A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 2] Prologue: Lake Capital, Velantas

The new Arc's starting now! The adventure in Lake Capital, Velantas, is starting now! I hope you all enjoy it.

Also, the [Identification Disguise] skill has been renamed to [Fake Identity].

Land! Beautiful land! The solid land right before daybreak is wonderful!!

This Garami, reincarnated human-turned-demon plus Champion of one of this world's possible worst gods ever, have never been so glad to have you underneath my feet, oh solid land!

After defeating the Water-Knot of Glavras-Dungeon, which doubled as a world-threat dubbed "Disaster" and my birthplace, I was thrown to the top of a mountain while watching as the wasteland that made up the Velantas region and returned it to its proper state as the Sea Lake Region, Velantas.

But that Dungeon, to store more water than there is in Lake Victoria, that's scary. Dungeons are too awesome. And I have a Dungeon Core that can build such a thing with my name on it... wonder how much I can get if I auction it...

After dismissing the Greater Skeleton Fish... which is just the skeleton of a big fish, I stuffed the rowboat that I was given as an extra reward because I was "in dire need of". I'm not disagreeing here, I don't wanna swim all the way.

"Hey, shouldn't we go straight to the city of Velantas when we first had the chance?" - Gust

Gust, my partner who I joined up with during my battle against the Dungeon, looked up to me while saying so.

Yes, saying so. With his own voice. He's graduated from being a Wisdom Raven who could only speak through telepathy. 

Name: Gust
Race: Raven Goblin   | Gender: Male
Level: 1
Karma Value: 14
Skills: 9
Titles: 2
Skill Points: 2.1
HP: 45/45 MP: 60/60 SP: 40/40
STR: 31 VIT: 26 MAG: 65
RES: 35 SPD: 45 DEX: 33
INT: 113 LUC: 103
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Strength Increase (Small) Lv.1] NEW [Vitality Increase (Small) Lv.1] NEW   
Magic Skills:
[Wind Magic Lv.2] NEW [Magic Ability Lv.3] NEW  
Active Skills:
[Telepathy Lv.28] UP12    
Passive Skills:
[Magic Power Operation Lv.3] NEW [Hiding Lv.5] NEW [Covert Movement Lv.3] NEW
[Linguistics Lv.13] NEW [Memory Lv.Max]
Perception Skills:
[Magic Power Perception Lv.11] NEW [Identification Lv.Max] UP4 [Discern Lv.46] UP5
Monster Skills:
[High-Speed Flight Lv.3] EVOLVED    
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
[Giant Killer]    
Status Titles:
[Disciple of the Sage]    

The Raven Goblin looked up at me while wearing some Japanese-looking clothes. You know, like what a Karasu-Tengu would wear. Seems that when someone evolves into certain species, they're rewarded with some sort of item. He even got [Wind Magic] for free with that evolution! That's cheating!!

Speaking of cheating, that goddess tried to take the honor for something that she wasn't responsible for again, didn't she? Ah, that's not important right now. I have to answer his question.

"Undeads are worse with the sun than me. Need to wait." - Garami

"That's true... and those desert-fish monsters are more active during the day than the night as well..." - Gust

Like the bird says, this lake's populated with a type of walking fish-monsters that can walk on land or even survive in the worst of desserts, while still keeping their abilities as a fish intact! That's how they survived the sudden flood that was created when all the water in the Dungeon, after digging themselves underground to escape the worst of the water pressure.

Then there is that sun rays are so horrible for my albino skin that my HP actually goes down~. So I had to use most of the first day, and the second one too, to endure those doomsday rays until my [Sunlight Resistance] skill reached a level where my auto-recovery abilities could outdo the damage~.


Not to forget that I had to fish after something for me and Gust to eat during those days, which helped us get an idea of the behavior of these Desert Tunas. 

Huh? The name sounds stupid? Shut up! I was the one who gave them that name! I did so when I designed them before getting reincarnated! In fact, that's the sole reason I got a new chance in life! 

But those fishes give way more EXP than the Dungeon-monsters do. Thanks to that, my level's gone up several times already thanks to my fishing spree. They also give more Materials than them when I convert their corpses with my necromancy-like skill. [Necromantic Rite]. Maybe the Dungeon itself reduced the EXP and disturbed the Rite?

