A Scale of Sapphire

Chapter 82: An Earth Shaking Discovery


Now out of public view, Cyrus let the mask of his magnanimous persona slip, if only just a little. His confident, flashy smile was replaced by a grin of smug confidence, his shoulders drooped, and his posture shifted from rigid perfection to something much more natural. It was odd. Even before we’d left, even before he’d gone so over the top with the self obsession, he’d never seemed so… human.

He looked tired.

Good. That’d make our job easier.

Soon, we arrived once again in Cyrus’ office space, and he gestured to the chairs across from him. Chelsea and I took our seats with only a brief moment of hesitation, one that thankfully went unnoticed. Cyrus took his own, resting his elbows on the desk and meeting both our eyes in turn.

“So,” He began, looking at me. “I take it you found your mother’s killer?”

Power, dominance, and fear washed over me like a wave as his presence zeroed in on the two of us. Below the desk top, out of his view, my fist clenched tight. I knew what he wanted. He was hoping that fear of his wrath would keep me from lying to him, but I feared the consequences of him learning too much even more. I had to be careful here.

“I did.” I tried to smile, but it withered under his gaze. That was good. Genuine fear could be interpreted as deference, and that’s what I needed him to believe. “How did you know?”

He smiled, flashing me his still sharpened canines.

“Her blood. I can still smell it on you, though I suppose that couldn’t be helped. It’s not like you would’ve had many opportunities to bathe out there.” He leaned a little closer. “How did it feel?”

What did he want to hear? What did he expect? He must’ve known that a trip this long would cause his presence to fade, right? During that last week of tracking, I was clinging desperately to the memory of those emotions, while Chelsea had already shaken them off. Was this about loyalty? Was it a test?

“I don’t know…” I decided it’d be best to take a guess at what I would’ve felt if I had done it. If I’d stayed loyal to him. “I thought I’d feel proud or satisfied or happy, but I just- it used to be my dad, y’know?”

Now she’s my moom, and I love her.

“Used to, Matt. That’s the important part. It stopped being your father a long time ago.” Now, comfort and calm began to overtake me, each of his words making me more relaxed. “You did the right thing, and I’m proud of you.” His eyes slid over to Chelsea next, and the burden of his presence was lessened slightly as he focused on her. “And now on to business. Did you find the moon?”

“We did.” Chel’s voice wavered just a little bit. She was always better than me when it came to our presence training, but the sense of disgust she felt at what Cyrus had done to us, what he was trying to do to us now, was much more visceral. “Although it would be a bit more accurate to say that she found us. Just like you said she would.”

“Just like I said…” The room fell silent for a moment as the dragon studied us over his hands. Fear, deep and primal, settled into my gut. This wasn’t his presence. This was something else. Some part of me knew where this was going. “You know where she is, you both certainly had my scent on you when you left, and yet for some reason she allowed you to return. Isn’t that just so… fortunate?”

“I’m not sure exactly what you-”

“Enough, Chelsea. You know exactly what I mean, You may as well stop pretending.”

“I really don’t-”
He let out a rumbling hiss, baring his teeth as scales began to dot his skin. “Yes you do, girl, but just so we’re clear, let me spell it out for you. I know how long my presence lasts, and I know it must’ve faded weeks ago. I know that the moon would never have allowed you to return to me unless it was to her benefit, and I expected this from the start. I know you’re a traitor, I know you despise me, and I know that neither of those things matter. You will tell me where Aoife is, and for every lie you speak, I will take a finger.”

“Presence?” I piped in, subtly turning on my radio. He was completely mask off now. We needed to take advantage and get a confession before he decided to have us searched.

“So the little ingrate didn’t even tell you what it’s called?” He huffed out an annoyed sigh. “Yes. Presence. It’s a power shared by all dragons, although your little moon’s is a good deal weaker than my own. It’s how I keep order around here.”

“Then Chel was right?” He seemed less wary about me. Maybe he thought he could still wrangle me back under his thumb. I needed to use that. “I wasn’t- I wanted to talk to you so I could be sure… You’re messing with our heads, aren’t you? I felt it when we got back, emotions that weren’t natural, this ridiculous calm even though I knew I was going to confront you about this! How could you?!?”

Maybe I played it up a bit much, but Cyrus was a guy who liked to hear his own voice, and I set him up perfectly.

“Because it was necessary! I’ve been planning this since before magic even returned, boy! The other suns showed me a path, and I’ve followed it! If we’re going to wipe out those damn monsters who’ve been living among us for the last fucking millenia, I need forces who are unswervingly loyal to me, and completely incapable of pitying the freaks. If I make myself their hero, then whatever I call monster becomes a villain by default! Humanity will stand above all, and I will drag you to the top kicking and screaming if I have to!”

It was at that moment an explosion shook the room.

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