A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 2] Chapter 31: The Third Evolution

I collapsed on the bed at the inn, completely exhausted in both mind and body. Ah, so soooooooft...

Hey, now's not the time to go into a coma!!

It's been three days since the "liberation" of Tir na Nog. We spent the first night at the capital before heading back to Tree Sea Isle through the tunnel. It only took half a day since there were no monsters there, but Regina held one heck of a party when we arrived at the hideout. It turned into a "hell of fire, darkness, and liqueur", according to the testaments of Mira and the others. Turns out I got into a fight with Regina while we were drunk... I lost. And I'm still feeling like my body's broken all over. Ouch...

The next day, around midday, meaning when we first woke up after that hellish party, we boarded the ships and went back to Velantas. Regina's knocked out cold for another week at the hideout.

After recollecting my tired brain and forcing my weakened body up off the bed and making sure of the evolutions before I'm sent off to snooze-land.

Kur Kigal is among the options, yes, but who knows if I haven't unlocked any other jackpots of an evolution? I better look at them all. I'll do these from the top to the bottom. Now, what can I evolve into again?

Evolution Options:
Select your evolution target:
  • Dusk Ogre Lord
  • Dawn Ogre Lord
  • Venom Ogre Lord
  • Retaract Ogre
  • Darklight Sphere (Ex Race)
  • Mirage Majin (Ex Race)
  • Kur Kigal (Ex Race)
  • Sinister Shade (Ex Race)
  • Living Plague (Ex Race)
  • Demonia Dragon (Ex Race)

...Yup, there are still more Ex options than the regular ones. Even if Ogre Lord evolution would be classified as an Ex race as well. 

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Dusk Ogre Lord
Attribute: Darkness
Evolution Requirements:
  • Species: Ogre Lord-type monster.
  • Title: [Darkness Technique User]
  • Darkness-attribute skills with a total skill level of 70 or more.
  • DEX: 225+

An Ogre Lord who commands the Darkness attribute.

They use the dark arts to support their subordinates and torment the enemies of their tribe. These ogres are capable of commanding large armies of their own and other kinds. Grand expeditions made up of ogres are generally led by a Dusk Ogre Lord.

Hmm, pretty much spot on. Are the D-rank Lords all attribute-based? Dawn and Venom are... the same to a fault! Just with Light and Poison. Light requires SPD instead of DEX.

There are some small differences between them all though. The Dawn Ogre sounds more like a paragon that fights with its subordinate at the front line. Sounds like an evolution for Mira. The Venom Ogre on the other hand is more trap-specialized from the description.

So, there's a schemey tactician, a brave warrior, and a trapper. Quite the variety they have, the ogre-species.

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Retaract Ogre
Attribute: Poison
Evolution Requirements:
  • Species: Ogre-type monster.
  • Title: [Poison Technique User]
  • Spider-related skills with a total skill level of 100 or more
  • DEX: 200+

A mutation of the Ogre species that have attained the traits of arachnids. They can produce silk-like spiders while also having the brawn of an ogre.

They are vicious man-eaters, so stay clear if you ever find spider nests filled with remains of creatures that have been crushed to death.

...My past is haunting me. And Spider-related, ain't that only [Spider Lord's Thread]!? Or is [Poison Bite] and the various other Bites also counting? Rather, while it's not... common, for ogres to have spider-related skills, just having a total skill level of 100? Sounds a little too easy. 

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Darklight Sphere
Attribute: Darkness, Light
Evolution Requirements:
  • Species: Demon-type monster.
  • Title: [Black-Light Technique User]
  • MP: 250+
  • Negative Karma Value of 100 or more.
  • Total of 12 or more Light- and/or Darkness attribute skills.

A sphere made from light that contains dark energies.

The Darklight Sphere is a special evolution of the Darkness Globe and has access to both the Light attribute and the Darkness attribute. It is a rare Dual-Element Spirit, while already being a rare Demonic Spirit.

