hours, rampaging and absorbing everything in my road. I end up near a village with more of those pigeons. They are all smiling, visibly happy. Not knowing that their Hero is dead and that he really angered me. Not knowing that their god decided to save himself and condemn them. I will accomplish his will. Not using my spells, just in case, I enter by the front door.

At first, the warriors of the city are encircling me. Then I see someone wearing nearly the same clothes as the one that I already fried. Maybe less golden and more white. They are talking but, first, I don't care, then, I don't understand a single word. All I hear is some squeaks. Noisy birds.

They are still threatening me, but I can see on the face of the white pigeon the same smug face that the Hero was wearing. Like they are the best in the world, invincible, strong and worshipped. He is the first that I attack with my tentacles. His entire face is destroyed by it, and his headless body falls to the ground. The warriors are too shocked to react and follow the same fate. Afterward, I kill every single living being in this city. When nothing is flying, I begin to follow the path where the condensation of blessings is the strongest. To the next village probably.

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