A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 36

Dr. Connors works diligently in his lab late at night, striving to finish his serum despite the time constraints. Although Norman is eager for him to move forward with human trials, Dr. Connors is hesitant due to moral concerns.

“Norman… Why are you rushing so much? If you give me time, we don’t have to resort to these dangerous human trials…”


Connors meticulously reviewed the serum's formula in search of potential issues, conducting thorough checks multiple times without detecting any problems. Only through the use of test subjects would he be able to uncover any anomalies, and mice were too time-consuming. He then turned his attention to another sample of the lizard serum.


The serum glowed ominously green in the dimly lit room, seemingly beckoning Connors to utilize it. Despite taking a few moments to ponder alternative solutions, he was at an impasse with no apparent way out. Faced with the looming prospect of losing his job and his culmination of years of research, Dr. Connors steeled his resolve. Determined that the responsibility of testing the serum rests solely on his shoulders, he refused to let others bear the burden or risk of his work. Confident that his serum would work, he prepared to administer the serum to himself.


“I’m sorry, Peter, but I have to do this. Let’s hope it works.”


Following the injection of the lizard serum, Dr. Connors set the container on the table. Initially, he detected no immediate changes within his body, but a surge of heat enveloped him within moments. His muscles began to spasm uncontrollably, necessitating him to take a seat. As his breaths quickened, he was plagued by unfamiliar bodily aches unlike any he had ever endured before.




Dr. Connors's agonizing screams reverberated through the room as the intensity of the pain escalated. Suddenly, a peculiar itching sensation emerged from the stump of his right arm. Gradually, scales began to sprout from the stump of his right hand, rapidly expanding. Overwhelmed by the excruciating torment, Connors found himself unable to endure any longer, causing his vision to blur and ultimately succumbing to unconsciousness.


Two hours later, Connors regained consciousness, finding his body drenched in sweat as if he had just completed a marathon. The wetness saturated his clothes, leaving him with a sensation of physical exertion and fatigue.


“What happened? Did I pass out?”


Dr. Connors meticulously examined his body's condition, eventually directing his attention to his right arm. To his astonishment, his arm was encased in a cocoon-like skin. Gently peeling away the covering, he unveiled his right arm, now miraculously restored to its entirety. Despite a slight swelling, Dr. Connors was overwhelmed with joy at realizing he was once again whole.


“Hahaha, it worked! The serum worked!”


After conducting various tests to assess the functionality of his arm, Dr. Connors confirmed that it was fully operational. With positive results in hand, he promptly contacted Norman to share the incredible news.


“Hello, Norman, are you there?”

“I’m sorry, who is this?” Norman’s secretary 

“Dr. Curt Connors. I need to speak with Norman.”

“I’m sorry, Dr. Connors. He was heading to a hospital a while ago. If you can leave a message, I'd like to let him know when he is available.”

“No, I need to speak with him immediately. You said he is heading to a hospital; which one?”

“He is heading to New York Hospital.”

“Thank you”


As Dr. Connors hastily departed Oscorp to track down Norman, chaos ensued in the lab. The mouse previously injected with the lizard serum began emitting distressing screeches, undergoing a startling transformation. The creature grew in size, skin covered in green scales, teeth sharpened, and tail elongated. Eyes resembling reptilian slits, sharper nails, and increased aggression manifested in the mouse, causing it to assault the cage violently. Thankfully, with the cage previously reinforced by Peter and Connors, the creature was contained and prevented from escaping.




Dr. Connors called a taxi and got it.

“Where are you going, sir?” asked the driver

“New… York… Hospital.” 

Dr. Connors, experiencing intense pain, clutched his head as he sensed his body temperature rising and his consciousness waning. His rapid breathing and distressed demeanor led the driver to mistakenly perceive him as being under the influence of drugs.


“Sir? Are you okay?” asked the driver

“Yeah, I’m okay.”


The escalating pain intensified as Connors observed his right arm sprouting green scales and his nails sharpening. Soon, he noticed emerald scales emerging on his skin, further fueling his torment.


“Dude, are you really okay?”

“Just drive…” said Connors; with a deeper tone, and his eyes transformed into yellow slits; Connors' appearance took on a striking resemblance to a reptile. Startled by his transformation, the driver hastily drove off toward New York Hospital, overcome with fear.



Peter is currently swinging across New York, feeling concerned about Dr. Connors following Norman Osborn's visit. He observed Dr. Connors appearing visibly troubled, as though he had aged significantly quickly. Feeling powerless to help, Peter decided to distract himself by watching the city while assuming his alter ego as Spider-Man.


Up to this point, only minor crimes, such as robberies, hold-ups, and instances of thuggery targeting innocent civilians, have occurred in the city. To stay informed about any ongoing criminal activities, Peter kept a close ear on the police radio channel, ready to act immediately.


“I guess this is a slow day. I wonder how Gwen is doing.”