It is strong with skills related to its attribute, but sloppy when it comes to magic. Some individuals take the appearance of humanoids and live in countries founded by them.

Kinda expected that. I could evolve into that Darkness Globe thing, but this is a notch better. Would I get the direct evolution of the Globe if I evolved [Darkness Element]? It's possible, but I was the one who suggested refraining from using the Skill Points to after everyone evolved. Can't break my own rules like that.

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Mirage Majin
Attribute: Illusion, Light, Heretic
Evolution Requirements:
  • Species: Demon-type monster.
  • Title: [Light Technique User]
  • MAG: 250+
  • Having used the "Essence of Heresy" Key Item.
  • Having a certain amount of stealth- and/or illusion-based skills.

A humanoid demon that commands illusions.

These creatures are born spellcasters and use this talent to fool whoever they deem as enemies. Some of them used to be humans that were given the power of demons by making a contract with a High-class demon.

Hmm? A Light-based race without any connection to my current one. That's unexpected. Quite refreshing after all the Darkness here, there, and everywhere. Not to mention it has three attributes... 

Is this the only way to evolve into this species, or can someone with, let's say, [Heretic Technique User] title and having used some "Essence of Light" item also evolve into it? Probably, but how can I prove that? Let's move on.

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Kur Kigal
Attribute: Darkness, Heretic
Evolution Requirements:
  • Species: Demon-type monster.
  • Title: [Black-Light Technique User]
  • MP: 300+
  • DEX: 300+
  • Negative Karma Value of 150 or more.
  • Total Skill Level with Darkness attribute Skills: 50
  • Total Skill Level with Heretic attribute Skills: 50
  • Having used the "Essence of Heresy" Key Item.
  • Having an Advance-tier class of the Scout-line.

A High Demon that knows the arts of assassination. Despite having the standing of being a noble in the demon world, they voluntarily dedicate themselves to the art of killing.

They possess the power to command both light and dark, but they are leaning to the forces of Darkness, all so they can improve their skills in the killing. They are truly heretics towards all creatures alive.

And here's the star of the show!! But man, that stupid goddess completely forgot to tell me about the status value requirements! Not to mention they're bigger than that of the other races... ah! Is it because having an Advance-tier class is part of the requirements? Still doesn't explain the MP-related requirement, as the "Advance class-boost" can't increase the MP stat.

Still, the description of the class is way different from what the Kigal-Note mentioned. This smells of the work of a certain goddess... 

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Sinister Shade
Attribute: Shadow, Darkness
Evolution Requirements:
  • Species: Demon-type monster.
  • SPD: 250+
  • DEX: 250+
  • Titles: [Mysterious Killer], [Merciless], [Fearbringer]
  • Negative Karma Value of 100 or more.
  • At least one Advance-tier class of the Scout-line.
  • Skill: [Shadow Dive]

A living shadow that preys on those that wander the night.

Sinister Shades are known as the "terror of the night", and will strike down without notice and drag their prey back to the shadow world.

Wow! Just having that skill alone unlocked this option? Maybe it's more awesome than what I've given it credit for.

Still... this guy's completely an Assassin. The fighting style, the titles, the stats, it all screams of Assassin. 

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Living Plague
Attribute: Poison, Death
Evolution Requirements:
  • Species: Demon-type monster.
  • Title: [True Chaos], [Poison Technique User]
  • Ailment-inflicting Skills with a total Skill Level of 300 or more
  • 5 or more different Hunting Titles.

A walking mess of status ailments. The Living Plague is a demon with an appearance closer to a Slime and spreads diseases and poisons as it walks. 

Why's something like that among my evolution options!? And who added this species to the System? Alvatria?

Identification Result: Evolution Option
Race: Demonia Dragon
Attribute: Darkness
Evolution Requirements:
  • Species: Demon-type monster.
  • All stats, except INT and LUC, at 250 or more.
  • Negative Karma Value of 150 or more.
  • Having a certain amount of Dragon-traits.

