A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 2] Chapter 35: Civil War for Velantas: Trouble Shooters

The battle started with the Artillery Division doing their stuff. A rain of arrows, magic spells, and whatever else fell upon the poor goblins that were used as the front-line... no, maybe they were intended to be used as a meat shield? War tactics are scary~. I have to make a memo of that.

"Commander to each Officer and Vice-Officers. Good work with the first attack. Prepare to intercept any incoming enemies while the Artillery Division prepares another shower. Also, have your shields ready in case the scum tries to monkey us. Remember, citizens, death is not allowed. To live and survive is your duty." - Garami

["What is that supposed to mean!?"]

["Something like 'our Commander is ruthless, so don't disappoint her if you hold your life dear'-kind of feeling."] 

I gave the next order with a hint of a joke to the front-liners through the special, System-based communication line, one of the privileges of being the Commander.

As for the battlefield, the goblins chose to be monkeys. All the magic spells, arrows, or whatever they're using, was repelled thanks to the many shields the front-liners had prepared. 

"Someone's having fun." - ???

"You bet... why're you here?" I asked the Raven Goblin standing behind me instead of hiding in the shelters, 

"Because this place is the safest one in the whole town." - Gust

"......Right in front of the battlefield?" - Garami

"You're here after all~." - Gust

I looked baffled at the guy for a few seconds, before using my Commander-privileges to add him to the army. Then I turned my attention back to the battlefield. 

The firing has ended and the physical battlers had clashed. I gave an order to the Support Division to enhance the combatants with defense buffs, against both physical- and magical attacks.

"Why both?" - Gust

"The long-range fighters on their side are itching to fire another round. And who knows if they'll even bother watching out for their allies." - Garami

"Y-yikes, that's plain cruel." - Gust

And so? I would have done the same after buffing my troops. I won't though. It would lower the army's morale.

"Still, what are all those magic-circle-thingies around you?" - Gust

Gust's referring to the high-tech-ish, hologram-like lights all around me. It feels like I've jumped genre from fantasy to sci-fi.

"Armveil's invention. It lets a Commander look at the various data regarding the battlefield. Along with being able to communicate with the Officers." I said while tapping the earpiece-like accessory Armveil had given all those in charge before the battle had started.

"That's... Ain't that the invention of the century!?" - Gust

"It only works in War Quests, according to him." - Garami

"......You guys will be too awesome in wars." - Gust

I know, right? That's why I'm keeping my hands off this fight. There'll be a time where I have to take command over some troops again, so I'll be milking this chance as much as I can... crap.

"Mobile Division. Boss-D is currently on the move with its troops. Do your duty to the people and prepare some first-class shark-fin soup for dinner." - Garami


"Trouble?" - Gust

"Luckily, of the least worrisome kind." - Garami

So, we're doing this from the weakest-to-strongest? Can't they just get crushed by some random meteorite...


Skill: [Leadership] has reached its maxed level.

You have earned 0.8 Skill Points

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 0.8 Skill Points were earned.

Skill Evolution is now possible for [Leadership Lv.Max].

"Oh! [Leadership] maxed out!" - Garami

"I think this situation will happen a lot during this fight." - Gust

Same thoughts here. Then...


Evolved skill: [Leadership Lv.Max], into skill: [Full Command Lv.1].

6 Skill Points consumed.

Mwa-hahaha! This is a level-up festival for me!!


Noire's PoV

Why... just why did I have to be placed here!?

I kept on firing arrows with my bow while lamenting Garami for having ordered me to take the Blaster role, not to mention that she placed me in the Mobile Division. There is only lake water underneath me! I have to stay in the air unless I want to drown!

The other members of the Division are either Birdkin who can fly, aquatic humanoids like Sahuagins, or people who can cross the sea on their own, or thanks to their mounts.

To be brutally honest, the "Mobile"-part just refers to us being capable of traveling over more surfaces than the Land Divisions. 

Our enemies are a group of monsters named Desert Tuna, a type of fish-monsters that can live on dry land. The "can live on dry land"-part is taken to a stupid degree, to the point of the monsters thriving better in the desert instead of the sea. 

Luckily, they are E-ranks, making them easier targets than the C-ranked Magmanoids or the various Trolls that are battling over there.

