A Real Goddess Would Let Nobody Die

The Tale of Twilight: A Trial Passed Together

Villacqui's anxiety finally waned while she watched Nyrkatess gleefully circle Suri's priestess. For as long as Villacqui had known her, Nyrkatess had generally treated attendants with a kind of distracted indifference, but Telf was glamorous enough to ignite blazing enthusiasm mode. Part of it was surely that the priestess and her Goddess wore the same outfit; Nyrkatess was, after all, someone who bought everything in pairs and refused to go anywhere without matching hairstyles. But more importantly...

Villacqui giggled behind her hand. Her hair was long and gently wavy, identical to Nyrkatess', but in terms of coloring, it was a perfect match to Telf's: dark black, yet also extremely glossy.

"Keekeekeet!" Her Nyrkatess had a type!

Villacqui was aware of how stupid it was that all Nyrkatess needed to do was praise someone with similar hair, and it was enough to make her giddy with pride. She was also aware that there was nothing she could do about it. She was too far gone. And honestly, could anyone blame her?

Poor Telf shuffled in place, understandably unsure how to respond to Nyrkatess' open admiration. This was a little much for a first introduction; 'enthusiastic' could easily cross into 'overbearing.'

"At least stop circling her!" Villacqui chided, from behind her hand.

Nyrkatess swiveled straight to her.

That earnest smile of pure enthusiasm would never fail to make Villacqui's heart flutter.

So far gone.

"Villacqui! I've been inspired! Enlightened!" Something to do with blue, no doubt. "Black goes well with everything! A blue blossom, for your hair! What do you think?!"

"You know I'll love it. You're so talented." The world's best sycophant remained as authentic as ever.

"...Which cultivar to fork..." As she considered her options, Nyrkatess' smile transformed into a frown of concentration, and a finger pressed to her lips. "...First thing, the minute we arrive...Red, too..."

"How do you think they'll be received?" Suri asked her priestess.

Telf looked back and forth between Villacqui and Nyrkatess, still in their color-reversed slips, and muttered cryptically, "Poor Gwell."

She shook her head, causing her earrings to sway, and flash as they caught Suri's glow.

"If everyone thinks I am from the Sacred Realm, no one will ever believe they aren't. They're too..." Telf paused to search for the words, and Villacqui was a bit embarrassed by how eager she was to hear whatever the priestess ended up choosing. "...It's like there's beautiful, and there's more beautiful than normal people can be. Like, their skin is too flawless. They gleam."

Raising a golden eyebrow, Nyrkatess deliberately walked in one more circle. Telf blushed, but didn't deny the implication.

"I spend a lot of time near my Goddess, and looking the part is important, for my job." A sober report of the facts. "Anyway, on sight, everyone will think you're both from the Sacred Realm, same as me. The moment one of you heals someone, or something, people will want to know what you're the Goddesses of."

Villacqui's mouth moved on its own. "The Moon."

Nyrkatess beamed once again, and pranced away from Telf to wrap her fiancée in a hug, the same as she had at sunset. Villacqui snuggled into it. Where there had been lingering reservations less than an hour ago, there was now only regret that her cowardice had wasted so many moonlit nights, and hope that an eternity of them remained.

...The Keyic jungle had clear nights at least occasionally, right? It would be too tragic, not to see Nyrkatess in moonlight for decades.

Villacqui's eyes widened. Once Nyrkatess was power-marked, wouldn't moonlight no longer be needed?!

It was good that Nyrkatess was already holding her, because being nervous about meeting the True Goddess wasn't the only thing that could make a girl lightheaded.

"I'm the bright part, and you're the dark part? Perrrrrrrfeeeeeeeeect!" Nyrkatess squealed. Soon after, she gasped. "Crescent earrings! And pendants!"

Villacqui snorted lightly, but quietly admitted, "I'd like that."

"Will You introduce them as 'the Moon Goddesses,' from the start?" Telf asked. "Like with Your husband?"

"We will need to discuss the weight of that commitment with them, first, and the expectations that come with it," Suri answered. "And determine whether they are truly qualified."

She moved next to a circular blue tray on the floor, which held a blessing not nearly so complex as that of her tunic, but no less mysterious.

"So, let's get to it. This platform is a portal back to the Keyic domain." Well then. That explained the mysteriousness of its blessing. "Telf already took Zyriko through, a while ago. I am sorry to hurry things along so much, but as I said, Their time is valuable, and We're already late, and We need to have that discussion before you're introduced. Ready?"

Instantly, Villacqui's anxiety was reborn. Nyrkatess noticed--of course she did. The hug tightened.

"I think we passed Her trial, together," Villacqui murmured hurriedly. "But if we didn't, I..."


Did she regret her years of cowardice, or didn't she?

Villacqui lifted her head off Nyrkatess' shoulder, and stared into striking green eyes until the rest of the world faded away. Placing one hand on each supernaturally perfect cheek, she kissed her future wife as hungrily as she had two nights ago.

