A Side Villain…

Chapter twenty one

Around two and a half hours have passed since the start of this event and the leaderboard in the sky has somewhat stabilized after the constant up and down due to sporadic findings of treasures.


The leaderboard was something like this,


  1.  Richard Von Astrom 35 points 

  2.  Drake Lionheart       30 points

  3.  Aurora                      25 points

  4.  Alexandra                 20 points





  18. Akira                        5 points


The leaderboard had not segregated the individuals and groups and was showing collective rankings otherwise Alexandra would have been number one in individuals with a staggering twenty points which alone shows how capable she is.


Now the majority of groups and individuals were eliminated in the last two hours and only the survivors were present in the center of the room which was arranged as a maze and from the top of a tree you could see that it had three of the treasures but to go inside the maze and then find them was a challenge.


Also the fact that there was only half an hour remaining for this task made them anxious. They were also wary of other groups who had tried to snatch their treasures and it had somewhat opened up their heads about the dangers in dungeons and places like this.


The maze was quite big and intricate, there was only one entrance which could accommodate around ten people at once and when they went inside the maze it was like there was another realm present in the room itself and from the entrance several pathways were laid out.


These pathways were leading to various ends out of which three had the desired outcomes i.e. the hidden treasures. Drake, whose group was just one treasure behind Richard's, was desperately thinking about the correct path to head on.


“Shin, what do you think?” He asked the wolfkin.


“Well the first one smells of flowers, the second one is decaying matter, the third one has no light whatsoever and the rest of them have a similar smell only the one at the end is a burning inferno.” He had excellent olfactory resources and coupled with his eyes which could see a lot he described the pathways.


“Should we go towards the one with flowers?” Lana asked him but he shook his head.


“That one does smell of flowers but after it there's a dead end with nothing in sight.” Shin concluded and everyone who was not eliminated listened to his analysis.


Aurora was standing next to Richard’s team and had the same exact report from the ranger of his group, she too wanted the treasure to at least equal the gap between her and the other two. But at this point she was at an impasse.


Alexandra who had four treasures, was still not satisfied with herself and wanted at least two more to be content with herself. That's why this half an hour was so crucial for her so without thinking much she went towards one of the pathways which had the smell of decaying matter.


Seeing her go inside that one Richard quickly came forward and tried to stop her by saying,


“Are you crazy? Didn’t you just hear that this one has nothing but dead bodies inside of it?” The others too were confused at her decision to go inside of that one.


“Don’t talk so casually with me.” She shrugged him off and went inside.


“Yeah go inside and waste your time for all I care.” Richard shouted behind her and she stopped in her tracks.


“Do you have a problem? Why don’t you go and mind your own business?” She was getting annoyed by this purple haired guy.


“I am just thinking about you.” He said and turned back to his group.


“Who do you think you are?.” She sneered and went inside but not without having a somewhat impression of this purple haired boy.


Akira who had managed to stay low and make it to the center of this room without any danger was standing at the back of these people and saw this little interaction of future lovers and sighed thinking this is how their first interaction went by.


He also remembered that this was the first time that the feelings of love for Lily had sprouted in Richard’s heart, so this could be called the start of his future harem, a harem which had nothing to do with him, yet.


Ah yes now that he was here why not get another treasure and another five points to his total which would push his rank from double digits to single digit and that would look quite good on his result sheet. Now that this was decided he had to go on a pathway which was relatively safe and less crowded.


“Hmm I think we should go in that one.” Lily pointed to one of the pathways which had a symbol of a snake above it.


“Are you sure about it?” Richard asked to which he nodded.


“Yes I have a feeling that there’s something inside of it.”


“Well then I will trust you on that.” He was already on the top and even if Drake managed to get another five points they would be tied.


Just at the moment when they and Aurora had decided to move to one of the path they saw a lone figure going in the last pathway which as said earlier was described as raging inferno and this thing shocked everyone.


Yes they wouldn’t be really hurt in this room and at worst they could be teleported outside of it but they still felt pain and the experiences were real not a mere simulation, so when they saw someone going inside the inferno they were panicked some wanted to stop him but they stopped when someone whispered his identity.


It was Akira, the guy they had been hearing so much about and generally they had a negative image of him so even though when they wanted to tell him to stop him they didn’t. They thought it was stupid of him to go inside even after seeing and feeling the hot temperature.


Lily who also saw this was panicked and yelled at him,


“Akira, are you really an idiot? Didn’t you listen that there is nothing but raging inferno inside that.” That drew everyone’s attention to them, highschool kids loved gossip more than anything and this was a top grade thing.


Akira who was going in the inferno also stopped and turned back to look at her with a surprised face to which she averted him and stepped sidewards. He didn’t really wanted to talk with her as he felt there was something still present inside him which wanted to be close to her.


