A Real Goddess Would Let Nobody Die

The Tale of Twilight: A Backup Plan

The Song-dream was over.

How long had it been? Mmmm...

As her sense of time returned, so did Telf's awareness of who she was, where she was, and what had happened.

Once the Twilight Goddess' voice had joined Her Mother's, it hadn't felt like listening to music anymore, not in the normal way. It was more like one of those intense dreams that left you feeling emotionally raw after you woke up. There had been the same semi-awareness of what was happening, and a vague sense that what she was experiencing couldn't be real, but with the mind-fog of dreams preventing her from working out what exactly was off. And just like in that kind of dream, it felt like an eternity had passed in an instant.

Telf did not speak the Language of Miracles, but that didn't matter, because it was the Language of Miracles. The Song had Created many emotion-scenes in her mind, regardless, one after another. The emotion-scenes were mostly of a kind that she knew well, and cherished: prayers being answered, and what that felt like, again, and again, and again.

A hug for someone who felt worthless, then a bath for someone who felt filthy. A place to go, and a family, for an orphan. The feeling that every prayer would be answered, every single one, even prayers never made. Such a cozy feeling.

But the Song was a bittersweet duet. Whenever one Goddess Sang a melody of gratitude and love, the Other Sang of pain, loss, and despair. Tragedy. As the Sun Goddess had said, She and Her Sister knew it well.

Tragedy surely regretted that mistake, regretted making itself the sworn enemy of the Source of True Divinity.

At the Song's climax, the tragic half of the duet ended, and Mother and Daughter Sang in harmony the same notes of...relief, but the word was too weak. Whatever it was, Telf had felt something similar when she took in the gleam of the Empyreal Armory for the first time.

Ah. It came to her. That was what it felt like when a tragedy was slain. The sound of the Song's climax was tragedy's own death howl.

Beautiful beyond words.



The ending of the Song left only piety behind. Piety too intense for shudders. Piety too intense to do anything except lay still and allow the Goddesses' most important lesson to settle into her.

Tragedy's own unhappy ending would come, because They said so.

Telf was Their priestess, visiting Their Sacred Realm, viewing it as a mind-guest of the True Goddess of Love. Her body lay on the floor of a sky-chapel dedicated to the True Goddesses, next to the True Goddess of Prosperity, Whose Divine Essence was the only thing on Telf's body.

As impossible as it sounded, that was the simple, unvarnished, truth. And was it ever beautiful.

Holy work, in holy places. That--this--was going to be how Telf spent her life. This was who she was, now. Not some pretend priestess. She was a real priestess of real Goddesses. The Scripture she preached was True because it came from Them.

Prosperity's Helper solemnly rededicated herself.

The Source of True Divinity had Her arms spread wide, standing on the center of Her Pool of Light-Essence. Her Daughter disappeared from the cave and appeared inside Her hug. They were talking, but Telf couldn't understand.

<They are speaking in Our Language. Twilight's Mothers told Her how proud They are, both in general and for that performance,> Love described. <Twilight says it felt like She had always known the Song, and She is amazed at Her Own singing ability. Even for someone of Her skill, that Song is incredibly challenging.> Telf was no singer, but anyone with ears knew that was an understatement. <Especially since She has never practiced it. Also, Twilight normally performs in a very different style, more upbeat and high tempo. You can probably feel how impressive I find it, that She can do Menelyn's more ethereal, spiritual style, too--singing in 'the Language of Miracles,' as you aptly called it.>

Paying closer attention...yes, Telf could feel awe mixed in with the ever-present Love Love Love Love Love.

"Fabulous, both of You!" Love called, aloud.

<Agreed,> Prosperity added. <That was a mythical performance, in the full sense. I knew You were good, Twilight, but I had no idea. I'll do My best, when You get here, so We can make Our Own, together.>

The Twilight Goddess and Her Mothers appeared in front of Love.

"Looking forward to it, little Sister! I'm glad You liked it! And, I'm glad that Telf got to hear something really special! Like I said, she deserves it!"

Now Telf really felt like she had to say something, even though nothing she could say in a few words could ever be enough.