It wouldn't do to keep the True Goddesses waiting too long, so she pulled away, and reminded Nyrkatess of her promise.

"To the end. Anywhere. My choice."

The pair in all-blue was waiting at the portal. Telf held out a gleaming, sky-nailed hand.

Determined to the point of defiance, Villacqui marched over with her moonstruck future wife in tow, and accepted it. Before she could ask if this was all that was needed, they were in a new room.

Even to Villacqui's eyes, the signature of the True Goddess' divine power was unmistakable, tinting the air itself ruby red.

Deep. Breath.

The cool weight of the medallion pressed against her sternum.

Villacqui was quite literally prepared to bet her soul that this person who prioritized her over everything, who loved her by any name, would prove herself as beautiful on the inside as the outside, if given a chance.

Zyriko was seated cross-legged on the floor, near shelves filled with books, including what appeared to be picture books for children.

"Welcome," he said. His voice was strained. "When ready, Nyrkatess, lie on mat."

Telf had moved over to the mat in question, next to Zyriko. She pointed to her own feet.

"Once on mat, empty your vessel, and, Red Goddess, will fill it, with Her power. Will be connected, directly. Warnings."

He tilted his head a little, toward his wife. Suri gave the warnings to Nyrkatess.

"First, Her power is overwhelming, immeasurable, and you will feel its full weight. Until She releases you, you will feel insignificant and helpless, and it will be difficult to move. Second, never let anyone fill your vessel with their power unless you completely trust them. It can be used for mind control. Last, the Red Goddess will see all of your memories and all of your thoughts, everything you are, while you are connected. I promise that you can trust Her, and that She will not hurt you, but you are free to refuse. However, if you truly wish to become a real Goddess, and help Us transform this world..."

She held a hand toward the mat, near Telf's feet.

"Lie on the mat, and empty your vessel."

Nyrkatess didn't hesitate. From behind, she murmured into Villacqui's ear.

"A society that says it's wrong for me to love you has no right to exist."

After seven breathtaking steps packed with regal dignity and grace, Nyrkatess granted the mat the honor of her lying upon it, with her hair gathered over her shoulder into a golden cascade. Villacqui followed, knelt beside her, and, for the first time without her parents, closed her eyes to pray.

"Villacqui can only wait for me?" Nyrkatess checked.

"Her vessel, too small," Zyriko strained. "But Goddess, will connect through me. Villacqui will see, and hear, but less vivid."

Villacqui nodded, with her eyes still closed, and spoke to Nyrkatess as clearly and evenly as she could.

"I was given to you as a pet, and ended up wanting to be your wife. Show Her why."

Villacqui felt a cheek press against her knee. A moment later, her heart fluttered. Nyrkatess could have expelled her power in any boring way, but it was no secret that Villacqui loved having it cycled through her, and a certain someone would never miss a chance to spoil her, would she?

Since she was still swooning, Villacqui didn't notice the True Goddess' connection until Her voice hummed in her mind.

<Hello, Villacqui.>

Panic stabbed at her, but Villacqui's mind was sharpest under pressure; she was someone who could calmly ignore a broken nose when survival was at stake. Right now, the only thing that mattered was convincing the True Goddess that--

<No no, there's no need!> the True Goddess interrupted Villacqui's thoughts. <As Suri claimed, neither of you are in any danger of being damned. On the contrary, My Sisters and I are currently mulling a very different question: whether the pair of you may be qualified to join Our family, permanently. And that, young lady, is a question that We do not often consider so seriously.>

Villacqui half-crumpled, and released an involuntary, guttural moan of relief and validation.

<We passed our trial, together?> she asked. <It was to...to look past our circumstances? And see the person, not her status?>

<It wasn't a trial that I created--your miracle belongs to you and your Nyrkatess alone--but you are welcome to think of what you achieved together as 'passing,' in the sense that I approve. Let Me introduce Myself properly. I am Izenakee, Red Goddess of Empathy and Love. Here is a question for you to mull: Do you think I would prefer for you to ignore the flutters of your heart, and find reasons to hate, or for you to listen to those flutters, and allow yourself to love?>

A lifetime of guilt began to flow out of Villacqui, in silent tears. She opened her eyes, looked where her heart wanted her to look, and saw that Nyrkatess was drooling on her knee. She laughed lightly, despite the tears streaming down her face.

Soon, her mind was filled with giggles that made her feel like Nyrkatess was playing with her hair again.

<She's a model Heiress until she isn't, huh? Teeteeteet! Mm! Speaking of which, want to know what I'm discussing with her, right now?>

From the tone of Her question, Villacqui got the sense that the topic was a rather naughty one.

<Unspeakably,> the Goddess confirmed. <When your Nyrkatess learned that I'm the Goddess of Love, the first thing on her mind--the very first--was whether I might have any advice for how a young lady could make her wife feel extra pampered. Your world's literature is so woefully lacking on the subject, and who else are you supposed to ask? In her defense, that last kiss you gave her, before the portal? Wow. What else is she supposed to have on her mind?!>

Villacqui swallowed. So...um...

