A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 20: The Lord of Evil’s Trials and Tribulations

Zzzzz... I'm awake! Alright, yesterday, I explored the castle, aka, the Ruins of Rebellion, and then... I got enough EXP to evolve!

Did it work? My body feels a little heavier than before... especially my chest. As for my limbs...there are only two legs and two arms. And they're human arms! They're kinda white... no, pale is better to call it. The nails have a faint purple color and look a little sharp for a human, but not so much as for the nails of an ogre. Or, what I imagine an ogre's nails would look like. 

I took out a full-length mirror I had taken from the castle so I could see myself as a whole.

...Gyaaa!! Scary! What the f*ck!?

What reflected in the mirror was a white-and-black-haired girl. Notable traits include black and purple horns, red-purplish eyes with black sclera, and black markings that looked like dried-up blood that flowed from her eyes once. She almost looks like a... "fresh" devil zombie. 

I took a better look at myself after the initial shock and saw that I'm... pretty good-looking. Except for those tears-of-blood tattoos. There's a single line on the right eye and two on the left. Hm? There are some turquoise eye shade-like marks on the left eye.

Oh, that's the Evil Eye. It did say this could appear for some races. But wasn't the Evil Eye on my right? The Kigal-Note did say that evolution could make some changes such as with your dominant hand switching from right to left, but to think that's also true with Evil Eyes...

When I activated it, my left eye turned turquoise in color. When I turned it off, I noticed that my eyes already had slits in the pupils, not just when the skill was in use. It gives them quite a demonic appearance.

Same with the ears. They're more pointy than a human, but not so much as an elf. Kinda like the ears of an imp? Not that I've seen either one of them, but it feels like that.

As for my hair, it reaches my shoulders and is pure white. There are also some black highlights on the front and the sides. It seems like it would be a pain to take care of if it was longer, not to mention getting in the way of stuff, so this length's good.

My teeth... are the sharp kind, but nothing too weird. And it seems I can still make use of that [Poison Fang] skill~...*sigh*.

As for the rest of me... gotta blame it on [Golden Ratio]. I mean, an ogre shouldn't have such a dynamite body. Just gotta ignored that it followed my ideal...

To summarize, the rest of my body looks almost no different from a human woman. The Albino trait has colored the skin just like someone that's stayed too much of a shut-in, but thinking about the other alternatives, this is more acceptable. 

There are some black marks on my body that look like wounds if I had to name them. Some fancy tattoos for the lord of Rasetsu Ogres?

I don't know if it's related to the marks, but my body's feeling a little stiff. You know, when your limbs are asleep? It's kinda like that at half strength, but across your whole body. I'm gonna need to get used to this feeling. No more unnecessary movements here.

As one could guess, I've got no clothes. Good thing I stole so many from the castle. What clothes do I-*clink*-hm? What's this? There's some kinda jewelry on the floor, right next to where I was asleep. An earring? Not the pierced type.

Name: Nightmare Drop
Item Type: Accessory (Earring) Rarity: Ra Quality: A Durability: 200/200
Owner: Garami
  • Race: Demon.
  • Racial attribute: Darkness
  • Title: [Darkness Technique User].
  • Skill: [Darkness Element] at Lv.20 or more
  • Improved MP regeneration: [Small]
  • Lessened MP usage for Darkness attribute moves: [Small]
  • Improved Darkness attribute magic: [Normal]

A piece of a Darkness attribute gem refined with the aura of Demonic Beasts. 

This piece of jewelry can only be used by those who master the dark arts of magic. It is also seen as a symbol of status among demon magicians.

Oh? This is one of those Evolution Bonuses that the goddess talked about before I reincarnated. But to give me a magician-related item... and I need to increase [Darkness Element] to use it...

Let's hope for the Skill Growth potions to land on that. In the meantime, this one's grounded in the Storage until the skill reaches Lv.20.

While I dress up, let's see what the System Messages have to say.


Evolution completed.

Due to having reached racial rank S (E+), the amount of Skill Point value has increased to 0.3 Points.