As for my current stats, they're something like this:

Name: Garami
Race: Rasetsu Ogre Lord   | Gender: Female
Level: 10
Karma Value: -200 <Chaotic>
Main Class: Rogue Lv.49
Sub Class Spectermancer Lv.13
Skills: 115
Titles: 24
Skill Points: 17.0
HP: 222/222 MP: 330/330 SP: 230/230
STR: 208 VIT: 168 MAG: 203
RES: 244 SPD: 255 DEX: 290
INT: 120 LUC: 150
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Health Increase (Small) Lv.Max]  [HP Auto-Recovery Lv.21] UP3 [Mana Increase Lv.11] UP1
[Reduced Mana Consumption Lv.34] UP3 [MP Auto-Recovery Lv.32] UP2 [Stamina Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
[Minimized Stamina Consumption Lv.1] EVOLVED1Used 6 Skill Points. [Strength Increase Lv.3]  [Vitality Increase Lv.3] 
[Magic Increase (Small) Lv.29] UP4 [Resistance Increase (Small) Lv.Max] [Speed Increase Lv.3]  
[Dexterity Increase Lv.4]
 Attack Skills:
[Guard Lv.43] UP1 [Parry Lv.43]  [Mana Burst (Darkness) Lv.7] UP2
[Glow Bullet Lv.10] UP5 [Gloom Bullet Lv.8] UP1 [Bite Lv.23] UP1
Magic Skills:
[Light Magic Lv.2] NEW2From Light Technique User title. [Darkness Magic Lv.18] UP2 [Magic Ability Lv.17] UP3
[Healing Magic Lv.11] UP2 [Summon Kin Lv.1]  [Create Undead Lv.17] UP1
[Necromantic Rite Lv.4] UP1
Crafting Skills:
[Mixing Lv.1] [Create Trap Lv.2]   
Active Skills:
[Liquid Control Lv.1] NEW [Aura of Darkness Lv.17] UP1 [Chaotic Concurrence Lv.7] UP2
[Heresy Modification Lv.19] UP1 [Evil Lord's Aura Lv.3] NEW3[Intimidation] got integrated into this skill. [Blink Lv.11] 
[Energy Warfare Lv.9] UP2 [Sky Jump Lv.8]  [Shooting Lv.8] UP1
[Sadistic Constitution Lv.Max]  [Stealth Lv.33]  [Silence Lv.33] 
[Odorless Lv.28]  [Camouflage Lv.31]  [Lightwalk Lv.Max] 
[Thread Control Lv.41] UP2 [Cutting Thread Lv.22] UP2 [Piercing Thread Lv.22] UP2
[Impact Thread Lv.20] UP2 [Spatial Storage Lv.7]   
Passive Skills:
[Swordsmanship Lv.10] UP4 [Marksmanship Lv.8] UP1 [Whipsmanship Lv.31] UP1
[Threadsmanship Lv.46] UP2 [Armor Lv.6] UP2 [Close Quarters Combat Lv.Max]
[Magic Power Operation Lv.25] UP4 [Aiming Lv.Max]  [Evasion Lv.Max] 
[Acrobatics Lv.7]  [Climbing Lv.29]  [Pilfer Lv.9] 
[Surprise Attack Lv.6]  [Battle Survivalist Lv.2]  [Light Reinforcement Lv.9] UP3
[Darkness Reinforcement Lv.29] UP2 [Debuff Reinforcement Lv.15] UP1 [Gathering Lv.Max]
[Riding Lv.39] UP1 [Footwork Lv.Max] [Lockpicking Lv.10] 
[Fishing Lv.12] NEW4Used 3 Skill Points. [Dismantling Lv.5] NEW5Used 3 Skill Points. [Vital Point Knowledge Lv.24] UP2
[Thought Acceleration Lv.21] UP2 [Linguistics Lv.18] UP1 [Parallel Processing Lv.18] UP4
[Auto-Mapping Lv.15] UP2 [Language Adaption]  
Resistance Skills:
[Water Resistance Lv.30] UP1 [Darkness Resistance Lv.9] UP1 [Poison Resistance Lv.25] 
[Heretic Resistance Lv.20]  [Heretic Immunity Lv.6]  [Paralyze Resistance Lv.15] UP1
[Sleep Resistance Lv.47] UP4 [Confusion Resistance Lv.13] UP1 [Fear Resistance Lv.Max] 
[Pain Resistance Lv.Max]   [Sunlight Resistance Lv.12] UP11  
Perception Skills:
[Night Vision Lv.Max] [Intuition Lv.10] UP2 [Presence Perception Lv.15] UP2
[Trap Detection Lv.1]  [Identification Lv.43] UP1 [Discern Lv.40] UP1
[Identification Blocking Lv.4] NEW6Used 3 Skill Points. [Fake Identity Lv.2] NEW7Used 5 Skill Points. [Discover Lv.24] UP2
[Mind's Eye Lv.8] UP2
[Magic Sight Lv.Max] 
Leadership Skills:
[Leadership Lv.33] UP1 [Tactics Lv.24]  [Tame Lv.12] 
[Control Undead Lv.18]  [Royal Authority Lv.2]  [Evil Royalty Lv.1] 
[Lesser Light Element Lv.2] NEW8From Light Technique User title. [Darkness Element Lv.28] UP1  
Monster Skills:
[Poison Bite Lv.25] [Paralyze Bite Lv.13] UP1 [Sleep Bite Lv.15] UP1
[Confusion Bite Lv.11] UP1 [Spider Lord's Thread Lv.8] UP3 [Shapeshift (Humanoid) Lv.6] UP2
[Golden Ratio Lv.6]  [Grudge Evil Eye Lv.6]   
Extra Skills:
[Zahhak - Dragon of Darkness Lv.1]     
Title List:

