A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

26. Venus!

[Third Person POV]


Caelicetus reappeared on one of the numerous floating islands of Caelum(Mars) next to him was a bubble containing a very angry and terrified Anger.

"Home sweet home.", the whale said, his words unheard by the priestess.

Said priestess was a god, as they were quite literally part of the Force. Problem is, that the Force didn't exist in this universe. So her divine status was moot.

Their names weren't trivial either, meaning he kidnapped the literal manifestation of anger out of the Star Wars universe, it would cause great perturbation in the Force until Anger was back or her sisters revive her through backup memories, making a copy of her, a fake. It would not be ideal but better than the emotions anger-related being muted in the whole Galaxy.

They also had other roles such as connecting the Living Force, life, to the Cosmic Force, and death. The two make the Force. This is evidently simplified.

The Force has a will and this will is essentially Fate and Destiny since it controls nearly everything in the galaxy to attain its objective. Nothing happened by accident until the space whale appeared.

Caelicetus being out of the plan of the Force Will and so by extension, the Force Priestesses was perceived as a threat to be assimilated or eliminated. 

Normally the Force Priestesses didn't manifest themselves, only in cases like Caelicetus. The Force didn't do very well with the unplanned.

So, she was powerless in front of Caelicetus, and pretty much anything physically stronger than a pug will overpower her, her connection with Force being cut off being the reason for her current state. 

He then banished the gravity bubble and she fell to the ground like a turd, unable to levitate. She ended up with her head planted in the soft soil, 

She slowly pushed her head out of the soil, then tried to get up, failing miserably in the process, as if she never walked before. Which was the case.

"Come on, you have two legs. You can do it. Believe it.", Caelicetus mocked her and made rapid clicks similar to a chuckle. This seemed to anger her even more, though she was even more terrified.

He made a wormhole from his location to Al-An's lab in the Abyss. The Architect was obsessed with the Abyss and the gravitational field in it.

The robotic martian centaur walked out of the wormhole, his head snapped at the Priestess, studying her. He calmed himself and kneeled to his King. He then started the telepathic conversation, per usual.

[This is Anger, an ancient and powerful being from another universe. She is one of the direct manifestations of something called the Force, not that it matters in this universe. She will be the first prisoner of the Abyss and a prisoner until further notice, from me and exclusively me.], Caelicetus declared.

Anger was fuming on the muddy soil, her dress getting dirtier and dirtier as she was desperately trying to use the Force or even simply feel it.

She is lucky to even be able to survive outside of her universe in the first place.

[Understood I will do as you say, Your Majesty.], Al-An respectfully replied, Cealicetus felt the excitement of the scientist, the Architect made a bowing gesture with his torso. 

At the same time, he received general information from Caelicetus about her potential ability, the Force, midi-chlorian, where she is from, and that he shouldn't for any reason enter her mind, even if she was powerless physically probably billions of years old hag must have one or two tricks up her sleeves. 

Al-An already learned this lesson with his first encounter with Caelicetus anyway. Do not enter the mind of a god-like being.

For Desghidorah he had most of the other Architects with him when they suppressed the hydra three minds. He still had moments where he froze remembering how each individual's mind of his brethren was getting liquified.

He smiled in his mind, as he noticed that he would be able to do some tests on her, under his King's supervision.

One arm with a four-fingered hand materialized behind his back as he made the prisoner levitate while the latter trashed around her visage transfixed in the emotion of anger.


[Caelicetus POV]

It has been one month since Anger was in the prison I made at the deepest part of the Abyss, nothing much happened. She tried to escape, multiple times, but failed each time. She had the grace of a human baby. A newborn at that.

It must be humiliating and infuriating for a being like her. And I can not fathom how scared she must be, it will be like gravity suddenly disappeared, not really comparable in terms of importance but the idea is here.

The MUTOs eggs have totally fused, and a black larva was growing inside.

Anyway, I was currently on the Moon, and some patch of blue moss and a small swarm of grape shrimp started to develop. There was metal scrap on the Moon, humans sent satellites and they didn't like the gravity of the Moon. They crashed onto it.

I wrote in braille on the visible face of the Moon, 'Can one know that one knows nothing?' and 'What is infinite?'

It will take some time to have something really interesting alive on it. I teleported on Mars played with Poyo and Olaf, then teleported near to the second planet of the Solar System, Venus

I looked at the opaque sulfur acid-covered and dense atmosphere of Venus composed mostly of carbon dioxide.

I swam through the kilometers of the atmosphere, uncaring of everything that would have killed a human ten times over. I passed the sulfuric cloud.

I clicked to map the area and there were ruins of an alien civilization between the yellow and orange soil of Venus, to my immense surprise, my two left eyes looked up and the sky was totally different than what it should be.

It was like a giant broken and glitching screen that covered the yellow sky filled with more or less deadly gas to humans, with a blue sky with white fluffy clouds and an artificial Sun and moons.

While exploring I started to eat the atmosphere, there wasn't any magnetic field and the core of the planet was half dead, all of this happened probably less than 2 years ago. 

Obviously, it was also void of complex life, only unicellular lifeforms were here, which is already better than 99% of the universe. The extreme environment does not help the development of the more 'fragile' lifeforms.

The alien ruins, seemed destroyed on purpose, it was not the damage of time or a natural catastrophe and the people here must have been three times taller than a human on average. 

I stopped eating as I levitated one big piece of stone and scrutinized it with two of my eyes. On it was a faded painting of thousands of dragon people-things prostrating themselves to an altar with something on it.

Above it was golden and glowing three long spike-covered necks coming off somewhere, the stone was too damaged, the three necks respectively ended with a dragon head that possessed multiple eyes, 7 on each side for a total of 14 per head, a narrow snout covered in spike and filled with fangs. 

The hydra is excessively bigger than the dragon people under, like a human compared to a bacteria.

'This is not good… Desghidorah is alive or it's something else that did this… but seeing the state of Venus I'm leaning on the former...', I thought, remembering how he sucked out Caelum's energy. 

I was slightly disgruntled about what they did to Venus, frankly, it was mostly instincts. But it is possible to revive it, so it wasn't really a problem. The planet could have exploded and remaking would have been possible for me, if incredibly time-consuming.

After this, I was trying to find any other information. Knowledge is a form of power and power is power.

Millions of debris were lifted and observed from all around Venus but I gained not as much as I would have liked.

With this, I learned from sculptures and paintings that the main species living here weren't native to Venus, they were technologically ways more advanced than the current humans.

That this species was under the Ghidorahs since they apparently were made by them, and that the Astrocetus were seen as abominations, devils, and monsters by them, for short the mortal enemies of the Ghidorahs.

I was indifferent to that thought, inferior lifeforms' opinion is irrelevant as long as they don't act upon it which they probably will.

They were also drawings of various titans as if they were an army, the now dead SpaceGodzilla was in it.

The gigantic golden hydra painted is also probably this 'Great Void' and it looked like they were summoned. This means multiple things, first, they weren't here, in this universe that is, because they ate universes and I would be dead otherwise.

The good thing was that they needed the help of second or more parties to enter a universe, the bad thing is; that I didn't know how to stop it, even if violence would probably work and I didn't know how to locate nor how the whole thing worked in the first place.

Sadly most of the things were gibberish or simply destroyed, I couldn't read their language and I know that I have many holes in my current knowledge about many things.

I'm not omniscient.

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