A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

10. Its inevitable.


Caelicetus POV

"Hello there, Peach, how has life been treating you?", I greeted the one-eyed starfish that was gazing at the starry sky with my booming and echoing voice that was a mix of a little boy's high-pitched voice, a man with an ordinary male voice and a very deep male voice, startling the shit out of the poor thing in the process, heh. I need to do this more.

I can agree with him, her, it, them? Don't know. I'm going to go with 'it'. I can understand its fascination with space. The planets, stars, galaxies, the great vacuum of the Cosmos, and more. It made me feel small, insignificant, like a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. Humbling.

I want to be more. More than when I was human, which I already am but I'm greedy.

I was above the starfish, my belly facing the night sky, all my four eyes staring at its one eye and a trail of goldish clouds behind me. 

We were high in the sky, and a literal sea of clouds is below us, Peach was attached to the biggest ventgarden I have seen so far, it was two times the length of one of my front flippers. Even if it cheated with its tentacles since they took 70% of its total body length.

I 'evolved' during these three or four months of slumber (Martian 'month' it's his POV), for lack of a better term and so did Mars and the life on it and they continue to do so.

"EEEK!! Alp-alpha…", Peach squeaked and stuttered, its voice was young and androgynous. 

The way we 'talk' is very different from humans. It is more of what we want to convey that is translated into this strange and archaic language for the other to understand. We don't need a mouth or anything of the sort that lesser being needed.

My 'voice' when I thought has also changed to my current one, I was thinking with my human voice until now but with a bit of whale and dolphin sound in it and those two are still here, in fact even more present, my changes from my past life go way deeper than simply my species.

Also, only a few could communicate like this, as far as I have seen since I woke up two months ago. The second time I spoke was to a cute little pup of unknown species.


I was making a thin layer all around my body, this layer was made of 'blackholes', well not really blackholes but the gravity in this layer was the same as a black hole. Not a supermassive one, obviously but it was strong enough to bend light.

Which will likely not block what Desghidorah spews at my face. It was my first try doing it. It was also the first version, simply crushing everything going through in its vicinity with dumb brute force, except me of course. It was like a bubble around me for the moment.

I have in mind different types of shields, first crushing with 'blackholes', the one I'm doing, second repulsing with 'white hole' with dumb brute force, third absorbing everything coming my way with wormholes, basically a death mirror.

There are way more than I can possibly do, such as slowing or even stopping time by greatly increasing gravity, sadly I'm not at that level to stop time intentionally, yet, one thing at a time. 

I know that I will eventually be able to do something like this, just like easily controlling dark matter, it's bound by gravity but on another 'wavelength' or 'layer' than ordinary matter. It is there but not there at the same time.

I recently started feeling it, sometimes even glimpsing it and it's not dark, it's a beautiful combination of ever-changing colors, though everything is rainbow colored EVERYTHING. If I was human I would have died of epilepsy.

Or making that gravity doesn't exist for my enemy, which should kill them and even delete them from the existence or something like that.

Gravity is one of the nuclei of the universe, one of the four fundamental laws of physics. If it stops existing everything stops, fate, time, space, destiny, death, life, 5th, 6th, and the other dimensions above and below, non-physical things like souls or whatever mystical or divine bullshit will disappear as well.

It can be twisted, changed, altered, or corrupted but would and will always exist,  it's a constant, a pattern. Nothing escapes gravity.

If one of these four fundamental laws, like gravity, were to disappear the reality, universe, multiverse, or whatever after, will disappear as well. Like a card castle with a missing card at the foundation, it will crumble apart.

Though that is only my opinion and I might be wrong. Only retards think they are always right and I don't want to be one of them.

On the topic of what gravity can do.

The time in the Abyss is distorted due to me spamming black holes to make it, I think I distorted up the fundamental law of gravity in it, and it's not the only strange thing happening. 

Zone where gravity is one hundred times or more than that of Mars, wormholes connecting to the deepest layer of the Abyss and randomly appear in every layer. 

Though every Abyss inhabitant and myself sense where they will appear and I can obviously control, trigger or stop them at will.

I don't even try to stabilize it since I can study it.

Also, I don't even know how to properly do it in the first place and if I could, I wouldn't, it's a very cool and beautiful place… Nothing more is needed.

However, I can easily contain the 'damage' in the Abyss, which I did. Chaos is good but ordered chaos is better.

Going back to me practicing my gravity shield. I was on my Mars, specifically on its icy plain. I didn't do it in space, for the moment. I want to see how it reacts on a planet with a certain level of atmosphere.

I formed a veil of crushing force around myself, yet it wasn't dark inside, my body being bioluminescent and all. 