Ah, I have never been happier to have picked up archery than now. I just need to aim at the fishes while above them, then release the arrow. While it does irk me, since it is her fault that I am in this predicament, I have to show my respect for Garami. The Illusion attribute skill she asked me to take hides me from the mages and archers "on land", so I can shoot the Desert Tunas with a piece of calm.

...This is quite difficult. Not only the fact that the arrows lose much, if not all, of their force if the targets are too deep into the water, but the Tunas are simply too fast! Where do they get that speed from? It took a while, but I finally got the hang of predicting where they would land... even if it's mostly attributed to the [Prediction] skill Garami forced me to buy before the battle...

"King Tuna, incoming!"

One of the knights riding those dinosaur-like creatures that can run on the water surface shouted out a warning. Not long after, a large shadow emerged from the depths. It was another Desert Tuna, but of larger dimensions, as well as having a set of horns on its head, shaped like a crown.

Multiple magic circles appeared in front of the Desert King Tuna of the Water- and Sand attributes. I returned the arrow in my hand back to the high-quality Item Pouch Armveil had given me and fell back to using a spell arrow I made with my magic bow. The spell used is that of [Illusionism], the magic is known as Spell Disturbance.

After preparing the arrows, I used the Bow Arts, Quick Fire, and rapid-fired several spell-breaking arrows at the Desert King Tuna's magic circles. It's always fun to watch them break like the plates used for target practice~.

The King Tuna was quickly struck down by the knights while it was dumbfounded over the sudden destruction of its attack. Hmm, maybe I should try to specialize myself with the Illusion attribute? It has been extremely useful...

-- Enemy fire incoming! Block it!

Wha-!? I was startled by the sudden voice in my head. That was Garami... enemy fire?

I looked towards the "shore"... iik!! Tons of magic blasts and arrows are headed our way! [W-Wind Wall]!

I only used the newly bought skill on impulse, as it was the only thing I had that could act as a defense. "What use is it in a level 1 Skill!?" I belittled myself in my mind, but then, several gusts of wind joined up with the small wall I had created, forming a storm of a barrier to defend us all.

"Little miss, nice thinking there." said a hawk Birdkin to me-, what do you mean by "little"?!

"Guys! Keep on using Wind skills and spells to maintain the barrier! Defend the guys down below!" - Hawk Birdkin

The hawk gave some orders to a bunch of Birdkin, probably his allies, and they started to strengthen the barrier even more.

-- Citizens. Strengthen the wall with all your might until you drop. Hard work is mandatory, citizens.

That's not hard work, it's slave work!!

"You heard the General. Keep the wall going if you value your own life!" - Hawk Birdkin

The Birdkin took temporarily in charge of the wall team. He used several Wind spells along with the skills, which resulted in the wall growing even greater in size. To think there's such a trick. You should not underestimate the Wind attribute... maybe it can be used with other attributes?

-- Wall-team, keep up the pressure. Hawk Jetson, there is a request for one of your specialties.

"You got it!" - Hawk Birdkin

The Birdkin started using a new skill, and... sent the wall of wind flying towards the enemy army!?

"Ha-ha! That Commander sure knows her stuff!" - Hawk Birdkin

"Wait, what was that!?" - Noire

"A little something called [Vacuum Cannon]. It's the favorite finishing move for our party." answered the Birdkin while pointing at some of the other birds who had helped him just now. Garami knows about these guys?

"Alright, guys and birds! We've got the order for another cannon blast. Make this one count!" - Hawk Birdkin

Then, I will-

--Fallen angel, focus on supporting the guys below and be ready to use that thing Armveil gave you. Something bad's coming.

Another order? It didn't seem like the others heard it.

I did as Garami told me to and focused on using support spells on the combatants down below until something came towards us at a break-neck speed. A shark's fin? It's not a Tuna?

Then, the shark jumped up in the air, its mouth wide open, despite there being no one in the place where it was landing. Nevertheless, it's a good opportunity, so I shot the special arrow that Armveil gave me straight into the shark's mouth.

The change was instantaneous! The shark started to turn purple while in mid-air, before falling with foam coming out of its mouth! The knights down below attacked it even before the shark had landed in the lake again, but it's tenacious. I have no plans on letting it end just with that either.

I constructed one of the largest magic circles in my life. ...It seems like it wins in the "slowest" category as well. This one takes around a minute! Is there not anything to improve the speed... maybe not the speed, but if it is power...

