A Side Villain…

Chapter six

Adventurer’s Guild was one of the most happening places in the entire Origin City. The guild was the place where one could register themselves as adventurers and get an ID card which is required to enter Dungeons both inside and outside of the city. The guild also has quests which any adventurer could take provided that he had sufficient ranking for it.


The ID card not only served as a token for entering a dungeon but it also functioned as a status window for others to check someone’s stats. In the game appraisal skill was a limited to only two individuals one being the tier X character Obsidian Dragon who had it as an innate skill and the other being none other than the protagonist who by some pure dumbshit luck happened to stumble across it in one of the dungeons outside of the city. The appraisal skill was so powerful that until you are a tier X character it couldn’t be negated and in this entire world those tier X characters could be counted on one hand.


“I need that appraisal skill  Richard is already quite strong so taking one or two skills from him shouldn’t be that bad.” Akira said to himself.


After the class ended he straight away went to the branch of Adventurer’s guild that was situated in the Origin academy, this branch was specially made for the students so that they could get their ID Card without going to the main guild and the academy could get their stats listed in their records. It was a win-win for both the parties but only a few people knew the Academy's real motive behind all this.


He entered the guild and it was exactly like in the game, a big spacious room containing a reception desk where a cat girl could be seen helping some students, a notice board which contains details about the quests listed by the guild, a teleportation portal to the dungeon’s entrance and stairs that were leading to the guild administrator’s room on the first floor. The main guild in the city was regulated by Guildmaster while its branches were regulated by Administrators.


Akira decided to get his ID card first and for that he went towards the reception desk where that beastkin was now typing something in her computer not paying much attention but her ears twitched a little when she heard footsteps coming in her direction. She looked up and saw that it was a first year student coming here which was unusual as they won’t be here until the end of the first week but there are always some exceptions, aren’t there?


In the game all the students were required to register themselves at the guild but it was only announced after a week or so but the protagonist being protagonist registered on the second day and went inside the dungeon making people shock at his ‘creative insight’ and ‘far sightedness’ though isn’t it expected of a prince to already know the traditions of Academy in advance?


Now that Akira thought about it he laughed at the developers for trying to make the protagonist ‘cool’ in front of everyone.


“Nyaa- are you a first year student?”


“Yeah my name is Akira, how are you doing?”


“I am good nyaa. What are you doing here on your first day nyaa?”


“Oh I was hoping you could give me an ID card for dungeon diving.” I so badly want to pet those cat ears.


“Ooh… ID card on the first day, are you sure about that nyaa?” She asked, taking some interest in this first year.


“Super sure, I want to explore the dungeon and see what’s there.” And increase my strength for the things to come, though he didn’t say the other reason in front of her.


“Wait for me here nyaa.” With that she went inside the staff room and brought a white slate made of rock with her.


“This is called an appraisal stone which can be used to look at your stats and make your ID card based on it. I need you to drop some blood in the centre of it, nyaa.” How could I forget about this appraisal stone, a super rare artefact which shows the skills of some but only the overview of it and nothing detailed and it had a limitation that the user needs to be in the correct state of mind to make this work. Mind control, slave magic, pressure of any sort on the user makes appraisal stone unable to show their stats.


“Oh and keep your head cool nyaa..”


He used the pin kept on the stone to poke his fingers and that worked as drops of blood poured out and dropped on the white stone making it glow in a green light, ahh this light is blinding how is she able to resist? 


Wait, where did she get those sunglasses on?


The process took a few minutes and the entire time she was staring at him making the atmosphere a little uncomfortable but then the green light died out and finally his stats were shown on the slate.

Name- Akira

Race- Human

Bloodline- Iron

Tier- 6, third level

Skills- Can’t display

Artefacts- Can’t display

Weapon Proficiency- Can’t display

“Not bad nyaa, tier 6 is above average nyaa~.”


“Thanks, my ID Card?” he asked.


“Oh it’s here, the appraisal stone itself makes a new ID card and according to your bloodline it is of Iron rank nyaa.” 


The rank of your ID card depends upon the bloodline grade and since mine is Iron it's showing that. Bloodline ranges from copper-bronze-Iron-silver-gold-platinum-mithril-orichalum-adamantite with copper being the worst and Adamantite the absolute best, bloodline determines the maximum room one has to increase his strength. In simple words if your bloodline grade is copper then no matter how much training, how much resources or how much artefacts you put into your strength, it wouldn't increase beyond a certain limit.


