A Real Goddess Would Let Nobody Die

The Tale of Twilight: A Goddess of the Future

Kennalaria exited her room in the Sanctuary of Esto, and saw that her Sisters had, for the first time, not decorated the place in violet for her birthday. Clearly, today was a day for a very serious discussion.

They were already in the common room. Izenakee was receiving Her morning spell, but Menelyn was not singing an interpretation of it aloud, for the first time in 7926 years.

Kennalaria, having prepared for this conversation for more than a decade, sat on the sofa across from Izenakee's chair.

"Happy 25th birthday!" She said, smiling, but less gleefully than She normally would. "So, let's get to it. You have shown that you are qualified. You are tirelessly dedicated to Our Creed, a model of it, and uniquely valuable to the world, possibly to countless worlds. Therefore, We have unanimously decided to make you a formal offer to join Us permanently, if that is your wholehearted wish. We already know what your answer would be if We asked now; You have been clear. But, still We want to talk about it. We need to make absolutely sure that you understand what the decision means. And We have agreed that I am the best positioned to speak."

Her Sister looked straight into her eyes. Menelyn was still silently casting the age-freezing spell. At the same time, Izena was combing Izenakee's hair before starting Her braids, as always.

"I will start with the positives," Izenakee continued. "You would be part of Our family forever, for the remainder of eternity, as you have been for twenty years. This world and possibly countless others would eventually benefit from having a very powerful helper who can bring Us instantly to any who need help, and relatedly, you would have the power necessary to achieve many of your goals, to work grand miracles. You would permanently be in health so fantastic that it would cause you to wonder how it was possible to live any other way," She smiled wryly this time, "and your appearance would be even more fabulous than it already is. Finally, your memories, starting from this point, would never fade, remaining always as vivid as if they had just happened."

She paused for a moment, and Her smile vanished.

"And now the sacrifices. You would remember all of the worst experiences of your life, starting from this point, permanently, as vividly as if they had just happened. Your appearance would contribute to almost everyone but Us viewing you as, to some extent, untouchable. You would need to convince people that they are worthy of you hugging them. People would still love you, but never in the manner of a spouse, or a peer friendship. Having raised you will almost surely be the closest experience that any of Us will ever have to the full depth of motherhood, and it is very likely that you would never yourself have anything similar. From all except Us, you would receive only adoration mixed with awe mixed with reverent devotion. Worship. If you sat on a bench, there exist at least many millions of people in this world who would go on pilgrimages to that bench. This will happen whether you accept worship or not."

Izenakee let that hang for a moment, before continuing.

"The most extreme manifestations are uncommon, but they still happen regularly, daily. Try to imagine what it feels like to make people faint with eye contact, to make them weep simply by acknowledging their existence, to meet people every day who sincerely believe that they are unworthy of looking at or touching you, even of hearing your voice directly. It only gets stronger the more centuries pass, and the more legendary and obviously transcendent that you become. Some will structure their entire lives based on the example that you set, and will treat your most trivial interviews as scripture. Are you really ready to experience that, daily, for millennia? I'm not done with My list, but I will pause again here, because I want you to consider that carefully. Really, seriously, imagine it."

Kennalaria had already seen the effect that Her Sisters had, and she would never forget what five-year-old Kenna had felt. She already had a weaker version of the same effect herself, comparable to a famous singer but stronger. Altogether, it was not difficult at all for her to imagine what her Sister was talking about. She swallowed the lump in her throat, to crush the butterflies in her stomach.

"I am ready for it. I will accept it, but let it pass through me without warping who I am, like You do. I will earn it, like You do. I will set an example that will make the world a better place if people choose to follow it, like You do. In case You haven't realized," she smiled softly at her Sisters, "I have three very good examples to follow, myself."

Kennalaria's voice was steady. Izenakee nodded, satisfied, and resumed Her list of sacrifices.