A cross-breed between demons and dragons. The Demonia Dragon is a Half-Dragon that commands the mystic arts of the demons and the powerful physique of a dragon. They are often used as gophers for Evil Dragons.

...I'm kinda happy for having obtained this, but those descriptions of the requirements... especially the last one...

ANYWAY! Let's go through them all with the process of elimination. 

First, I'll toss away Living Plague. If I had to live alone, this one would be perfect when thinking only about combat abilities. Heck, I bet that some of its evolutions are called "Black Plague" even. But as I am a General of a large organization, that's a no-go.

The second one I can remove is Retaract Ogre. It's simply too weak. Especially when compared to the Ogre Lords.

The third one out is Darklight Sphere. That goddess once controlled a Darkness Globe to converse with me. No way I'm jumping on an evolution line with the potential of being taken control over by that woman.

After that, I'll throw... Dawn Ogre Lord. It's strong, but I'm an Assassin. Going for the Warrior-path by now's a fool's choice. The same goes for Mirage Majin. Even if I've got a magician-line class, having the species being Light-based won't help the undeads I make.

After thinking about it, I decided to eliminate... Venom Ogre Lord. It's strong, and it works well with my webs and tactics, but I'm still relatively a newbie with the Poison attribute. Focusing on Darkness for now's the safer choice.

I'm left with the Dusk Ogre Lord, the Kur Kigal, the Sinister Shade, and the Demonia Dragon. The schemer, the assassin, the assassin-shadow, and the dragon.

......The dragon's not possible. Those guys are damn big, right? The undead dragons were like that, and Revi's practically an exception to the rule. I can't see for me that a dragon is a master hider, so there go the effects of my stealth skills. It will be harder than before, at least. Or so I think. And there's this nasty feeling I got that says to me that this guy's status growth will be that of a jack-of-all, ace-of-none. At least, I think so based on the evolution requirement. 

Then, I stand left with the schemer and the two assassins. But, I can rule out Sinister Shade, right? It feels like I'll go damn weak against the Light attribute with this guy.

Also, there's a question about the Royal Monster trait. It says in the description that it is possible for some evolutions to inherit this trait, even if they don't have it trait from the start. The key point here is "some evolutions". And I bet my breakfast that someone classified to be a demonic noble is a better candidate for this than some random shadow.

Then, I'm left with Dusk Ogre Lord, a direct evolution that improves my Darkness abilities, or the self-designed Kur Kigal, which is specialized in tricks and assassinations.

Both options are not bad... but I'll take Kur Kigal.

The greatest difference between the two options is that the Kur Kigal has the High Demon trait, while the Dusk Ogre Lord only has the Demon trait. And since High Demon is the same for Demon as Dragon is for Half-Dragon, there's no reason for me to take the one with the highest gains here.

Huh. My choice turned to be Kur Kigal after all. Well, with it being the goal I've been aiming for from the start, it's obvious it would fit my style the best. Then, without further ado:


Extra Race: [Kur Kigal] has been selected.

During evolution, you will not be able to move.

Do you wish to start the evolution into Extra Race: [Kur Kigal]?


Yes please~.



A Rebuild is possible due to evolving into the [Kur Kigal] race.

Do you wish to perform a Rebuild?


Huh? "Rebuild"? What's that?

Identification Result:
Term: Rebuild

A Rebuild is a phenomenon that happens when one evolves into a species that cannot maintain certain skills, or when one evolves into a species that is such a big change from their previous evolution. 

