A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

30. A new pair of eyes!

[Third Person POV]

King Kong stared at the strange and disturbing creature that was created by the golden eye.

It smelled like him, Jia, Ilene, a bird, and the tree he was throwing earlier, he looked down at Jia who also looked up and he signed to her that the creature smelled strange.

Three days later.

"-yes. I'm sure of what I saw. I wasn't stung or bitten or ate something that made me hallucinate, I dearly wish it was the case…", Ilene said, exhausted, her phone clutched in her hand close to her ear. 

She was talking to one of the higher-ups about the current situation.

The anthropologist was currently in one of Monarch's outposts on Skull Island close to one Iwi settlement; the event three days ago was still affecting her.

She didn't inform Monarch the same day because she simply couldn't. So she was forced to wait two days until everything was fully operational again.

The creature made by Titanus Cetus had quite literally shaken the mind of Monarch's scientists who learned the news, of course at first they didn't believe her and many still don't.

But she had photos, sounds, and videos recording of the specimen, it was for the moment nameless but it always made those 'Kah Dah-way!'(Me Genius!) while turning itself with its creepy feet that looked too human.

She also had multiple samples of feathers, fur, eggshells, and saliva but she didn't have the necessary equipment at the moment and even if she did, she wouldn't know how to do it either way without messing up. She isn't a geneticist.

Sadly, Ilene didn't have a video of the moment the chimera was created, but the event for sure made her rethink if the Caelian Collective were really insane to worship the titan as a supreme deity.

Caelicetus created right in front of her eyes, humans could also do this but there was no comparison.

Religions and worships around titan are pretty common in human history, the Iwi tribe treats King Kong as a god for example, but there is a god and God. 

The report she send this morning was:


Ilen Andrews, from Skull Island Outpost 3

Discovery of Specimen, dubbed Dah-way. 

This creature *CLICK TO SEE*

Height: 15.4 centimeters (6.06in), no sign of growth since hatching.


It was 'created' through an unknown process by the titan, Titanus Cetus, whose eye appeared through a wormhole two days ago between 4.30 p.m and 5 p.m and stayed approximately for 10 minutes.

The titan disappeared and took with him three young adult specimens of Cranium Reptant(Skullcrawler) for unknown reasons….

Apparition of Titanus Venerabile(Poyo) via a wormhole shaped by Titanus Cetus…

The specimen has a pattern in the sound it makes, it has a certain level of consciousness and self-awareness, it doesn't eat or drink like an animal, and it seems to be biologically similar to a plant in that aspect ….


End of report.

Ilene Andrews.


"Understood, in 24 hours a team will be here and I need to prepare everything.", she said before ending the call, she turned her head and screamed bloody murder as Dah-way was staring right into her eyes from the window.

Then it crawled away but was caught by Jia who ran away somewhere with it in her hands. The creature made a squeaking sound which fell on deaf ears as she continued to run.

"I'm going to sleep…", she said to herself. She was creeped out by the creature, it was always watching.


[Caelicetus POV]

The skullcrawler tasted like roasted eels with a touch of spice, they could talk but most were gibberish and the only thing meaningful they said was how hungry and how much they wanted to eat everything.

That must suck to be one of them, lucky me I didn't reincarnate as one. Having a constant and endless hunger that renders you insane and can make you become a mindless beast.

My minds are the most important thing to me, losing it is the same as dying for me. Anyway, that's their problem, not mine.

Janet, the larva, absolutely loved its new housing, it could control the skullcrawler that was obviously still alive. I put it unconscious before putting it where the egg was.

The larva hatched 2 minutes later and the rest is history. That is why Janet could be seen slithering in its new meat suit.

One month and a half passed like this with me doing round-trips between Caelum, Earth's Moon, Venus, and Mercury, trying to bring life to the last two. 

Mercury was more or less unlivable, simply too close to the Sun, the surface of the planet is a lost cause unless I changed where the planet was in the Solar System, which is a very bad idea. Since it can cause unwanted consequences.

That is why I molded with my gravity the inside of its crust making giant caves where conditions for life are met and my simple presence with those conditions already made life appear, it's still extreme for most life forms though.

All of the fauna and flora, which wasn't much to be fair, were using iron in their biology much like the volcano snail on Earth. Mercury's total weight is 70% composed of iron after all. 

Venus was seeing the apparition of what, but the water must have a high concentration in sulfur though, the magnetic field that was absent before was now present, serving as a shield, same for the atmosphere that was less filled with CO2.

Still too hot for liquid water which is why it got the same treatment as Mercury but this one will have life on its surface.

I flapped my four front fins, swimming higher close to where Caelum's atmosphere became the nothingness of space.

I paused and took in the beauty of space, it never ceases to amaze me how incredible it is. With my eye, I could see the different constellations, stars, astral bodies, nebulae, and galaxies.

It was for most the image of the past, light taking time to move. Those galaxies and places that humans will never go to, which wasn't the case for me.

I continued to swim taking speed until I was out of Mars's magnetic field, I then put myself into orbit. 

I was here because I felt this itch just behind my second set of eyes. It had been itching like this for the last two months and it got worse today. 

I closed my eyes as I felt the energy in the crystals on my body start to fill my body and the itching was slowly replaced with a warmth that soon turned into something hotter and hotter than it totally disappeared.

While like this I didn't feel time pass, it was like I was half asleep or drunk.

I opened my four eyes again then two more opened on instinct, disorienting me for half of a millisecond. 

'This is nice. Oh, and I was like this for three weeks…', I thought, instinctively and immensely pleased with my new set of eyes. 

I didn't feel particularly different from before, I could feel dark matter easily, it was easier to control and I was certainly bigger but that doesn't affect me much since I'm constantly growing. I currently must be more or less 235 meters (770 ft) in length.

I stopped using the human arm's length or HAL, first, it's based on Kim's arm, and that is all the reason necessary. As if I needed a reason in the first place.

I don't use the freedom unit for obvious reasons, such as why would I use the length of the feet of a human king that died long ago as a unit of measurement when the rest doesn't follow a set of rules that actually make sense. That's plain silly. 

Plus I don't have feet.

That's why when I discovered the owner of the arm I ate, I snatched a one-meter metal ruler from a random math teacher in France and gave him a copy made of pure platinum that I made look exactly the same.

It might be a precious metal to humans but for me, it's arguably trash. It doesn't even taste that good.

The metric system, while not perfect, is better in my opinion and as a human I used it, why change it? If it ain't broke don't fix it.

I disappeared with a crack of space, passed by the hyperspace, and reappeared with a crack above the glowing ocean of Caelum, filled with bioluminescent organisms.

I clicked to announce that I was back, then I teleported again, this time just above Janet and it was finally time.

On the husk of a skullcrawler's corpse was an insect, a giant insect.

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