Due to evolution to an Extra Race: additional bonus to stat values acquired.

Through evolution, lost trait: Arachnid. Skills lost: none.

Through evolution, trait: Low Demon has advanced to trait: Demon

Through evolution, acquired trait: Royal Monster

Special conditions cleared.

Trait: Empty Demon Vessel has evolved into trait: Dark Demon Vessel

Through evolution, acquired skills: [Mana Burst (Darkness) Lv.1], [Energy Warfare Lv.1], [Presence Perception Lv.1]

Through evolution to an Extra Race, acquired skills: [Shapeshift (Humanoid) Lv.1]

Through Promotion Evolution, acquired skills: [Evil Royalty Lv.1], [Royal Authority Lv.1]

Acquired title: [Lord of Evil]

...Hm? Hhhmmmm??? Common Sense-san, are you slacking here?

What's all this about!? There are 6, count them, SIX new skills here! And those titles... I'm just gonna ignore them for now. They feel too broken.

I was thinking I would get something outta this royal evolution, but this much... 

Ehm, the "advanced" Demon trait has made it easier for me to lose Karma Value, given my Darkness- and Chaos attribute-related abilities a small EXP-boost, plus giving me the same weakness to the Holy attribute as before. Oh, and an increased chance of inflicting the Fear ailment, along with improving the Fear-effect itself.

Royal Monster is giving Leadership Skills a proficiency boost too, along with higher charisma abilities. Oooookay?

As for Dark Demon Vessel, it has adapted to my Darkness-playing style, I guess. Including its previous abilities, it now makes it easier to obtain Darkness attribute skills, and for some reason, I'm now taking passive damage from sunlight!? Am I a vampire or something!? Now I seriously need that resistance skill... And the Message said it had "evolved" and not "advanced" like the Demon trait. What's that supposed to mean?

The skills are easier to understand.

  • Mana Burst gives attacks an oomph along with the Darkness attribute. Uses MP
  • [Energy Warfare] boosts physical abilities by using SP. Quite Ogre-like, but the old man ghost also had it, so probably not rare.
  • [Presence Perception] does just what its name suggests. Kinda like a sibling to [Danger Sense], but this one's gonna be a pain in big cities.
  • [Shapeshift (Humanoid)]. Uses MP to change your shape. Limited to humanoid bodies only.
  • [Evil Royalty] grants a status boost to all Evil-creature allies, and I take less damage from Evil creatures. Not 100% sure about what qualifies as "Evil creatures" yet.
  • [Royal Authority] gives a boost to everyone in my party, as long as I'm the leader. Fitting for a "Lord".

And the title... I think I'm gonna ask Gust about that. Check what the public thinks about that one. And I wanna raid the castle again. These clothes aren't the best out there, even if they do the job for now. A simple shirt and pants, plus some leather shoes... wonder if I could weave clothes with my threads?

As I was thinking about that, I stepped out to find Gust and the mole crew.

"Garami, did you wake---GYAAAA!! ZOMBIE!!!" - Gust

At least mention the demon parts, you scardy-bird.


"Seriously, give a warning the next time." - Gust

Really? Because the moles didn't freak out. But I'll keep it to myself. The raven's turned so pale it's visible through his feathers.

I gave him a quick rundown of the changes from the evolution.

"I expected that much. As for the Evil Lord, it is a title obtained by having the [Evil Royalty] and [Royal Authority] skills. The title increases your likability with evil-type creatures, meaning demons, undeads, vengeful spirits, and all that." - Gust

Ahh, they are a species that hunts Dread Spirits.

"Better said, they are a species designed to hunt them. That Mana Burst skill must be used to drive off the Spirits, and [Presence Perception] is to locate them." - Gust

If that's the case, then the Shapeshifting skill must be for making them look like a possible victim for the Spirits, rather than a hunter. No, that can't be it. At least, I can't imagine the Dread Spirits stopping just cause their prey looks strong. Speaking of strong...