I activated one of the newest skills I have, the skill called [Fallen Halo]. A black halo, fitting for the name, appeared above my head and strengthened the effect of the magic spell I was constructing, while also enhancing it with the Holy- and Heretic attributes. 

"Divine Smite!" - Noire

With a loud voice, I delivered a high-ranking [Holy Magic] spell at the shark who was preoccupied with the knights to notice me during the casting time.

"Divine Smite" is a spell I learned today thanks to the strange notebook of Garami's. A large hammer made of divine, white light, mixed with a little black, appeared from the magic circle and proceeded to bash into the shark. Despite the heavy blow, the shark was still alive... or not. It succumbed to the poison right now.


Oh? I gained another 3 levels thanks to the shark alone. Even if I had the special arrow and Garami's warning, is that not a little too generous? Maybe it was a pushover with a boosted level?

Seeing the shark being of no threat anymore, I prepared to continue attacking the Tunas, only to see them fleeing from the battlefield in pure panic. Did the shark scare them away or something?

"Miss Noire! Great work there!" - Percel

The leader of the knights started to praise out of nowhere... Of course, it was a great piece of work! I am an evolved Flugel, fallen or not. Just keep your eyes on me and do not blink, unless you want to miss out on my next spectacular feat!


Garami's PoV

"Wha-ha-ha-ha! The pesky shark's done in! Carion, bring out the 'big boy'!" - Garami

"You must have wanted that soup." - Gust

"Not that! The shark was a thorn in one of our secret weapons. The shark has... had the ability to chew up materials, such as rocks, and turn them into dust. Cue in that it's Carion, our resident Golem-making Union Master, who's behind said weapon." - Garami

"Reasonable. Then, what about that guy? The damn bastard who looks like he cannot contain the excitement anymore." - Gust

"Hmm? Gueh!? Carion! Get ready for operation C-V, right now! I'll send over the offering." - Garami

"Oh boy..." - Gust


Alf's PoV

"[Icicle Wall]!" - Alf

A wall of ice appeared in front of me and stopped the advance of the humanoid-shaped globes of magma, the Magmanoids. It doesn't last long. Ice and magma have equal bad chemistry with each other after all. So, I spammed a few more walls, just to annoy them. Glad that it turned cloudy now. Having to do this while the sun's out would be an impossible assignment.

The war is currently fast-pacing its way through, thanks to the sudden, and surprising, blasts of air, released by the Mobile Division out of all people. Due to that, there are many of the enemy forces down for the count. Strange thing is, it's not everyone. Some hobgoblin-warriors and troll-warriors are still fighting Those guys are though...

To replace them, the Magmanoids started to assault our ranks. There have been some guys that's gotten nasty burns already, but we're faring off better than expected against a group of C-rank monsters.

"After the goblins, trolls. After the trolls, these guys. What's next!?"

And as if waiting for that adventurer's question, the ground started to shake yet again. From the depths of the lake rose a gigantic golem...... albeit only its shoulders and head. 

"...How deep is the lake here again?" 

"Around 40 meters."

Ehm, and this guy looks around 10 meters from what we can see from here... ain't that too big?

Luckily for us, the golem didn't have the slightest amount of interest in us. Rather, the waves produced by that big guy moving extinguished the Magmanoids. so its existence is doing more good than harm. That didn't stop the adventurers from making a punching bag out of the guy who made that comment before.

"...Is that the Union Master's?" asked one of the veteran adventurers...

"Wait, that no-good-looking guy can create this big of a golem!?" - Alf

"Sure, didn't you know? Do you remember the rock roads that allowed people to reach the ground level when all the water had been dried up? Those were the creation of the Union Master."

You don't say...

I looked at the golem, who was currently making a killing of the enemy army by flushing them away with the waves generated with its half-submerged arms, with a newfound respect for the Union Master. 

--Alf, go and meet up with the Union Master by the Artillery Division.

Hmm? I don't see why the guy capable of making and controlling that thing would need something from someone like me. Do I have to go?

--You don't have to go. The next Alf will probably do better~.


My head didn't get the reference, but my soul understood the threat hidden within it. After saying my excuses to the others, I sprinted to the back-lines where the Artillery Division had made camp-


A large noise was heard, followed by a great wave that flooded the volcanic stripe of land with lake water. Then, loud sounds of combat were heard from the lake, where the golem currently was.

