A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 121

Ace Ukiyo sat in Nascita's main control room, his brow furrowed as he listened intently to Ark's announcement.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"Ace-sama, a distressing situation has occurred," Ark stated, its deep, authoritative voice filling the room. "Senator Robert Kelly has been kidnapped."

Ace's eyes widened at the news. "Kelly? What do you mean he's been kidnapped?"

"According to my analysis of security footage and news reports, the senator was abducted from his private helicopter by an individual matching the description of Mystique, a known mutant associated with the Brotherhood," Ark explained. "The helicopter has since been located, but Kelly's current whereabouts are unknown."

Ace clenched his fist, his mind racing with the implications. Kelly's anti-mutant stance and his push for the Mutant Registration Act had put him at odds with the X-Men and other mutant groups. Now, with the senator missing, Ace knew the situation could escalate quickly.

"We need to find him," Ace said, his voice resolute. "The X-Men and the others need to be informed. This could have serious consequences for mutants everywhere."

"I have already alerted the X-Men and other key individuals," Ark responded. "However, the location of Senator Kelly remains unknown. Mystique's ability to shapeshift makes her difficult to track."

Ace's brow furrowed as he processed the news. "Where was Kelly's last known location?"

"According to the available information, Senator Kelly's last known location was past the borders," Ark replied, its tone level and devoid of emotion.

"Ark, inform the X-Men that I'm heading out to Kelly's last known location," Ace instructed, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. "Time is of the essence, and we can't afford to wait."

"Understood, Ace-sama," Ark responded, its deep voice reverberating through the control room. "I will relay the message immediately."

Ace opened the door, stepping out into the vast expanse of the sands of time. The shifting dunes and the endless horizon stretched before him.

Ace stepped onto the DenLiner. With a nod to the Owner, he made his way to the front, determined to reach Senator Kelly's last known location before it was too late.

Ace arrived at the remote location, the vast expanse of wilderness stretching out before him. As he stepped off the DenLiner, his eyes immediately fell upon the smoking wreckage of a helicopter, its twisted metal frame a testament to the violent events that had unfolded.

Approaching the site cautiously, Ace surveyed the damage, his keen senses alert for any signs of movement or danger. The helicopter had been completely destroyed, leaving little in the way of clues or evidence.

Kneeling beside the wreckage, Ace carefully examined the debris, searching for any indication of where Senator Kelly might have been taken. The destruction was thorough, making it clear that whoever had orchestrated this had gone to great lengths to cover their tracks.

Ace tapped his earpiece, activating the communication link with Ark. "Ark, have you found anything at the scene?"

"Analyzing the wreckage now, Ace-sama," Ark's deep voice responded. After a brief pause, the AI continued, "I have detected traces of footprints belonging to three individuals."

Ace's brow furrowed as he examined the ground more closely, his keen eyes searching for any other clues. "Can you determine the direction they went?"

"Yes," Ark replied. "The footprints lead southwest, towards a heavily forested area approximately two kilometers from your current location."

Ace nodded, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Understood. I'm going to follow the trail. Keep me posted if you discover anything else."

"Acknowledged. I will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary," Ark stated.

Ace rose to his feet, his gaze fixed on the direction of the footprints. With a determined stride, he began making his way through the rugged terrain, his senses heightened and his focus unwavering. The trail of footprints was his only lead, and he knew he couldn't afford to lose it.

Ace followed the trail of footprints, his eyes scanning the terrain for any other clues. The forest grew denser as he pressed forward, the sound of snapping twigs and rustling leaves the only accompaniment to his determined steps.

Suddenly, a faint hum reached his ears, growing louder with each passing moment. Ace paused, his senses heightened, and he peered up through the canopy of trees. His eyes widened as he caught sight of multiple Sentinels soaring overhead, their metallic frames casting ominous shadows across the forest floor.

Without hesitation, Ace darted behind a large oak tree, his body instinctively shifting into a state of intangibility. The Sentinels glided past, their sensors sweeping the area, but Ace remained hidden, his breath held in anticipation.

Ace held his breath as the Sentinels landed nearby, their heavy metallic frames shaking the ground. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, but he remained perfectly still, his body shifting into a state of invisibility to avoid detection.

The Sentinels began scanning the area, their glowing red eyes sweeping across the forest. Ace could feel the intensity of their search, the weight of their mission pressing down on him.

"The target has not been located," one of the Sentinels announced in a cold, robotic tone. "We will continue the pursuit."

Ace watched as the Sentinels lumbered towards the same direction he had been heading. His eyes narrowed, realizing they must also be searching for the missing Senator Kelly.

The Sentinels marched through the dense foliage, their sensors scanning the area relentlessly. Ace followed closely, his enhanced senses alert for any sign of movement or danger. As they reached a small clearing, the Sentinels halted, their gaze fixed on a specific spot.

"The target has been located," one of the Sentinels announced, its voice echoing through the trees.

Ace tensed, his muscles coiled, ready to spring into action if necessary. However, the Sentinels' focus remained fixed, and they made no move to advance.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble, and Ace felt a surge of energy rippling through the air. A towering figure emerged from the shadows, its massive frame dwarfing the Sentinels. Ace's eyes widened as he recognized the unmistakable form of Juggernaut, the unstoppable mutant juggernaut.

