A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

63. Stalkers everywhere

A few days later.

Right next to what was once City A but now is no more than a hole where the future and new Headquarters of the Hero Association is getting built to be a veritable fortress optimized for heroes and all of their potential needs to do their jobs more effectively. 

Next to it was a camp full of the people who were healed and saved by Caelicetus and farther away from was a strange metal box, and within this box was a meeting between 10 of the 17 S-Class heroes just about this small extremely arrogant cetacean-shaped mysterious creature.

"Do we have any new information on that fucking whale, where the actual fuck did it come from, what are its intention and why aren't we hunting it down?! And where is our number 1? This arrogant shit fucking dared to threaten that it will whwipeumanity out!", Metal Bat, the Rank 15 S-Class, a young man with a pompadour yelled out with clear disbelief and anger at the apparent inaction of his colleague.

His incessant yelling was suddenly stopped by the Rank 2 S-Class, Tatsumaki aka Tornado of Terror, one glance and the sound escaping his mouth was kept in a psychic bubble around his head.

"First, silence. Second, IT is at least on the upper limit of the Dragon-level disaster, maybe even God if it's truthful you absolutely retarded dimwitted punk! Third, speaking of Rank 1 it has power similar in nature to him, and fourth it could have killed us all and we wouldn't have even realized it!", Tatsumaki lashed out at Metal Bat and her words more than her actions shocked most of the heroes within the room, the one spoken too in particular. 

Murmurs and voices more or less loud started to echo in the room, but before anyone did anything or the situation escalated more and more only a few stayed silent such as Pig God, a morbidly obese man too preoccupied with munching on a durian fruit.

"Everyone please calm down, infighting will not help or save anyone. This isn't the time for an internal quarrel.", Superalloy Darkshine, a tall extremely muscular dark-skinned completely hairless man spoke loudly, this earned him a glare and various other expressions of displeasure but also of thanks. It had the intended effect.

"Thank you Rank 11 for calming this petulant child babbling, this 'Caelicetus' has not shown any kind of enmity toward humanity, great disdain but no direct want to harm or destroy, remember that they saved civilians and healed them, binding their wounds together on an atomic level and used alien contraption that perfectly morphed into the lost body parts of the survivors.", the Child Emperor, a brown-haired 10-year-old boy said, pausing as he took a lick at his strawberry lollipop.

"These actions are very puzzling. Heroic even but that wouldn't make sense… Unless they are deceiving us in some way, which is likely the case, but again if Rank 2 is accurate then why? Why do this? What are their objectives? It is a unique case never seen before, that concern the fate of millions if not billion. Acting without planning or having more understanding of them and their capability is foolish. I propose we let them be for the moment and obverse.", he explained his opinion, earning nods of understanding but some were disgruntled such as Metal Bat.

Drive Knight, the Rank 9 S-Class hero, a one-eyed cyborg stood up, at the same time various screens appeared above the table attracting the attention of everyone as they showed video and picturespeakinge in a calm and composed mechanical voice.

"Those are mostly from Demon Cyborg(Genos) as he has passed the last few days close to them. As such most of this footage, picture,s and information are from him. Also the reason he is absent.", Drive Knight informed them. Only a few truly cared about where the other cyborg vanished and this information with context confused them even more.

As videos and pictures of a small golden whale killing and eating monsters all around Z-City passed, Drive Knight each explained the humans and material damage of each attack, the time, and the exact location.

"Zero human casualty, only two injured due to the crowd panicking, the two were healed into full health right after, 86 monsters from Wolf-level disaster to Tiger-level and even one Demon-level were taken care of by Caelicetus. And this is not all… As some of you may know this new concept on the internet referred to as 'memes' are from Caelicetus.", he said that an image appeared.

It was that of the S-Class hero Watchdog who at the moment wasn't here and Metal Bat, the hero always wearing a white dog onesie was holding the hero Metal Bat by the feet as if he was a weapon. 

The Child Emperor chuckled at the ridiculous image and how lifelike it looked while Metal Bat exploded out in anger and stormed out, only stopped by Tatsumaki.

The one the meeting was discussing was currently slowly spinning in the air right in the farther area of the deserted part of the Z-City, his body's natural golden bioluminescent light letting a twirling sheet of energy behind as he did so. 

Cracked concrete behind him had plants slowly grow as the golden light caressed them. The equivalent of an exasperated sigh for an alien space whale escaped Caelicetus as he reorientedartiented himself backward in a way that told him he didn't care about gravity. 

"What do you want, Mister wannabe Roomba? Let me guess, it's to prove how evil I'm and that I must be killed by all means necessary? Because it's frankly sad, you would have more chance killing the ocean by throwing water at it.", Caelicetus said boredly from where he was and clicked in amusement as two yellow optics from ten kilometers widened in shock as not only his voices reached the cyborg but they were crystal clear clarity.

A pop was heard and Genos instinctively spun around his hands and shifted into a unique cannon capable of razing an entire city block that aimed right at the golden cetacean who just warped behind him.

Floating right in front of the muzzle Caelicetus pushed Genos backward as even if he currently was small he still weighed around 50 000 tons.

The tension in the air was rising, and  Genos' metallic joints on his artificial limbs started to screech and the half machine half man growled. 

The whale saying this 'fight' was pointless sent a pulse of gravity that made the cyborg fly two meters above the ground, then Caelicetus made him spin into the air, all of his modifications aside from the sensory and vitals one were all refusing to work. 

Yet all of a sudden the spinning motion and hold against the planet's gravity vanished and he fell on his metallic ass right in front of the whale, stunned.

"I have been patient enough. I think your stalking tendencies on an underage calf are getting overboard, creepy even. Lucky, I don't care but others hmmm not really…", the whale seemingly in thought for his next word became silent.

"But again it's not me the S-Class hero who wastes his time not doing his job while people keep on dying, too preoccupied searching for what doesn't exist, and if I'm right all your little stalking act indirectly cost the lives of two hundred humans. If you are looking for some evil overlord or the like go search elsewhere. Now shoo go save someone.", and after those wise words from the whale, the cyborg floated and was thrown with force into a wormhole.

The force was enough that when Genos appeared on the other side his body arms and legs spread apart gored a hole of the same shape as his body troughs a building-sized monster that was happily gorging itself onto the blood of children before continuing for hundreds of meters underground, leaving a hole similar to the one left in the now dead and falling monster. 

"Since I'm on the topic of stalkers let's cut this straight to the point what do you want?", Caeliecetus said to the empty air, earning no response he clicked in amusement and decided to use violence. 

A small pink-slug-like creature with one single eye was flung right in front of him, at the same moment far away in another city, Psyko, a purple-haired woman widened her eyes in shock before a smile and a wide smile found its way onto her face.

"Greeting Caelicetus.", the esper spoke through her meat puppet, her voice completely unrecognizable and alien to her real one.

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