A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 58

The X-Men and Brotherhood continued to argue and debate until they turned their attention back to Jubilee.

Wanda put her hands on Jubilee’s shoulder. “So, Jubilee. Do you want to join the pathetic X-Men or join us, the righteous Brotherhood for mutant kind.”


Wanda's eyes glowed red for a moment, and she felt something block her power. Jean notices what Wanda is trying to do and uses her power to stop him from influencing Jubilee.

“Hands off witch.”

“Oh, Jean. Still acting the good girl as always. I'm only trying to make her choose the correct path.”

“It is her choice to make. If she willingly goes with you. I won't stop her.”


Jean turns her attention to Jubilee and looks at her with understanding. “Jubilee, I know you making this decision is hard. Whether you choose to join them or us or not, join at all, we will support your decision. Just know that we X-Men will help you with whatever you need.”

Jubilee thinks for a moment, and after a few minutes, she makes her choice.


“I-I heard a lot of bad things the Brotherhood has done, and I don't really want to be seen as a terrorist. I want to join the X-Men.”

When the X-Men heard her, she would join them. They became happy.

Kitty hugs Jubilee. “Great! When we get back. I'll be sure you to show you my Star Wars collection.”

“Thank you for trusting us, young Jubilee. I'm sure you will be able to meet others like yourself back in the school.” said Storm.

Scott nods, glad their mission is a success.


Wanda and Pietro, we're not happy with the outcome, especially Pietro. “Oh, how touching. Too bad we are not asking.”

Pietro uses his speed to knock each X-Men back and grabs Jubilee. “We wanted to do this politely, but you forced our hand. You're coming with us whether you like it or not.”

Jubilee struggles to break free from Pietro's grasp. “No! Let me go!”


Scott recovers and calls everyone. “Come to me, my X-Men!”

The rest of the X-Men gathered near Scott in battle-ready stance.

“Let go of her Quicksilver! She already had made her choice.”

“Sorry, Jean. No can do. Our father sent us to get her. Don’t want to disappoint him.”

“Then you leave us no choice.” Scott fired an optical blast at Pietro, but a red barrier prevented the blast from reaching him.

“Thank you, sis.”

A red aura covered Wanda’s hands, making her presence even more frightening. “Get her out of here I’ll stall them.”

“Oki Doki”

“No! Storm, Rogue, Iceman, stop him!” commanded Scott. He, Jean, and Kitty went to stop Wanda.


When the violence broke out, panic spread through the crowd as people fled and cries filled the air. The sight of the mutants engaged in combat struck fear in the hearts of onlookers, who desperately sought to avoid being drawn into the conflict. In response to the chaos, two armed guards swiftly entered the scene, training their weapons on the mutant combatants.

“Hands up! Don’t move you monsters!”


Wanda seized the chairs and tables around her using telekinesis and hurled them at the guards with great force.

“I won’t let you harm them!” Scott shoots optic blasts at the thrown objects, destroying them.

“Kitty! Get them out of here. We don’t want anyone hurt.”

“Got it!”


Kitty runs toward the guards and grabs them. “Sorry, boys. Need you to clear the area for a bit.”

Kitty and the guards phase through the walls, and she brings them to safety.

On Storm and Rogue’s side. They are outside of the mall, and Storm flies up into the sky and shoots lighting bolts down toward Pietro, being careful not to hit Jubilee.

Pietro looks at Storm and taunts her, “What’s wrong? Can’t catch me?”

Storm became increasingly frustrated with Pietro's attitude and decided to summon powerful winds that rushed toward him, lifting him off his feet and carrying him away.

“WAAAAHHH” Pietro gets thrown and tumbles to the ground.

Jubilee who was not used to being so high up, screamed. “Help me!”

Storm controls the wind and gently sets her down. “It is okay, Jubilee. You’re safe.”

Jubilee reorients herself and questions how things ended up like this. “Tell me how did things end up this way!?”

“The Brotherhood doesn’t know when to give up, and they use rather forceful methods.”


Pietro recovered and looked at the X-Men pissed. “That hurt, you know.”

“Stop this at once, Quicksilver. Jubilee is coming with us.”

“You already heard we can’t do that. She is coming with us.”


The earth trembled, causing the X-Men to stagger. A massive wave of soil surged towards them, crashing into their bodies and sending them sprawling.