<Holy Goddesses, it felt like more than a Song. I...I'm not sure why the Night Goddess thought I of all people should be the one to hear it, but I am grateful.>

"First, I agree that you earned it, for all the same reasons that all of Us have said you deserve something special," Night replied. "Second, there is a topic that We need to discuss with you, today, because of the authority and respect you hold. What We need to tell you is likely to make you worry, and I feel bad about that--We all do--but We need to tell you, anyway. I wanted you to hear My Song partly as an apology, and partly because it may be helpful."

<Authority and respect?> Like how Telf was in charge, in the sky-home? Or, the way people treated her in the nexus, every morning?

<You are My Helper,> Prosperity said. <My only priestess. My most trusted, highest-ranking agent. And everyone knows it. Everyone knows that your words are My words.>

Telf swallowed. The latter, then. Her memory of this morning's crowd, overflowing the nexus into the aisles and hanging on her every word, was too fresh for her to be able to deny what her Goddess was saying.

<When I am not available, people go to you, and know that whatever you say is what I would say, and know that whatever they tell you will reach My ears as surely as if they said it straight to Me. Even if I am available, many still go to you, because I am too intimidating. It's true that you never give orders--I don't, either--but if you ever did give one, it would be followed without question, as if I had given it. That is a level of trust, of authority, that only you have.>

It was not so long ago that Telf had been the grimy version of the Emmoyer domain, and it was still easy for her to imagine how that Telf would have viewed the gleaming Helper that lived in the Empyreal Armory and preached in the nexus every morning. People believed that this new Telf had seen the Sacred Realm, that she spoke personally with the True Goddesses, and that she had been sent to the world to do Their holy work, and, well, yeah...

Also, people had named a village after this Telf.


<I understand what You mean,> she admitted. <What did You need to tell me? Why would hearing the Song help?>

Her stomach was doing backflips.

"Do you remember that Suri disguises Herself as a false goddess?" Night asked. "That the false gods believe She is like them?"

<Yes.> Prosperity had told her the gist of the situation. <Her haven is 'the Keyic domain' and She is the Heiress. That's what the people in the Blue House usually call Her.>

"And Yonen told you about Her husband? You know that She got married almost a year ago?"

<Yes. To the Messenger, right? I've wanted to meet him, but he doesn't come to the Armory, and I've never seen him in the Blue House.>

Love giggled.

<I did wonder why you never asked about him, and never talked about the Messenger,> Prosperity said. <When did you know?>

Telf felt a little smug. She hadn't been completely certain, but...

<Yonen said You married Your Messenger, but everyone only ever hears from the Red Goddess' Messenger. There's just no way You would marry someone who could help people like the Red Goddess' Messenger does, but never bothers. Then, when I took You to the surface, You said 'the Messenger is being very vigilant,' like there was only one. It made sense, for the Red Goddess' Messenger to be Your Messenger, too. That's someone You would marry.>

There weren't many people who were worthy of marrying Telf's Goddess, but whoever had led Telf to the platform was.

<You told me a lot of secrets that I can't talk about, but nothing about Your husband or the Messenger,> she continued. <So, I guessed it was extra secret, and I should never, ever talk about it, not even with You. But, I've wondered, does his mind-voice sound like Love's voice because he uses Her power?>

Love smothered Her giggles enough to answer.

"Zyriko's power is his own. He uses My voice to disguise himself. Like you guessed, all the secrecy is for the same reason that you need to be careful what you tell people. Thank you for your silence. Our young God of Secrets tries so very hard to be forgotten."

<So, he is a God?> Yonen had said he didn't look like a True God, but Telf had never been sure what to believe, especially after Prosperity told her that the Goddesses were all born the same way as regular people.

<He's still mortal, and hasn't made his vows yet, but he says he plans to,> Prosperity said. <He will be the God of Honesty, Secrets, Patience...Trust...Loyalty...>

She swooned off into the world of newlyweds.

<Scholarship, Insight, Poetry, Romantic Sunsets...> Night continued.

Poor, poor Gwell.

This had Telf feeling fired up again.

<You would marry someone who tries so hard to avoid credit that he doesn't even let people know who he is. That he tries to be forgotten! If I'm the only one who can know, can I thank him for everyone?>

Two whole domains...hmmm...

