A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 2] Extra Chapter 1: The Gods’ War Council

"Just what are you three clowns thinking about!?" shouted the Ultimate Goddess of Water, Lusalki, in one of the halls of the divine temple located in Nibiru.

The "three clowns" she was referring to was a woman that looked like she was made of flames, a large, moving rock that took on the appearance of an old man, and an extremely voluptuous woman with light-green skin, flowers in her hair, and vine-like appendages growing out alongside her hair.

The woman of fire is the Ultimate Goddess of Fire, as well as a goddess of battle and victory. Her name is Agnir, and her personality is just the same as her attribute, fiery and wrathful. She is dressed like a tribal warrior and armed with a shabby cutlass.

"You've gotten pretty cheeky if you're starting to question me, crybaby-Lusalki. Say farewell to your neck!" - Agnir

"Stop fighting. The mortals will do that, not us." - Kishror

Kishror, the Ultimate God of Earth, as well as the god of mountains and wisdom, acted like the complete opposite of Agnir. With the appearance of an elder prophet with a beard made of rock and a bald head, the man of stone acts as a man of reason.

The third member, Yrlanaya, the Ultimate Goddess of Life, fertility, and love, acted like she was seeing a dream while awake, completely unaware of the building tension between Lusalki and Agnir.

Feeling tired of the three gods' bickering, Chaos, the supposed man-in-charge over the war council, left his seat, convinced that his presence alone would not move those three.

After exiting the hall to take a break, he laid his eyes on a certain individual... and got so agitated that the papers for the meeting turned aflame.

"Alvatria!" - Chaos

"That's weird? Chaos, out of all people, is shouting to me," said Alvatria, the Ultimate Goddess of Darkness, with her usual deadpan face showing a slight hint of surprise.

"Why wouldn't I!? That mess inside there's your work, right?!" - Chaos

"Work? I don't work. I troll." - Alvatria

"I know that all too well!! Wait, you didn't start the fight inside there?" - Chaos

"I've started enough fights, wars, Ragnaroks, doomsdays, and armageddons to remember them all. Be more specific." - Alvatria

"The fight, rather, the civil war currently taking place in Velantas! Iron Isle and Isla de Mina has banded together with some less-than-friendly individuals and have waged war against the capital!" - Chaos

"...That's bad. And if Isla de Mina is mentioned..." - Alvatria

"Yes. Kishror is the one who started the War Quest." - Chaos

"See? It wasn't me." - Alvatria

".........I'll believe you for now." - Chaos

"What's up with that pause? And what is the problem? Lusalki's more than enough to support the humans-" - Alvatria

"Agnir overheard the situation and joined Kishror." - Chaos

"...That's bad." - Alvatria

"And Yrlanaya joined in as well since the goblins of Isla de Mina worships her." - Chaos

"......Sayonara, Velantas." - Alvatria

During a War Quest, gods will be rooting for each side of the conflict and grant them special abilities. Needless to say what the combination of the three mentioned gods will produce.

"And your subordinate can't do anything about this mess, so take up some slack for him!" - Chaos

"True. A god of arts ain't useful in a war. Not to mention that higher-ranking gods participating will negate the lesser gods' influence... but sorry. Can't do." - Alvatria

"Why not!? Your Champion, which I'm also rooting for, is down there as well!" - Chaos

Subordinate gods never get the love.

"Qulux grounded me after I stole his cookie-jar last week." - Alvatria

"As Champion, as goddess!!" - Chaos

And as overseers of Quests, both Order and Chaos are not allowed to participate as "sponsors" in the War Quests.

"Relax. Even if the worst happens, Garami is fast on her feet~." - Alvatria

"...First enemy 'boss' of the Three God Alliance-side, an octopus-like creature that can command magma at will. It is the reason why their troops can reach Velantas, thanks to the large amount of volcanic land it created." - Chaos

"...There is an expert in earth manipulation there. Leave it-" - Alvatria

"With Kishror's support behind them?" - Chaos

"...Forget I said anything." - Alvatria

"It's not that the opposing army is granted access to the city, but all the other islands are prevented access to the city, due to the large reefs made of volcanic rocks, plus toxic fumes, making the idea of reinforcements a naive dream. And since it is a War Quest, no people outside the region can enter either. And the octopus has an average status value of 650." - Chaos

"That's one impressive bundle of tentacles. And this is not even a doujinshi." - Alvatria

"Second 'boss' is the leader of all the Desert Tunas that are angry over the sudden change of the region due to Glavras' defeat. They are actually one of the two main conspirators of this war. The boss has an average status value of 700." - Chaos

"What are they feeding the fishes lately?" - Alvatria

"Then, there is the Machinerz who is hired as a mercenary by the Isla de Mina populace. Status values of 1,000 on average." - Chaos

"Technology these days..." - Alvatria

"Then, there is the former Dungeon Boss of the Water-Knot Dungeon, status values around 1,300 around the board, and the Sub-Boss, hydra-creature that recently evolved into a dragon-species. Status values at 1,100." - Chaos

"What can I say? Disasters remain Disasters even after their death." - Alvatria

"And finally, there is the main culprit for this whole ordeal. Status values around 750, but still..." said Chaos while handing over a piece of paper to Alvatria.

"...Yeah. Depending on the situation, this thing can be worse than even the former Dungeon Boss," said Alvatria, in a rare, character-breaking moment of seriousness.

The two most chaotic divinities of the planet just stood there, worry coloring their faces...

"Well, nothing we can do with it~." - Alvatria

"That's right. What do you want for lunch?" - Chaos

......Or maybe not.

Kigal-Note/Monsters/Octopus: Kana Volcaloa

Name: Kana Volcaloa
Rank: C+
Type: Octopus
Lifespan: 1,000 Years
Attribute: Magma, Water
Traits: Octopus, Lava Creature


Kana Volcaloa is a special breed of Lava Creatures that can control magma to either increase the activity of the volcanoes they live in, or to ward of enemies. Strange enough, these creatures can live fine in the ocean, so researchers believe they make their home in undersea volcanoes. They can also be seen as either, or both, a guardian deity of the volcano, or an administrator of it.


Kana Volcaloa takes the appearance of an octopus with arms made of magma, and an overall red body with orange- and black stripes, as if imitating magma.


Average HP: C- Average MP: C+ Average SP: C-
Average STR: C- Average VIT: C+ Average MAG: D+
Average RES: C- Average SPD: D+ Average DEX: C+
Average INT: C+ Rarity: A++ Danger Rank: C (A+++)

Like mentioned, the Kana Volcaloa is capable of manipulating magma. No need to mention how much damage this can produce for cities a bit too close to this octopus' home, therefore the high alternative Danger Rank. 

On the flip-side, without any magma, then the octopus will be no threat......NOT! While its main weapon will be lost in those cases, this octopus is still a Lava Creature, meaning its body is partly made of the mentioned hot stuff. And as it's part sea monster, the Kana Volcaloa has immunity to water, which is normally the only way to stop Lava Creatures along with Ice-type attributes, making it an almost impossible-to-stop monster.

Carion's comment: Then how are you supposed to stop this thing?!!

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