A Real Goddess Would Let Nobody Die

Special Chapter: A Permanent Family

Author's Note: This chapter was written in honor of Menelyn dominating the first favorite character poll on Royal Road.


"I'm sorry I got you all dirty," Menelyn mumbled.

Izena froze in place and stared at her, then dropped the bucket into the river and started hugging her again.

Did she like being dirty?

"Why?" Menelyn whispered into her chest.

Izena was silent for a while. Menelyn was worried that the bucket would float away, but Izena didn't seem to care.

"How long were you standing there?" Izena asked, quietly.

Menelyn felt like she was in trouble again.

"I--. I looked for a bath for a long time, f-first, but I couldn't..."

She trailed off, and the hug got a little tighter.

"I know, shhhh, I know," Izena cooed. "It's not your fault. There was no bath, or water, or food, so you couldn't find any. How long were you standing by the rock, before we found you?"

Menelyn tried to swallow, but her mouth was too dry. "Since yesterday," she mumbled.

Izena took a deep breath, tickling Menelyn's neck.

"Little sister," she murmured straight into Menelyn's ear. "Listen. You do not need to worry about getting me dirty. Big sisters like to cuddle with their little sisters soooooo much, that it's fine if I get dirty, if it means I get to hug you. So, thank you for letting me hug you. You are a blessing. It is so nice to have such a cute little sister to hug."

Menelyn's knees were weak, and her face was on fire.

"Sister? M-Me? I'm your sister?!"

"Yes." Izena nodded next to Menelyn's ear. "I am your big sister. You are my little sister. We will always be sisters. I am glad we found you, so we can live together forever. I promise that I will never leave you alone, ever again. And, if the bad guys come..."

She stretched out her left hand, and shot a bright white lightning bolt over the river. It was the most beautiful thing Menelyn had ever seen or heard.

"I will break them. Now, where did that bucket go?"

Izena found it, glared at it until it floated back to her, then picked it up and poured some water over Menelyn's head. It was amazing that even though river water was so chilly, the water from Izena's bucket was so warm, like it had been heated over a fire.

Menelyn thought about what Izena had said. It made a lot of sense. If big sisters liked hugging little sisters as much as little sisters liked being hugged by big sisters, then it was no wonder that Izena didn't mind getting dirty.

She nodded to herself, and decided to do a test.

"See?" Izena asked.

Menelyn saw. It was amazing! Little sisters liked hugging big sisters, too!

"You know," Izena said. "Your white magic is so strong, that we won't need to take baths when you learn how to use it. Your spells will make us cleaner than a bath ever could."

She let go of Menelyn to glare at the bucket before it floated away again, while her little sister looked her grimy body over in disbelief.

A few minutes of scrubbing later, and Izena made a discovery.

"Oh, wow!" she exclaimed. "You did say your hair is silvery, but it is actually silver! Even your brows and lashes! It's so beautiful! Do you have a favorite style?"

Menelyn glanced a few times at her big sister's straight black hair, and summoned her courage.


Menelyn was awakened in Their bedroom in the Sanctuary of Kanenn by Kiffa's kloo-rooing for her breakfast. No matter the time zone, the birds always knew when it was time for their fruit snacks. She didn't mind being awakened like this. They slept more because Their body was still convinced it needed to, and for the psychological reset, than because of any true need for sleep, except when Their pools were strained.

Menelyn looked around Their room. She had cast a lot of cleaning and repair spells in here, over the millennia. Everything was immaculate, glowing like the tunics' storage room. Their bed looked like the tunics' display table.

She turned Her attention to reapplying shields for all of the Trusted Guards, worldwide. Izena reproduced Their clothing and regalia.

Izena's prediction had been accurate: They hadn't needed to take a bath in a long, long time. They did go swimming at the Island, and met with people in the Temples' Pools, but not for bathing. When the Goddess of Purity entered water, it was the water that got cleaned.

"Thank You," Menelyn told Her Sister.

Izena self-hugged Her. "Dream of the camp?"

Menelyn smiled. Her Sister had always been able to read Her mind.

"Close. The bath You gave Me, afterward."