The source of the noise is a large, blue dragon with multiple heads, large wings, and a shell on its back, and assaulted the golem with fervor. The golem tried to defend itself, but the dragon was too fast for it, which only resulted in greater waves that washed over us. When the water hit me, I felt like all the strength in my body suddenly disappearing. Too-, too weak...-*SPLASH*-glub, glub, glub...

"Look what the cat, no, the waves dragged in." - Carion

Huh... did I get washed to Artillery...? Vampires have it tough in the water...

"Anyway, could you step onto this ladder here? And hold this," said Carion while helping me on a piece of dirt and giving me a long, silver-colored rod with some purple liquid inside. 

"Okay... what is this?" I asked, clearer in the head thanks to staying above the water.

"Our secret weapon #2." - Carion

Secret weapon... #2? Oh, the golem is the #1! Now I get it...

"And why're you giving it to me?" - Alf

"Because you are the one going to use it. Against that," did the Union Master say, while pointing at the multi-headed dragon...

"Stop right there! There's no way anyone can go up against that thing!! It's strong enough to smash up even that monster golem!!" - Alf

"And the 'monster golem' is our secret weapon. Think what will happen if that dragon manages to defeat it." - Carion

That's... he's got a point... and the golem does look like it has met its match here. While the dragon is struggling in breaking the golem, it doesn't mean it can't. Piece for a piece of the golem is slowly being broken off by the dragon even as we speak.

 "Therefore, go and do some dragon slaying~." - Carion


"Argh, just stab that pike into the dragon and the work's done. All you need to do is that, and make sure you are not blasted out of the sky." - Carion

No, it's not that easy... "blasted out of the sky"? Don't tell me-!?

"Take off!" - Carion

And then, the ladder suddenly increased in height with such speed that I was thrown into the air. H-HEEEEELP!!

I came closer and closer to the golem and the dragon with a speed faster than anything else I've experienced in my life! I wanted to scream, but one part of my mind, the one who was holding on to the silver-colored pike, made me shut my mouth and rather do as I was ordered to. That dragon will be more than happy in making even more casualties as it is.

Just as I was close enough, a huge chunk of the golem had been broken off and headed towards me. Crap! Wait, what if-!

I didn't have the time to think and just acted. I used the skill, [Mist Form]. My figure turned into that of mist, which passed through the golem piece without taking any damage. My body "knew" how to use this weird skill, as if it was something I had done my whole life, and there was no sense of discomfort, despite having my body turned to a type of gas. 

Not long after, around 3 seconds, and I returned to normal. And the dragon is right below! I aimed the behemoth, who was too occupied breaking the golem, and threw the pike at him, kinda like when I did the same when fishing in my hometown.

The pike struck in between the scales of the giant reptile on its neck, and almost imminently, it started to wriggle around in pain. While it was occupied by the wound, the golem took the advantage to lift both its arms, and smacked the dragon, almost like a fly. 

A level-up notice rung out, but I've got no time for that! The sea, the sea's right below me!!


"Ehem, this is the Jetson Airline. We are currently on our way back to Velantas, so lean back and enjoy the ride." - Hawk Jetson

A Birdkin had grabbed me in the air and headed back to the city while saying that line...

"What is an 'airline'?" - Alf

"No clue. The Commander told me to say so when I caught you." - Hawk Jetson

That explains it... wait just a sec, wasn't it Garami who made me take all those skills before? It helped a lot, sure, but doesn't that mean she planned on using me as some human catapult ammo!? ...Maybe I should ask for a better job after this...


Skill Lists:


