A Side Villain…

Chapter two

Reaching home took more time than I anticipated, well it was bound to happen. Origin city is the largest and the most prosperous city on this whole continent and finding your home when the memories are somewhat cluttered is a difficult task. Though the task was completed and my home was now infront of me.


It was nothing opulent or spectacular to speak of, a two storey building just like the rest of other houses in the neighbourhood but this felt homely not to me, but to the previous guy. His feelings which were there were once again washing over me when I reached this place.


Going ahead and knocking at the front door a few times,a sweet voice replied from inside and even without Akira’s memories I could tell it was Evelyn, his mother, a retired healer.


“Is that you Akira?” She said before she opened the door and took a little sigh.


“Do you know what time it is? We were getting worried about you, it was night and you didn’t return home.” She said all that with an annoyed expression though worry was also laced to that.


“I am sorry mom, it won’t happen ever again.” I said and hugged her to calm my inner self and those lingering feelings.


“What’s wrong? Did you had a fight with her?” My mother was way off the point.


“Nothing like that, I just felt like it and I love you mom.” I couldn’t say anything else other than it, perhaps it was the best thing I did as the raging feelings again subsided and let me relax a little.


“I love you too sweetie. Come inside, dinner is ready.” She said and went inside leaving me standing there.


“Yes mother.” And with that I went inside.


Comfort was the word that could be used to describe this feeling of being in a home, now before I arrived here it was me and no one else. Yes you guessed right, the life of an orphan. I had no one to look upto while growing up and that’s why I would cherish these new parents of mine and that’s something even the previous Akira wanted to do well before he became an obsessive prick that is.


I went into my room which was on the first floor and it was surprisingly clean, totally unexpected from this side villain, though it is for the better as I prefer cleanliness and Akira also preferred that. Rummaging the stuff that was kept here and there my body automatically went towards the mirror that was hanging in the wall and finally I got to look after this new body.


In the game you don’t really pay any attention to him or any side character, the main focus is the protagonist, his companions and sometimes the antagonist if they are compelling enough. The Akira that I knew looked nothing special, slim guy with long black hair and black eyes and after double checking with my reflection in the mirror they were the same.


Long hair was really not my game nor did it suited this body but this idiot kept them long as Lily once told him that she likes guys with longer hair. What a simp, but then again he was mad in love and people do crazy things in love right? So the first thing tomorrow morning is getting a new hairstyle and after that annulling our engagement. She would be quite happy about that.


“Akira my friend, if you love someone then let her go.” I said to myself still trying to calm down that emotional rage inside of me.


“Akira come down, we are waiting for you.” Mother called me from downstairs.




Now how to talk with my father?


The dinner was delicious, the chicken she roasted and the vegetables packed a perfect punch, so much that now my stomach was hurting from overeating and the apple pie was still remaining. If only she had told me that there was apple pie for dessert I would have eaten a lot less, but what’s done is done and regret is to follow.


At the dinner table all three of us were sitting and eating like a family should, my mother was angelic and devoted to her duties as a housewife and my father Leonard well he had a strict face, one that makes you scared. Akira was used to this face so it was easy to look at him and reply to his mundane questions. Things were going easy until he asked the question I was not ready for.


“So son, how are things working out for you and Lily and any progress with her?” Leonard asked in his usual deep voice and that seemed to have triggered those calmed feelings inside of me.


“Actually I wanted to talk about it, I have made a decision which you guys might not like.” It’s no use delaying this when I already have decided to leave this death flag.


“Hmm, is there anything wrong between you two?” My mom clearly worried about my relationship with her, though it clicked a question in my mind: why are both of our parents so adamant in marrying us? Yes it was a promise they did but seriously was there no other reason?


“I want to end this engagement.” Pin drop silence followed, both of my parents were looking at me with their jaws dropped and eyes bulging open. Well looks like it was too much to accept for them.


“Are you sure about that?” My mother asked, coming out of her stupefied state.


“Son, if it is one of your new charades to win her attention then let me tell you it’s not a good one.” Father sighed and shook his head.


“No, we have been together since childhood and everyone just accepted that as your acceptance to the engagement but clearly no one asked her about this. She doesn't want it and I had enough of her.” Please understand, leaving her is my one shot to life and peace.


My father looked at her wife and they conversed with their eyes and the room fell silent. I was patiently eating the apple pie waiting for their response. If they gave a no then running away is the next best thing, I don’t want to die certainly not as a stepping stone for the protagonist, heck I don’t even care if he dies any moment.

“Hmm, looks like Goddess Origin has finally blessed you. I am so happy darling.” Mom said with a smile to dad and he also showed one of those rare smiles.


That left me gawking at them thinking did they just do an 180 degree flip?


“Oh don’t look at us like that, Akira we made a promise to her parents but it was nothing serious, only a small matter. Then you came along and made a mole out of the mountain, it was your stubbornness that made us relent and now it looks like you finally gained some knowledge. That girl although her appearance is good but the way she had treated you in the last few years is too much for us but we accepted that because you were happy.” Dad explained taking a few pauses here and there and now it was time for me to get shocked.


Just how much does Akira’s parents love him? It was mostly a fringe element in the gameplay and never shown properly so I had no idea about it but now looking at it from my own eyes, they loved him more than anything else and yet the previous guy chose to suicide over a girl not thinking what would these guys do after he’s gone.


Without my attention, tears started falling down, mom noticed them and brought me in a tight motherly hug and the tears started rolling incessantly. Is this what I was missing back on Earth? This is so gentle, so caring this love is something to die for, is this why anime protagonists get an absurd power up? This power of family and friends?


Mom and dad, I am not letting you down, for me and for the previous guy.

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