A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 11

"What happened?" Tombstone got up and looked at the perpetrator who grabbed him.

It was a man wearing black armor with golden lines. He had black dark eyes as if staring into the abyss. The armor had a motif of a dragon and on his left arm was a gauntlet shaped like a dragon's head.

"It is time to pay for your crimes, Tombstone."

Tombstone looked at the man in black armor and he was enraged. "Who are you?" His tone contained anger but he held himself back. Lashing out won't do him any good.

"I am Ryuga."

"I'm to believe you are part of the group who attacked the Russians?"

"You could say that."

"Whatever have I done to your group? I have many enemies but I would remember your group if you had that much power." Tombstone could not think of a single one except the Rider. But the Rider doesn't operate like this.

"You don't know us but we know you. You're dealing with drugs, weapons, and people have created a lot of malice. I'm here to eliminate you."

"Tell me, are you with the Kamen Rider?"

"Him? HAHAHAHA." Ryuga laughed as if his association with the Kamen Rider was a joke.

"He is nothing but naive. We are the Dark Riders. And we will accomplish our goals with whatever means necessary. Even if it is to kill you."

Ryuga rushes to Tombstone and punches him. Tombstone got launched into the door and crashed right through it landing in the hallway. Tombstone gets up and sees Ryuga slowly walking to him. Tombstone sees him underestimating him and is furious. Tombstone punches Ryuga but Ryuga blocks him with his arm and hits him in the chin. Tombstone shook off the hit. Tombstone has enhanced physiology making him more stronger, faster, and durable. But he can't ignore Ryuga's attacks. Ryuga's hits hurt him even with his enhanced durability.

The two continued to fight and it was more or less a stalemate. Tombstone punches Ryuga but he dodges and Ryuga hits Tombstone in the gut. The insides of Tombstone's stomach nearly spilled out. Ryuga kicks him, sending him flying. Tombstone crashes into a large hallway with Deco Art. He gets up with many bruises and cuts on his suit.

"Wait, something is wrong."

Tombstone checks his surroundings and realizes something is wrong. Everything was quiet, too quiet. His fight with Ryuga should have caught the attention of his men but they didn't come. Hammerhead also just exited his office recently and should have come and helped him already. He also realized there were no people. Usually, there are people working at this hour but not a soul could be seen.

"Where is everybody? What happened!" Tombstone panicked. He thought he could rely on his men to subdue Ryuga.

"Nobody is coming to help you." Ryuga comes out of the smoke and Tombstone feels dread.

"What do you mean by no one is coming," asked Tombstone

"Exactly what I said. No one will come to save you. We are in the Mirror World."

The Mirror World is a spacetime existing on a different dimensional plane based on special relativity, electromagnetism, and reflection of light, thus making the real world experience a reflection of space. The appearance of the Mirror World is a left-right mirror-flipped "ghost town" copy of the real world, devoid of people and with all text reading backwards. It is accessed through any reflective surface, usually mirrors or windows. Only Kamen Riders in the Ryuki series and Contract Monsters could freely enter the Mirror World.

(A/N: The Mirror World will be different from the Mirror Dimension. Just want to make that clear.

"In this world, only I can freely enter and exit. You can run and hide but you will never be able to escape." said Ryuga

Tombstone clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. He felt trapped but he still did not give up. 'As long as I kill this bastard I would be able to leave.' he thought

Tombstone rushes to Ryuga and their fight continues. Tombstone attacks but Ryuga easily sees them and counterattacks. Ryuga kicks away Tombstone to give himself some space. He draws a card from his Advent deck on his waist and inserts it into his Blackdragvisor on his left arm.


A sword is seen hurling toward Ryuga and he catches it. The sword is a curved sword with a black handle. It is called the Dragsaber. Tombstone became more cautious with Ryuga now that he was holding a sword.

Ryuga but Tombstone avoids the blade leaving a cut in his suit. Ryuga continues to slash at Tombstone. Tombstone tries to avoid his sword but can't always dodge it. He receives many cuts on his arms and legs. Tombstone tries to get closer and tackles Ryuga to the ground. He mounts Ryuga and starts punching on his helmet. Ryuga headbutts Tombstone which staggers him a bit and then punches him in the chest knocking Tombstone back. Ryuga gets up and slashes upward at Tombstone's chest.


Tombstone received a large cut on his chest and it was bleeding heavily.

"You are good but it won't change the outcome," said Ryuga as he drew another card. He inserts it into Blackdragvisor


A black dragon's head is now attached to Ryuga's arm called the Dragclaw. A bluish flame started to gather in the Dragclaw's head. Tombstone sees this and begins to run away to take cover.

"You're not running away." said Ryuga

He launches a black ball of flame toward Tombstone. Tombstone got behind a pillar in the last second and the fireball exploded on the pillar. Tombstone got launched away by the explosion. His vision is blurry and his ears are ringing. He tried to focus where Ryuga was and he saw he drew another card.



Tombstone hears a roar which fills him with even more dread. Outside the building, he could see a black mechanical chinese dragon with red eyes coming straight toward him. The dragon is Dragblacker. The Contract Monster of Ryuga.