Name: Noire
Race: Fallen Nehushtan | Gender: Female
Level: 5
Karma Value: -155
Main Class:  Thaumaturgist Lv.50
Sub Class:  Craftsman Lv.44
Sub Class: Archer Lv.11
Skills: 62
Titles: 16
Blessings: 0
Skill Points: 15.6
HP: 281/281 MP: 489/489 SP: 242/242
STR: 223 VIT: 225 MAG: 503
RES: 487 SPD: 394 DEX: 417
INT: 85 LUC: 95
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Health Increase (Small) Lv.15]  [Mana Increase Lv.5]  [Reduced Mana Consumption Lv.19] UP4
[MP Auto-Regeneration Lv.12] UP4 [Reduced Stamina Consumption Lv.4] NEW13 Skill Points. [Strength Increase (Small) Lv.4] UP2
[Vitality Increase Lv.1] 
[Magic Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
[Resistance Increase (Small) Lv.13] 
[Speed Increase Lv.2] UP1 [Dexterity Increase (Small) Lv.Max]   
Attack Skills:
[Bow Arts Lv.8] UP3 [Mana Burst (Holy) Lv.15] UP2 [Wind Wall Lv.3] NEW23 Skill Points.
[Glow Bullet Lv.28] UP2
Magic Skills:
[Holy Magic Lv.Max]  [Healing Magic Lv.Max]  [Support Magic Lv.39] UP2
[Purification Magic Lv.28]  [Illusionism Lv.10] UP1 [Wicked Magic Lv.1] 
[Dispel Magic Lv.7]  [Reactive Heal Lv.38] UP1  
Crafting Skills:
[Accessory Creation Lv.34]  [Arrow Creation Lv.5]  [Metalworking Lv.3] 
[Carving Lv.35] 
[Polishing Lv.30]
[Accessory Mending Lv.4] 
[Mystic Conferment Lv.16]  [Energy Conferment Lv.11]  [Ability Bestowal Lv.16] 
[Magic Bestowal Lv.15]     
Active Skills:
[Veil of Illusions Lv.4] NEW33 Skill Points. [Holy Veil Lv.41]  [Fallen Haven Lv.1] 
[Workshop Creation Lv.9]     
Passive Skills:
[Archery Lv.20] UP4 [Marksmanship Lv.7] UP5 [Threadsmanship Lv.14] 
[Celestial Mana Manipulation Lv.4] UP2
[Throwing Lv.3] NEW41 Skill Point. [Aiming Lv.3] NEW5From Archer Lv.10.
[Evasion Lv.1] NEW61 Skill Point.
[Holy Reinforcement Lv.2] NEW71 Skill Point. [Illusion Reinforcement Lv.3] NEW83 Skill Points.
[Magic Reinforcement Lv.6] UP1 [Deprave Lv.2] UP1 [Concentration Lv.5] NEW91 Skill Point.
[Parallel Thinking Lv.3] NEW101 Skill Point.    
Resistance Skills:
[Fear Resistance Lv.38] UP2    
Perception Skills:
[Detect Evil Lv.45]  [Prediction Lv.5] NEW111 Skill Point. [Crafting Analyze (Accessories) Lv.11] 
[Hawk Eyes Lv.9] UP3
Leadership Skills:
[Party Lv.39]     
[Holy Element Lv.41] UP2    
Monster Skills:
[Fallen Halo Lv.2] UP1 [Flight Lv.37] UP5 [Flight Reinforcement Lv.5] NEW123 Skill Points.
[Celestial's Sight Lv.Max] [Dreamlike Form Lv.4]   
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
[Holy Technique User] [Rescuer] [Magic Arts User] 
[Legion of One]  [Vermin Bane]  [Accessory Artisan] 
[Giant Killer]  [Dungeon Raider]   
Hunting Titles:
[Undead Slaughterer]  [Monster Slayer] [Skeleton Slaughterer] 
[Zombie Slaughterer]  [Ghost Slayer]   
Status Titles:
[Fallen From Grace] [E-Rank Adventurer] [Liberator of Tir na Nog] 


