A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 166

My gaze was focused on Ashara, who had averted her gaze and was trying to hide the flush of her face, however it didn't escape my notice that both Arya and Steria quietly stood and made their way out of the room. Neither of them were bothered that I was seducing another woman, even if that woman was my mother, though I imagined that Marian was going to give me an earful about it, especially since their situations were somewhat similar.

"M-" I began before quickly catching myself. "Ashara. Look at me." My voice was gentle yet had a feeling of authority behind it. Hearing me speak her name had already made Ashara flush deeper, and it wasn't difficult to tell that she was barely grasping on to the idea of certain taboos. "You feel the same right? Why fight against it? Why deny yourself what you want?"

I was like the tempting devil on her shoulder as my words tried to sever that last thread of normality Ashara was clinging onto. "We can't." she said meekly. "It's wrong, how can a-"

"Who said it was wrong?" I asked, interrupting her before she could finish. "Who decided what is right and wrong? The Mortal Gods? The Gods whose followers slaughter, kidnap, and even enslave monsters, as they would call us? Or is it someone else? A Demon Lord perhaps? Even if that were the case, I am a Demon Lord, and I say it is okay, so why do you resist what you desire so desperately?"

Ashara was stunned at my barrage of questions that challenged her words, but I didn't give her much time to think as I stood up and circled around the table, removing as much physical distance between us as I could without us actually touching. Ashara's breath was becoming heavy and I could practically see the threads of her resistance snapping. "I-I-" Ashara stuttered, her eyes staring into mine before she threw her arms around me. "You better not regret this." She practically yelled suddenly while pulling me into her.

With deft hands as our lips connected, I slipped the silken robe she had been wearing off, only to feel spots on Ashara's back bulge as four spider limbs broke through the skin and clamped around me. I had underestimated the pent-up desire Ashara had as she took the initiative to lift me and deposit me on the bed, her eyes filled with a seemingly endless well of lust.

Deciding it was best to let things run their course I offered little resistance as I felt a sticky webbing wrapping around my wrists and ankles forcing my limbs apart as Ashara began to caress my body, her mouth slowly moving from my mouth and making her way down to my chest. However, rather than simply licking or sucking, there was a sharp radiation of pleasure as she bit down, her teeth piercing through my skin, causing my body to arch at the unexpected attack. At the same time I felt her inject something into me, the feeling of a burning liquid that both seemed to be dealing damage, but was also working as an aphrodisiac as the entirety of my body became more sensitive.

I could only assume that the poison she used to inject had been altered due to her Corruption, and that it was now meant as both a means of disabling and increasing the pleasure of her victims, something that only partially worked on me. If I felt Ashara was going too far it wouldn't be difficult for me to suppress her, but for now I was content to let her vent her lust as much as she'd like.

Ashara was full of surprises and strange tactics, especially once she discovered that pain only caused me more pleasure. At first it was only her nails, but with my incredible rate of recovery she soon became extremely bold. Small spiders began to make their way onto the bed and crawl over my skin, taking small bites that were like a full body tease, many injecting their venom into me which only served to further increase the bizarre pleasure I was being subjected to.

A few specific ones that bit near my crotch caused the strange phenomena of causing my ovipositor to emerge against my will, something that pleased Ashara greatly as she caressed it while toying with the entirety of my body. It took all of the restraint that I barely had to not break from the restraints and push Ashara down. 

After having had her fill with teasing my body Ashara hung herself over my ovipositor, her hands gently caressing it as she rubbed it against the dripping wet slit, her face twisted in ecstasy as she plunged downward her voice ringing out like a feral beast as she impaled herself to the base in a single thrust, my body buckling and shuddering at the tight folds that felt as if they were searing my now unseen member.

Utilizing her webbing  she set up a quick system that allowed to move up and down like a piston, the sound of slapping flesh and sensual moans filling the rooms. It didn't take long for the fleshy walls that were constantly assaulting my member to tighten and convulse as Ashara climaxed, which caused her to pause as her entire body shuddered. It was during this brief respite that I decided to go on the offensive, Ashara's melted expression of pure pleasure suddenly shifted to one of surprise as our positions were suddenly reversed. She was lying on her back, me now bent over her hands to her side.

Leaning in I thrust into her crotch while mimicking the action with my tongue. I attacked her with an equal ferocity as she had to me, holding nothing back as both my mouth, hands and hips attacked and pleasured her in various ways. Just as she had injected aphrodisiac venom into me, I created a pure aphrodisiac from my teeth as well, though unlike hers its sole purpose was to increase sensitivity. A special ability that was only possible thanks to Hathor's Fangs, since technically aphrodisiacs were considered a poison, I could create them along with other interesting toxins.

Ashara had little choice but to swallow the pleasure drug that was mixed with my saliva, her body heating up immensely as I felt her climax once again. I was however very careful with my member as I wasn't quite willing to leave behind any offspring and once the venom that had forced it out weakened I quickly made sure to retract it to prevent such a situation. However, between the use of my fingers, tongue and a variety of toys I created with Creation Ashara could barely tell the difference as I continually brought her to orgasm.

However, I didn't know if it was simply a competitive thing, or if she simply refused to be outdone by her daughter, but she soon reversed our positions and used everything at her disposal to incite my body into several orgasms, it was as if both of us were insatiable beasts of lust and before too long the sole thing I could remember was falling asleep with Ashara covered in sweat and various liquids that each of us was able to produce.

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