A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 41

The following day, Ace, Gwen, and Peter all wake up. As Ace and Gwen come across each other in the hallway, Gwen appears to be blushing and unable to make eye contact with Ace.


“Good morning, Gwen,” said Ace 

“G-Good M-Morning, Ace. Lovely weather we are having today,” replied Gwen, looking out the window to avoid looking at Ace.

‘Why are you looking away, Gwen Stacy!? It is just a kiss, right? No big deal.’ thought Gwen internally. Gwen glanced at Ace for a moment before turning her gaze away.

‘Nope! It is still embarrassing!’


Ace notices Gwen looking embarrassed and avoiding eye contact with him. He also feels a bit embarrassed but tries to maintain a calm expression. Ace is delighted that Gwen is interested in him. After all, who wouldn't be happy when a wonderful person like Gwen has feelings for them?


Peter sees Gwen blushing and thinks she is sick.

“Gwen, are you alright? Your face is red. Did the Lizard mist affect you!” said Peter, a bit panicked.

Gwen's face blushes even more, and she gets embarrassed. “No! I'm perfectly fine! Come on, let's eat some breakfast! I'm starving!”


Gwen hurriedly makes her way to the dining room, hoping to escape any additional humiliation. This leaves Peter puzzled and genuinely concerned for his friend, while Ace enjoys Gwen's endearing behavior. Both Peter and Ace decide to follow Gwen to the dining room.


When Peter and Gwen walked into the room, they were greeted by a breathtaking display of Japanese cuisine spread across the table. The aroma of freshly prepared dishes filled the air, captivating their senses. Meanwhile, Ace remained composed, unfazed by the lavish spread, as this was his daily breakfast. Izu, a Humagear model not initially designed for culinary tasks, took it upon herself to prepare Ace's breakfast every morning. She approached Zea, requesting the download of culinary knowledge and installing cooking modules into her system, determined to learn the art of cooking. This dedication touched Ace deeply, making him feel honored to be served by such a talented and devoted companion, evoking a sense of privilege akin to that of a wealthy young master.


“Look at the amount of food… they look so good…” said Peter with drool coming from his mouth.

“Do you eat like this every day, Ace?” asked Gwen 

“Yeah, Izu cooks for me every day, so this amount is normal for me.”

“Izu is amazing… she can cook so many dishes,” said Gwen

“Thank you, Gwen-sama,” replied Izu, standing on the side.


“Come on, let's eat—no need to hold back. I'm sure your spider powers changed your metabolism. You need to do more, or else you will always get hungry, right? It is also the same for me.”

“Wait, you have powers too, Ace? I thought you only have your armors?” asked Peter.


Instead of answering, Ace transformed into the Wolf Orphnoch before returning to his human form shortly after, surprising Gwen and Peter.

“Is this also part of your inheritance?” asked Gwen

“Yes, let’s start eating before we are late for school.”


As they all indulged in the Japanese breakfast before them, Gwen and Peter experienced an explosion of flavors that left them in pure bliss. Every morsel felt like a luxurious treat as if they were dining at a prestigious five-star hotel. Meanwhile, Ace observed his friends with amusement, thoroughly enjoying their hearty breakfast, while Izu stood nearby, beaming with pride at the sight of them relishing her culinary creations.



After finishing their breakfast, the students discussed the recent attack by the Lizard at the zoo and how Kamen Rider and two spiders managed to stop it.

“Everyone is talking about it, huh?” said Peter

“Well, we are quite famous in this school, so it is not surprising,” said Gwen, watching all the students talking about their superhero identities,


“Hey guys! Have you seen the news in the zoo?” said Ned

MJ and Ned approached them and talked about the incident with the Lizard.

“Yeah~ we totally saw it,” said Peter, looking at Gwen and Ace.

“It was totally cool! The way Spider-Man and Spider-Woman fought was awesome. The Rider even has a new armor!” said Ned excitedly, talking about them.