No matter the reason, a Rebuild allows the evolving individual to change their skills to certain degrees:

  • One can replace skills with any different variants of themselves, as long as they share the same concept, and is of the same tier. Skill Levels will be shared as well.
  • One can delete skills and convert their levels into Skill Points. Skills that are not compatible with the evolved race are automatically deleted. 
  • One will gain extra proficiency for skills related to the evolved race. The remaining Skill Points obtained from the method above will be added to the extra proficiency. This proficiency gain will not hinder the acquisition of Skill Points.
  • In some cases, one can upgrade the skills, even to a skill of a higher tier. This only happens with some skills that are exceptionally compatible with the evolved race.

Hmm? Wait, ain't this a jackpot? No, no, no! I gotta have a grip on myself here.

What is the cause of getting this "Rebuild" again? Having a skill that doesn't match the new race? ......Think I'm safe there. And the System Message told me it is possible to take this Rebuild. If some skills don't match, doesn't that mean one has to get rid of the skills with a Rebuild?

Then, it's the second case: the Kur Kigal race is too different compared to Rasetsu Ogre Lord... I think. They're both sounding seriously similar. If that's enough to trigger a Rebuild, why didn't I get it when I evolved from a Reha Zera to a Rasetsu Ogre Lord?

Or... is it that "High Demon" thing? Because I'm evolving from a "commoner" to a "noble"? That sounds probable...

In any case, I think I can conclude that the fear of "Kur Kigal being a monster worthy of being called an honorary Outer One" is just my imagination. I hope it is, at least... the one who accepted that design was that goddess after all...

ARGH! A man gotta have courage! I'm no longer a man, nor a human though!



Commencing evolution to Extra Race: Kur Kigal.

Launching Rebuild...

The usual sense of drowsiness... didn't come? Ah, [Sleep Nullification]! To think that one works-, urgh!? What was... my head's...


...T-that hurt... M-my poor head...

Just as I had resisted the sleep attack that comes with evolution, I was attacked by the headache of the century. Is that the reason why you go asleep when evolving? ...I'll remember to turn off [Sleep Nullification] from now on when I evolve...

More importantly, where am I? The place looks like some game-stage, but with no background or items. Calling the place a "grid-room" would be the closest to the truth. It's a damn colorless and boring place...

Then, a System Message appeared in front of me.


Rebuild is currently running. 

Chose the skills you want to alter during the Rebuild.

? Even the Message window's colorless. Is it someplace inside the World System? Or is this place the inside of my head... or my soul? 

Whatever it is, there's no reason not to make use of it.

A beat later, and my Skill List appeared in front of me.

Hmm, it seems... no skills are going bye-bye. That's good. Hmm? The Status-Ailemt Bite skills can be upgraded... to the Attack Variants!? Didn't I need another status-ailment-related skill to get those? Like [Poison Claw] or something, then combine it with [Poison Bite] to gain [Poison Attack]?

But... it only works for [Poison Bite]... wait! If I remove [Bite]...


...*Yawn*, I slept like a log...


Evolution completed.

Due to having reached racial rank D+, the obtained Skill Point value has increased to 0.4 Points.

Due to evolution to an Extra Race: additional bonus to stat values acquired.

Through evolution, trait: Demon has advanced to trait: High Demon

Through evolution, acquired the following skills:

[Soul Chase Lv.1], [Dark Drain Lv.1], [Demonic Alteration (Humanoid) Lv.1], [Darklight Eye Lv.1], 

Through evolution to an Extra Race, acquired the following skills:

[Assassin's Order Lv.1], [Enfeeblement Magic Lv.1], [Misdirection Lv.1]

Through being the first of the Kur Kigal race, acquired title: [Primogenitor]

You have earned 4.0 Skill Points

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 4.0 Skill Points were earned.

New Skills are unlocked in the Skill Shop. Old Skills can now evolve into new types of Skills.

Skill: [Night Vision Lv.Max] is integrated into skill: [Darklight Eyes Lv.1].

Skill: [Shapeshift (Humanoid) Lv.17] is integrated into skill: [Demonic Alteration Lv.1].

...Bodycheck, NOW! Arms, good. Legs, nice-looking. The rest... pretty white even now, but still the same. If anything, I felt like I grew a little over the night, but nothing more than a slight growth spurt.