*All units, we have a monster attacking in our location. Requesting backup.* Peter picked this up from the police channel and was alarmed

“A monster? Could it be Vermin? That doesn’t sound good. Got to call Gwen.”


Peter calls Gwen, and she picks up.

“Hey Peter, what’s up?”

“Gwen, there is a monster attacking in the city. I think it's Vermin. I am heading there right now.”

“Send me the location.” Gwen said seriously that she did not want to miss this chance to capture Vermin.

“Alright, I’m sending you the location now.”



While riding in his luxurious limousine en route to New York Hospital, Norman gazed out of the window, deep in thought and reflecting on various matters.


*Cough, cough*


The sudden, violent coughing fit from Norman alarmed his driver.

“Are you alright, sir?”

“...No, I’m alright. I just need to take my medicine.”

Norman opened a pill bottle and ingested his medication. Within moments, he began to experience relief as his condition eased.


As the limousine proceeded towards the hospital, it unexpectedly encountered a traffic jam with numerous halted cars. Norman was perplexed by the sight of people frantically fleeing the scene. Concerned about the unusual situation, the driver decided to investigate further.


“I will check the situation, sir.”

As the driver stepped out to inquire about the situation, leaving Norman alone in the car, Norman waited patiently. However, he caught sight of a green tail waving in the distance, sending a wave of alarm through him.


“What is that?” he said curiously.

A car crashed beside him, followed by a distant roar, plunging Norman into a sense of imminent danger. Reacting swiftly, he exited the vehicle, only to face a colossal humanoid lizard in the distance.


The creature stood at a towering height of 6.8 feet, covered in green scales with tattered remnants of clothes. Its menacing facade featured razor-sharp rows of teeth, piercing yellow eyes, and claws on its hands and feet capable of effortlessly slicing through metal.


It stared at Norman, who was full of hate in his eyes.

“Norman…” The Lizard said with a growl. He jumped and reached his claws out to Norman. Norman tried to shield himself with his arms. A futile resistance but the Lizard was stopped when a web hit his hands.


“Hey, Lizardman, eating people is not good!”

Peter arrived just in time to save Norman. He pulled Lizard’s hand away from Norman and shot more webs to immobilize him.


“You better run away now, sir. This guy must have missed his lunch.” said Peter to Norman

Norman ran away, leaving Spider-Man and Lizard to face off.

“Don’t get in my way! ROAR”

The Lizard pulls Peter using his webs and slams his tail on him.



Peter gets flung away and crashes into a nearby car. The Lizard forcefully tears through the webs and launches an attack on Peter. Sensing imminent danger, Peter swiftly backflips out of harm's way, causing the Lizard's fist to be forcefully embedded into the car.


“Okay, you are a lot tougher than I thought.”



Peter rapidly web zips toward the Lizard, engaging in a flurry of punches and kicks aimed at the creature's face. As the Lizard brandishes its claws, Peter adeptly dodges the imminent attack. Quickly, Peter leaps over the Lizard, quickly webs its back, and hurls it towards a nearby wall. Seizing the opportunity, Peter entangles the Lizard in a web, pinning it firmly against the wall.


Peter gets close and inspects Lizard. “Okay, Lizzy, are you ready to behave and put in a nice cell? I’m sure they can give you a nice and cozy one.”


“Okay, maybe not.”


The Lizard fiercely bites through the webs and strikes Peter with his tail, sending him crashing to the ground. Before the Lizard can advance further, it is abruptly kicked away by Gwen, who has just arrived on the scene.


“What took you so long?” said Peter

“Hey, I have a lot more to take care of than you.” replied Gwen


The Lizard gets back up and roars to the two spiders.

“First, we have a giant rat, now a giant Lizard. What’s next, a giant rhino?” said Gwen sarcastically.


The Lizard leaps towards Peter and Gwen, and the duo collectively evades its attack. They shoot webs at the Lizard, but the creature adapts and dodges their web. The Lizard bites Gwen's leg in a sudden strike, but her armor prevents its teeth from breaking through. With force, the Lizard hurls Gwen towards a car, causing a collision.


While attempting a sneak attack, Peter's movement is detected by the Lizard, which retaliates by slamming its tail on Peter, propelling him towards Gwen. As they collide, the impact is powerful enough to overturn the car on top of them, leaving both Peter and Gwen in a dazed state.


Intent on ending their lives, the Lizard suddenly notices his right hand beginning to molt—a sign that the serum's effects are diminishing. Realizing the imminent reversal of his transformation, the Lizard reluctantly retreats to the sewers, leaving Peter and Gwen behind.


Peter and Gwen recovered, but they could not find the Lizard. They both felt terrible for letting him get away.

“Great, we lost the giant Lizard. How embarrassing.” said Gwen

“Should we tell the Rider?” said Peter

“We probably should. Now we have a giant rat and a giant Lizard loose in the city. Things are just getting better.” said Gwen sarcastically


They both left the area and hoped to find the Lizard, but their search proved futile.


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