<Okay, I'll thank him one time for each village,> she compromised. <I can, right? What's he doing, right now?>

Telf was going to go door to door through that whole building and find him, if she had to. If it was the last thing she did. No one would stop her, dressed in Prosperity's Essence. Authority had its uses.

<Answering prayers.> Telf could hear Prosperity's smile. <He picks trustworthy people to talk to, gives them a message from the Red Goddess, and asks them to pass it along, carefully, without telling anyone that they actually heard from the Messenger, not the Red Goddess Herself. He doesn't want the false gods to hear gossip and learn that a mysterious Messenger has recently become active. He's busy, right now, since it's just before bedtime. He'll be back at it, at dawn.>

Right, people tended to pray just after waking up, and before going to sleep.

<Midday tomorrow, then,> Telf said flatly. <So, Your marriage is related to what I need to hear?>

<Yes. Since getting married, Zyriko and I have never met in person with any of the false gods,> Prosperity said. <It is not unusual for a newly-married couple to keep to themselves for a while, but it cannot continue forever without becoming suspicious. There is extra interest in what We are up to, because of what happened in the Emmoyer and Limbot domains, but the most important reason that I urgently need to make an appearance soon is something that I'll need to explain.>

She paused to think ahead, as She often did, before beginning Her explanation.

<You know how the fakes like to flatter themselves, a lot?>

<Yes.> It was their very favorite thing to do.

<None of the fakes have seen My True Goddess appearance--glowing, standing outside reality, all of that. I cannot hide that I am immortal forever, and the longer I wait, the harder it will be to explain why I chose to hide it for so long. A false goddess who achieved immortality would strut around showing herself off as soon as possible, not hide herself away. And, she would want to make a grand, dramatic show of it, not reveal herself slowly to only a few people at a time. I'm overdue for a divine entrance, where I ooze contempt for My inferiors and permit them to flatter Me.>

Yeah, if one of the Emmoyers looked like Prosperity, they wouldn't keep it private. That was for sure.

Telf could guess where this was going.

<So, You and Your husband need to go to some fancy party, to keep up Your disguises? And You want me to know what's happening, so I don't worry, and know what to tell people?>

<Right,> Prosperity confirmed. <You will be My representative while I am away, and keep people calm. Do all the same things you already do. Be the same religious leader you already are.>

<I can do that,> Telf resolved. As nervous as the idea made her, this was her job, and honestly, she liked the idea of all the fakes seeing how fake they were. <But I still don't understand what the Night Goddess means, about the Song making it easier for me to hear this?>

Awkward silence. It made Telf a different kind of nervous.

Finally, Night explained.

"Remember how worried you were, when you took Suri to the surface? She is more powerful than all of the false gods, vastly more powerful than almost all of them, but She is blue."

...Telf's heart was pounding. Her ears were ringing.

Right. Like Yonen said...

No. No no no.

"And Zyriko is red, which is almost as defenseless as blue," Night continued. "The Emmoyers and Limbots who married into other lineages are angry that Keyic claims authority over their families' domains. Others may become hostile out of simple envy. The false gods play at being friendly rivals, but in truth, they are viciously competitive, and anything but gracious in defeat. Suri and Zyriko will have an honor guard, but taking a whole army is not an option. So, while it is very unlikely, We must be prepared for the possibility that Suri will not return."

Telf had thought, hoped, that she would never worry like this again. It had been months.

<If...If...> She couldn't even say the words. <It would be like...like the Night Goddess?>

<Yes,> Prosperity confirmed. <I am almost certain that Zyriko and I would both come to the Armory, as dormant spirits, to wait for My Sisters.>

"From Suri's perspective, She would wake up immediately in My body." Fabulous' cheerfulness was gone. "We would sing a Song for Her, just like My Mother's. It would be just as beautiful, and it would work the same way. Then, everyone would be freed all the same, only not as soon as We would like."

Telf had seen the Goddesses' power, felt it in her soul, heard Their fate-promises. She knew Who would win in the end. She knew tragedy itself was doomed. That was a little comforting, but Telf also knew, very well, that even temporary tragedies were tragedies.

