A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 55

As always, Ace made his way to school, his mind consumed by the looming threat of Hydra. The morning sun cast long shadows across the bustling streets of New York, but Ace barely noticed the familiar sights and sounds of the city. He was scheduled to meet with Fury today, and with Hydra closing in on him, he realized that he might have to put his patrols on hold for the time being.

The school grounds were buzzing with students, the usual morning chatter filling the air. Ace spotted Gwen near the entrance, her blonde hair catching the sunlight as she waved at him.

“Morning, Ace,” Gwen greeted, her smile bright but quickly fading as she noticed the troubled look on his face.

“Morning, Gwen,” Ace replied, trying to muster a smile but failing.

Gwen's eyes narrowed with concern. “What’s making you so gloomy? Did something happen?”

Ace sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping. “I guess I can’t hide things from you, Gwen. Let’s just say I got ambushed yesterday.”

Gwen's eyes widened in alarm. She stepped closer to him. “What!? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” she asked frantically, her hands moving to check his body for any injuries.

Ace felt a bit of embarrassment as Gwen's touch became more touchy. “I’m fine, Gwen. I mopped the floor with them. It wasn’t really much of a challenge.”

Gwen relaxed and sighed with relief. “Okay, that’s good. But what exactly happened?”

Ace glanced around, making sure no one was eavesdropping. The school bell rang in the distance, signaling the start of classes. “I’ll tell you after school with Peter,” he replied, his voice low and serious.

Gwen nodded, her worry still lingering but tempered by trust in Ace's abilities. “Alright, just be careful, okay?”

“I will,” Ace assured her, giving a small, reassuring smile before they headed to their first class.


After school, Peter, Gwen, and Ace met up in their usual spot by the park. The late afternoon sun bathed the area in a warm, golden glow, and the distant hum of city life provided a comforting backdrop. Ace recounted the previous day's events, explaining how he had heard someone calling for help and was suddenly surrounded by agents when he arrived. He managed to beat them and detained them in his underground base. This revelation surprised Gwen and Peter.

Peter's eyes widened in astonishment, and his voice rose with excitement. "You have an underground base!? Since when?"

Gwen rolled her eyes and playfully swatted Peter on the head, her ponytail swishing with the movement. “That is what you’re surprised about!? He got attacked, for Christ's sake!”

Peter rubbed the little bump on his head, wincing slightly. “Come on, Gwen. He has a secret underground base! You can’t tell me you aren’t excited about that!”

Gwen couldn’t really argue with that. Her curiosity was piqued, too. “I’m interested too, but that is beside the point!”

Ace chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement at his friends' antics. “Okay, you two. That’s enough. You can visit Nascita when you have time. I might not be able to patrol for a while until I deal with the people after me. I hope you can protect New York while I’m gone.”

“Why don’t we help you, Ace? I’m sure Peter and I can help you stop these people,” Gwen suggested, her concern evident in her furrowed brow.

Ace shook his head, his expression serious. “No, Gwen. The people after me aren’t some thugs or crime bosses in New York. They are something bigger and are most likely after the Rider Systems. If you come with me, they’re going to put a bigger target on your back. Besides, we can’t leave New York unprotected.”

Gwen sighed, reluctantly accepting Ace's reasoning, her shoulders sagging slightly. “Fine, but we will be here if you need any help.”

Ace smiled, grateful for his friends' unwavering support. “Thanks, guys.”



Ace drove through the night in one of the trucks provided by Izu. Inside the truck, the Hydra agents were detained, gagged, and blindfolded. He navigated the dimly lit streets with a sense of purpose, heading toward the location Fury had provided.


As he passed several police cars on patrol, he couldn't help but think, ‘Hydra really wants to find me, huh?’ He was prepared to mobilize if anyone got too close. The weight of the situation pressed on him, but he remained focused.


Ace arrived at a dilapidated building and knocked on the door. Spotting a nearby security camera, he held up the Desire Driver. After a few moments, Natasha Romanoff opened the door, her expression serious.


“You’re here. Are the agents in the truck?” Natasha asked.


“Yeah, should I just leave them here?”


“We’ll deal with them later. I’m sure they won’t move anytime soon. Fury also wants to ‘talk’ to them afterward. Follow me.”


Natasha led Ace down to a dimly lit basement. The room was cluttered with documents and advanced equipment. A whiteboard covered in notes and images resembled an intricate investigation board. In the middle of the room stood Nick Fury, his presence commanding.


