A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 1] Extra Chapter 2: The Darkness, Chaos, and the Spider

Realm of the Ultimate Gods: Celestial World, Nibiru

"Wha-hahahaha! That gnat of yours is ruthless, big sis Alvi!" 

So roared Chaos, the 12th Ultimate God, named after the attribute he rules over. Besides him was Alvatria, the 6th Ultimate Goddess and ruler over the Darkness attribute.

They were both looking at a fountain that showed images on the water's surface. These images looked glitched, like a TV screen gone snowy, but they were still able to see the fight before.

"It is the one I chose as my Champion for a reason. I knew it would grow into that ruthless personality by limiting her reincarnation choices to those that would be born in the wilderness... did not expect for her to pop up in that 'annoying' Dungeon of yours." - Alvatria

The Darkness Goddess, taking the appearance of a modern teenage girl, replied to her partner, the man dressed in jet-black clothes, similar to a royalty, covering his upper face with a mask similar to the visor of an iron helmet.

"Yeah, it was a huge success there! Damn that snake-in-the-grass. Who does he think he is? Forcing a popular landmark into his Dungeon to facilitate a fake Dungeon effect to hack the effects the Dungeon is allowed to have? Don't f*ck with me!!" - Chaos

Alvatria made a silent sigh as she went along with Chaos's grumbling. It was her duty as a "big sis", a title Chaos did not give even his real twin sister after all.

"Oh yeah, what about that Outer God? Ata... Ala... Ara?" - Chaos

"Atlach-Nacha." - Alvatria

"Yeah, that one! What happened to it?" - Chaos

"It went back to its world, where it is called a Great Old One, apparently." - Alvatria

"Damn, and here I wanted to thank it. Those gods from other worlds won't be hindered by the rules from the World System after all, so only something like it could bypass the Disaster Dungeon's defensives." - Chaos

"It did have the stranger habit of calling that girl a 'Voyager'" - Alvatria

"Yeah. Hey, why did it do that?" - Chaos

"Something about something with the same name traveling to its former home, I think. It must have been a show of respect." - Alvatria

"Huh? Are you feeling sick, sis?" - Chaos

"How so?" - Alvatria

"You said the word 'respect' without being sarcastic." - Chaos

"Is that so? Maybe the tension of having my Champion on a success fever is getting to me? Better knock her down a notch." - Alvatria

"Please, anything but that! It's not too long before it reaches the point where Luks HAS to give her approval!" - Chaos

"Hoh? You are rooting for my Champion instead of your own?" - Alvatria

The game of the Ultimate Gods, which revolved around which god's Champion would obtain the right to design the Continent-class Dungeon that was planned, is something Chaos, also known as the God of Dungeons, would do anything to win for.

"There's no way that lazybones would succeed anyway. I'll rather bet on your girl instead." - Chaos

'I see' was Alvatria's thoughts about that statement. The Champion of Chaos was the most unattractive after all, even if Alvatria had granted her approval to that person due to their hilarious situation (in her eyes).

"But back to the point, what are you going to do with that Disaster Dungeon?" - Alvatria

The Water-Knot of Glavras, also known as the Disaster Dungeon by the Gods, had rewritten the rules and abilities that a Dungeon was supposed to have. Instead of just absorbing aether from the leylines, the Dungeon was draining any type of moisture from the land surrounding it, and that power kept on growing, granting the Dungeon space amongst the twelve Ultimate Disasters.

It is a silver lining that moisture from living beings would not be absorbed, but the gods couldn't interfere with the Disaster Dungeon due to its connection with the leylines. The worst-case scenario would be the end of the world due to the leylines drying up due to unskillfully detaching the hacked Dungeon Core from it. Destroying the Core, or turning it offline after the death of the Dungeon Master is a safer solution.

"-and that's how it is. Having your girl finish the deal with those Chain Quests are the best alternative here. Even more so if she's joining up with the rebelling Dungeon monsters and Sahuagins that joined forces. The only good part about that stupid castle is knocking the loyalty outta the smarter monsters down there. Sheesh, can't a god get to do his work in peace?" - Chaos

After explaining to his colleague, the god of Chaos collapsed in a nearby chair, looking tired despite his divinity. Alvatria couldn't do anything but give her 'little brother' a soft smile, despite herself.

"Hope nothing else happens..." - Chaos

Oi, that's a flag right there! - Alvatria


Meanwhile, the Water-Knot of Glavras: Floor 10




Kigal-Note/Dread Spirit: Wild Hunt Lord

Name: Wild Hunt Lord
Rank: S (?)
Type: Apparition
Lifespan: Null
Attribute: Null
Traits: Null


The Wild Hunt Lord, more commonly known as the Kings of Ghosts, is a special type of apparition created by the strong will and extreme amount of aether of someone who had died.

These apparitions have authority over other Dread Spirits and are seen as the rulers over them. The Wild Hunt Lords are not known for their ferocity, so as long as one is not bothering them, they are considered harmless.


The Wild Hunt Lords take on the appearance of their previous life, meaning they can look like any kind of creature on Terra Sol.


Average HP: ??? Average MP: ??? Average SP: ???
Average STR: ??? Average VIT: ??? Average MAG: ???
Average RES: ??? Average SPD: ??? Average DEX: ???
Average INT: ? (Approximately C) Rarity: A+++ Danger Rank: D~A+

The power of a Wild Hunt Lord is a direct copy of their living self, making it impossible to categorize their strength in static values. They do have a certain amount of strength, as the requirement for becoming a Dread Spirit is to have a large aether value. This is proven that most of the public is unaware of the name "Wild Hunt Lord", calling them Kings of Ghosts instead, due to nobody having returned with the information regarding these non-living royalties.

All the Wild Hunt Lords lack access to any type of skills, but their authority over Dread Spirits allows them to channel the power of the Spirits into their attacks, drastically increasing their power. They are also able to utilize Dread Spirits as mediums for instant travels similar to teleportation magic.

Like with Dread Spirits, the Wild Hunt Lords are fragile towards energies that would disrupt their aether-bodies. While they have a higher resistance to this than the Dread Spirits, the Wild Hunt Lords can also have fatal weaknesses towards what caused their death. In case a Wild Hunt Lord died due to poison when they were alive, their Wild Hunt Lord persona will have a critical weakness towards poison.

Garami's comment: ...HEY! Teleportation magic's a thing?!

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