A Real Goddess Would Let Nobody Die

A Visit Home

It was a long flight north, especially because I resumed my old habit of stopping at homes and villages that I spotted along the way, to offer healing, repair, and purification.

When at last I caught sight of the familiar blue walls of Ezenta, I landed and approached the city on foot. Flying over the walls unannounced seemed somehow rude and likely to cause a misunderstanding.

The walls had dimmed, indicating that they were no longer as charged as they once were, but that was to be expected in an era where blue mages weren't available to charge enchantments.

The guards saw Me approaching, of course, and were ready for Me when I arrived. They had prepared guards who spoke 'Middle' Ezentic. Apparently, tales of My Return had reached Ezenta, or else the language was still spoken here.

"Welcome to Ezenta, Menelyn Corza," one said when I reached the gate.

All of them were wielding enchanted weapons that I did not recognize, meaning that they were likely, but not definitely, relatively weak. It was possible that they had been made after I left the mainland.

"We regret to inform you that the Mayor is unable to meet you at this time or approve the entry of non-residents, and ask you to return in the future," the guard continued.

What? There's a lot to unpack there.

Ezenta should have no mayor. Ezenta is really the Academy, with a surrounding support city. The Academy Masters, one of each color, ran affairs jointly with the City Assembly, as a bicameral legislature. There was never any mayor.

And "non-resident?" First, I'm Menelyn Corza! They knew My name on sight! My family owns one of the oldest homes in the city, across from the Academy! They founded the Academy! There is a '-zen-' in all of those names for a reason! And since when does Ezenta refuse entry to non-residents who show no hostility? Admission to the city is the default, not the exception, especially for mages in good standing.

Finally, there was a lack of reverence in his tone. I do not demand it and omitting it does not offend Me, but its absence is notable. I had been treated with some level of awe from everyone I had met, until now.

Something was very wrong here.

"I must insist," I replied. "Clearly, you know who I am, and so you know that I am heir to My family's property. It is understandable if it has been added to the Academy's endowment due to the passage of time since it has been claimed, yet even then, as a mage in good standing, I have the right to visit the Academy grounds. Who is this mayor who is restricting entry?"

The guards tensed.

"Things work differently in Ezenta now than in your era," the guard said, with obvious wariness. I had the distinct feeling that he would be smirking at any other whom he was stonewalling like this, but My obvious extraordinary abilities were giving him pause.

"Who is this mayor who is restricting entry?" I repeated. "On what grounds do they claim this authority?"

"It is the current Mayor Plo, of course. The Plo family has run Ezenta for centuries."

Oh. Memories of Anduron's...the nicest way to put it was irrational tenacity all those years ago ran through My mind. I had utterly despised the Plo family in every possible way.

I recalled that Dekel had told Me that blue mages, of which the Plos had been one major family, were the last to die out. It might have been jumping to conclusions, but I thought I could make an inference.

The Plos had been that last surviving line of mages. The thought made me vomit inside My mouth. It did make sense, as they had never been the type to take personal risks or self-sacrifice.

I could already sketch the likely history based on what I knew. First, the other mage lineages failed. The Plos, being the sole surviving powerful mages for a time, and wealthy from their enchanted item business to start, had greater influence over the Academy than anyone else, and thus Ezenta. The Plo family that I had known had been anything but generous, purely about profit maximization. It was easy for Me to imagine them extorting further wealth and power concessions in exchange for their services, using the need to keep the amulets of the Solenn Guard maintained as leverage.

It was so predictable. This state of affairs was the long-term result.

"I think I understand the state of this city, now. As I said, I insist on entry. You do not have authority to deny Menelyn Corza entry to Her home, and you do not have the authority to deny the Goddess of Salvation access to a city in need of Her. If you attack Me, I will defend Myself."

Not waiting for his reply, I resummoned My platform of Light, shielded Myself, and flew over the walls. I was at once stunned and unsurprised by what I saw on the other side.

Once, Ezenta had been a utopia of magic, a shining jewel of the world, enchantments on every street and in every home. Its influence as the international center of magical study and innovation had spread its language across the world.

Today, the old enchanted transport cars were motionless. The fountains were dry. The streets and buildings were dilapidated. I could see why Ezentic's use outside Ezenta had declined into a liturgical language.

The loss of functional enchantments was reasonable. That was not necessarily evidence of mismanagement in the current age. But the utter poverty of the bulk of the city combined with the splendor of the Academy and the surrounding buildings on the hill in the city center was revolting. And, I could see people holding enchanted items, likely weapons, walking through the slums as if prison guards walking cell blocks. It had the feel of a work camp more than a city. This reeked of serfdom or even outright slavery.

This peeved Me greatly.

The Corza home, one of the buildings on the hill, was still in as good condition as any of them, still recognizable 944 years later, which actually made Me more furious. It meant the Plos' stink would be all over it. How long had it taken them after My family's Sacrifice before they entered My room, went through My clothing, slept in My bed?

That, too, peeved Me. I was very, very peeved. There would be no bashful element to this savagery.

Time to go find this "mayor." I bet they're in the Academy, since it's the grandest building.

A Goddess does not do subtlety. She does excessive and spectacular. She kicks down the front door if She needs to. Plus, I couldn't be subtle even if I wanted to. I literally glow. I am not hard to find.

I landed in front of the Academy's front door. There was another group of guards--cronies--armed with enchanted weapons. One of them shouted at Me.

"Halt! You do not have permission to enter! This is the Mayor's property."

I never deigned to look at them, but did speak My mind.

"You do not have permission to impede the work of the Goddess of Salvation," I replied, ramping My mana to full power so they had to look away. "And this is the Academy of Ezenta. It is open to all. I am Menelyn Corza. My family built this place, and You are unwelcome in it. You are usurpers. Extortionists. Exploiters of My family's Sacrifice. I condemn you."

After a moment's pause, they opened fire, producing pretty colors that did nothing to My shield. I just walked past to the door.

Hm. The door was locked. Definitely not something I could kick down, actually. Um...

I wished Izena were here. The door would have spontaneously manifested survival instincts and moved out of the way if She frowned at it. I had seen it happen before with people that displayed the same intellect as a door, like the ones confronting me now, so it must be possible.

Well, I suppose She might be here, that's why I came after all, but I meant here and alive. Conscious.

I looked around, trying to solve My door problem.

Ah! Even I can break windows with rocks.

Amendment: A Goddess breaks through second floor windows when the front door cannot be kicked down.

I levitated to the second floor, and prepared to enter the Academy.

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