A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 7: Clearing the Quest, then Evolving!?

And, arrived!

This must be the worst climbing experience in my life! Straight up the air towards a stalactite? Am I perhaps a masochist? 

Anyway, time to start eroding. The big snake's on the move, and from the design of the labyrinth floor, it will appear in front of the adventurers right below me.

I've gotta time this just right. [Aura of Darkness] is the only plausible ability I have with this body, especially when my hands are busy keeping myself steady with this thread. 

I kept one of my arms on the stalactite, both for keeping myself balanced and to inject the Aura into the rock. Steady, steady... keep on eroding this thing from the inside...

"SHAAAA!" - Boss Snake

And it came! Come on, you stubborn rock, fall already! 


The snake's started to mess with the adventurers! Good thing this guy doesn't look like a magician-type like its smaller siblings. I mean, I would use magic rather than to lunged myself against some intruders, but that may just be me.

The two adventurers closest to the snake, with that, I mean the priestess and the hobgoblin, are putting up a good fight by blinding the big beast with light balls and smoke bombs. 

The leader in the cowboy hat gave new orders to beat the big snake first. The hobgoblin threw more bombs at the snake while cowboy hat threw some wind spells into the snake's... into the snake's mouth!? Have some mercy! I've got to remember that one.

Crap, I lost focus. Aura, Aura... a little more... the rock's starting to shake...



Acquired title: [Darkness Technique User]

Acquired skill: [Lesser Darkness Element Lv.1]

Acquired skill: [Darkness Magic Lv.1]

Skill: [Lesser Darkness Element Lv.1] has been integrated into skill: [Darkness Element Lv.12]

Bonus EXP acquired.

A new title? For using the Aura, probably. And I think it's time to move!

I tossed another thread away from the rock and managed to get away right before it fell right on the snake.


The stalactite, with remains of the Aura still lingering on the broken part, had successfully pierced the snake... but not on its head as I had hoped it would. 

Nothing more that I can do here. Time for a quick retreat... wow!

The bandit girl was thrown towards the snake by the orc, and she struck the snake from underneath its jaw! Some light-kinda thing was wrapped around her sword, and it penetrated the snake's skull upon the strike! The only thing that prevented the bandit girl from getting a top score, is that the snake collapsed with her underneath it. Ouch.

Kinda wish I didn't reach the maximum level already, 'cause that thing was probably filled to the brim with EXP. Well now, there's nothing else for me to do here, so let's skedaddle.

Wait, what's that?


Found you, Power Spot number 10! Take this!

Chain Quest: Bug the Knot (I)
Quest giver: Ultimate Goddess of Water, Lusalki
Quest Description:

Connection with the Water-Knot of Glavras and the World System is now fulfilled!

From the newfound information gathered from the connection, it is believed that the Dungeon creates a special barrier field by utilizing the vestiges of the Genesis God. This barrier will prevent any higher forces from noticing the existence of the Dungeon unless it is someone stronger than the Genesis God itself.

Plant tracking devices across the Dungeon to bypass the disruption barrier, and put a stop to the devilish Dungeon.

Quest Content:
  1. Place 10 Tracking Devices on different Power Spots on Floor 1 of the Water-Knot of Glavras. 10/10
  • 3.0 Skill Points
  • Unlocks: Bug the Knot (II)


You have earned 3.0 Skill Points

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 3.0 Skill Points were earned.

Quest Clearance EXP acquired.

Chain Quest unlocked: [Bug the Knot (II)]

Mwa-hahaha! I did it! Of course, I had some help, but I'm getting the rewards, so I'm the winner! What luck it was that I could see the last point when I was dangling from the roof when the adventurers finished off that stupid snake!

Speaking of which, what happened with those guys after that anyway? Eh, not my problem. 

Anyway, now I can get that [Heretic Resistance] skill. Then I need to figure out how to get Rogue after that. 100 DEX is gonna be difficult to obtain... 

Anyway! I'll take what I can for now! 


Acquired a skill from the Skill Shop.

Acquired skill: [Heretic Resistance Lv.1]

Good! Now I just need to boost this and Immunity with some initial skills that can be used on myself as well. 

And now, the moment of truth.