<Oh, young lady,> the Goddess purred--this was really not how Villacqui had expected this meeting to go, but...it was fine. <What kind of multi-millennial, all-knowing Love Goddess would I be if I didn't? Believe Me, I'm inscribing your Nyrkatess with exactly what she asked for. Unfortunately, your vessel is too small for Me to do the same for you, so your wife will need to teach you everything the old-fashioned way.>

Villacqui swallowed again. Oh well...

<Mmhmm! Oh well!> More giggles. <Ahhhh! I love young love! You two are such a treat! I live vicariously, and tonight, I am living. I'll need to meditate before I return to Our Garden, or everyone will be squealing.>

Villacqui was puzzled.

<People near Me can feel what I'm feeling, like you do now, even if I don't connect,> the Goddess explained.

For a little while, Villacqui thought about how wonderful it must be to live in the Sacred Realm, which led to her shaking her head at how idiotically smitten she was.

Not only had she been born outside the Sacred Realm, she had been born into slavery. As a toddler, she had been stolen from her parents, sold off to be molded into something posh enough to appeal to the most elite clientele, then auctioned as a high-end sex slave, and purchased as a pet. Even so, the honest truth was that she would choose the same fate again, because it was the fate that led to this breathtaking ditz drooling on her knee.

So. Far. Gone.

The Goddess tittered at Villacqui's self-assessment.

Hopefully, her parents knew that everything had turned out alright. That was the...

The giggles in the background died, and the cheerfulness flowing into Villacqui's mind was replaced with the warmth of a consoling hug.

Her shoulders sank.

<Did they suffer terribly?> she asked.

There was no amusement in the Goddess' voice anymore, only compassion.

<I believe I spoke with your mother shortly after you were taken. She asked Me to watch over you. Your parents would not want you to hear any more of their story, and they especially would not want you to blame yourself for any of it. Instead, they would want to tell you that they are delighted beyond words that you are safe and happy, and they aren't picky about the details.>

Villacqui knew that was the kindest answer the Goddess could give without lying, when the truth was 'yes they did.'

<Did they know that they didn't need to worry about me?>

For years, Villacqui had wanted to tell her parents about her miracle. That Minye felt guilty about how much she liked being Villacqui.


...One of the possibilities that Villacqui had long considered was seeming very likely.

<They were killed for trying to save me, weren't they? The same day I was taken? A week later?>

<There was nothing you could have done. What you can do for them now, is honor their wishes, grieve what was stolen from you, and never, ever feel like you don't have the right to be happy.>

<You...with them?...when...>


The Goddess began humming a lullaby that Villacqui did not recall ever hearing, but made Minye feel warm despite the blizzard outside.

It was a strange kind of grief. Villacqui didn't remember Minye's parents. They were an idea, a fantasy she had created, figments of her own conscience. She was incapable of grieving them as people, and that was exactly what she grieved.

With Nyrkatess indisposed on the mat, Telf tentatively knelt next to Villacqui, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Sorry," Villacqui croaked.

"Don't be."

After the song finished, Villacqui had one last question.

<Do I still speak my first language?>

<Yes. Great Peninsular.>

She nodded slowly. The inhabited part of the arctic continent. It fit.

"Faaaaht, gluhhhhhh."

There were much, much worse fates than Minye's. There was no way for her parents to have known that, and they would never know, and not even the True Goddess could do anything about it.

<A young boy named Kovi lives with his family in the Keyic domain,> the Goddess said. <He was born in the Limbot domain, with a blue vessel, to parents just like yours. His family was the first that We were able to help; there will be many more. And sooner or later, every lineage will face the same reckoning as the Limbots.>

Villacqui straightened her posture.


<Could we visit them?> she asked. <Nyrkatess and I?>

That would be a perfect first step, to begin expanding the scope of Nyrkatess' generosity.

<I am sure they would like that, and I agree with you, about Nyrkatess.>

<How is she doing?>

The amusement returned.

<She has spent the last few minutes gushing about your cute little nose, in great technical detail. I confess that I have needed to ask Menelyn for help understanding what she's talking about--Menelyn is My Sister, the White Goddess--but that seems to have backfired. Your Nyrkatess is now convinced that I share her passion for the finer points of nasal tissue composition and curvature. I've just now learned that harmony with the glabella and philtrum is critically important, yet underappreciated.>

Villacqui cringed. <Sorry. She...gets going, sometimes.>

<Don't worry! Being an excitable chatterbox is not disqualifying. My younger Sister, Twilight, has been jabbering nonstop since Zyriko told Us about you two--She's the Goddess of Beauty, Glamour, Fashion, Dance, Joy, you get the idea. Anyway, She has quite the fashion show ready for you, and...well...> Snickers. <Her glabella and philtrum are in exquisite harmony with Her nose. Ready to see for yourself?>

As intrigued as Villacqui was, she was also a little concerned that Nyrkatess may not survive.

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