I looked into the full-body mirror that was in the room-!? This is... a downgrade?

The current me didn't look that different from before. Still albino with some black stripes on the bangs. The thing that had changed was the horns. They had grown larger and curved backward, but they still kept a slim shape. It looked kinda like the horns of some dragons. The color is still jet-black with some purple lines across it.

However, some stuff's missing. The tear-like, black lines on my face have disappeared, and the sclera in my eyes has turned white. The color of the pupils is still the same wine-red that leans more towards purple, but the pupils have turned slit, showing their demonic nature. The markings of the Evil Eye are still there.

I've turned more human in appearance? Or maybe the skin- and hair colors of the Kur Kigal are something crazy, but the Albino trait is canceling that out. If I find a way to hide the horns and the slit pupils, can't I pass as a normal human?

...Oh yeah. Assassination-specialized. 

- Hey, Original-Mind?

What is it, Magic-Parallel Mind?

-- No, that's me. It was Clone-Mind who talked just now.

Damn, so confusing. What is it? Rather, why're you here?

- The clone body expired.


- When you evolved. It felt like a magic spell fizzled out due to a lack of MP.

Urgh... that's bad. Should I make a new Chaotic Bullet?

-- Focus on the healing-type bullets first. We've got quite the stock of attack-type skills now, but close to no healing types.

- Speaking of bullets, didn't I get some [Enfeeblement Magic] with the evolution?

That's another idea... we'll focus on support- and disrupt-type bullets for now. Speaking of, what's the status page looking like now?

Name: Garami
Race: Kur Kigal   | Gender: Female
Level: 1
Karma Value: -200 <Chaotic>
Main Class: Assassin Lv.19
Sub Class Spectermancer Lv.48
Skills: 138
Titles: 38
Blessings: 3
Skill Points: 29.0
HP: 353/353 MP: 121/600 SP: 169/347
STR: 440 VIT: 300 MAG: 331
RES: 415 SPD: 617 DEX: 623
INT: 120 LUC: 150

Hmm... when your stats are already superior to a D-rank, I guess the increase has nothing much to say.

Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Health Increase Lv.5] UP1 [HP Auto-Recovery Lv.39] UP1 [Mana Increase Lv.23] UP1
[Minimized Mana Consumption Lv.13] UP1 [MP Greater-Recovery Lv.5] UP1 [Stamina Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
[Minimized Stamina Consumption Lv.12] UP1 [Strength Increase Lv.6]  [Vitality Increase Lv.7] 
[Magic Increase Lv.3] NEW1From Ghost Slaugther title. [Resistance Increase (Small) Lv.Max] [Speed Increase Lv.10] UP1
[Dexterity Increase Lv.10]
 Attack Skills:
[Assassination Arts Lv.10]  [Ehangwen-Style Self-Defense Lv.3]  [Mana Burst (Darkness) Lv.19] 
[Poison Attack Lv.1] NEW
[Paralyze Attack Lv.1] NEW [Sleep Attack Lv.1] NEW
[Confusion Attack Lv.1] NEW [Dark Drain Lv.1] NEW [Glow Bullet Lv.36] UP1
[Gloom Bullet Lv.31] 
Magic Skills:
[Light Magic Lv.36] UP1 [Darkness Magic Lv.29]  [Poison Magic Lv.6] UP2
[Magic Ability Lv.Max] UP2
[Healing Magic Lv.33] UP1 [Enfeeblement Magic Lv.1] NEW
[Nether Magic Lv.31] UP4 [Summon Kin Lv.1]  [Create Undead Lv.44] UP3
[Necromantic Rite Lv.41] UP3
Crafting Skills:
[Weaving Lv.40] UP2 [Mixing Lv.4]  [Create Trap Lv.8] UP1
Active Skills:
[Liquid Control Lv.2]  [Aura of Darkness Lv.39]  [Chaotic Concurrence Lv.19] UP1
[Shadow Dive Lv.10] UP1 [Heresy Modification Lv.30]  [Evil Lord's Aura Lv.12] UP1
[Blink Lv.26] UP1 [Energy Warfare Lv.30] UP1 [Sky Jump Lv.17] UP1
[Poison Coating Lv.9]  [Shooting Lv.34] UP2 [Misdirection Lv.1] NEW
[Sadistic Constitution Lv.Max]  [Stealth Lv.Max] UP2 [Silence Lv.Max] 
[Odorless Lv.47] UP4 [Recognition Obstruction Lv.18] UP2 [Camouflage Lv.48] UP3
[Lightwalk Lv.Max]  [Thread Control Lv.Max]  [Cutting Thread Lv.37] 
[Piercing Thread Lv.36]  [Impact Thread Lv.36]  [Spatial Storage Lv.11] 
Passive Skills:
[Swordsmanship Lv.32]  [Marksmanship Lv.46] UP5 [Whipsmanship Lv.43] UP1
[Thread Mastery Lv.15] UP2 [Armor Lv.21] UP2 [Martial Arts Lv.12] UP1
[Demon's Magic Operation Lv.4] EVOLVED [Aiming Lv.Max]  [Probability Correction Lv.24] UP2
[Acrobatics Lv.32] UP2 [Overeating Lv.32]  [Climbing Lv.33] UP1
[Pilfer Lv.22] UP1 [Surprise Attack Lv.25] UP2 [Critical Dance Lv.9] UP2
[Battle Survivalist Lv.5] UP1 [Light Reinforcement Lv.36]  [Darkness Reinforcement Lv.Max] UP1
[Necromancy Reinforcement Lv.8] UP4 [Debuff Reinforcement Lv.22] UP1
[Gathering Lv.Max]
[Slumber Lv.10]  [Pale Rider Lv.3] EVOLVED [Footwork Lv.Max]
[Lockpicking Lv.14]  [Fishing Lv.14]  [Dismantling Lv.10] 
[Vital Point Knowledge Lv.34] UP2 [Thought Super-Acceleration Lv.4] UP1 [Linguistics Lv.31] 
[Parallel Mind Lv.2]  [Auto-Mapping Lv.29] UP2 [Language Adaption]
Resistance Skills:
[Water Resistance Lv.30]  [Darkness Resistance Lv.38]  [Death Resistance Lv.4] UP1
[Poison Resistance Lv.47]  [Poison Immunity Lv.10]  [Undead Resistance Lv.4] UP1
[Curse Resistance Lv.4] UP1 [Heretic Resistance Lv.32]  [Heretic Immunity Lv.11] 
[Paralyze Resistance Lv.41]  [Sleep Nullification]  [Confusion Resistance Lv.42] 
[Fear Resistance Lv.Max]  [Faint Resistance Lv.9] UP3 [Pain Resistance Lv.Max]  
[Pain Mitigation Lv.20]  [Daywalker] NEW  
Perception Skills:
[Intuition Lv.27] UP1 [Presence Perception Lv.48] UP3 [Trap Detection Lv.7] UP2
[Poison Detection Lv.7] UP3 [Probing Lv.8] UP1 [Identification Blocking Lv.20] UP1
[Fake Identity Lv.10] UP1 [Discover Lv.41] UP2 [Mind's Eye Lv.24] UP1
[Darklight Eye Lv.5] NEW [Empyrean Eyes Lv.6] UP1  
Leadership Skills:
[Leadership Lv.44] UP3 [Tactics Lv.35] UP3 [Party Lv.35] UP6
[Undead Servant Lv.2] EVOLVED [Royal Authority Lv.5]  [Evil Royalty Lv.2]
[Assassin's Order Lv.1] NEW    
[Light Element Lv.3] EVOLVED [Darkness Element Lv.Max] UP1 [Lesser Poison Element Lv.5] UP1
Monster Skills:
[Dragon Power Lv.12] UP1 [Spider Lord's Thread Lv.27] UP2 [Demonic Alteration (Humanoid) Lv.2] NEW
[Soul Chase Lv.1] NEW [Golden Ratio Lv.18] UP6 [Grudge Evil Eye Lv.19] UP1
Extra Skills:
[Zahhak - Dragon of Darkness Lv.1]     

