A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 12

I had made a grave mistake. While it was my fault for teasing Reine and convincing her to take a bath with me, I had forgotten an important fact, I was a child. And if there was one thing I should have learned by now, it was that my emotions were easily heightened or influenced to change. Such was the predicament I had gotten myself into when I witnessed Reine undress before my eyes. The maid clothing was rather thick and had obscured her figure to a degree. While she appeared somewhat slender in her uniform, I had not expected her to appear so athletic underneath. She wasn't on the level of a professional athlete, but her well defined muscles showed she certainly did some kind of training.

Thankfully I was adept at hiding my emotions, but it still took me a considerable amount of time to collect and calm my excited emotions. One would think that after five years of being in a girl's body and hanging around naked with one's mother that I wouldn't get flustered by the female form. Yet here I was, being self-conscious as Reine's hands felt like they danced across my skin and cleaned every nook and cranny. It was the first time in this life I had ever really felt embarrassed, and while I knew I had no one to blame but myself, I swore I would thoroughly tease Reine later to make up for it.

It didn't take long for such a chance to arrive. After relaxing in the hot bath water for a while I noticed that Reine seemed tired and was having trouble keeping herself awake. I simply had to act naturally as to not let her tired mind wake fully, and let her think she was dreaming. With my plan set I scooted closer to her before gently pulling her arm. "Nee-chan, it's time to get out of the bath, you'll catch a cold."

Reine looked at me with slightly hazy and tired eyes. "Ojou-"

"Call me Vell like you usually do." I cut her off, pretending to pout. There was a moment of doubt in her eyes but I quickly pulled on her arm distracting her. "Hurry up Onee-chan, we need to dry off."

I could see there was some resistance, but she her tired mind eventually gave in and she played along, likely thinking she was dreaming. Reine had prepared towels beforehand so it wasn't an issue to dry off, though I purposefully did a bad job to see how she'd react. Just as I wanted Reine noticed and lightly gripped me as I tried to 'sneak' away. "Vell, you haven't properly dried off, come here, let me do it."

I didn't resist as she bent down and pulled me over and began to dry me off. It was somewhat ticklish to have someone else dry my body off, but it quite pleasant at the same time. Once Reine had thoroughly dried me off she produced a brush from somewhere and began to gently brush my hair while lightly humming. Her movements were smooth and precise, as if she had done this many times before, though after a minute or so, her movements suddenly changed. The brush had been placed down and she was running her hands through my hair, playing with it, and occasionally even sniffed it.

I let her do as she pleased for a few minutes before suddenly pulling away and standing up. "Reine-san, it's time for bed." I spoke somewhat coldly and watched as Reine's somewhat lax and tired face suddenly became alert. I then watched her expression shift slightly as she thought about the events she had just done, her face flushing with embarrassment. "Ve-" she began before catching herself. "Ojou-sama, forgive my disgraceful display."

I laughed mischievously. "Just call me Vell, Onee-chan, I like it better this way." Without giving her a chance to reply I rushed from the bathroom and flung myself into the large bed in the center of the room. It was quite soft and comfortable, but I felt that the silken hammock Ashara had made was better. As I looked back towards the bathroom as Reine walked out I smiled to myself as I saw her conflicted and embarrassed expression as she picked up the clothes I had simply left lying on the floor.

As she put my laundry in a hamper, her nightgown slightly swaying, I couldn't help but tease her a final time for the night. "Nee-chan, sleep with me, I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep by myself." I made my voice slightly quiver as I pleaded. I wasn't planning to push it like the bath, I simply wanted to watch her cute reactions as she was conflicted over it. I was not disappointed as I watched her freeze up, almost like a deer in headlights, I saw her tinge with embarrassment again before she collected herself. "It would be inappropriate Vell, but I shall go ask Lady Marian if she could indulge you."

It was my turn to be flustered. I had expected a rejection, yet I hadn't thought she would offer an alternative, and before I could protest Reine had already fled the room leaving me alone.

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