“Of course they are. They are the best superheroes ever!” Flash yelled behind them, grabbing the group's attention as he and Liz approached.


“Did not know you were such a fan, Flash,” said MJ

“Of course, I’ve been a big fan of the two spiders since they first started, but not so much the Kamen Rider. He just gives me the heebie jeebies.”

“Every time the news talks about them, that is all he talks about. It is starting to get annoying,” said Liz, crossing her arms

“Come one, Liz. You have got to admit Spider-Man and Spider-Woman are cool,” said Flash, trying to soothe his girlfriend.

“Yeah, they are pretty cool,” said Peter; he wasn’t expecting Flash to be such an avid fan of his.

“Well, duh, they are more of a hero than you will ever be, Parker. See you losers later.”


Flash and Liz walked away toward their next class, leaving the group alone.

“I still don’t like him, but I have to admit. He has mellowed out than before,” said Ace

“All thanks to you, Ace. Come on, let’s go, or else we will miss the next class,” said MJ


They all walked to their next class, with Ned and MJ walking ahead while Ace, Gwen, and Peter walked side by side.

“I kind of forgot since the whole secret identity just happened, but what should we do about Dr. Connors,” asked Peter

“I don’t know. Finding him hiding in the sewers will take a long time, and we still don’t know why he attacked the zoo or what his plan is.”

“I think we should go out and find him,” said Gwen

“And risk being attacked in his territory? That is a bad idea, Gwen. All we can do is wait.” rebutted Ace

Gwen and Peter sighed since they could do nothing but wait.



In the NYPD office, George Stacy looks over his desk, which is filled with stacks of paper. He has been busy lately due to the Lizard attacks. His men were exposed to the gas released by the Lizard, which nearly turned them into monsters. George feared the worst, but fortunately, Kamen Rider, Spider-Man, and Spider-Woman saved and cured them.


“What has the world come to…” George found himself unable to suppress his complaints. As a young, inexperienced cop, his concerns were limited to drug dealing, theft, and sporadic homicides. He had anticipated that ascending to the position of chief would improve his life, but instead, he found the world growing increasingly bizarre and unpredictable.


Mutants are appearing more frequently and causing distress, especially the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Aliens invaded Earth and attacked New York when a giant hole opened in the sky, and now giant monsters are loose in the city. Even vigilantes have started appearing one after another in recent years. He was apprehensive about them and wanted to put them behind bars, but they were usually the only ones who could take on the superpowered criminals the cops could not handle. Kamen Rider convinced him they may be necessary, but George will keep an eye on them when these vigilantes start going rogue.


George was about to settle down and tackle his pile of paperwork when one of his subordinates burst into his office, looking visibly panicked.

“Chief! We have a problem. The giant rat is back again and wreaking havoc.”

“What! Dammit, send officers en route to stall and evacuate civilians. I’ll be calling for backup.”


The subordinate nodded and exited the office. George took out the Battacandroid to call for Ace.



During a lecture, Ace felt a slight vibration coming from his bag. He discreetly reached for his Battacandroid. He suspected that Captain Stacy might be trying to reach him. With a serious expression, he answered the call without drawing any attention to himself.


“What happened, Captain Stacy.”

“It is the giant rat again. It revealed its ugly head. I already sent officers to stall it.”

“Make sure anyone doesn’t get close to it. We don’t want any more casualties.”

Ace ended the call and got Peter and Gwen's attention.


“What’s wrong, Ace,” asked Peter

“Vermin has appeared. We need to stop him.”

Gwen clenched her fist; she had been waiting for this moment. ”How do we get out of here?” she asked.

“Leave it to me.”


Ace sent a message to Ark, and suddenly, the school’s speaker made an announcement.

“Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, and Ace Ukiyo. Please report to the principal's office. I repeat Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, and Ace Ukiyo. Please report to the principal's office.”


“That’s our cue,” said Ace as they got up from their seats and exited the room.

MJ observed her friends and got suspicious. “What are those three up to?”


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