So he ignored her and began walking inside only to be stopped once again but this time it was Richard,


“Hey didn’t you listen to what she said? Even after all the things you have done to her she still thought about helping you.” 


“Yeah? Did I ask anything from her?” Akira’s tone was cold and ruthless which almost surprised him too.


“What makes you say that? She’s just trying to help a fellow student.” Richard argued.


Drake who was watching all this came up and put his hand on Richard’s shoulder and said,


“Why are you making trouble my friend? If he wants to go inside and experience that pain then it’s his choice.” 


“Well I was just looking out for a student.” Richard said and shrugged it off.


Lily was mad, she had put aside her differences and talked to him but his tone and attitude was opposite of what she had expected and now if he wants to go inside of it so much then be it.


Richard and everyone now wanted to see what would happen when he went inside so they halted.


Akira was now almost at the entrance of the pathway and he had to admit that maybe it was a bad decision but trusting his knowledge from his past life he endured the sizzling hot and flesh warping heat and moved forward.


Lily wanted to stop him once again but decided against it and watched him going inside the inferno.


And as expected all this inferno was an illusion to deter anyone from going inside and inside of it was short grass and a blue sky which was relaxing, there was also this little glass statue of a fairy laying on the ground which was a treasure.


Upon touching it another five points were added to his quota and everyone outside also watched his ranking shooting from 18th to 11th meaning that he must have found something inside.


“Haha that guy is either the luckiest guy or the dumbest guy to ever exist” Drake said to Richard who also nodded to it.


Lily was again flabbergasted at this, first it was him getting the first rank and now it was again him getting the last point. Was this just her imagination or something has changed with him? Nah she was thinking too much how could someone like him, who used to chase her change this much.


The rest of students also went inside the other pathways and some found the two remaining treasures, Alexandra had chosen the wrong path and almost vomited due to the rotting smell of flesh inside.


Aurora was the lucky one as she got another treasurer taking her total to 30 points, Drake was lucky too and thanks to Shin’s hard work he now had a total of 35 points similar to that of Richard and now these two were the combined rank one.


The remaining students were teleported outside once the time limit ended and now everyone from first year was standing near the mana simulation room with Laura standing in the middle of them.


This has been an enlightening experience. Almost everyone had got to learn one thing or two and they could say that the life inside a dungeon was going to be even more dangerous than this as they also had monsters inside of them which could kill them at once and end their stories.


“So now that you have experienced something real you must be having mixed feelings.” 


“Well you might have not noticed but it’s almost time for the academy to end.” She said and yes now that they saw it on their new watches it was almost time to go home well for C,D and E section students.


“Oh and before you guys go the top ten rankers will meet me in the guild’s office.” Laura said and walked away.


Akira sighed and thanked stars for getting the 11th rank as he was not going to get mixed in their shenanigans and would either go home or to the dungeon for the grind.


“Ah yes even the 11th ranker has to be present.” Laura said and then walked away from there making him sigh in annoyance.


Just why does he have to be there? It makes no sense, no wait, is it because of the fact that he decided to be in the top ranks instead of those protagonists who try to hide their real power?


He decided to leave it like that and went to his classroom where his bag was kept, while walking in there he met the two boys Kazuya and Dave who shivered after seeing his face and ran away from there. He laughed and thought that this was not a bad feeling.


He was not going to act like a little bitch and endure everything done to him, that is for the protagonist to do and he certainly wasn’t going to be one but yes he has to tread carefully and not expose all of his secrets, secrets which could save his life.


After walking for a while he was again in the classroom where everyone else was too but they just ignored him as usual so he went to his desk and took the bag and decided to head out not before looking at the girl he had to talk with after this.


Back in Laura’s office at the Guild’s branch at the academy all the top ten rankers both individual and groups were standing and listening to her, Akira was the last to arrive and knocked at the door.


“Come inside.” Laura said.


“I am sorry for coming late.” He apologized.


“No worries now what was I saying, you guys are the best of the first year and it’s no secret that the academy wants you to be even better so I have an announcement to make.” Laura said and everyone looked at him with expectant eyes.


“After your theory tests the ones who maintain their ranks or even those who get into the top ten would be given additional training and let me tell you it would be the best in class and moreover it would help you level up pretty quickly inside the dungeon.” She concluded the sales pitch and now everyone had new determination in their eyes.


They wanted to be part of this training and who wouldn’t in their right minds? This was the best among the bests, you would be getting top notch trainers who would only teach you and not the rest of the first years, you would have unlimited access to the mana simulation room unlike the five times in a month for the rest.


And the best part is that it was guaranteed to level up under them so it’s quite a lucrative offer right? Even royalty like Richard and Drake couldn’t get unlimited access to the mana simulation room and couldn’t guarantee the level up thing so it was the best right?


Well it was and it wasn’t for once you enroll in it you would be getting no time for anything else and from morning to night it would be training and training, second you can’t leave the academy premises during the training, third you had to maintain your inter and intra year rank otherwise you would be thrown out.