Perhaps she saw that I was looking intensely at the card in my hands and was feeling dejected over Iron bloodline so she tried her best to console me which was not required but since she’s got cat ears she’s gets a pass.


“Don’t worry nyaa, even with your Iron bloodline you have made it to tier 6 if you work hard it could get better nyaa.” She then smiled to prove her point and I have to say those cat ears are dangerous as when she smiles it becomes irresistible to pet them.


“Thank you for that.” I said and looked at the teleportation portal at the corner of the room.


“Umm since today’s a half day can I use that to go dungeon diving?”


“Uhh.. you can but don’t you want to explore the campus, make new friends and perhaps even a girlfriend nyaa?” 


“Hehe that could be done later but can I go into the dungeon please?” Come on, I know the campus at the back of my hand. As for the friends I need to get past my death flags first and a girlfriend, let’s not talk about that.


“Sigh, sure if that’s what you want. Step inside the portal and pour just a little bit of mana it will activate, the desired location is set to the first floor of the Origin dungeon by the way have you taken your stuff nyaa?”


“Yeah, I already have it in the storage ring.” 


“Good luck nyaa.” She said and waved bye towards me.

By circulating some mana in my right hand the runes in the portal get activated and my visions start to blur, the surroundings start changing and my consciousness also gets a little assaulted by this process. Even when I knew that the teleportation process is quite ruthless for first-timers it still goes beyond my ability to resist though I wonder why she didn't tell me about it nor did she tell me about her name too bad as I already know that.


Back with Reception


After sending Akira to the first floor of the dungeon Nyla starts reworking on her job. She was a second year student and would be here for the next semester, not only it helps her in gaining extra credits but she also gets some inside information like just now how she got to know about the appraisal of that first year student.


Talking about him it was quite weird to see someone here on the first day of Academy, most of the people won’t even know that academy has a branch of adventurer’s guild and since the campus is so vast if you don’t know the exact way to the guild it’s impossible to arrive here and that’s why Nyla thought that he was just exploring the campus and made his way here but the next thing that he asked for made her shocked. He wanted a ID card on his first day that’s totally unexpected from a first year student, most of them would be told to register her after the first week so that they could get adjusted to this new atmosphere and then their practical classes would begin but that’s known only to second and third year student and they are prohibited to tell this to the first years so what was his reason for getting a ID card still eludes her.


From the room upstairs a figure could be seen walking down the stairs and coming towards the reception desk, she was a female and from the normal looks most probably a human but she had those muscles which looked more like sculpted by an artist rather than made by hard work and training. She was wearing a short skirt and small shirt only covering the bare necessary, her hair were open and they had a sort of vitality going around them. She was carrying a sheathed sword and a shield making her look ready for the next war and her vibes were that of a military leader.


When Nyla saw her she immediately straightened her posture ,her cute and chirpy atmosphere that was shown to Akira was gone and instead it was that of a trained soldier waiting for his commands.


“Nyla.” She said,


“Reporting to Officer Laura everything is in order.” 


“Hmm, did someone come for an ID card?” Laura Berker asked Nyla.


“Yes officer Laura, a first year student, did come and completed the procedure for the ID card.”


She then took a pause and continued


“As expected from Prince Richard though, I am surprised that he came today instead of tomorrow.”


“Prince Richard?” Nyla asked in confusion.


“The one that came for the ID card was him.” Laura replied.


“Uhh no officer Laura it was someone called Akira.” Nyla was afraid of angering the officer but she had to clear the misunderstanding.


“Send his details to my office.” Laura said and went back but stopped after sensing that someone had used the teleportation portal.


“Did he also use the portal?” 


“Yes officer Laura he was quite adamant about that.”


“Hmm.” Laura began thinking about this student who instead of exploring the campus wanted to go dungeon diving, it was unheard of and she had to investigate this.


“Did you atleast tell him about the after effects of using a portal?”


“Nyaa!!.” Nyla forgot about that and honestly it could be bad for someone below tier 6 but since he was tier 6 he would be fine right?


“Nyla!!” Laura shouted at her carelessness.


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