"I see." Izena sighed. "I am still sorry that the food we had was so...pitiful. You deserved better, after nothing for three days."

Menelyn remembered that meal very differently.

"I was used to boiled tree bark. That porridge was like the nectar of the gods."

Kiffa had a similar opinion of her fruit.

Izena snorted. "If You liked it so much, I could make You another serving?"

Menelyn considered the offer. For millennia, aside from eating with Kennalaria when She was young, They had only eaten food offered by worshippers, since it made them so happy. It was helpful to keep an empty stomach otherwise, but this seemed like a worthy exception.

"Hmm," Izena continued, while She thought. "Maybe We could auction a batch? 'Justice's reproduction of the first meal She offered to Salvation' would probably fund the Temples for a while."

Salvation Herself smiled again. It would, but the Temples were doing just fine. Their endowments were significant, nowadays. No need to cause tension and sadness with an auction.

"The Helpers will lose their minds when You walk into the kitchen, asking for ingredients to make some porridge," Menelyn predicted. "We'll need to tell them exactly what You're doing, and why, or they won't let You, and once they hear, they'll treat it like some kind of profound, sacred ritual."

Izena tilted Their head in confusion.

"Uh, yes? If My cooking is not a 'profound, sacred ritual' meriting worship, then what is?"

Menelyn giggled and rolled Their eyes.

"Oof," They both grunted, when a wall of sparkles suddenly flattened Them onto the bed.

"Are You giggling without Me?!" Kennalaria complained, wagging both index fingers. "All warm and fuzzy feelings must be shared with the Goddess of Joy! It's, like, a rule!"

"Fair enough," Izena conceded. "It is twilight, right now. Authority is Yours, regnant Goddess. Day and Night shall obey."

Kennalaria appeared next to Kiffa, to continue her breakfast. "Good, I'm glad We understand each Other!"

"After Your Mother finishes the dawn spells, I plan to head to the kitchen and make some porridge, following an ancient recipe lost to the dust of history. Your Mother simply could not contain Her excitement."

Kennalaria cocked Her head.

"Soooooo, barely-edible ten-thousand-year-old army food?"


"Made by You?"

"That is the idea."

"...I inexplicably want some."

Izena had a decent idea why. She shrugged. "Alright. You are the boss."

"Keekee!" Kennalaria called. "You want some ancient gruel? I think it's Mom's favorite!"


An hour later, Izena stood in the vast Temple kitchen, with watching Helpers gathered in a circle around Her.

"Tch." She was disappointed, rummaging through the shelves. "To be truly authentic, the flour would need to be much lower quality than anything We have here." She turned to Her audience. "Are there any discarded supplies dangerously beyond their expiration dates?"

No one said anything.

"No." Izena sighed. "Of course not." She shrugged in apology to Her Sisters. "I could try burning some flour, and mixing in the soot? Or maybe We have some sawdust somewhere? Ah, never mind. Soot or dust would disappear as soon as We got close."

"Too bad," Izenakee said. "We'll need to do Our best to imagine the authentic version."

"Too bad," Izena agreed.

She poured some water and the lowest quality flour She could find into a pan, and heated it for a few minutes. By the time She was done, the porridge was glowing like Menelyn's tunic.

Uh, whoops. Izena had forgotten that would happen. The habit of incorporating Menelyn's mana into all of Her spells for enhanced holiness had grown too strong.

Meh, whatever. It would not affect the taste. She put a dollop into three bowls.

"There You go, Menelyn. 'The nectar of the gods,' just as You requested."

The watching Helpers stared and swallowed.

Well, Izena had long ago resolved never to turn away worshippers.

"If anyone else wants some, it is simple enough for Me to make a bigger batch," She offered.


"Why is this soooooooo gooooood?!" Kennalaria wondered, gobbling another serving. Izenakee observed with amusement. The kitchen Helpers prayed over their own bowls.

Menelyn savored Hers.

Breakfast, with Her permanent family.

It was the best day since yesterday, and there wouldn't be another day as good as this one until tomorrow.

As much as She wanted to draw it out, She couldn't delay too much longer. Kanenn's hospitals had some tragedies that they needed the Goddess of Salvation to prevent and undo.

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