A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 145

Despite the monster being so large it was a surprisingly difficult task to get close as I had to deftly avoid the large clawed front legs as well as ensuring that I would either convert or avoid any of the electric discharges that leapt from its massive frame. I did however manage to make it within striking distance and quickly thrusted out, even a single small cut infected with my Yinfire could be deadly. However, the closer the blade got to the body, the harder it felt to continue pushing, as if it were already deeply buried in the flesh. I wasn't even able to scratch the monster's hide as the blade of my naginata began to move further and further from its body, some kind of great force pushing against it.

Despite my best efforts to thrust the blade further in, the force only repelled me, causing ruts to form beneath my feet as I dug into the dark soil to try and muster some form of resistance. The monster of course didn't miss the opportunity and swiped at my feet, forcing me to leap upwards to avoid being sent flying, but it was in vain as the moment my feet left the ground I was sent flying backwards, though likely with far less velocity than had I been hit with the claw.

I slammed into a thick tree and heard some of its wood snap and fracture, though it still stood as if nothing had happened. Getting back on my feet, I just had time to see a volley of arrows rain from the sky over the monster, only for them to also lose momentum quickly before being repelled away in all directions. It was at this moment that I realized the monster was either capable of manipulating magnetic fields, this meant that unless I had a weapon not made from metal, I probably wouldn't even be able to lay a scratch on the monster.

This changed the entire scope of how we'd need to deal with the monster and greatly weakened our attack power, however I was grateful that I had sent Neyla and Renae away as Neyla was covered in metal and essentially had no long range means of attack, making her a liability on this particular battlefield.

Relaying the information that metal weaponry wouldn't be detrimental to use to Arya and Steria, we had to resort to rougher methods. For Arya this meant casting spells or shooting mana arrows, while Steria and I would have to fight without our main weapons. It wasn't a huge issue for either of us, but on such a large and thick hide of the creature it would be much harder to deal any real damage. I was better off than Steria in that I had means of inflicting wounds that would worsen over time, as well as a pair of weapons that were not made from metal.

I took momentary cover behind a tree and placed both naginatas, my harness, and armor, in a small stone hole made with magic that I then covered and marked for later retrieval. I couldn't afford to have any metal on my person just incase it could increase the strength of its field even further, so now, like some crazed barbarian I rushed from my cover wearing little more than my silken undergarments, hands out to my sides as I manipulated small nearly invisible threat, which soon began to glow a dark violet as I channeled Desiccating Yin through them turning them into mono-wire whips.

I lashed out with the threads at the monster while also letting a blast of dark lightning off, the monster recoiling in shock as it was assaulted by the sensation of lightning, something that ought to have no effect on it. The mono-wire had a difficult time as it seemed to attract the monster's discharges, causing the momentum to plummet and barely having an effect on the monster. Knowing that it would be better to just jab into it with my claws I tossed aside the mono-wire and began getting as close as I could.

It seemed Steria had also come out as its attention was divided, though I was almost positive that it was focusing on me since I'd hurt it, even if only superficially. With a bellowing roar the monster turned its entire body sharply, much faster than I could have expected it to, a short grunt of pain coming from Steria, likely due to getting bashed into the side of the monster without warning.

I however had very little time to care as the monster opened its toothy maw of a mouth and I saw crackling blue energy being built up for a single moment before it flashed towards me in a single streak. Seeing its mouth gave me a stupid idea, but it would be tricky, but I relayed the plan to Arya and Steria nonetheless.

Using a shield of Yinfire I blocked and absorbed a majority of the lightning, whoever there was simply more than Yin from Yang and Devour could handle, leaving me to take the remaining energy as a blast to the chest, or it would have, had I not done a short range teleport, something I'd prepared before we even fought, the distance between it and my melee range closing rapidly as I launched another bolt of lightning.

Without warning the screech of a crow resounded through the air and I felt my heart grow heavy as I imagined another ancient beast entering the fight, only to be presently surprised when a small, relative to the monster, crow with golden wings seemed to dive at the monster before turning into a gold flaming arrow that lodged itself into hid of the creature before exploding in a burst of heat and gold fire. I could only assume that Arya had been the one that fired the arrow, giving me a small moment of respite from dodging claws. 

Not one to waste a perfect opportunity, I teleported right next to the monster, a small way above the ground and plunged both my hands and feet claws into it and started to climb up its back. It shook violently from pain and did its best to try and shake me off, however with hands and feet deeply inserted into flesh it wasn't an easy prospect though it gave a valiant effort and distracted it enough that I figured Arya and Steria would be able to unleash attacks with more safety. I was however not satisfied with just clinging to the body of the monster and began to make my way further up the back of the monster as even with all its thrashing it couldn't get rid of me.

The first time it rolled over had caught me by surprise but I suddenly teleported onto the stomach before returning to its back in the same position. It seemed the Soul Overlay had more freedom than I'd anticipated and could actually help me as if it had its own volition. I didn't know how I felt about that, but for now it had done me a favor and I wasn't about to complain as I made my way to the creature's head.

When I finally reached the head I took a moment to inspect my handiwork. Each of the small wounds I'd jabbed as foot and handholds were slowly darkening as they began to spread not only Yinfire, but also various poisons that were made and injected with Hathor's Fangs. As an Aspect Skill dealing with poison it was just as effective as I'd hoped, easily outperforming most of the poisons I was able to make with Alchemy, and it was still only at its first level.

I however wasn't one to wait around if I didn't need to, so I used Creation to summon a sharp, sturdy and non-magnetic stake made from a mixture of things, alongside a heavy mallet. Like a rock climber anchoring themselves to a wall I carefully placed the stake and pounded it into the skull of the monster, something I had hoped to kill it with, however, not only was its hide thick and tough, even its bones were extremely durable, so I was only able to get maybe half the stake in, not nearly enough to cause lethal damage.

However it provided an opportunity I wouldn't have taken before. Using silk I secured myself to the stake, manifesting my four spider leg-like appendages that would keep me secured to the thread as I created before I slid down the top of the head towards the snout, the two orbs it had for eyes seeming to cross as it focused its gaze on me.

I swung gently enough for someone anchored to the head of a rampaging monster, and landed with my feet just below one the eyes. With a glare at this creature I moved my clawed hand back while channeling everything I had into it, before thrusting forth towards the eye and therefore, the brain that should be behind that.

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