Achievement Titles:

[Titan Killer] [Vermin Bane] [Darkness Technique User]
[Merciless] [Pinch Breaker] [Mystic Arts User]
[Army of One]  [Cruel Commander] [Hero Killer]
[Rescuer] [Mysterious Killer]  [Dungeon Raider] 
[Daredevil] NEW [Light Technique User] NEW  

Hunting Titles:

[Dread Spirit Genocider] [Monster Slayer] [Beast Slayer]
[Arachnid Slayer]     

Status Titles:

[Champion of Alvatria] [Migrant] [Reincarnator]
[Lord of Evil] [True Chaos] [Slayer of the Ultimate] NEW

I had much free time while waiting for [Sunlight Resistance]... and more Skill Points. Blame the status of being a Champion and not me!!

And I finally got Light Technique User!! Just gotta figure out what relationship it has with that Black-Light thing.

Back to the point, since [Sunlight Resistance] increased to a high enough level, it was possible to leave the mountain we were secluded on without risking me drying up to a husk because of a lack of roofs. But even so, we could only travel during the night, when the tunas were sleeping and because the undead we used to pull the boat would have died if it was exposed to the sun.

Yup, that's right. Undeads can't handle the sun. It's part of their Low Undead trait, which is shared by the Undead and High Undead traits as well. 

Therefore, we're taking a break on this island before going to the city when it turns to night again. No problem at all.

...Except for this place is the forefather to all haunted houses in the world! Or better said, to all haunted castle-towns.


I and Gust walked on the shore of the island, making sure to stay as far away from the castle wall that was the only thing hindering us from looking into the second-worst haunted area on the continent, according to Gust.

"-and therefore, the Château de Gloire was cursed for generations, turning into the Haunted Castle of Velantas." - Gust

*Brr*, nobles can be damn scary. Lesson learned.

I took another look at the former castle-town, which now sends more shivers down my spine.

"But this place would be a great hunting ground for you, won't it?" - Gust

If there are as many undeads as he says there are, then yes...? What's that... a Skeleton!? In the middle of the day!? And it's coming right at us.

The humanoid Skeleton waved its bone-club at me, but I simply side-stepped it and hit its neck with my dagger, dismantling the head from its body. The critical damage and beheading were enough to insta-kill the undead just like that. I Identified it, and it seems to be a Lesser Skeleton. A rank G undead. Figures.

"Oi! This is different from what you said! Wasn't undeads supposed to turn to ashes when they were hit by the sun?" - Gust

I'm the one that's raging here! When I Identified this guy, I saw that it had the [Daywalker] skill, which is the result of [Sunlight Resistance] reaching its highest level. Are you trying to pick a fight with me!?

Oh well, if my luck's good, then converting this could give my undeads the same skill... maybe. 

<[Necromantic Rite] have acquired plans for the following undeads:

"Lesser Skeleton", "Lesser Zombie", "Skeleton", "Zombie".>

<[Necromantic Rite] acquired "3" Material.>

Oh? Four blueprints in one go? And I got more Materials than the Tuna that's fleshier than the Lesser Skeleton. Is it because it's already undead, so there are fewer usable parts that are lost during the conversion? It sure brings down the nail that the Dungeon hampered with the conversion.

But [Daywalker]'s still just a dream. Just my luck.

<Class Customization is now available for [Necromantic Rite].>

<The "Rogue" Class is now available with Class Customization.>

<The "Spectermancer" Class is now available with Class Customization.>

But it seems something interesting popped up now! 

Did that happen because I got the humanoid undeads? Skeletons with classes, such as Skeleton Swordsman, is the E-Rank version of the regular variant after all. 

I showed Gust the newest information and asked if he knew if I could obtain more classes for my undeads without having to obtain them myself.

"Then just convert a corpse of someone with that class." - Gust

-!? That's ingenious! Why didn't I think of that myself? But someone with a class... let's limit that to the E-rank undeads. I'm not gonna go homicidal just because I wanna strengthen my undeads. But thinking about how much Materials I would need for those E-Rank Class undeads... 

Yeah, let's conquer this place when I got the time. A real-life haunted house, I bet it's filled to the limit with undeads. But first, town. And a warm meal! And a bed!!


Wait, that wasn't me! 

"Hey, something is going on over there!" - Gust

Ah, over there. Think I can reach it within a minute... hey!