Name: Garami
Race: Rasetsu Ogre Lord   | Gender: Female
Level: 1
Karma Value: -156
Main Class: Rogue Lv.36
Skills: 90
Skill Points: 9.8
HP: 195/195 MP: 225/225 SP: 71/203
STR: 199 VIT: 168 MAG: 150
RES: 219 SPD: 240 DEX: 265
INT: 120 LUC: 150

I'm stronger than I thought! 5 stats have breached the 200-line, and the rest is close behind. Except for VIT. And I've yet to max the MAG enhancement skill as well.

While we're at the subject, time to upgrade another skill. The more high-tier skills I have, the higher chance for at least one of them to be affected by those Skill Growth potions. As for the one I want...


Acquired skill: [Parallel Processing Lv.1]

It's this one. [Parallel Processing] goes one notch higher than Thinking, to the point where one could expect one had multiple minds. The further evolved skill does that for real though.

Now that's outta the way, time to chug down this sucker!

"...Hey, is that..." - Gust

*Glug, glug, glug... glug?*


"Na?" - Gust


[Spider Thread] skill level has reached Lv.Max

Skill, [Spider High-Thread] has been unlocked.

You have earned 0.6 Skill Points

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 0.6 Skill Points were earned.

Special requirements fulfilled.

Skill, [Spider Lord's Thread] has been unlocked.

You have earned 1.5 Skill Points

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 1.5 Skill Points were earned.

"Na-naaastyyyyy!!" - Garami

"Ah, she spoke." - Gust

What the heck's this!? It feels like drinking sludge mixed with soft cream, water, expired milk, yogurt, jalapeno-and-chili extract, candy floss, soda, acid, gasoline, and a hint of lemon and lime. It also feels like it has chunks of fruit, olive, coffee beans, meat (cooked, grilled, AND raw), ice cubes, garlic, onion, and-!

"Oi, you alright?" - Gust

"Do I look alri-*Chomp*-ow!" - Garami

My dondue. (My tongue.)

"First off, do not speak so fast when you do so for the first time of your life." - Gust

Uuuhh... I have nothing to retort to that...

"And for the second, did you not know about the 'lethality' of Skill Growth potions?" - Gust

Only got them as Quest rewards...

"Not sure if you could call it a 'reward'. From the looks of it, you got lucky." - Gust

"Just how!?" - Garami

"Nice tsukkomi. What I mean is that nobles all over the world finance the research for a more 'useable' version of the potion. Word is that every result turned out worse than the next. Some rumors even say that one could feel a dragon by having them swallow one of those trial versions." - Gust

A dragon!? ...I'm gonna be more careful what I put in my mouth from now on. And to think I was complaining about the frog meat before...

"Didn't you say that you got more of those from rewards?" - Gust

No, I didn't.

"Yes, you did. Bottoms up, miss battle potential~." - Gust

You, you Ooogggrrreeeeeee!!



My, my stomach...*bleargh*

Tha-*ugh*-that demon bird... he forced that rainbow-colored sludge down my throat... I'm feeling sick... As for the result...

Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Health Increase (Small) Lv.Max]  [HP Auto-Recovery Lv.16]  [Mana Increase Lv.4] 
[Reduced Mana Consumption Lv.18]  [MP Auto-Recovery Lv.23]  [Stamina Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
[Reduced Stamina Consumption Lv.44]  [Strength Increase (Small) Lv.Max] [Vitality Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
[Magic Increase (Small) Lv.7]  [Resistance Increase (Small) Lv.Max] [Speed Increase (Small) Lv.Max]  
[Dexterity Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
 Attack Skills:
[Guard Lv.42]  [Parry Lv.40]  [Mana Burst (Darkness) Lv.1] NEW
[Bite Lv.22]
Magic Skills:
[Darkness Magic Lv.5]     
Crafting Skills:
[Mixing Lv.1]    
Active Skills:
[Aura of Darkness Lv.13]  [Heresy Modification Lv.18]  [Energy Warfare Lv.1] NEW
[Sadistic Constitution Lv.Max]  [Stealth Lv.28] [Silence Lv.25] 
[Odorless Lv.24]  [Camouflage Lv.28]  [Intimidation Lv.42]
[Lightwalk Lv.Max]  [Thread Control Lv.31]  [Cutting Thread Lv.17] 
[Piercing Thread Lv.14]  [Impact Thread Lv.13]  [Spatial Storage Lv.5]
Passive Skills:
[Whipsmanship Lv.22]  [Threadsmanship Lv.37]  [Close Quarters Combat Lv.Max]
[Magic Power Operation Lv.8]  [Throwing Lv.Max] [Aiming Lv.Max] 
[Evasion Lv.Max]  [Jump Lv.48]  [Parkour Lv.Max]
[Climbing Lv.25] [Pilfer Lv.4] UP1 [Ambush Lv.11]
[Battle Survivalist Lv.1] EVOLVED [Darkness Reinforcement Lv.18] [Debuff Reinforcement Lv.11]
[Gathering Lv.Max] [Riding Lv.36] [Footwork Lv.Max]
[Lockpicking Lv.9] UP7 [Vital Point Knowledge Lv.19] [Thought Acceleration Lv.8] 
[Parallel Processing Lv.1] EVOLVED [Auto-Mapping Lv.11]  [Language Adaption]
Resistance Skills:
[Water Resistance Lv.28] [Darkness Resistance Lv.6] [Poison Resistance Lv.24]
[Heretic Resistance Lv.20]  [Heretic Immunity Lv.6]  [Paralyze Resistance Lv.14]
[Sleep Resistance Lv.42]  [Confusion Resistance Lv.12] [Fear Resistance Lv.Max] 
[Pain Resistance Lv.Max]      
Perception Skills:
[Night Vision Lv.Max] [Intuition Lv.2]  [Presence Perception Lv.1] NEW
[Identification Lv.31]  [Discern Lv.29] UP6 [Discover Lv.19] UP10
[Magic Sight Lv.45] 
Leadership Skills:
[Leadership Lv.31] [Tactics Lv.22] [Tame Lv.1] 
[Royal Authority Lv.1] NEW [Evil Royalty Lv.1] NEW
[Darkness Element Lv.18]     
Monster Skills:
[Poison Bite Lv.25] [Paralyze Bite Lv.12] [Sleep Bite Lv.14]
[Confusion Bite Lv.10] [Spider Lord's Thread Lv.1] EVOLVED [Shapeshift (Humanoid) Lv.1] NEW
[Golden Ratio Lv.6] UP5 [Grudge Evil Eye Lv.3]   

Why did I get [Lockpicking]... getting some levels on [Discovery] and [Discern] is a good thing, but why didn't [Darkness Element] get some love? My current Skill Point value is 8.0, but I'll be saving them in case of an emergency.

Despite my nausea, I keep on mapping the castle. I even commandeered a Battlemage's Robe, which is an easy-moving piece of Light Armor. Turns out there's leather sewn into it.

Think of it as a magician's robe that's been remade for a martial artist, or a scout. It even gives a small boost to magic... and the hood on it is making me relax~. The only downside is that I've gone from a Grey Demon to a Brown Demon with this robe and my pants. The shirt's luckily black... or if I went all brown, would someone mistake me as an Earth attribute? Damn it, I should have thought of that!

I've also taken one of the better daggers I found. It's not like I'm gonna become a master with weapons just 'cause I've got opposable thumbs. I'm not confident enough to swing those Steel Swords. Besides, they require me to have Lv.10 in [Swordsmanship] to equip them.

The dagger's just a safety measure. My threads remain my best weapons even now. They're still being produced from my fingers, so I can't equip any gloves except fingerless ones, but that's a small price to pay.

Also, I'm serious about the "equip" thing. Just check this out!

Equipment Page:


Battlemage's Robe (Old)

DEF: 25   MDEF: 35


  • Magic Up (Small)
  • Movement Up (Small)
Right Arm:

Wrought-Iron Dagger (Old)

ATK: 28

Left Arm:  

Leather Shoes (Old)

DEF: 11

Accessory (Ring):

Stone Defense Ring (Poor)


  1. VIT Up: 10

Clothes without any notable abilities, such as the shirt and pants, aren't registered on this thing. DEF and MDEF are defensive power against physical- and magical damage respectively. ATK is attack power. There's also a MATK value for weapons that enhances magic.