"Your time will not belong to you, it will belong to the people you serve. Every day, you will live for others. We know that you find joy or at least fulfillment in this, else We would not be making the offer, but even so, try to imagine what it is like to be as much an organ of society as a person, for millennia, without pause aside from rare trips to Our Island."

This was the reason Kennalaria was signing on in the first place. This was what someone as blessed as she was owed the world. She simply nodded.

"Finally, you will need to torture yourself for hours a day, every day, for millennia, in order to gain the strength to do what you need to do, to help the people who need Us."

Kennalaria smiled. The power to be helpful was great and all, but Izenakee had omitted something important: violet hair, irises, and mana outfits. Over the years, Kennalaria's materialized mana had picked up more visible color, becoming a very sparkly dark violet. She couldn't wait.

"Can I start today?"

Izenakee giggled.

"There is one more separate issue," She said. "You can accept the halted aging, without accepting worship, without claiming the title of a Goddess. But, We believe that the public does want you to claim something, even if for some it's only for the novelty factor. If nothing else, you're a worldwide icon of...um...Flair? Energy? Glee?"

Kennalaria giggled at what she had just foreseen.

"Cuteness and Pizazz," Izena deadpanned.

Izenakee giggled--truly, Her default state--and Menelyn rolled Their eyes. This was a very standard, predictable sequence.

"Those too," Izenakee admitted. "Cheer? Joy? Anyway, you could claim the title of Goddess of any of those, at least, and no one would question it. You're the world's adorable, cheery little sister, and you always will be. The Temples are also hoping that you'll agree to a statue as soon as possible, but you can wait if you prefer, until you feel ready, like I did. Or you could choose never to accept worship, but you already said earlier that you have no plans of doing that. Still, this is a good time to remember that accepting deification means that you can never tell people not to treat you that way. If you claim the title, if you confirm that you are a Goddess, you need to accept what comes with the role, for many of the people of Our world."

Kennalaria smiled again. She had planned to accept immortality and permanent service since that first trip to the Temple of the Stars, and deification since pulling a bracelet out of a river in Umpoz.

"I will be who I am, but I have a request. Can they make My statues sparkly?"

Izena snorted and Izenakee giggled. Menelyn remained silent and brooding.

"Oh, I'm sure they will love it," Izenakee replied. "Now, Menelyn, how about We substitute Twilight's song for Mine this time?"

She vacated the chair, and Menelyn took a deep breath. "You're sure?" She asked. "Absolutely certain? You don't have to do this for Our sake. You will still be Our little sister for the rest of your life, this will still be your home if you want it to be, regardless of your choice."

Kennalaria stared into Her eyes for a few seconds.

"Are You seriously suggesting that I let bad things happen to people, when I might be able to help them? When I might uniquely be able to help them? Just do whatever I want and let them suffer, because I have no obligation to help and may never be rewarded?"

She turned around and sat in the chair.

"I could never do that."

Menelyn stared at Her doppelgänger's back.

"No, I suppose You couldn't," She said, then started singing.

When She finished, Kennalaria inspected Herself. Izenakee had not been exaggerating.

"Thank You, for keeping Me alive, so I can do what I need to do."

Mama and Papa would be disappointed in Her if She didn't remember to say 'thank You,' every time. She'd never forgotten, and now, She would never forget.


<My mother is not going to survive this,> Kennalaria said, biting Her lip.

<I would like to reassure You, but sadly, I agree,> Izenakee replied. <And Your father is only hiding it better.>

Kennalaria, standing at the edge of the Pool of Salvation in Esto, walked a few steps over to Her bawling mother and misty-eyed father to give both a hug.

"Nnnn, my...our...nnnn...Goddess...and the belts. I..."

The Guards and Helpers now wore violet sashes or belts on their waists, similar to the red scarves and collars worn for the Red Goddess.

"I will remember this moment and all the others forever, you know. You will always be a part of Me."

Uh, that backfired.

