A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 151

Irellia seemed startled at my sudden change in demeanor before Steria and Arya had calmed me down, as her eyes were filled with concern while she gazed at me, a hint of regret in her expression. "I didn't think you cared for Ashara that deeply, but it seems I was mistaken. In fact, I'd say your affection is strangely deep for a person who you only spent five years with, especially considering that you had memories from a previous life."

I was mostly calm now, but I took a sip of the tea while I composed myself a bit more. I knew what Irellia was saying was true, but it wasn't something I could control. During my time in the Eldur household I had actually slowly repressed her existence to the point where I had barely thought of her, yet after my first death at the hands of Arya's curse, she began to occupy my thoughts more often, usually in the form of nightmares. However, up until today I had thought she was dead, so I had simply endured as I figured it had probably been just a subconscious desire.

"I know." I whispered, as I set the cup down. "It's strange, but I couldn't tell you why I feel so strongly."

Irellia just shrugged as if it didn't matter. "I'm glad that at least someone cares about her. You're better than that arrogant and cruel man she married at least, I should never have listened to her father. Strength of the clan means nothing if there isn't a clan after all." her voice becoming melancholy.

I cocked my head to the side slightly at her words. "Are you referring to Demonweb?" I was interested in anything I could learn about the man as I was going to be spending at least a day with him, and any information was better than knowing nothing.

Irellia had to think for a moment before nodding. "Right, Dark Lord Demonweb. He wasn't always that way, back when he was just a unique half-breed. Demonweb isn't even his name, well, it wasn't at least. Damian Voras, a Ghoulish Orb Weaver, is what he told everyone his race was, though I doubt anyone even remembers such a time, it was quite a long time ago."

I could hear the nostalgia and regret in her voice as she glanced up at the ceiling. "What was he like?" I asked, quite curious about the situation.

"He was kind, emotional, and a dreamer. He wanted to convince the Races that intelligent monsters should be accepted amongst them. Not that such a thing would be possible, but I remember that he once worked towards that goal in earnest, at least until he went on an expedition out of the town." Irellia's expression had suddenly darkened, but she still continued.

"My late husband had just convinced me to set up a marriage between Ashara and him, just before he left. Roping in such a unique being was supposed to be a great boon for us, yet it was only a disaster once he returned. Only him and one other had survived the expedition, though the other died shortly after making it back.

He was never the same after that, the once kind and thoughtful man had become a raving lunatic for a while, prone to bursts of violence and arrogance. While he recovered his mind eventually, he had become cold and composed, like a snake that was waiting for its prey. I had been working on getting the marriage revoked, but before I could finish, he killed and usurped the throne of the last Dark Lord, making it impossible for me to convince my husband to approve the idea."

Irellia sighed, her eyes closing before she took a deep breath and continued once more. "Once Ashara married to him, I didn't see her other than from afar, and while she didn't look horrendously unhappy, it was clear that there was something going on, but I was never able to find out what it was, as after some time she ran off with her personal guard, much to the rage of Damian.

In that rage, he killed my husband, and sealed me here, likely hoping that I would be able to lure Ashara back. I will never be able to forget the cold predatory eyes that glared at me like I was nothing. However, Ashara never returned, but you have come, and will likely take her place. I don't know why you came here, or how you found out about me, but be careful, if Damian catches wind of you, I doubt you'll be in for an easy time. If Ashara does ever return, I don't want to be the one to tell her that her child has met an unfortunate fate."

I could only stare for a moment as I processed what Irellia had told me. It wouldn't be the first time that events told by someone else didn't quite line up with my experience so far. Sure, my father, Demonweb, Damian, whatever he wanted to be known as, had forced my hand to make my way here, but it didn't feel like he had done so intentionally, rather it was the fault of the overly professional Ein that had caused such. In addition, my limited interactions with him hadn't revealed any ulterior motives, even when I'd had both my Thread Sight and Eye of Amun-Re active. And most strange was that he had been the one to recommend I come here, I'm sure he knew full well that Irellia was still here and would most likely talk bad about him, so why would he do such a thing?

Unfortunately, I'd already made contact with him and agreed to spend time with him tomorrow, so it wasn't like I would just be able to avoid him, especially since I wasn't one-hundred percent sure on if Arya was in the clear. She had surely brought me to the center, but perhaps the contract she'd signed was more literal, and there was a certain spot I needed to visit, something I doubted I'd be able to quickly find without the aid of Demonweb or his servants.

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