<What about the Messenger?> she asked.

<He has made it clear that he would only want to be resurrected if I could make a new body for him,> Prosperity said. <It would take a while, but I would figure it out.>

Even in this situation, that tone gave Telf chills.

<You really need to go? There's no other option?>

<In the long run, it is riskier not to go, and I would not be planning this if I thought it was likely that I would not return.> Telf had already known what Prosperity would say. <We're just being careful. The date is still a while out. We are telling you well in advance, so you can prepare. We are sorry to make you worry again--We wish it wasn't necessary--but there's no way around it. My Helper needs to know, so she is not surprised, and so We can be ready for the worst case scenario.>

The Goddesses paused, while Telf digested everything.

She was nauseous.

<The fakes would...would try to make everything like it was before?> Very nauseous. <That's what You mean, about being prepared?>

She had visions of supervisors shooting fire down the aisles of the Empyreal Armory, the gleaming sky turned filthy with soot, the children being pulled out of the sky-home...

It had been unimaginable. This place was Safe.

...Because the Sky Goddess was here.

<Yes, that's the major concern, but remember, My Arsenal isn't going anywhere,> Prosperity reminded her. <Even if there is no one to recharge My tools of War, what is already on the shelves is enough to put up a very good fight. None of the fakes know about the Armory, or exactly what it contains, or where it all comes from. So long as no one despaired, and everyone fought believing that they could win, I think it could be possible to make the attackers give up, at least for a while. Every single year counts, every generation, and if the fakes became convinced that an invasion would be too costly, they might leave you alone for a long time. In the best case, it might even be possible to survive all the way until My Sisters arrive.>

Telf understood what her Goddess was saying, but, <I don't know anything about winning battles.>

<That wouldn't be your job,> Prosperity assured her. <My agents who helped with the fighting, Keyic security, would take care of that sort of planning. Your job would mostly be to keep doing what you've been doing. You would explain things to people, keep them united, and talk with My Sisters. Eventually, if all went well, you would need to choose a successor, too. I will go through the details with you over the next few weeks, and I will make sure that the statue is fully charged. If its charge is rationed carefully, you and your successors could stay in contact with My Sisters for a long time. They would help you.>

Telf still felt nauseous. She wanted the last few months to keep going forever.

"We are truly sorry to make you worry, Telf," Love hummed. "Let Me repeat that it is most likely that nothing goes wrong. I would never let My baby Sister go to certain doom. In all likelihood, Suri and Zyriko will show all the fakes exactly how fake they are, then come right back, safe and sound."

'They know best,' Telf reminded herself. 'Have faith.'

"We wanted to give you a lot of notice, so that Suri leaving wouldn't come as a sudden shock, and so We can all have a backup plan ready. There will always be some risk, until Menelyn and Izena arrive. That is unavoidable. However, even if the worst happens, it will still be possible for you to protect your family, and every other family just like yours. Only you can do this; there is no one else. No one else is universally, absolutely trusted like you are. No one else has your unquestioned authority. No one else could stand in the nexus of the Empyreal Armory, speak on Our behalf, and keep everyone safe."

No one else could have gotten Telf's family to that platform.

A surge of approval made her head spin.


Telf would have traded her soul to get her siblings to this life. This was all bonus time for her, anyway. If the fakes wanted to ruin it all, it would be over her ashes.

<No one else needs to know?> she asked. <Only me?>

That would be for the best.

"Only a few people in the Blue House," Love answered. "We agree. There's no need to make people worry unnecessarily."

<I would pretty much keep doing what I already do? And use this statue, if I need to talk to You?>

"That's right. Suri will go over all of the details with you, in the next few weeks. Your most important responsibility would be leading the people who were just liberated. The people in the Blue House would work with you--through you--and so would We."

<I understand.> Telf could do that much. <What happens now?>

"I need to help everyone else who needs Me, on the Island," the Sun Goddess sang. "We can talk some more, while I do that. Then, Kennalaria wanted to show you a mall. Those are places kind of like Suri's Armory, and filled with people. Still up for it?"

This, too, was part of a Helper's job. All of it.

<Yes. And thank You all. For everything.>

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