I grabbed the bird by his neck as he was preparing his escape.

"Where are you going?" - Garami

"Away from there! It's bound to be something bad over there, I can feel it in my feathers!" - Gust

"...Then all the more reason to go there." - Garami

"WHY!?" - Gust

"...If it's that bad, we need more info about it so we can get away safely." - Garami

"Aw, damn it! Fine, but we're getting outta here if it's too dangerous!" - Gust


And with that, we went to the area where the pillar of dust had risen from. 

"...What's going on?" - Garami

"...No clue." - Gust

A group made of black-uniformed men and women were facing someone clad in dark robes and waving a knife around with a slasher-smile, throwing magic spells left and right. Is that knife doubling as a wand? 

It seems like the guy that looks like a cross between a corrupt priest and Jack the Ripper is winning the fight. Oh well, not my problem. Humans should figure out their own... yikes. That sounded way too arrogant. Where did my human heart go to?

It's not wrong that I've got no reason to enter this strife anyway. Better do as Gust suggested before and sneak away... is that Darkness Magic?

That Ripper-Priest is using Darkness Magic on a large scale to drive back the black-clothed group. It's impressive how he's firing such a stupidly large amount of Dark Bullets...

But it's crappy. The magic formula's filled with mistakes. They're made so sloppy that a two-year-old brat could do better. Is it the payment for using so many at the same-

"Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Fear the awesome talent of this Reinhard Everwand! Let me show you the depths of the dark arts!" - Ripper-Priest

Eh? Wait, what's he saying?

"Ah, it seems he's one of those guys that think they're masters with magic just by having a talent related to a specific, closed-off field. In his case, it's parallel activation of several spells." - Gust

That's it? He calls something that the "depths of the dark arts"?

"Probably due to that, he's only worked enough to barely be able to use low-level spells. The result is that he can rapid-fire low-quality, low-ranking spells en masse, but he's probably never going to learn the stronger spells, nor improve those he has. Tons of guys like him tried to enter the Library Tower's Magic School, but none of them ever lasted a week." - Gust

I could guess that. If I was one of the teachers there, I would have sent them back home after re-educate them thoroughly about magic.

Yes, I'm the one who works a lot when nobody's looking. Got a problem with that?

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Scram, ants, scram! And if you survive, make sure to tell that bitch that she should have never doubted my awesome power!" - Ripper-Priest


This guy's starting to get on my nerves. He's only good with spamming attacks. There's no real skill in that. 

"Wa-ha-ha-ha! Mwa-ha-ha!!" - Ripper-Priest

*Irk, irk, irk...*

"Bow down for me, the only one worthy of being called the master of Darkness, no, the Champion of Darkness!!" - Ripper-Priest


"...Ah, he's dead..." - Gust

I ignored Gust and used the sandbanks to sneak behind the (soon dead) Ripper-Priest. Once I found a good position (the idiot's too busy singing his own praises), I attached the dagger to the thread, started to swing it around like a sling, and then, [Shooting]!

*Swish*, *STAB!*


Level has increased. Reached Lv.11

You have earned 0.3 Skill Points

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 0.3 Skill Points earned.

I knew it. Just some idiot with no brains.

But this is bad. The black-uniformed group just stared emptily at the scene where I crushed that baboon's heart with a single sling-dagger strike, but now they're cheering as if the queen visited.

This is gonna end up like with the Sahuagins, right? Me getting swarmed by people, right? Can't I get to live as a recluse in peace!?

Really? I can't? *Sniff*

Kigal-Note/Demi-Humans/Birds: Raven Goblin

Name: Raven Goblin
Rank: F
Type: Demi-Human (Bird)
Lifespan: 70~100 Years
Attribute: Wind
Traits: Demi-Human, Avian Creature


The Raven Goblin is a relative of the more famous Crow Goblin and is the missing link between ravens and raven-type Birdkins. They are extremely intelligent and helpful and fit right in with other humanoids. 


The Raven Goblin is like its name suggests, a raven with a humanoid form and size like that of a goblin. Their wings are now located on their back, similar to some Demons and Celestials, and they have developed hands with opposable thumbs that allow them to use items like other humanoids.

To summarize, they are for Birdkins what regular Goblins are for humans.


Average HP: F Average MP: F+ Average SP: F-
Average STR: F- Average VIT: G+ Average MAG: F+
Average RES: F- Average SPD: F Average DEX: F-
Average INT: C+ Rarity: E+ Danger Rank: F-

The Raven Goblin have the ability to use Wind Magic from birth and are talented flyers. They are also capable of using weapons and armor... as long as they come in the right size for them.

Other than that, they are surprisingly frail, and would rather run from a fight than face a predator above their physical abilities.

Garami's comment: It's unfair you get a real Magic Skill just like that *grumble, grumble*...

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