A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

46. Stabby stab the whale is

On Caelum in the deepest part of the Abyss was a farm. A farm could be seen that radiated joy and happiness. A robotic centaur could be seen waiting in front of a steel gate that hued green light.

Al-An just having received the call from the space whale, was patiently waiting and perked up as the tell-tale sound of space folding entered his artificial eardrum. From the portal, he saw a tall muscular humanoid covered in battle scars. 

The portal closed and Al-An caught the yautja mid-fall with two of his holographic arms and held the alien in the air via a force field generated by the latter. This would have ended very badly for Al-An if the yautja wasn't only wearing a loincloth and still had his equipment. 

Though he would have been shredded apart by the two heavily armored reaper queens behind the portal right after while Al-An would simply transfer his consciousness to another body. The joy of being an inorganic life form.

[Welcome to Caelum, Leader Tain'dchuial.], he telepathically said to the yautja whose head snapped in his direction and roared in anger at the invasion of his mind. 

Al-An didn't go in deep as he learned his lesson but a 785 Earth year old yautja mind was incomparably weaker than Caelicetus and he could break Tain'dchuial's mind if he wanted to but everything inside will be lost and not what he wanted.

[Get out of my head!], the yautja mentally projected, outraged by what the strange thing did, and if he could move he would have broken it beyond recognition.

[I must inform you that you do not have any right in this place, Leader Tain'dchuial. You murdered one of his Majesty's subjects, from what his Majesty sent me and what I can glimpse your entire species hold an extremely strict Code of Honor, and breaking it means a fate worst than death? To calm you down I will give you information about who you killed.], he said and turned around to the yautja floating behind him.

They passed a garden with the most beautiful flower beds they discovered, most found by Astrodelphii who often visited this place, mostly to eat but a pleasant area was only a bonus. It was flat and the time-space anomalies of this area were stabilized by Caelicetus to avoid any potential accident. All in all this place was the size of a human city.

A pending silence filled the mental conversation as the yautja was given data on the calf he killed and Al-An was pleasantly surprised as the facade of pride and courage crumbled like a card castle and was replaced with self-laughing, dread, and terror. He broke the Code and was a 'bit' shocked.

[Quit the spectacular change of mood, Leader Tain'dchuial or now Bad-Blood Tain'dchuial. Fear not, this was not the worst part. Beyond you dooming yourself you likely started the process of the extinction of a space-faring species if it escalates even more. 

And his Majesty is pardon me, paranoid and has predicted every outcome if no drastic measure were to be made against your species.], the Architect explained and it didn't help the yautja who realized he made the biggest fuck up of his entire species.

Whatever that golden beast that descended from space was, it certainly powerful and if it can make a portal from one part of the universe to another his species couldn't do much but fight until the very end. He needed to inform every clan and inform them of the threat.

[Ah sadly that will not be possible. And you do have a parasite in your abdomen cavity but that must already be known by you and I want it. Do not worry you will not be killed by me, not like this will bother you as far as I can glimpse.], with this he catches other juicy pieces of information such as this yautja's home planet and the home planet of their species.

The notion of a parasite made the yautja freeze as it shouldn't be possible. The last xenomorph nest he wiped out was half a century ago.

Is it immoral, monstrous, cruel, and unfair to condemn an entire clan and potential species for the fault of one? Yes, it is. Caelicetus and Al-An understood this. 

Caelicetus wanted certainty that nothing like that would happen again, maybe it wasn't logical and necessary to go to such length. But nothing could stop the whale.

An option was sure the whale had taken was to safeguard the species on a remote planet if it were to explode in a full-blown war and maybe send some to him to see how they fare in the Abyss. 

The problem was the yautja's culture and tradition as a whole. Or they could simply leave the galaxy and find another one but the recent event and Caelicetus stopped this future from happening altogether.

He thought of this and sent the image of Yautja Prime from the old yautja's mind to Caelicetus.

'So that's how the planet looks… Thousands upon thousands of kilometers with only volcanic desert with active volcano and stream of lava and on the other half a dense rainforest composed of three bigger than me.', Caelicetus warped above the planet. It was ten times bigger than Earth and a place no humans would ever want to lay foot on.

He was calmer than before. 

His second right bright golden shifted and he saw a giant city dwarfing even medium-sized countries on Earth. A forest of metal, smoke, and skyscrapers. Giant spaceships were docked and thousands of smaller ones floated in and out of the city. It was very impressive.

Another of his eyes moved as it was met with a small one-passenger grey spaceship in the form of a metal mental manta ray. The lone yautja inside stared at the 'thing', he was no hunter and instantly when into full-blown panic. Trying to brake and fly away he realized with horror that the ship didn't budge.

Then the door was forcefully opened and he wanked out, his mind stopped working as he was turned around like a doll, studied then gently placed back inside his vehicle. He felt a tap on his shoulder and woke up from his trance.

"What?", he clicked, trying to understand what just happened and miserably filling. Then he saw the giant golden eyes bigger than his vehicle and started to hyperventilate. The alien just experienced being kidnapped by an alien and then placed back to where he was as if nothing happened.

'No this one isn't from their clans…', the whale titan thought and memorized the skinny yautja in the one to not kill. He searched for a symbol put on their body at birth, he didn't know what it meant before but now he does, and that helped in who to kill and who not to.

Inside the city alarm were sent off one after another as an unidentified flying object in the form of an aquatic life form of titanic proportions suddenly appeared above the capital city of yautjakind. Blooded yautjas armed themselves and entered spaceships, preparing themselves to fight the space whale.

All of Caelicetus' eyes widened in terror as he felt something incredibly sharp perforated his abdomen and another right into his skull. One was aimed at his heart and another at one of his brains.

Reacting immediately he managed to bend gravity around the one aiming at his heart making it miss and continue to dig through his flesh until it exploded out of his back in a gory rain of neon blue blood.

He would have immediately howled in agony if not for the spiky hooked mat black tail that speared him through his head. Stabbing through his ventral pleat one of his brains, and then out of his cranium, right next to his blowholes. His eyes started to spasm and a low grunt of confusion escaped his body.

Both of those that stabbed him was tails, extremely long tails belonging to a three-headed dragon that rushed at him all three were eyeless, adorned with two golden horns that twisted behind, and their skull twisted extended even more at the back of their head, their wide open lipless maws filled with a second mouth inside were drooling.

They were asleep for a very long time, their master and fathers' recent roar having awakened them. They didn't have any names but in the past, they were known as the Xenomorph Progenitor or the Sudden Death by the Astrocetus. 

For the simple reason that they were designed to be invisible to an Astrocetus's senses, and that came with a price. Being completely invisible to one of those being is extremely difficult and to put it simply was its only true strength.

And wasn't this little one a good breakfast? Why would a mother leave her calf like this? Not like they cared a meal was a meal, even if that meal somehow deviated the blow from his heart which would have stopped them from bending one of the four fundamental laws but it was but a calf. 

He should be already too much in shock to react and the smell of fear was delectable.

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