A Rattling Monster

Chapter 149: Talking with a God

I patiently stay in his room while he is coordinating with his men. Apparently, it will take them a few days to assemble everything together. In the meantime, he said that he will just let me do as I want. Since he clearly told me that he doesn't want to see my terrifying face, I will not stay here doing anything.

I moved away and hunted everything that I saw. Casting [Death Ray] and [Purple Moon] everywhere. They are a lot stronger than when I was just a normal elemental of Death. I already noticed it when I was fighting the three Heroes, but now, I realize how strong those spells are. The most noticeable is the [Purple Moon]. Before, I could just create it and hope that it will last long enough. Now, I can control the purple sphere as I wished. The only reason it didn't last long enough when fighting the colossal robot is that of me. Now, I can maintain it for dozens of minutes, make it form a circle of destruction without breaking a sweat. Not that I sweat, I think I don't do that for a very long time. Maybe even when I was just a normal rat.

Anyway, now, I can have a near-permanent control over the battlefield surrounding me. I mean, what can you do when you have multiple spheres destroying everything and attracting people to their death? As for the fact that maybe they will find me, it would have already been done by now. So, either they are really blind or they found me because of something that I can't know. Either way, seeing the full extent of my skills, I am confident about dealing with some Heroes, if they are not in an army.

After trying to not be bored during the wait, my spirit finally informs me that the ritual is near its completion. He can feel something not part of this world arriving. Looks like they truly did what I asked, you will be spared for that. I can't just go everywhere and kill everyone, right? Someone has to be alive to tell the tales. And this time, Krieg will be the happy chosen for that task. Get it, chosen, his Chosen. Stop doing that myself. I really miss Oslo right now. Not for his utility and his knowledge but for talking to someone. Well, at least I will have Krieg for that.

When I arrive in the room, I can see the prophet looking at me weirdly. What, do you really expect me to not come seeing the result of what I asked? But except his eyes, he is entirely concentrated on the ritual. I can hear him sing something in a strange tongue, not the way he talks usually. After that, I can see something opening on the blood pond in front of him. Some ripples are appearing, even when the ground is perfectly stable. More and more, until the pond is shaking. But while the blood should just leak out because of the movements, it is always stopped right before exiting the circle. The singing is louder and louder until suddenly, everything stops. I can see the prophet fall unconscious, but he is not dead. Just unconscious, probably didn't expect the ritual to consume that amount of stamina or mana.

As for me, I can hear something coming from the pond. But it is too weak. I try to inject my mana in it and not absorb it like I normally do. After minutes of doing this, finally, I can hear a distant voice. It is audible and that's good enough. As for the mana lost, I don't feel a single thing. Either I have my body doesn't have a reaction or the amount that I gave was just too low. I am certain that I could have cast dozens of [Death Ray] with that.

-Who dares to call me, the Blood God, Destroyer of Worlds, Ruler of …

-Yeah, yeah, I get it. Hi, it's me.


Looks like he recognized me. Great, and apparently he is not happy to see me at all. He dropped the act of the mighty god quickly than I expected. I guess I am even more terrifying than what I thought.

-So, Krieg, there is this small problem that I have with the Nine Heavens. And right now, I don't really understand what is happening. So, I have a few questions, and you will answer them, would you kindly? First, where is Oslo or is he dead? Next, what am I? Finally, can you get me the coordinate of another world?

-Yes, as you wish. Just don't kill me please, I have barely 1562131 years, I am too young to die.


-OK! Oslo is dead, after seeing what happened to you and how you destroyed the Heroes sent to kill you, they decided that Oslo was a traitor. By now, he should already be removed from this universe, all of his believers dead. I heard that you are his Hero, but you are not a believer, or at least not a real one. So, he should be dead.

I remember this discussion when he talked about how I believed in Aria. He said that believing and believing were two different notions, from his point of view and mine. I guess it is still true, so, I was not good enough to make him survive. Otherwise, I should have been able to contact him by now. Seeing me lost in my thoughts, the voice stopped talking but when I stare at the pond, Krieg immediately continues.

-As for what you are. I can't say it. If someone hears me, I will be dead like Oslo. You are something that should have been destroyed when the Nine Heavens were created. Please, don't force me to say that name.

-Fine, let's see how you react to that.

The pond is acting like a link toward Krieg. I begin to absorb the power in it, and I can hear him groan and suffer. At first, he is still unyielding, but when there is nearly nothing left, he finally surrenders. He should have just taken the easy road instead of making things difficult for him.

-See, that's what I am talking about. You are a race that was capable of seeing us as we really are. Sheer energy created from the beliefs of living creature. What we show them, all those forms, beautiful body, terrifying demon, monstrous creature, that's just a smoke screen. We are just an entity made of energy. And you are capable of absorbing it. All the races capable of doing that were destroyed, your race was too. Those that fought those wars were later known as the Nine Heavens. Oslo should have been part of them, but he was too scared to fight and hide. Like me. That's why we are still like that, as a punishment. As for Salazar, he is younger and didn't experience it. But all the gods were scared, scared about one of you falling onto our planet and eat it alive.

So, I am what, a god-eater? Something like that? But now, I understand why I am hunted like that. Sure, if I am a race capable of eating a god alive, the Nine Heavens won't let me rest. But I still didn't get the real name of it.

-So, how those things were called? God-eater?

-No, they were called the … No, I can't do it. I can't do that. Don't tell me to do it, please. The moment this word is pronounced, they will come. Please. Here take those coordinates. That's a planet filled with life, enjoy whatever you want.

Looks like he really won't spit it out. But, I can still feel the planet that he is talking about. Sounds great, at least I have a way out in case of a fight. But I want that name, so I begin to absorb the power of Krieg once again.

-What are you doing, I gave you everything? Do you want that name? but I can't, I CAN'T!

No matter how hard you cry and scream, I asked you only three things, well four. That's not that hard, so just give me that name. Only when he was a fraction of his former mighty self, something changed.

-Fine, I will tell you, just stop.

That was not that hard, now I am just waiting for him to talk. I look around me, and the previously alive prophet is now dead. His corpse is void of any blood, as all the other humans are. I guess he needed that to survive against me. A shame, I planned to spare them and allow Krieg to conquer this planet. Now that the pigeons are all dead or fleeing.

-The race that provoked the death of thousands of gods. The race that shouldn't be named after it. We swore an oath about that. You know how hard the oath is. Probably you don't. You shouldn't have become this; you should have just lived a happy life. Why did you need to do that? And become the last Devourer of Go…

Right before he finishes his sentence, I can feel something telling me to leave. I activate my teleportation, toward the coordinates that Krieg told me. But I still heard enough to understand what I am.



sdjfid: ????

Class: Devourer of Gods"

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