“Welcome, Rider. Sorry for the mess. Just got this place up and running.”


“No problem. Is it only us?” Ace asked, scanning the room.


“No, let me introduce you.” Fury motioned toward a group of people emerging from the shadows.


One was an unassuming American man, another a woman of Asian descent, a third with short hair, and the last a man with a bow and arrow.


“Meet Agent Coulson, Agent May, Agent Hill, and Agent Barton.”


Agent Coulson approached Ace first, extending a hand. "It’s nice to meet you, Rider. It’s good to know you’ll be helping us against Hydra."


“The pleasure is all mine, Coulson.”


“Call me Phil.” Coulson, dressed in the standard SHIELD uniform, had an air of approachability. Standing at 6 feet tall, he had the appearance of a benevolent gentleman one might encounter on a stroll. With a long tenure under Fury, Coulson had earned his superior’s trust, despite occasional uncertainties about Fury's directives.


“Melinda May, pleasure meeting you.” Melinda May, in a sleek black combat suit, exuded an aura of deadly efficiency. Known for her stealth, agility, and expertise in martial arts, marksmanship, and espionage, she was one of the most skilled operatives in the field.


“Maria Hill, I work for Fury.”


“Yeah, I know you. Fury’s right hand. I read some files about you,” Ace said.


“Those are supposed to be classified.”


“Well, SHIELD tried to hack me, so I just fought back and happened to get some information.”


Maria Hill squinted in displeasure upon discovering her information had been leaked. As Fury’s trusted ally and a commanding officer in SHIELD, she supervised the Avengers initiative alongside Fury and remained deeply involved with the team.


“Here, I thought the Avengers wouldn’t be included,” Ace said sarcastically.


“Can’t really back down when the Director calls. Name’s Clint,” Hawkeye said, extending a hand.


“I know the famous Hawkeye. I heard you never miss a shot?”


“Wanna test that?”


The two shook hands, sharing a mutual respect.


Hawkeye, a formidable member of the Avengers and a highly skilled SHIELD agent, shared expertise similar to Natasha's. Not only a master martial artist, he was also adept with various weapons. His bow and arrows were his weapons of choice, with a perfect track record of never missing a shot. His quiver held arrow tips for multiple purposes, including explosives, containment, and grappling hooks.


Ace looked around at the assembled team, feeling a sense of camaraderie and purpose. "Thanks, guys. Let's get to work."


"Is this your entire team?" asked Ace, surveying the assembled agents.

"Yes, it's hard to find someone to trust when SHIELD is infested by Hydra," replied Fury with a grim expression.

"I still can’t believe Hydra still exists," added Phil Coulson, shaking his head in disbelief.


"And we are the only ones who can stop them and save SHIELD," Fury asserted, his voice resonating with determination that reverberated through the room.


The agents exchanged glances, their resolve hardening as they prepared to undertake this critical mission.


"Rider, did you bring what you promised?" Fury asked, turning to Ace expectantly.

"Of course, I have it right here." Ace handed Fury a flash drive containing vital information obtained from the Hydra agents.

"Director, what is that?" Maria Hill inquired, leaning forward with interest.

"A present from him. This should bolster our operation immensely," Fury explained, his eyes briefly flickering over the contents of the drive.


Ace then placed a briefcase on the table, drawing curious looks from the SHIELD agents. Opening it, he revealed a Desire Driver with a red ID Core and an emblem resembling a spider. Inside were also two Raisebuckles: the Ninja and Claw buckles.


"Are those what I think they are?" May asked, her eyes widening slightly.

"Yes, they're meant for Agent Romanoff here," confirmed Fury.

"So you're going to wear a suit of armor now, Nat?" Clint teased Natasha, earning a playful glare from her.

"Shut up, Clint. Are these going to be my equipment?" Natasha asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes, take care of them, alright? I'm lending you the Ninja and Claw Raisebuckles. The ID Core is linked to you, so only you can use the driver," Ace explained.

"I'll keep that in mind. Does the Ninja one give me ninja abilities?" Natasha queried, intrigued.

"Yes, and the Claw will enhance your combat skills with claws," Ace confirmed.


Natasha nodded thoughtfully, taking the ID Core and inserting it into the driver.




"It's quite an interesting piece of tech. Do you think you can share it more, Rider?" Coulson asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Maybe..." Ace replied cryptically, hinting at possibilities.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, let's discuss our next steps," Fury said, shifting the focus to the mission ahead.


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