...I couldn't get rid of any more skills! I mean, I've worked hard for them all! And they all have some kinda use, right? I did get rid of [Bite]... even if it's only that...

Let's spare the excuses and focus on the titles instead. I'll need some real testing rather than just reading the skill descriptions.

Title List:

Achievement Titles:

[Titan Killer] [Vermin Bane] [Black-Light Technique User] ADVANCED
[Merciless] [Pinch Breaker] [Mystic Arts User]
[Army of One]  [Cruel Commander] [Hero Killer]
[Rescuer] [Mysterious Killer]  [Dungeon Raider] 
[Daredevil]  [Foul Eater]  [Master of Threads] 
[Fearbringer]  [Poison Technique User]   

Hunting Titles:

[Dread Spirit Genocider] [Monster Slaughterer]  [Beast Slayer]
[Arachnid Slayer]  [Rodent Slayer]  [Humanoid Slayer] 
[Undead Slaughterer]  [Skeleton Slaughterer]  [Zombie Slayer] 
[Ghost Slaughterer] ADVANCED [Inorganic Slayer]   

Status Titles:

[Champion of Alvatria] [Migrant] [Reincarnator]
[Lord of Evil] [True Chaos] [Slayer of the Ultimate] 
[E-Rank Adventurer]  [Death's Horseman]  [Liberator of Tir na Nog] NEW
[Primogenitor] NEW    

Hmm... nothing too strange here...

Title Name: Primogenitor
Acquisition condition:
  • Be the first of a species.
  • Strengthens the title owner's soul.
  • Skill Points of the same amount as one obtains with a level-up, times 10.

A title granted to the pioneer of a race. "First come, first served" is the rule of the world!

I take it back. This thing looks damn weird...

This part that's talking about "strengthening the soul", does it mean I can take even more skills without worrying about going Waning? The problem is that there are no definite numbers here. It could be one extra skill slot, or ten, or maybe only a half even.

In any case, it's safe to say I can take Alchemist now~. Onward to the-*groooowl*-... onward to the kitchen!

Kigal-Note/Demons: Dusk Ogre Lord

Name: Dusk Ogre Lord
Rank: S (D+)
Type: Demon
Lifespan: 150~250 Years
Attribute: Darkness
Traits: Demon, Royal Monster


An Ogre Lord who commands the Darkness attribute.

They use the dark arts to support their subordinates and torment the enemies of their tribe. These ogres are capable of commanding large armies of their own and other kinds. Grand expeditions made up of ogres are generally led by a Dusk Ogre Lord.


The Dusk Ogre Lord has a large humanoid frame, with large muscles that contain great strength, They normally have dark skin, grey hair, and golden eyes. They have a single, sharp Ogre Horn that looks like it is made of gold.


Average HP: D Average MP: D+ Average SP: D
Average STR: E+ Average VIT: E+ Average MAG: D
Average RES: D Average SPD: D Average DEX: D+
Average INT: C+ Rarity: B+ Danger Rank: C

Dusk Ogre Lords have great knowledge of the dark arts. They use these to perform rituals to greatly enhance the power of their troops while they stay in the shadow and manipulate both their allies and their foes.

But do not make the mistake of believing this Ogre Lord is just some simple, scrawny schemer. They have a strong physique that allows them to fight on the front line if needed, as well as great experience with magic spells that can send even the most strong-willed human crying back to their mommy.

Noire's comment: Wow! This ogre sounds just like Garami!

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