A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 21

It didn't take long for Kali and I to make our way through the estate and to the duke's office. Gabriel was already patiently waiting when we arrived. Her eyes peeked open as the two of us approached. "Goodness you two, you're lucky father is still entertaining a guest." She said, reprimanding me and Kali. While she wasn't quite hotheaded like Kali, she was, in my opinion, just as arrogant, though it manifested far differently than how Kali's did.

Gabriel was the model example of a child and sister, and often times, I felt she was the oldest out of the three of us, despite being slightly younger than me and Kali's twin. She was haughty in the way one is when they know, or believe, every single one of their actions is approved by the Gods. While she was harsh and could be insensitive, I didn't dislike her, or think she was a bad person, it was actually the opposite. Her harshness was out of care for her family, though I still couldn't figure the reason they isolated away from Marian. I'd understand if there had been an affair, but Marian denied such and I was inclined to believe her, and unless the two were swapped out as babies, it was impossible for them to be from another mother.

Kalista snuggled up close to Gabriel, docile now that she was in the presence of her twin. It was a strange phenomenon that never ceased to amaze me. The usually rowdy and aggressive Kalista was like a newborn when she was with her sister, something I was sure came about because of how close the two were.

Just as I leaned against the wall, the office door creaked open, followed by the heavily robed appearance of our father's guest. While I'd never actually seen the person under the robes, the person who exited was a familiar sight. A seeress that Alcrem consulted with on a monthly basis, trying to gain some hint of what the future held, supposedly. Despite the fact that I was currently in a world of magic, I still didn't put too much stock in the likes of fortune-telling, just learning about the future could cause it to change, how could one hope to accurately predict the all the events that might alter it?

Once the seeress had gone out of sight a maid appeared in the doorway of Alcrem's office doorway and motioned for us to enter. "The lord will see you now."

The three of us entered and stood before the desk Alcrem sat at. While it wasn't the first time I had been in his office it was just as nerve wracking each time. Unless the topic concerned something he deemed important he'd usually just tell us during a meal. As such the three of us stood somewhat stiffly as Alcrem looked over a few papers before turning his attention to us.

"What I'm about to say to you is something that concerns the future of our duchy, so listen closely." Alcrem's expression and tone were serious as he looked over the three of us. "Within the next decade, a Demon Lord candidate will arise from the Forest of Darkness, and our family will face a great crisis.

In normal circumstances, I would have the three of you continue your lessons here, but due to the circumstances I have decided to send the three of you to Rymiz's capital, Eldora, to attend the Royal Academy. The three of you are mature beyond your years so I have little doubt you'll be able to perform exceptionally. However, I am less concerned with your performance and more with what connections you'll make."

Alcrem paused once again as he looked over to the maid and dismissed her, only resuming once she had left. "What I'm about to tell you should not be discussed with anyone outside this room. Iustitia has summoned a Hero, and according to what I know they will be attending the Royal Academy as well. I don't care what methods you decide to employ, but I hope at least one of you becomes close to them. If you can become close to other important families as well all the better, as every friend you make lessens the burden on our people.

Your mother and Elaine will be accompanying you and you'll stay in the villa we have in the capital, I trust there are no complaints?"

The three of us could offer no resistance to the words he spoke to us. While it was true that the three of us were rather mature for our age, he'd place quite a large burden upon the shoulders of three ten year old girls. I felt rather unsure of the whole situation. Not only was a Demon Lord candidate arising from the Forest of Darkness, by birthplace, but I also learned that it was possible to summon Heroes. What if the Hero was someone from Earth, it was a common trope in fantasy that summoned Heroes came from other worlds after all. Either way, I was both excited and nervous to go beyond the borders of the city for the first time since I'd woken up here.

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