A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 178

Before we got too close to Gabriel I landed in a tight alleyway with Marian. I had been too flustered earlier, but now I remembered that I didn't actually know how Marian fought. The last time I'd seen her Skills was over three years ago and the only offensive type of Skill she had was some magic formations, something I didn't think would be too helpful when fighting Gabriel. I had noticed that she wore a sword at her waist, but without a method of flight it wasn't going to do any good against Gabriel either.

My frustration must have been written plainly across my face as Marian put a hand on my shoulder to pull me from my thoughts. "I wouldn't have said I was coming if I didn't have a way to help you." she said, looking at me sweetly. "I don't know what you know about vampires in this world, but I spent a lot of my free time researching them and what kind of powers they had. While I can't do everything they can, I have been able to figure out most of their abilities."

I was both relieved and intrigued to hear Marian's words that were filled with confidence. "Oh? What kind-. No, we don't have time to discuss, just wait for an opening, or barrage us with whatever, she doesn't regenerate like I do so it should be fine."

Marian nodded, a smile forming on her face as she suddenly hunched over, the sound of tearing flesh emitting from her back as a pair of dark bat-like wings suddenly sprouted. I had thought it amazing when she so quickly adjusted to the feeling of racing through the air but it seemed that she probably had more experience doing so than me. "Don't worry about me and focus on Gabriel, as her mother I need to make sure such behavior does not go unpunished."

I nodded, not quite sure what her plan was but if she had been working on her Skills for the last three years she should be at least able to do some damage to Gabriel, but I wasn't the kind of person that put all their eggs in one basket, so I made sure to inform both Steria and Arya as well that we were going to be engaging Gabriel soon and that they should keep citizens away from the area, and if they could, give some support. While it might be hard for Steria to do since she was a close range fighter, Arya easily agreed, she was basically a sniper, or perhaps more like artillery from Velen's world than a normal bowman.

Having done what I could I leapt into the air, my flaming wings unfurling as I took flight, my hand reaching out and pulling my naginatas from the space-time cache. It would actually be my first time using these particular naginatas in real combat as I had left the fighting to the others when we had been traveling. Unlike Ashara's naginatas, these had two modes, so to speak, one where they were simply two normal naginatas, and another where they were combined into a single polearm. I'd done this specifically because not only would that allow me to keep a hand free should I need it, but also because I had yet to master Itoryu despite easily grasping the concept. As a single polearm it essentially worked as a regular naginata with the added fact that there was an additional blade on the other end which was surprisingly versatile.

I was quite surprised as I flew from the alley to see Gabriel floating nearby, she had clearly seen where we were so I didn't understand why she hadn't just attacked with an ambush, but as I looked around I couldn't see Alcrem anywhere, so I wondered if she had been waiting for him. However it seemed not as the golden flame sheathed blade appeared in her hand as she opened her mouth. "By the Authority of the Archangel Gabriel, I consecrate this hallowed ground against the beings of darkness!" She shouted, flying forward as a large golden magic circle appeared on the ground.

I could hear Marin suddenly groan, the magic circle probably suppressing her, though as I turned and glanced at her it didn't seem too serious. As a quick magic circle I doubted that its effects were extremely powerful, but even a small amount of suppression would tilt things to Gabriel's advantage as I already had trouble dealing with her by myself.

Unlike Marian though, it seemed as if I was unaffected by the circle as I felt no different than before and was able to parry Gabriel's flaming blade to the side using my own flames to consume any of the golden flames. I heard Gabriel click her tongue as she once again flourished her blade and flew back at me. Despite the fact that I was now using two weapons to defend myself I still found it difficult to both defend and attack. I still wasn't sure just how much punishment I could take despite the fact that Masochism at the least had returned. 

Unlike the beings I normally fought, Gabriel was able to leave wounds on me that took longer to heal than they normally would. What I was most worried about was that she would be able to hit something vital and take me out of the fight allowing her to capture me once again. It wouldn't be a problem if she just outright killed me as I would turn to ashes and had near complete control of when or how I returned, at least that was the feeling I had gotten when I'd come back in the cavern.

I was worried about Marian as I hadn't heard her make a move since me and Gabriel had begun to exchange blows, something that was slowly but surely chipping away at my strength as the cuts began to pile up. I was completely on the defensive and couldn't make a single attack that was worth anything as Gabriel assaulted, my dark blood dripping down my skin and carapace before falling to the earth.

What neither I nor Gabriel noticed at the time were small purple and red needles that were beginning to form all around in the air, until it was too late. Suddenly condensing into a single bolt behind Gabriel it shot forth as if intending to pierce her heart from the back. Gabriel's reflexes and sense were extremely good and she managed to twist her body causing it to instead lodge into her side before melting away and leaving a small hole. With her attention diverted for just a moment I was able to get a small breather and launch an attack on her, doin all I could to prevent her from healing the small wound.

Forced into the defensive position Gabriel's face distorted in anger as she dodged and parried my weapons and magic until I swung too wide with a naginata, leaving me open and my defense gone. With a wicked smile Gabriel didn't hesitate to take the opportunity to lunge forth, my face tensing up as I did my best to parry. A feat I easily succeeded in thanks to Gabriel suddenly flailing about. Marian was scarily hard to detect and had grabbed Gabriel from behind, startling her. "There is no reason for my daughters to fight so viscously, why don't you calm down?"

Gabriel was frozen as Marian brought her mouth towards her neck and sunk her teeth in. Gabriel shuddered before flailing madly trying to throw Marian off. "I'm not your daughter!" she yelled in a rage. "You were simply a convenient vessel to grow this body for my use."

A sudden burst of wind and light exploded from Gabriel, forcing Marina back and giving herself time to heal herself. Once my eyes had readjusted and the light faded Gabriel was floating glaring at me and Marian. Her form had changed, though I didn't know if this was her normal form and the one she had been using was just what she applied when not fighting. Gabriel now had grown four more wings for a total of six along with a golden halo that blazed with light above her head. In addition, it seemed she had summoned up a shield, one that matched her armor with its golden luster.

I could only curse at her new form as we clashed towards each other once again, the ringing of metal on metal as our weapons slammed against each other, though rather than being at a slight disadvantage, I was now extremely overwhelmed with Gabriel's assault as not only had she gotten physically stronger, but her reflexes had become sharper, and she was easily able to push me back.

So it was much relief when a few words seemed to be whispered into my ear. "Just a bit further east." Arya's voice spoke, rather quietly as if she was making sure that no one could hear.

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