As for the ring I picked up, the status boost isn't registered on the Status Page. A PVP player (so to say) that relies on [Identification] to probe his opponent must remember to also check their equipment. It also means I can't cheat evolution requirements that require certain values of a stat or two.

Now that's outta the way, let me say this: the whole castle's damn empty!! I can't even find the E in Enemy! But I don't know if this is true for the whole castle, so I can't make the moles search the place! 

Since I'm feeling somewhat stiff with the current evolution, I've been more careful with my search. Such as using threads to open doors from a distance, making use of the armor-puppets to look at suspicious boxes for Mimics, having my eyes (and [Discovery]) open for any traps or secret doors, everything that I could come up with. 

If there was some kinda map or explanation of this place... therefore, I'm in search of the library. Castles should have something like that. But if I'm right in that this is a fortress instead, then maybe not...

I kept on walking through the empty corridors until I found a big door with a sign on it. This is either a big chance to get treasures or another one of those Quest Challenges. 


......Well, good food can be considered a treasure? Not sure if anything here's still fresh enough to be eaten.

I slowly opened the door while having my puppet knight ready to enter-

"Stop wasting so much time and get in already!!" - Manly voice

Eep! Huh? There's someone inside? Hm? My body's moving on its own? Hey, wait! Don't go in there without a plan! But I can't even shout in despair!

After entering the kitchen, I regained control of my body again. It's pretty big, but there was no one at the stoves or the kitchen benches. There was enough kitchen equipment lying around.

Standing in the middle of the kitchen was a burly man, more fit for the gym than the kitchen. Another Living Spirit. I could see the black spots on the roof like with the general from the graveyard. His skills are a mix of high-level fighting skills and mediocre-level cooking types.  Another battle?

"Now, what are you waiting for?" - Macho man

Even if you tell me...

Quest Challenge!!

Main Quest: Seagsa Eevns Eth
Quest Description:

The Remnant of Rebellion is being kept by the main chef for safeguarding.

Voyager, show that you are not a brute that solves every problem with force.

Quest Content:
  1. Fulfill the assignment given by the main chef.
  • Remnant of Rebellion (Left Arm)
  • 1 Skill Scroll: [Cooking]

HUUUUH!? Hey, who're you calling a brute?

"Hmph. Seems like you're finally ready to begin. Now, change out of those rags and get working." - Macho man

As if I have anything to change into! These are my best clothes just so you know!

Before I noticed it, a magic circle had started shining below my feet. When the glow disappeared, I had......what the f*ck's this!?!?

Equipment Page:


Little Imp Maid's Headdress

DEF: 10   MDEF: 15


  • Concentration Up (Small)

Little Imp Maid's Dress

DEF: 25   MDEF: 15


  • Dust Resistance  (Small)
  • Dirt Resistance (Small)
  • Charm ailment Up (Small)
Right Arm:  
Left Arm:  

Little Imp Maid's Armbands

DEF: 10   MDEF: 5


  • DEX Up: 15

Little Imp Maid's Underwear

DEF: 5   MDEF: 15


  • Charm ailment Up (Small)

Little Imp Maid's Skirt with Garterbelt

DEF: 15   MDEF: 10


  • Charm ailment Up (Small)

Little Imp Maid's Shoes

DEF: 10   MDEF: 10


  • SPD Up: 15

Who came up with this maid uniform!? No maids with respect for themselves would wear this moe-uniform! Glad the skirt's not the mini-type. But why's the chest part so boldly open? I like the dark purple color scheme, but even so...

"Hmph. You demons always have a wacky sense of style." - Macho man

Excuse me, but I didn't pick this you know!? Not that I told him that. Not because I was ashamed, but because biting my tongue before has made me more careful about opening my mouth.

