A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

44. Poyo can’t make any friends

On the Earth of another universe, five massive wormholes opened. One above Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and Tokyo, and two above Sydney. 

Immediately sending the world into a complete panic. Not that it wasn't already the case before. Humans tend to act like this in front of the incomprehensible.

Los Angeles, a giant blue salamander with a spiky turtle shell could be seen falling from the sky with its tongue lolling out. Poyo spread his limbs and violently belly slammed the 295 million dollar house, creating a class four earthquake that could be felt all around the city.

Crawling with a derpy smile out of the rubble he stared at what appeared to be tall metal sparkling trees, they were skyscrapers. Curious about those strange things he wandered in their direction. Maybe they were tasty? Oblivious to the billionaire's bloody pancake he left behind.

In the Pan Pacific Defense Corps headquarter, short PPDF, was created by the United Nation to fight the invading kaiju. There already was an ongoing class IV kaiju attack in Hong Kong and Sydney but now mysterious portals appearing on every corner of the globe sending the population into mass panic and hysteria. More than it already was.

Civilians were running for their lives at the bunkers built specifically for this type of attack.

For the kaiju in Los Angeles the closest jaeger will be sent, luckily that it was a small kaiju, around class II if not less, and as such should be easily disposed of.

A giant of metal 95.075 meters tall (312ft), armed to the teeth for a measly 1 ton. Poyo's shoulders were not even reaching the mechas ankle, however, Poyo was around 4 790 tons himself. Very light for a titan.

The ground was not caving under his weight thanks to Caelicetus who fiddled with gravity a bit. Different universes, equal different ways the laws of physics will work.

The two pilots of the Valor Blade, Alfred Walker and Joshua Walker rapidly approached their target, and each of the humanoid mecha's large steps shook the ground and destroyed the concrete leaving footprints behind.

Poyo's head turned in their direction as his chubby left front paw crushed a car, stopping the annoying sound. Feathery gills flaring in curiosity, tilting his head to the side like a puppy he blurted out.

"Poyo?", he questioned in a high-pitched voice, slowly turning his body over in the mecha direction. MK-1 Hellfire Fire Missiles shot from the jaeger launcher exploded uselessly against his shell. He cried out happily as the dozen of explosions took care of an itch he was feeling since he arrived.

Not taking this as a hint to change tactics and run the pilots inside the Conn-Pod where they controlled the mecha moved and the mecha repeated the movement. The blades on its forearms extended, skidding against the concrete the giant of metal turned on itself and jumped into the air. Gaining immense momentum and power. The sharp blades were ready to leave the strange kaiju's head in half.

Poyo, happy to have made a friend this early, couldn't help but wag his massive tail. It was just like those funny hairless bipedal creatures that cried bloody murder and ran from his majesty and pure awesomeness, they were just shy. He was sure of it.

The wagging and turn of his bulk made it clear from a third-person point of view that the hundreds of tons of bones, muscle, and scales that were Poyo's tail will slam into the 1-ton mecha. The pilots, having realized this, didn't fear for their safety, confident that the hit was just blunt force and that they will escape if this indemne thanks to their jaeger, having full confidence in the mecha. And this kaiju was 'small'.

"Die monster!"


The jaeger's entire structure exploded with the hit, legs, and hips staying in the same place before falling while the torso was a thing of the past, shrapnel of metals was shot in a cone and destroyed half of the smaller buildings behind.

The head of the mecha was flung so strongly and so high that the pilot inside of the conn-pod only registered what just happened when their insides exploded and they become bloody splotches on the side thanks to the forces generated by the accidental tail slap.

"Poyo…", he sounded sad and betrayed. They already abandoned him. He didn't realize that he was the cause behind this of course. His tail was slightly burned near instantly healed, nothing indicating third-degree burn could be remarked anymore. He walked deeper into the city already having forgotten the mecha.

Funny thing is that even if they managed to cleave his head he wouldn't have died and it wouldn't even have been a mortal injury either.

"They-they died… one second we had their vitals and the connection with Valor Blade was stable and the next nothing… Silence", a man behind a monitor said with disbelief and terror.

"What the actual fuck is going on! Someone just betrayed us!? Tokyo has fallen!", not even five minutes later another snapped under the pressure as he saw a giant floating purple starfish with one eye by what could only be magical means above the Tokyo Tower. Hundreds of thousands of little starfish, spore, were being expelled by the gargantuan starfish.

The defensive turrets builds around and in the capital of Japan that were shouting at Peach all simultaneously stopped working. While below thousands of people with starfish gripping their faces. Peach didn't kill any of them, just mind control and mind draining. 

Knowledge of their lives transferred into Peach's mind and they could understand why their father found them interesting, for inferior lifeforms. 

Particularly the strange position they make and invent while mating.

Their father, before forcefully putting them here informed them to avoid uselessly killing, no precision on what should be avoided killing but knowing it's him it can mean everything or literally nothing and even something unrelated. 

'Let the little piggies dance.', thinking of this Peach picked up the most viewed song from those hundreds of thousands of humans' memories and made them all execute it with perfection, the music was also reproduced by beatboxing and the lyrics sung by a chorus. All meticulously decided by them. 

The pilots of the jaegers present could do nothing but stare incredulously at what was happening. Two of those three jaegers were under the starfish's control via the pilot inside and it's the 'traitors'.

Peach was the second smartest being of Caelum, but still far from even reaching one brain of Caelicetus.

The three Astrocetii levitating behind Peach were communicating with the twenty others present on this planet and they were planning to conquer it for the glory of the God Emperor of Cetaceankind. Caelicetus knew of this but didn't care to stop it, he was letting the kids play so to speak.

This was an Earth, like many others, only the one of his home universe really mattered to him. Not like he is destroying the planet. Though the idea of collecting planet Earths from various universes was amusing and pleased a part of his instincts. 

'Right this planet is connected to a realm of some sort, the Anteverse it is called.', warping to said location from Callum. 

His many golden eyes studied the barren wasteland, storm clouds, red-yellow sky, and towers of many colors were the Precursors, spindly bipedal creatures reminiscent of aquatic insects, transparent shells revealing their internals and they were three or four times the size of a human. 

Nightmare fuel for humans but nothing exceptional for the space whale.

One of his eyes looked at a membranous sac bathing in a thick liquid, inside was the developing embryo of a kaiju. Nothing was particularly eyes catching to him but the planet in itself. It could bend space and time to create portals to other universes, but only the one close by.

'That's quite a unique ability for a dying plan-did one of the Astrodelphii just died? Did one of MY precious Astrodelphii just die!? Who in the ever living the fuck of this corner of the Omniverse had the balls to do that!'

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