Juggernaut's deep, booming voice cut through the silence. "You think your metal toys can stop me?" He let out a thunderous laugh, his confidence unwavering.

The Sentinels, undeterred, opened fire, unleashing a barrage of energy blasts towards the Juggernaut. But the powerful mutant simply shrugged off the attacks, his massive frame unaffected by the onslaught.

Ace watched in awe as Juggernaut charged forward, his momentum building with each step. The Sentinels attempted to impede his advance, but their efforts proved futile. Juggernaut's sheer strength and unstoppable force overwhelmed the machines, tearing them apart with his bare hands.

Ace watched in awe as Juggernaut's raw power decimated the Sentinels, the metallic titans crumbling under the mutant's unstoppable might. The sound of the battle echoed through the dense forest, and Ace tensed, his senses on high alert.

Suddenly, Ace heard a faint rustling behind him. He whirled around, his body shifting into a state of intangibility, ready to confront the potential threat. To his surprise, he found himself face-to-face with Rogue, her green eyes filled with a mix of concern and determination.

"Rogue," Ace breathed, his voice laced with relief and a touch of apprehension. He knew the danger they were facing, and the last thing he wanted was for her to be caught in the crossfire.

Rogue took a step forward, her gaze locked with Ace's. "I came as soon as I heard the commotion," she said, her voice low and steady. "Are you alright?"

Ace said he was fine. "Kelly must be nearby," he told Rogue, his voice tense with urgency. Turning his back to Rogue, he scanned the area, searching for any sign of the missing senator.

Suddenly, Rogue struck him, the impact catching Ace off guard. He staggered, bewildered, and whirled around to face her. "Rogue, why did you—"

But Rogue's form was already shifting, the familiar features melting away to reveal the blue-skinned visage of Mystique. The shapeshifter regarded Ace with a cold, calculating gaze.

Ace's eyes narrowed as Mystique's true form was revealed. The shapeshifter's words rang with a hint of triumph, and Ace realized he had fallen into a trap.

Glancing around, Ace saw the rest of the Brotherhood surrounding him – Pietro, Toad, Juggernaut, and Sabertooth. His heart raced, but he maintained his composure, unwilling to show any fear.

"Glad you could join us, Rider," Mystique purred, her tone dripping with false sweetness. "Although you made the mistake of coming by yourself."

Ace remained silent, his mind racing to find a way out of this precarious situation. He had hoped to avoid direct confrontation with the Brotherhood, but now he found himself outnumbered and outmatched.

"What do you want?" Ace asked, his voice calm and steady.

Mystique's lips curled into a smirk. "We have a proposition for you, Rider. One that could be... mutually beneficial."

Ace stood his ground, his eyes narrowing as he regarded Mystique and the assembled Brotherhood members. The shapeshifter's proposition hung in the air, and Ace knew he had to tread carefully.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked, his voice measured and devoid of any emotion.

Mystique's lips curled into a sly smile. "We have a common enemy, Rider – the Sentinels and the humans who seek to oppress us. Together, we could put an end to their plans, and ensure the safety of all mutants."

Ace considered her words, his mind racing. It was true that the Sentinels posed a grave threat, not just to the X-Men and their allies, but to all mutants. And the Brotherhood, for all their flaws, were formidable adversaries against such a foe.

"And what about Senator Kelly?" Ace asked, his gaze narrowing. "What do you plan to do with him?"

Mystique's expression darkened. "He will be made an example of," she said, her voice cold and unyielding. "A warning to those who would dare threaten our kind."

Ace felt a chill run down his spine. He couldn't let the Brotherhood harm Kelly, even if the senator's own actions had put mutants in jeopardy. Resorting to violence and brutality would only perpetuate the cycle of fear and hatred.

"I cannot allow you to harm him," Ace said, his voice firm. "There has been enough bloodshed already."

Mystique's eyes narrowed, and Ace could sense the tension in the air. The Brotherhood members shifted, their bodies coiled and ready to spring into action.

"You would choose the humans over your own kind?" Mystique hissed, her voice dripping with disdain.

Ace shook his head, his expression resolute. "I choose justice over vengeance. The X-Men and I have fought to protect both mutants and humans, and we will continue to do so."

Mystique's lips thinned into a tight line, and Ace could see the frustration in her eyes. He knew he was walking a fine line, but he couldn't back down, not when so much was at stake.

"Then you leave us no choice," Mystique said, her voice laced with a hint of regret. "The Brotherhood will do what is necessary to ensure the safety of our kind."

Ace tensed, his body shifting into a defensive stance. He knew he was outnumbered and outmatched, but he was determined to stand his ground.

"I won't let you hurt him," Ace said, his voice low and resolute.

Mystique's eyes narrowed, and Ace could see the gears turning in her mind. For a moment, he thought she might reconsider, but then her expression hardened, and Ace knew the confrontation was inevitable.

"So be it," Mystique said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The Brotherhood members surged forward, their powers and abilities converging on Ace. The Rider braced himself, ready to face the onslaught, determined to protect both Kelly and the X-Men's ideals of justice and coexistence.


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