The dragon pierces through the wall and grabs Tombstone holding him in his mouth. Dragblacker drags Tombstone around as he goes through the wall of the building. Dragblacker flies outside the building and soars to the top of the Chrysler Building. Dragblacker then nosedives and begins crashing through each floor of the building. Tombstone felt his insides turning to mush. Each impact sends shockwaves throughout his body breaking his bones and making his cuts bleed faster.

Dragblacker crashes through the 1st floor and drags Tombstone through the empty streets of New York. Dragblacker throws him on the streets and Tombstone crashes and rolls over before he stops. Ryuga saw everything on the higher floors of the Chrysler Building amused.

"How merciless, Dragblacker."


Dragblacker responds filled with pride for his actions. Ryuga jumps down and lands on the streets with the ground cracking underneath him. He slowly walks over to Tombstone. He saw Tombstone barely standing up. His suit was destroyed, his body had cuts all over, and his face was nearly unrecognizable.

"I'm impressed you are still alive," said Ryuga. After all the damage he has taken. It is a miracle the man is still standing even if he was enhanced.

"Why…" muttered Tombstone


"Why… with so much power why resort to this."


"You could have gained riches, influence, and respect. But why do you instead waste your powers!?"


Ryuga was silent and began thinking of Tombstone's words.

"You said I'm wasting my powers? I don't see it that way. I could gain riches, influence, and respect you say? Perhaps I could be happy with those. But those are just fleeting pleasures. I use my power to save and protect the innocents and those close to me. Seeing they are safe and living their lives gives me the greatest joy. You who indulge in their greed and take away the happiness of others would never understand. To prevent more people from suffering. I will stop you.

Ryuga draws a card from his Advent deck one last time and inserts the card into his Blackdragvisor.



Ryuga levitates a few inches off the ground and Dragblacker circles around him. Dragblacker shoots fire behind Ryuga launching him toward Tombstone. Ryuga, covered in bluish flame, kicks toward Tombstone.


The kick connects and it creates an explosion and a crater.

"AGH!" Tombstone screams and is rendered unconscious in the center of the crater.

Ryuga grabs him and drags him back to his office. Ryuga and Tombstone exit the Mirror World from the window. Ryuga leaves him on the ground and re-enters the Mirror World.

*knock knock* "Boss, I heard a commotion, is something wrong?" said Hammerhead

After waiting for a few seconds Hammerhead calls out again. "Boss, you okay in there?"

After he was met with silence, Hammerhead rammed through the door destroying it. He saw Tombstone on the floor injured and bloodied.

"Boss!" He runs up to Tombstone and checks his breath. He is breathing but very weak.

"Call the docs! If the big man dies our heads are on the chopping board!"

More men came in and carried Tombstone carefully and brought him to the hospital.

Hammerhead clenched his fist and was furious. "Whoever did this is going to pay…"




Ryuga exits the Mirror World and is now standing in a bedroom. He takes out his Advent deck from his belt to cancel his transformation. Ace, now back in the mansion, meets up with Izu. She was outside the door waiting for him.

"Were you successful Ace-sama?"

"Yes, Izu. It was successful."

Ace's plan to stop Tombstone's operation was simple. To beat him up till he is out of commission. It might completely stop it but it will stall it for a while. With their leader down it gives a chance for the next part of the plan. Ace plans to spread the name of MetsubouJinrai.net. With them causing chaos and stopping operations in the underworld. Most criminals will think twice before acting. It is only Horobi and Jin for now and occasionally Ace will join in using Dark Rider powers.

"Are Horobi and Jin moving?" asked Ace

"Yes, Ace-sama. They have already received their orders and are now dismantling bases of Tombstone."

"Good, I will go rest. Goodnight Izu."

"Goodnight Ace-sama."




In other places, a wrestling match is currently underway. It was between a man in black shorts and boots with bulging muscles. Against a teen with a mask with bug-like eyes. The man charges at the teen but he jumps overhead the man crashing into the ropes. The teen then grabs the man and lifts him above his head. He then slams him into the center. The teen pins him and the referee starts counting.

"1…2…3! And he is out."

The crowd cheers for the teen as he raises his fist into the air.

"Everyone give it up for the Spectacular Spider-Man!"

Peter was doing his wrestling gig. For each match, he is getting paid. He found this job after seeing a wrestler performing at a mall. The wrestler was challenging anyone who could beat him and Peter signed up. He did not want to expose his identity so he wore a luchador mask. Peter beat the wrestler and a scout wanted to recruit Peter into wrestling. Peter agreed since he was getting paid to do it. 

Backstage. Peter was getting paid by his boss for the day.

"Here ya go kid."

"Thanks, uh… this wasn't what you promised me." said Peter looking at the money he received

"You either take it or leave kid. I've got others to pay besides you."

Peter grumbled but still took the money and left. He is now going home and riding on the bus. He arrived and saw his Aunt May and Uncle Ben waiting for him.

"Peter, where have you been? We were worried sick for you." said Aunt May

"Oh, sorry Aunt May was doing our project with Ned."

"You could have called us you were going to be late kiddo," said Uncle Ben

"Sorry Uncle Ben. I'm pretty tired so I'm going to my room."

Peter went up to his room to rest for the day. Aunt May and Uncle Ben were worried for him. Peter has been always coming home late recently and he won't talk to them at all. This got them worried even more.

"Ben, what are we going to do with him?"

"I'll talk with him May. Let's just go to sleep."

The two went to bed worried about their nephew.


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