So for someone like Akira who doesn't like to be chained to strict rules and most importantly get involved anywhere the main cast was, it was like a nuisance to deal with so he doesn’t want to be involved in it. Oh and there was also the fact that a lot of future events were going to happen around this which he certainly doesn't want to be a part of.


“So one has to fare bad in the theory exams to not get selected right?” He blurted out in mid of Laura’s speech and everyone looked at him like he was insane or what?

Who in their right minds would try to get out of something like this?

They were watching his face trying to see if he was joking or not but seeing that he was serious they had disbelief written all over their faces. Even Laura was somewhat shocked to listen to his question, why would he try to get out of this? He’s just an E section student so getting into this was like a dream come true.


But since he asked so she answered,


“Yes, if he's not able to score well in theory then he won’t be able to make it.” 


Then she also clarified some other doubts of the students and after sometime told them best of luck for the upcoming theory exams and like that they were walking outside of the room. Laura without looking at them said,


“Oh Akira please stay back. I have a few questions to ask.” 


Now everyone was outside and only he and Laura were present inside the room with Laura sitting and him standing across the table. She looked at him top to bottom and then thought,


“You were the first guy to get a treasure.”


“I was lucky?” He replied.


“Hmm and you were also the first one to use violence inside.” She said while still analyzing him.


“Well there was no other choice.” He said without showing any emotions.


“So why didn’t you try to get another treasure during the entire 2 hours?” She was right, he was just hiding and watching others doing their job in that room.


“As you may know, Miss Laura, I am quite weak and have to hide myself from others.” He absolutely didn’t want to get on her radar.


She nodded, his academic profile and ID card has been already brought to her and looking at that anyone could say that he was average, his bloodline was Iron which meant his potential was not good and even though he was able to get inside the academy his IQ was not that great.


But then why was her intuition telling her that this boy was hiding something deep within him and she should focus on him as he was not who he shows on the outside. Should she believe in her intuition or the proofs lying on the table?


“From your questions I assume you don’t want to get involved in this extra training?” She needed to know why?


“Yes Mam.”


“Why is that?”


“Why do you ask?” He was panicked for the first time in their conversation, he couldn’t just tell her all the shit that was coming ahead and his reason of not joining this.


“Yes I want to know the reason why would someone not want to get enrolled in the extra training? Isn’t this the dream of everyone in the world, to become the strongest and have the best resources at their disposal?” She was right and now he was thinking hard.


“I- I think-think-” He still couldn’t make up something to refute her.


“Well what’s your answer? Why are you not able to speak? Are you hiding something?” Seeing that the conversation was tilting in her favor she decided to press on him and push him to a corner.


Despite his advantage of an extra life Laura was proving a difficult opponent to talk with, he needed to think something quickly if he didn’t wanted to get entangled there.


“Since you don’t have anything to say I assume that you are hiding something and would cause damage to this institution.” Laura again pushed him.


“It isn’t true.” He calmed himself and said to her,


“Then what’s your reason?” She asked.


“I am not worthy enough.” He finally had something in his head.


“Worthy?” She was confused.


“I believe that there are others much better than me, they have higher bloodline, more knowledge and more potential to become something greater. Even If I try my best I can’t reach where they could.” He explained.


She listened to him and yes he was kind of right, in this world bloodline determined your potential to become stronger and his Iron one was let’s say not the best to work with. Even the academy would not enroll him in that training and spend resources and that’s the thing stopping her.


Her intuition had never been wrong and has helped her countless times even in life and death battles. Sometimes her intuition would save her life and this was her intuition telling her that this boy was more than he shows.


“But still that’s the academy's decision to choose anyone.” She argued.


“Yeah and how many Iron bloodline students have made it to that group?” 


“That is..” She couldn’t refute as none of the Iron bloodline couldn’t keep up with others and had to drop out later.


“There’s also the fact that if I get into that group more students would hate me which I don’t want as my reputation is already quite bad.” She didn’t know about that but it would be known sooner or later.


“Very well you can go.” Laura told him and he excused himself.


Coming outside he sighed and felt his legs and hands were still shaking from the confrontation, he came up with something to deter her but was not sure that the ‘worthy’ thing was gonna work so he used the ‘bullied’ card.


They wouldn’t really take someone who’s hated by almost everyone right? Well that’s what he thought.


It was already getting late and if he goes to the dungeon it would be late night when he reaches his home which was definitely something he couldn’t afford to. So it was decided to drop the dungeon today and simply head home.


Today’s jargon of things was a bit too much to take into and he needs to take a good shower and delicious food to soothe himself.


Ah also there’s this girl that he needs to talk with.

Hey guys how are you doing? So I wanted to inform you all that my college exams have started and would go on for a month or so. The releases might be slower than the usual other than that it should be all good maybe..

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