Name: Garami
Race: Grey Demon   | Gender: Female
Level: 10 | Evolution is possible
Karma Value: -51
Skills: 25
Skill Points: 7.0
HP: 26/26 MP: 28/28 SP: 32/32
STR: 37 VIT: 25 MAG: 20
RES: 23 SPD: 27 DEX: 36
INT: 120 LUC: 150

Still missing 64 more points on the DEX stat... and my Karma Value fell? I mean, it increased? Whatever...

I guess I need to see if there's some DEX-specialist amongst these evolutions. [Discern]... doesn't work here. Or, how would other creatures evolve if they needed [Identification] and [Discern]? Then it should be something like the Skill Shop... "Evolution Options"?

Evolution Options:
Select your evolution target:
  • Imp
  • Lesser Gazer
  • Arachdemon
  • Dusk Imp (Ex Race)
  • Dark Geist (Ex Race)
  • Reha Zera (Ex Race)

And there it appeared. Kinda anti-climatic. 

Still, as expected of the Grey Demon. There are six options to choose from. And what's this "Ex Race" attached to half of them?

Identification Result:
Term: Ex Race

Extra Races (or Ex Races) are an evolution option that either refers to a very special evolution or a mutation of an already existing race.

No matter which type, the resulting creature can be considered a Unique Monster.

To obtain an Ex Race evolution, one needs to fulfill specific requirements, such as having the required stat values, owning specific skills and/or classes at certain levels, or being in the ownership of one or more specific titles.

In some cases, one needs to have special traits for this kind of evolution. Said traits can only be obtained from Key Items that only appear once in a specific time period, leading to the selected evolution to stay true to the name of "Unique Monster".

P.S. Some of these evolutions may be the result of the Ultimate Gods when they got carried away, so there are no guarantees that the selected race will be bearable to live as. 

This... is better than I could have imagined. And it's three of them... probably not something too crazy. They're all rank F on the evolution tree after all.

Even so, I should look at them all, just to be safe. Starting from the top, it's the Imp.

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Imp
Description: A minor demon that holds power over no attributes. Very weak, but due to that, they are allowed to stay in humanoid cities despite being demonic monsters.

Weak! Imps are weak!! And what's up with this lackluster information? There's nothing about, I don't know, evolution requirements, attributes of the creature, or skills this thing has? Give me a break!

Urgh... I didn't expect that the information obtained from [Discern] would be so limited due to the low level. In that case, it may be possible not to take a sneak peek at a target's skills... I gotta level it up big time!

As for the Imp, let's see if there's something in the book... there was, but still: IMPS ARE WEAK!! Bet that the reason why I got this one is that all rank G demons can evolve into this anyway. 

Over to the next one.

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Lesser Gazer
Description: A demon with the bizarre appearance of a single, floating eyeball. They are often used as familiars, but their only positive feature is their great information-gathering powers.

...not sure if I wanna look up in the book for this one... *Turning pages*

Yup! I didn't wanna look it up, and I was right! Too weak! Weaker than an Imp! But from its description, it looks more like it's counting on its skills instead of status values to survive. Why is this one available for me anyway? Maybe...

Skill List:
Ability Skills: [MP Auto-Recovery Lv.2]  [Strength Increase (Small) Lv.11] UP2 [Vitality Increase (Small) Lv.6]  
Magic Skills: [Darkness Magic Lv.1] NEW
Active Skills: [Aura of Darkness Lv.9]  [Stealth Lv.10]  [Camouflage Lv.10] UP1 [Spatial Storage Lv.1]
Passive Skills: [Threadsmanship Lv.13] UP1 [Throwing Lv.2] NEW [Darkness Reinforcement Lv.16] UP2 [Debuff Reinforcement Lv.7]  [Auto-Mapping Lv.5]  [Language Adaption]
Resistance Skills: [Darkness Resistance Lv.4]  [Poison Resistance Lv.4]  [Heretic Resistance Lv.1] NEW [Heretic Immunity Lv.1]
Perception Skills: [Night Vision Lv.16]  [Danger Sense Lv.15]  [Identification Lv.20]  [Discern Lv.5] UP1 [Magic Sight Lv.19] UP1
Elements: [Darkness Element Lv.12] UP1
Monster Skills: [Poison Bite Lv.5]  [Spider Thread Lv.19] UP1

Ooh. I didn't know that the skill list showed the updates like this. Nifty. And yeah. Five different Perception Skills would unlock something like a Lesser Gazer for a rank G trash like me.

And this third one's... probably because of my Monster Skills. Wait, maybe that's something with high DEX?