Wait, I'm not feeling ashamed over this moe-maid uniform? Not one bit? I wasn't agitated when I first woke up with this body. Hmm?

"Well, get to work already! Wash all the utensils and place them where they belong." - Macho Man

That's the assignment? Some dishwashing? Is that allowed? 

Questions kept on popping up as I decided to make quick work of the macho doofus... wait a sec. Isn't this a good opportunity?


"Wow! That is some fast, but strange-looking, piece of work. Good going, wimp." - Macho man

Yeah, I know... did you just call me 'wimp'?

I finished the cleaning at record speed by using my new [Spider Lord's Thread] and [Parallel Processing] to work on multiple posts around the kitchen at once. The new threads can become so hard and resistant that they chipped the iron sword I tested them out on before. Using them for some dishwashing all over the place is nothing. 

As if signalizing that my work was done, the magic circle from before reappeared and changed me back to my old clothes. 

"Guess I have to reward you then. Now, where did that piece of scrap go to... ah, here. Catch" - Macho man

Whoa!? Don't throw stuff around!

Quest Challenge cleared!!

  • Remnant of Rebellion (Left Arm)
  • 1 Skill Scroll: [Cooking]
Bonus Achievement Rewards:
  • Quick Finish:
    • 1 Skill Scroll: [Cleaning]
  • Spotless Cleaning:
    • Little Imp Maid Set

Why did I get the last one!?

"You should go to the library left after you exit the corridor. They complained about someone missing one of the legs to that scrap heap before. Then, take care." Said the macho man before fading out. Did he ascend or something?

He mentioned a library, so I'll go there next. Hopefully, I'll get some more info there, and another Remnant.

And hey, since some of these Living Spirits seem to be able to converse, despite this time being completely one-sided due to me, maybe some librarian could tell me more about the castle? 

As for the rewards: Slam Dunk Storage Seal!!


I followed the instructions of the macho chef and managed to locate the library. This better not be a trap... let's use Mr. Puppet Knight to check.

"Wel...welcome? Can I help you?" 

From the sound of it, an adult female. The calm, collected type, even if she's surprised by the puppet knight first. 

I entered after the puppet and saw one heck of a library. Shelves on shelves ON SHELVES with books were lined up. This single room's got enough space to hold the whole castle. 

At the crank by the entrance was what appeared to be the librarian of this place. Tall, neatly dressed, long hair, dynamite body, and... a Living Spirit. DAMNITALL!!

"Oh, hello. Can I be of assistance?" - Librarian

I Identified her, and she's close to no battle skills. And those she has are only because they can ALSO be used as such. Heck, one of the moles could defeat her if they had to. Gust? Never a chance. 

"Ehm, hello?" - Librarian

Crap, I have to respond. Then... why am I hesitating? Just say "Hand over the Remnant!" and be done with it. Yeah, let's do that......I can't do it.

I-it's not because talking to someone's scaring me or something. I've got Fear Res at max, you know? And I'm perfectly fine with Gust and the moles, you know? And the macho chef handled all the talking before, so it's not like I was scared of talking back then either, you know!?

J-j-j-j-ju-just calm down, me. I-i-it's simple, don't freak out, just ask about that piece of armor (?) and be done with it. Stop acting all shy and stupid just 'cause she's your first, real partner in a conversation since you were reborn...

"Are you alright?" - Librarian

Now, say it! Ask about the damn Quest Challenge!

"Q-q-quesh..." - Garami

...I FAILED! I failed, big time! No, don't think of that. Just retry and get it right. Like, NOW!

"Ehm, are you looking for the Quest?" - Librarian

!?!? She got it!? I nodded to tell her she was right.

"Then, we have this Quest Challenge that was recently applied, along with the ordinary library-related Legacy Quests." - Librarian

That's it! I pointed to the Quest Challenge, which took the shape of a scroll this time. 

"Then, here you go. I would recommend that you ask some allies to help you with this." - Librarian

Quest Challenge!!

Main Quest: Seagsa Eevns Eth
Quest Description:

The Remnant of Rebellion is hidden inside the library of the castle.