Three figures emerged from the shadows. One was a towering, obese man, while another was clad in gleaming silver armor. The third figure was a skinny man with pallid green skin and a long, toad-like tongue.


Rogue recognizes the three men and knows they are part of the Brotherhood. “Great, even more bozos decided to join.”

Jubilee is confused and doesn’t know who they are. “You know them?”

“The obese guy is Blob, the man in armor is Avalance, and the guy who smells like sewers is Toad.”

“Oh come on, Rogue. Why the harsh words? Hahaha.” replied Toad sarcastically.


“Shut it, frog face!”


“Enough fooling around! You go stop the X-Men. I’ll get the girl.”

“You got it boss!”


Blob, Avalanche, and Toad went to fight the X-Men, and Quicksilver went after Jubilee. Iceman shoots ice blasts, but Avalance counters, sending waves of earth to intercept the blast. Avalanche has the ability to generate powerful seismic waves from his hands, creating highly destructive effects.


Blob is fighting Rogue. Blob's mutant powers relate to the mass, strength, resilience, and indestructibility of his obese body. “Come here, little girl. The Blob will teach you a lesson you will never forget!”

Rogue looks disgusted looking at Blob. “I soo do not want to touch you.”

Even though Rogue can copy any abilities through skin-to-skin contact, she can already imagine what will happen to her when she gets Blob’s powers. She will become a 500-pound obese woman, and she will never want to become that under any circumstances.


Rogue punches Blob in the stomach, and her arm sinks into his flesh and she cannot pull her arm out. “Yuck! This is disgusting!”

“Hahaha! No one can hurt the Blob!”

Blob swings his body, pulling Rogue and throwing her across the ground.


Storm was about to send lighting to help Iceman and Rogue when she felt something disgusting attach to her hand.

“Sorrah hahe. Han’t het you ho hat.” Toad swiftly seized Storm with his mouth, leaped towards her, and forcefully kicked her to the ground.

Storm recovers and sends electricity through Toad’s mouth. “Unhand me!”

“Bzzzzt!” Toad let go of Storm, but his face was filled with soot from the lighting.


“Come on work! You were doing fine just a second ago!” Jubilee tries to use her powers to stop Pietro, but she doesn’t have much control over them.

“What’s wrong? Can’t use your powers?” taunted Pietro as he was zooming around Jubilee.

Jubilee's reaction was instantaneous. Her arms ignited with brilliant, fiery energy as she unleashed a scorching blast toward him. The force of her attack struck Pietro with incredible force, sending him hurtling to the ground at breakneck speed.


“Hah! Take that!”

Pietro was seething with anger as he bolted towards Jubilee lightning fast. With a swift tap on her chest, all the accumulated speed translated into a powerful blow, dealing devastating damage.

“Don’t get cocky newbie. That was beginner’s luck.”

“Jubilee! Storm got worried and tried to help, but she was stopped by Avalanche, who sent a pillar of rocks toward her, knocking her back.

“You’re going nowhere.”


Jubilee reorients herself after Pietro sends her flying. “Uhh…”

He was standing in front of her and was about to grab her. “Time to go, newbie. Can’t keep Magneto waiting.”

“No…” Jubilee said weakly.

Pietro was about to grab her when, out of nowhere, a fist smashed into his face, knocking a tooth out. He was sent flying and rolled across the dirt, completely caught off guard.

He spits blood out and turns toward who hit him. “Who the hell was that!”

In front of Jubilee stood a figure that seemed otherworldly, more akin to a demon than a human. This being had a striking appearance, with dark purple skin, crimson hands, and two formidable horns protruding from their head. A fearsome oni face adorned their forehead, creating a truly haunting visage.


“It is rude to put your hands on a lady. More so kidnapping her.” said the oni.

Pietro did not like the newcomer who just interrupted him. “Who the hell are you!”

“Kamen Rider Hibiki. I’m here to help. Are you okay young lady?”

“Uh, yes…” Jubilee looks stunned seeing her savior.

Pietro realizes who the oni is.“Kamen Rider!”

“You're correct!”

“What are you doing here!? This is none of your business!”

“Of course, I here came to help. A hero is supposed to butt into people, and you, the Brotherhood, are kidnapping a frightened girl. I won’t ignore that!”

Ace takes out two taiko drumsticks called Ongekibou Rekka from his back and goes into a battle stance.

“Now, come! I will stop you!”


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