Name: Alfred Loxley
Race: Vampire | Gender: Male
Level: 6
Karma Value: 13
Main Class:  Spearman Lv.50
Sub Class: Angler Lv.19 
Sub Class: Crusher Lv.26
Skills: 60
Titles: 19
Blessings: 2
Skill Points: 18.2
HP: 382/382 MP: 301/301 SP: 432/432
STR: 385 VIT: 343 MAG: 199
RES: 267 SPD: 240 DEX: 366
INT: 112 LUC: 105
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Health Increase Lv.3]  [Mana Increase (Small) Lv.23] UP5 [Reduced Mana Consumption Lv.3] NEW133 Skill Points.
[Stamina Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
[Reduced Stamina Consumption Lv.20] UP3 [Strength Increase (Small) Lv.11] UP4
[Vitality Increase (Small) Lv.14] UP3 [Resistance Increase (Small) Lv.17] UP2 [Speed Increase Lv.1] 
[Dexterity Increase (Small) Lv.18] UP1    
 Attack Skills:
[Spear Arts Lv.Max] [Hammer Arts Lv.24] UP2 [Guard Lv.Max] UP2
[Parry Lv.2] NEW143 Skill Points. [Ice Attack Lv.3] EVOLVED156 Skill Points. [Break Blow Lv.21] UP2
[Heavy Blow Lv.48] UP1 [Icicle Wall Lv.10] UP3  
Magic Skills:
[Ice Magic Lv.1]  [Summon Kin Lv.1]   
Active Skills:
[Element Spear Lv.23] UP3 [Mystic Warfare Lv.2] NEW163 Skill Points. [Energy Warfare Lv.28] UP1
[Quick Step Lv.43] UP1 [Swingby Lv.5] UP2 [Hate Lure Lv.2] 
Passive Skills:
[Halberd Lv.21] UP1 [Hammersmanship Lv.31] UP2  [Light Armor Lv.11] UP1
[Close Quarters Combat Lv.23] UP2
[Evasion Lv.3] NEW171 Skill Point. [Leaching Cold Lv.31] UP3
[Battle Healing Lv.5] NEW181 Skill Point. [Battle Continuation Lv.45] UP1 [Ice Reinforcement Lv.36] UP3
[Mist Reinforcement Lv.2] NEW191 Skill Point. [Pierce Reinforcement Lv.Max] [Impact Reinforcement Lv.27] UP2
[Weapon Reinforcement Lv.14] UP1
[Rest Lv.Max] 
[Footwork Lv.22] UP3
[Fishing Lv.Max]  [Gutting Lv.14]  [Concentration Lv.3] NEW201 Skill Point.
Resistance Skills:
[Ice Resistance Lv.33] UP1 [Fear Resistance Lv.Max] [Pain Resistance Lv.Max] 
[Pain Mitigation Lv.9] UP1 [Daywalker]   
Perception Skills:
[Night Vision Lv.25]  [Prediction Lv.2] NEW211 Skill Point. [Danger Sense Lv.Max] 
Leadership Skills:
[Leadership Lv.28] UP1 [Cooperation Lv.Max] UP2 [Party Lv.Max] 
[Ice Element Lv.8] UP1    
Monster Skills:
[Vampiric Body Lv.2] UP1 [Mist Form (Vampire) Lv.2] UP1 [Blood-Sucking Lv.1] 
[Shadow Familiar (Vampire) Lv.1]     
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
[Daredevil] [Pinch Breaker] [Legion of One] 
[Vermin Bane]  [Ice Technique User]  [Novice Angler] 
[Giant Killer]  [Dungeon Raider]   
Hunting Titles:
[Monster Slaughterer]  [Fish Slayer] [Beast Slayer] 
[Rodent Slayer]  [Undead Slayer]  [Skeleton Slaughterer] 
[Zombie Slayer]  [Demi-Monster Slayer] NEW  
Status Titles:
[E-Rank Adventurer] [Liberator of Tir na Nog]  [True Ancestor]

Kigal-Note/Monsters/Fish: Desert Tuna

Name: Desert Tuna
Rank: E
Type: Fish
Lifespan: 100 Years
Attribute: Water, Sand
Traits: Fish, Desert Monster


A Desert Tuna is a special mutation of fish-type monster that can survive, no, cannot prosper properly if they are not in a location equal to a desert... is what they themselves are imaging, but Desert Tunas and their evolutions are perfectly fine in environments that normal fish-types finds pleasant.

Desert Tunas forms cliques with themselves and their evolved stages. The Tunas acts as soldiers for the evolved stages, and are at the bottom of their social hierarchy. They respond to the species with the highest rank, which goes from, from lowest to highest, the Desert King Tuna, then the Desert Shark, the Desert Killer Shark, for finally, their main commander, the Desert Big Whale.


As their name suggests, Desert Tunas are large fishes, with relatively the same appearance as a regular tuna. The differences are that the Desert Tuna have desert-colored scales, and they have a pair of legs that they use to travel across dry land.


Average HP: E Average MP: F Average SP: E+
Average STR: E Average VIT: E- Average MAG: F-
Average RES: F Average SPD: E+ Average DEX: E
Average INT: D Rarity: E+ Danger Rank: E-

Desert Tuna attacks are simple, yet painful. Their strength lies in their great ramming power, which it is capable of doing in both water and on land.

Other than that, the Desert Tuna lacks methods for fighting off enemies on their own. However, since the Desert Tuna travels in groups, even this simple strategy can lead to a world of hurt if one is not careful. They are easy to fish up though.

Alf's comment: I'm all for fishing, as long as the fish is somewhat normal, like these guys...

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