Voyager, show your endurance and locate the Remnant. Ask the Eternal Librarian for any clues if needed.

Quest Content:
  1. Locate the Remnant of Rebellion (Right Leg) inside the Grand Library and present it to the Eternal Librarian.
  • Remnant of Rebellion (Right Leg)
  • 1 Skill Scroll: [Magic Ability]

Finally...did she just say "library-related Legacy Quests"?

Those Quests, aren't those the Quests you can take on anywhere at any time, as long as the requirements match? The one that can unlock classes, skills, and even evolutions?

"Is that all?" - Librarian

Ugh, the Living Spirit is looking at me like I'm a weirdo.

"D-Dread-*Chomp*-!?" - Garami

My tongue! Again!? Even when talking normally!? And here I was going to ask-

"Oh, the Dread Spirits? They cannot enter the castle, so the promoter of these new Quests has them as the first challenge for their new Quest... but you have already slipped through them, so I guess that is of no concern. Except for that, then I think it is only the Quest Challenge related to general Woodfoot. In any case, the inside of the castle is safe for your companions to travel." - Librarian

She understood that!? Wait, why-

"In case you are wondering, I am not a Living Spirit created to serve the new Quest that takes place in this castle. I am an Eternal Librarian, a special kind of Living Spirit, created to safeguard this Grand Library, its content, and its visitors. Helping all guests of the Library is my duty." - Librarian

...She's talented enough for that title. She's understanding my stumbling speech after all. 

I looked quickly at the "Eternal Librarian" page, and according to it, I should be able to trust this woman. Let's have Gust and the others come over here through that walkie-talkie-like magic item. It's a single-use, but whatever.

"...Other Quests?" - Garami

Jippie! I didn't fumble this time!

"The other Challenges related to the new Quest, or Legacy Quests you can complete in this library?" - Librarian

"...Both." - Garami

"Then I will prepare a map over the castle that shows where all the Quest Challenges should be located. As for the ones you can fulfill right now, take a look at this list. Anything else?" - Librarian

"...Darkness... and Heretic... attribute... demons. Evolution... and requirements... mostly." - Garami

The librarian started to find books related to those themes. 'Why not try to figure out some common points between those demons to make it easier to figure out what Kur Kigal needs?' is my idea here. The one who's gonna do all the hard work is not me after all. Go moles, go!

Still, I must be the only person in the world needing [Parallel Processing] to tell such a fragmented sentence. I'm not crying. I'm just sweating...*sniff*.

I sat down by one of the tables meant for the visitors of the library while waiting for the librarian to find my books. I looked over the list of Legacy Quests, which I only accepted on the spot.

There are a lot of different Quests available here. What's this? "The Tome of Undeads"? Hmm......*grin*.

Kigal-Note: Legacy Quest

Legacy Quest:

A Legacy Quest is a special type of Quest that can be completed by anyone at any time, but one can only complete the same Legacy Quest a single time in their life. Registering for the Quest is not needed, meaning that the moment they fulfill the assignments of the Quest, they will have cleared the Quest, even if they did not know about the Quest beforehand.

Legacy Quests act as special requirements that are needed to acquire special skills, classes, or evolutions. Some Legacy Quests may be locked for everyone except those who own specific skills, classes, or is of a specific race.

These types of Quests can be roughly divided into two types:

Action-based Legacy Quest:

The most typical Legacy Quest. Just performing a specific action will clear the Quest in question. These types of Quests are usually completed by obtaining a special title to grant a special reward that cannot be granted with the title alone.

Location-based Legacy Quest:

A Location-based Legacy Quest refers to a Legacy Quest that one needs to be in a special location to fulfill. As long as the minimum requirements are fulfilled, one can access the Quest anywhere they want.

A Priest-line class limited Quest that requires to be fulfilled in a church can be completed whenever it is in an established church or one located in a ghost town. As long as it fulfills the requirement of "being in a church", then the Legacy Quest can be accessed. 

Gust's comment: Libraries are known as the holy grounds for Magician-line class Quests.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.