'Good.', I noted, it stops all light getting inside, but I could still see outside, that's nice. Even if I couldn't see, I can feel nearly everything around me, like the most advanced of sonar. 

My sight isn't my primary sense anymore, yeah I have four eyes and they are basically telescopes but they don't come off as important as my 'new' primary sense for what I currently am.

It's a mix between hearing and sensing gravity, graviton, and temperature variation like infrared but without eyes, lifeforce? This one is still a bit confused about how it works. And now dark matter with another strange one, maybe, no it's more than likely dark energy.

It's the energy that makes the universe infinitely expand and it's simply wow. And I want and will be able to control it. 

I might not have hands nor what makes a human, well human, but frankly. Hands are pretty lame compared to controlling the expansion of the universe. And even if I could go back to something sort of humanoid, I wouldn't.

I'm a whale, I feel better as a whale than I ever was as a human and I will stay as a whale, period.

Everything in my body, mind, and soul screamed in unbridled disgust at the mere idea.

On something currently happening.

I was maintaining my shield for exactly 3694 seconds but I banished it, it was getting rather unstable and I rather not destroy the beautiful landscape of my planet. It's also noisy, it needs some tweaking but the principle work.

"I know you are there… You can't hide from me. I'm omniscient on this planet.", I let out with a chuckle that sounded like a dolphin laughing but deeper, flapping my fins in the air as I swam closer to my new little admirer.

I looked at the small head poking out of the white snow. It has one small icy protrusion poking from the top of its beak-shaped snout, four nuby sheep-like horns on the side of its head, the one above being four times bigger, white fur, and two big glowing icy blue eyes full of wonder and curiosity. Metaphorical stars in those blue eyes as it stared at me, it's King.

I delicately grabbed the little guy out of the powdery snow, with my brand of telekinesis. I need to be careful if I don't want to end up with a blotch of gore in the snow.

His body was just like I sensed. Yes, he, it's fairly obvious when his balls are dangling out, in the frigid cold of Mars. If it's how his gender even works, hyenas exist after all and everything is inside for me, which I'm glad.

Small ice spikes were coming out of his back, the body being the combination of a cat, a bird, and a monkey. The snow was like lava around him, he was nearly as cold as my nervous system.

His forelegs/arms were way longer and bulkier than his back legs and the four members' fingers ended with black and sharp talon-like claws and a small pointy fang visible.

"You're the cutest murder ball in existence. Your name is Olaf.", I declared as the newly named Olaf purred loudly while his tail flicked side to side. I scratched his belly with telekinesis making his purring only louder.

I got the same feel on him as Peach.


The ventgarden Peach was controlling began to quiver as it started to fall to the ground. 

The starfish isn't evil by doing this, it also needs to live and grow which it did, it's twenty times bigger, roughly six times the size of the rover down in the Abyss.

Not very surprising they don't float that high unless they mate and then die in a bang, they combust themselves and they are full of explosive gas, it's self-explanatory what happens next.

I turned my body around making clouds fly around the tip of my fins and lowered myself to Peach level as I made the ventgarden float in my gravity.

I stargazed with the psychic starfish, that finally started to calm down, am I that scary?


At the same time on Earth.


It was making the Internet on fire. Everything related to Mars was causing this. Photo and video from Mars with expensive telescopes showed the appearance of water on the 'red' planet and how NASA and other space companies have gone silent about Mars.

So when one little girl made a video on YouTube explaining what she was doing, she called it T-pose and that it was the way Martian greeted or imposed dominance on others. The latter was for fun.

And she posted a picture of the statue with it. To prove that she was right, many didn't believe it at first but it was proven it wasn't fake. The video was deleted by the government three minutes later, but it was already too late.

The cat was out of the bag.

You don't control what is on the Internet, people will always have a copy and restart everything all over again. It was the futile effort of the different governments that spurred the keyboard ninja to 'work' even harder.

Her head was blurred, voice distorted, she wore a green suit and the account was anonymous, it was obviously Madison Russel, now older, entering her rebellious phase and she wanted to have fun, and have fun she did. It was stupid to do that but heh she didn't give a fuck.

There already were multiple cults and religions that formed around the god the statue depicted. Like the Cult of the Whale, they made living sacrifices of whalers.

Also, theories were wildly being created at unbelievable speed, it looked like an Egyptian god. Self-explanatory. Martian existed and we're or still are on Earth, the reactions were mixed, disbelief, euphoria, panic, hysteria, outrage, fear, and many more.

Most wanted to know what more was hidden from them. Even if ignorance is bliss. Sometimes not knowing is better.

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