A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 51

“Tsuiseki. Bokumetsu. Izure mo… Mach! (Track. Exterminate. I’m always at… mach speed!) 

Kamen Rider—Mach!”


The Hydra agents were dumbfounded. “What…”

Creel's body trembled with rage. How could his enemy, during battle, find the time to strike a pose?

“Are you making fun of me!” shouted Creel

“Tch, tch, tch. Introducing yourself is important, you know.” replied Ace with a mocking tone.


Creel now knows the Rider is mocking him. “I going t squash you like a bug!”

Creel charges at Ace, his ball and chain swinging dangerously over his head. With a swift dodge, Ace narrowly avoids the deadly projectile, the air crackling with the intensity of their clash.


|Kamen Rider Mach is a character from the Kamen Rider Drive series. Mach possesses formidable strength, with the ability to punch and kick harder than Drive's Type Technic and Wild forms and almost as fast as Type Speed. He can also jump higher than Drive and has the capability to hover in the air for a short period by releasing power through concealed vents in his thighs.


Mach utilizes Signal bikes to perform various abilities, and these bikes are powered by NEX-Core Driviars, an enhanced version of Core Driviars.|


Ace summons the Zenrin Shooter, a white pistol with a small front wheel attached to it. He then started shooting at Creel, but the bullets were just bouncing off of him.

“Hahaha! That pea shooter won’t harm me, Rider!”


Creel gets close to Ace and starts attacking him with punches and his ball-and-chain. Even though Creel was attacking him, Ace was calm and dodged his attacks. Ace is much faster than him, so he has a lot of leeway. He spins the tire in the Zenrin Shooter.




He landed a solid punch on Creel with the Zenrin Shooter, causing him to stagger back a few feet. Closing in on his opponent, he delivered a powerful flying knee kick to Creel's face, further disorienting him. As Creel stumbled backward, he took another shot to the face. 

"You're pretty slow. I wonder if you can hit me?" Ace taunted, mocking Creel.


As bullets whizzed through the air, Ace swiftly dodged and sprinted to evade the incoming fire. Meanwhile, the Hydra agents remained active and unleashed a barrage of shots as Agent 13 took charge, barking out commands. "Keep firing! Don't let him catch his breath!"


Ace dodges and weaves as the relentless gunfire from Hydra agents fills the air. His movements are erratic to block their aim. With cat-like agility, he leaps into the air, firing his weapon at a group of Hydra agents, effectively disarming them with expert precision.

“I guess I need to defeat them all at once.”


He takes out a new Signal Bike and inserts it into his driver.





|Signal Kaksarn: Allows Mach to activate the Kourin Signal Kaksarn, enabling his Zenrin Shooter to launch attacks in every direction and hit all his targets simultaneously.|


As he aimed at the Hydra agents, the wheel on his right shoulder shifted to display a new Kaksarn symbol. With precision, he fired at the enemies before swiftly pressing the white button known as the boost igniter on the driver, propelling himself forward.


The bullets exploded into shrapnel, striking the Hydra agents and causing them to collapse unconscious. Their weapons were obliterated, leaving Agent 13 stunned.


"Damn it!" Agent 13 exclaimed.


The Rider proved to be a more formidable adversary than anticipated. With no prior knowledge of this form, his men were incapacitated, leaving Agent 13 feeling incredibly frustrated.


“Creel! Stop him!”

“What do you think I’m doing!”

Creel charges at Ace throwing his ball and chain wildly at him. Ace dodges and flips while shooting at Creel. This only serves to annoy him, making him madder.

“Rargh! Come here, you little coward! Fight me like a man!” yelled Creel

“Maybe you should improve your speed instead. Maybe lose a couple of pounds.” replied Ace


Creel's adrenaline surged as he lunged at Ace, tackling him to the ground. Quickly, Ace flipped over Creel and delivered a powerful kick, sending him sprawling. In the heat of the action, Mach swiftly changed to a new Signal Bike.