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Arachdemon
Description: A demon monster that takes the shape of a spider whose head is a humanoid torso. They are known for their brutality, but their only way of fighting is to use their silk threads, which are highly flammable.

The Kigal-Note tells me that they have a higher DEX than the first two, but a weakness to flames? With the next floor being half flame? Out!!

Damn. The first three options turned out to be trash, but what about the Ex Races?

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Dusk Imp
Description: A minor demon that holds the power over the Darkness attribute. It's quite mischievous, but it is also quite loyal like the rest of the Imp races. Due to that, they are one of the best candidates for magicians practicing black magic.

Alright, and the Kigal-Note says... not bad. It has better DEX and RES stats than the original Imp. Maybe those two stats are typical for the Darkness attribute?

I bet I unlocked this variant due to that new title of mine. Darkness Technique User is awarded to people that use Darkness attribute skills for a certain amount of time and length of use. The quality of the skill also counts, so the reason I got this title must be from using [Aura of Darkness] as my main weapon.

Then there's the fact that all my other Darkness skills also improved thanks to using the Aura. While I'm not sure if Resistance Skills counts for the acquisition of this title, the title gave me a Lesser Element skill of the attribute, so having the real Element Skill must also have played a role. 

Guess I can't expect to get Shadow Technique User or Poison Technique User from using [Stealth] and [Poison Fang].  

Let's see the remaining two evolution options. 

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Dark Geist
Description: A ghost-like demon made of dust. This specimen is endowed with the Darkness attribute, allowing it to erode and absorb anything inside it. It is quite dangerous and aggressive, so people should stay away from it if they see one.

This guy has the highest DEX of them all, but a ghost... Nu-uh. That's impossible for me. I'm barely able to withstand my current body!

Did I get this one from the Darkness Technique User? No, in this case, I think it's because I have used [Aura of Darkness] so many times. The description further increases my belief in this theory...

Even so, I can't use this thing! If this next one with the strange name isn't any good, I have to settle with Dusk Imp...

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Reha Zera
Description: A spider-like demon that lives in the jungles and caves. They hunt down their targets while hiding in shadows, or use the power of darkness to weaken the enemy before finishing it off. However, the Reha Zera is also a benevolent monster and will refrain from attacking prey that is weaker than themselves.

And the note says... equal DEX stats as the Geist? I'll take it! Besides, I'm going wild with the spider-style lately, so why stop now? Getting more skills related to threads won't hurt... even when I won't be able to use them on Floor 2. Damn...

Alright, I've decided...


Extra Race - Reha Zera has been selected.

During evolution, you will not be able to move.

Do you wish to start the evolution into Extra Race - Reha Zera?


I can't move? Glad it told me that beforehand, but I've already set up my shop!

After placing the final device for the Chain Quest, I worked with making a nest for myself in the opening in the wall close to it. The entrance is covered with threads of the same color as the wall, and the inside has several layers of spider webs that will capture anything that succeeds in seeing through the fake wall.

Now then, there's no time like the moment, so here we go!


Commencing evolution to Extra Race - Reha Zera

Alright. Kinda scared, but the results... are... gonna... be... awe...

Kigal-Note/Demons: Reha Zera

Name: Reha Zera
Rank: F+
Type: Demon
Lifespan: 100~250 Years
Attribute: Darkness
Traits: Lesser Demon, Arachnid


A spider-like demon that lives in the jungles and caves. They hunt down their targets while hiding in shadows, or use the power of darkness to weaken the enemy before finishing it off. However, the Reha Zera is also a benevolent monster and will refrain from attacking prey that is weaker than themselves.


The Reha Zera takes the appearance of a black spider with a small abdomen. It has a neck like an ant, but its head is still that of a spider. It has just one set of eyes, sharp fangs, and a long tongue.


Average HP: G+ Average MP: F Average SP: G+
Average STR: G+ Average VIT: G+ Average MAG: F
Average RES: F Average SPD: F Average DEX: F+
Average INT: C Rarity: D+ Danger Rank: F+

A Reha Zera is a master with laying traps with its silk threads. It captures creatures with its webs for then finishing it off at close range. Their threads are weak to fire though.

As a backup plan, the Reha Zera will use several different Darkness attribute skills to weaken the prey. The types of skills differ between the individual Reha Zeras.

Alvatria's comment: On the other hand, they are horrible in a fair fight, so most of them get skills like [Escape].

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