<Is this why You waited?>

<Partially,> Empathy confessed. <Mostly, I just felt ridiculous, claiming divinity when the people who knew best how very mortal I had been were still around. I lacked Your self-acceptance and willingness to bear the full weight of the role, the weight of the reverence and expectations, and tried to let the 'real' Goddesses absorb all of that for Me. In My defense, had I lived with Our Sisters since I was five, and had there been precedent, I might have felt differently.>

As Kennalaria turned to return to the Pool, having concluded that Her parents were a lost cause, She caught sight of Her statue again, and looked up at it.

It was painted violet, of course, but with a sparkling glossy finish applied to its long gloves, the sleeveless dress hanging to Her knees, and the tights and shoes, as She had requested. Izena had settled in recent years on a single braid, of varying exact style, stretching down Kennalaria's back, and one of those is what the statue's designer had chosen to depict, flying out behind Her. Flying out behind Her, because the statue was suspended by a transparent cable above even Menelyn and Izena's suspended platforms, as if Kennalaria had jumped impossibly high into the air, waving with both glittering arms at visitors on the ground with a beaming smile. She did do that very thing on request quite often. It was a stark contrast to Izenakee's calm Listening, and Menelyn and Izena's disciplined battle pose.

Kennalaria really was a Goddess representing the modern world. No wars to fight. Not much for desperate cries for help. Just people wearing impractical clothing because it's fun, jumping with joy, celebrating life in the Age of the Goddesses. As soon as She had seen Her statue, She had known that She would need to incorporate something like what Her Sisters had been suggesting in Her sacred purpose. It was clear that this sense of cheer was what She represented for people right now. She didn't mind that one bit.

This new Goddess didn't solve big problems partly because She was too weak right now, but also partly because there weren't big problems left to be solved. Instead, She enriched lives. Life was already sweetfluff. Kennalaria added sprinkles to it, and prevented it from spilling to the ground.

This new Goddess helped people avoid random misfortunes, and made their days a little brighter. That was just about all She could do right now, but that's all She needed to do.

And, She was improbability incarnate.

The attendees had gathered in the Dome, and the world was waiting for a new Goddess to introduce Herself, through their displays. It was time to begin.

"Thank you all for coming. I will begin by introducing Myself as I am now. I am everywhere, within a modest area. I can foresee the future, a modest time away. In raw power, I am lacking. But in good fortune, I am without equal. I am the cherished youngest Sister of Goddesses, the Fourth of Their immortal family. I can cast magic of a kind unique to Me. I was born to parents who based their lives around supporting My calling to divinity, into a world in which My 'incurable' disease was a blessing, because it meant I would get to meet the Goddess Who has made no disease incurable. That same Goddess' Essence served as the template from which I was born."

This created a stir. There had been speculation, but never confirmation this direct.

"I am Kennalaria, Goddess of Luck. As an omen of good fortune, I am infallible. Know that if I am near, no mishap can befall you, no matter how trivial. If you can see My sparkles, the forecast is showers of joy, lost items will turn up where you least expect them, and only the most fabulous of futures can come to pass."

Unless you've earned bad luck, but no need to spoil the mood.

"But that is only what I am now. I am also a Goddess of the Future. In the fullness of time, I will prevent harm before it happens. I am the Goddess of Twilight. I will herald the coming of Dawn and Day for any who pray for Love and Salvation, and the coming of Night, for any who demand Justice or deserve Retribution. This is My most sacred purpose: I will bring divine intervention to any who need it, no matter how distant they are."

Fortune paused to quash Her nervousness before continuing. She was determined, had always been determined, but this last part was still difficult to say aloud.

"I accept gratitude and reverence as consequences of what I provide, but I do not demand them in exchange for what I promise. If you would offer worship in My name, then seek not only to help those who need help, but also to spread joy to any around you, including yourselves, be it needed or not. Turn adequate into abundant. Turn satisfactory into extraordinary. Turn acceptable into spectacular."

The newborn Goddess jumped to support Her mortal mother. Had She not, she would have collapsed.

"Sister, can You help Me get My parents cleaned up? And make sure they're actually alright?"

"Nnnnn, hic, I--, nnnnn, I'll try."


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