“This one’s dangerous.” said Ace.





The Kaksarn symbol turned into the Kikern symbol. He then aims the Zenrin Shooter and shoots toward the sky.




A massive Kikern symbol materialized in the sky, and from within it emerged a colossal bullet adorned with razor-sharp teeth and fierce, baleful eyes reminiscent of a bullet bill from Mario Kart.


|Signal Kikern: Allows Mach to activate the Kourin Signal Kikern, enabling his Zenrin Shooter to summon a Demon Beast that starts out small but then grows to giant size in nanoseconds so that it can maul the opponent with bites.|


This surprised the Hydra agents, who could not believe what they saw.

“What the heck is that!” said one of the agents.

“Is that a real-life Bullet Bill!? I thought they only existed in games!” said another agent.


As Creel bravely faces the Demon Beast, it suddenly lunges at him, sinking its sharp teeth into his arm and hoisting him into the air. It hurls him around, leaving him dizzy and disoriented.

“Let me go, you monster!” said Creel while being thrown around by the Demon Beast.

“I told you it is dangerous.” replied Ace.


“Grr…” Agent 13 did not expect this to happen. This was supposed to be a simple extraction mission to get one person, but they couldn’t defeat him. Agent 13 refuses to believe this.

“All units! Capture him at any cost!” commanded Agent 13


The Hydra units swiftly surrounded Ace, attempting to restrain him with their combined strength. Their attempts proved futile as Ace effortlessly fended them off with powerful punches and swift kicks. With precision, he swiftly dispatched the Hydra soldiers with his firearm, causing them to fall one by one.


In the midst of the chaos, Agent 13 advanced toward Ace, unleashing a barrage of bullets from his automatic rifle. Ace responded with equal force, and the air crackled with the sound of their exchanged gunfire. Dodging the incoming bullets, they closed the distance between them, engaging in a tense standoff. In a decisive move, Ace disarmed Agent 13, causing his rifle to clatter to the ground. As the confrontation escalated, both combatants drew their pistols, unleashing a flurry of gunfire in close quarters.


Agent 13 seizes Ace, but Ace retaliates in kind. Ace hurls Agent 13 to the ground and then subdues him, pinning him down and applying a chokehold. Agent 13 fights to break free from the hold, but his efforts prove futile. As he begins to lose consciousness, Creel enters the scene and intervenes, seizing Ace, repeatedly slamming him onto the ground, and finally hurling him away, causing him to tumble along the ground.


“HAHAHA, how do you like that, punk!” said Creel

“You couldn’t help sooner.” said Agent 13, recovering and annoyed.

“Hey, that gian bullet was a pain, you know!”

While talking, they did not notice Ace changing to another Signal Bike.





A large stop symbol loomed over Creel and Agent 13. Upon touching the symbol, they were instantly paralyzed, unable to move a muscle.

“What the hell!”

“We can’t move.”

“Sorry boys, but it is time to end this.”


Ace opens the Mach driver, presses the boost igniter, and closes it for the finisher,



Ace leaped into the air and performed a graceful somersault, resembling a spinning buzzsaw as he generated vibrant blue energy. He propelled himself towards Creel and Agent 13, his movements swift and precise. Just before reaching them, he extended his foot with a powerful strike.


The force of the kick triggered a powerful explosion, hurling Agent 13 and Creel across the room. As Ace landed, he lifted the visor on his helmet, exhaling a steam plume. Surveying the aftermath, he saw Hydra agents strewn about, some unconscious, others nursing injuries. Pondering his next move, his first thought was to notify Fury of the event.


Abruptly, billowing smoke filled the air, obscuring his vision. A sense of impending danger gripped him, prompting him to prepare for an attack. As the smoke dissipated, no immediate threat occurred. It was then that Ace realized the disappearance of Agent 13 and Creel. He tries to find out where they went but to no avail.


“They got away…” said Ace disappointed.


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