A strange new life


The first clone’s memory popped inside my head just a few minutes after training started. I blinked at the deluge of information, then laughed. That was so dumb. Clone-chan decided she wanted to sprint as fast as she could. Clone-chan couldn’t dodge the unmoving tree. She crashed and the clone dispersed.

Second Clone-chan came just a few moments later. She decided she wanted to fly, or as close as possible of flying she could. She climbed the tallest tree she could find, then jumped up as far as she could go. She mute laughed, mute yelled, mute hooted. She was still smiling like a loony when gravity-kun reasserted himself, and Clone-chan fell and broke her neck.

About one hour later, clone three and four popped out at the same time. That duo decided they wanted to fight each other. Which turned into a game of tag, then tickling, then just cuddling under the morning sun. They fell asleep, dispersed. Was I so lonely my clones couldn’t even train like they were supposed to? Koto playing hadn’t gone well. My dreams of Rebel Rebel were squashed, although I had improved. Now instead of sounding like a kid slapping the instrument, I sounded like a kid who just started to learn playing. Progress!

I got up, looked at my instrument. Instead of storing it, I popped another clone. For the heck of it, since apparently I was so touch starved I cuddled with myself, I gave Clone-chan a hug. Might have been longer than intended. Clone-chan smiled, waved me away. She sat down to practice. I huffed, and returned to Tazuna’s house. Helped Tsunami with breakfast. Popped some of my dwindling stock of pastries, much to Naruto’s happiness and Tsunami’s chagrin.

The third day of guarding duty went about the same: boring. Haku didn’t case the joint again. No other thugs attacked. I kept inventing ever strange things to do with my threads.

One thing I had not considered training with clones was the mental fatigue. When afternoon arrived, it felt I had spent days without sleep. I wasn’t physically tired, I was just spent out. It got even worse when koto Clone-chan unpopped after giving me back the musical instrument. I went to sleep without dinner. I barely managed to find my bed before I collapsed. How did Naruto do it?

The fourth day started with me sending two clones this time. One to go and explore the island. The other to sit down and practice the koto. I needed practice doing normal things without the weight seals.

Breakfast was drama between the family. Brat Inari got pissed when Tazuna talked about the boy’s father. Tsunami got upset, which triggered Tazuna to spill the family sob story. Yeah, super sad. At least it served to lit a fire under Naruto’s bum. The sunshine brat left to train, determined to finish climbing the tree that same day. I wished him luck. Sneaked a cupcake in his pocket when he passed me by.

Kakashi-sensei was a lot more mobile, doing small exercises around the house to regain his body constitution. Could already walk with just one clutch.

Guard duty went about the same. Another band of thugs decided to try their luck with spooking the workers. I objected to that. I had also calmed down since the first day. Which meant I only poked them a bit, then threw the offending pests in the water. A long swim to the shore looked a lot like good punishment and character growing exercise. Tazuna approved. Even thanked me for going easy on them.

Naruto, to my surprise and delight, managed to climb the tree on the fourth day. Sasuke was still stuck near the ending. And looked possessed. I had expected Naruto to slap that achievement on Sasuke’s face, but proving again to be the better person, Naruto instead went about trying to help Sasuke to climb higher.



Start of the next day I kept with my routine of sending clones to train in my stead. Today was the last day I would do that. My chakra reserves hadn’t recovered to full, and I didn’t want to be caught by the enemy without chakra. We were getting closer to the time Kakashi-sensei deduced Zabuza could attack again.

Before the boys went to do their thing, I called Naruto over.

“What is it, Hinata-chan?” The brat asked.

“Did my training method worked?” I wrote.

“Yes! I beat Sasuke!” He whisper yelled. “But don’t rub in too much, he gets real angry.”

I nodded. “I have another exercise you might want to try, how about it?”

Naruto tilted his head. “Tree climbing?”

I tilted my hand in a so-so gesture. The boy nodded.

“Watch well,” I wrote. Plucked a leaf from a nearby tree. Stuck it to my forehead.

Naruto looked confused. “We already learned that on the academy, Hinata-chan.” He whined.

I nodded. Showed him the board again, with the same words. Then, still keeping the leaf on my forehead, I walked to the tree, and kept walking up. I held my skirt and hair in place with chakra, but I don’t think Naruto noticed that. His eyes bugged out, looking at the leaf still on my forehead.

I erased my board, wrote again. “Try it?”

Naruto nodded, stuck a leaf to his forehead. Went to climb a tree. I held back a mute giggle when he fell down on the first try. Yeah brat, think simultaneous control is easy? On the other side of the clearing, Sasuke stared daggers at me. I wanted to dismiss it. But I guess it was time to grow up, and stop playing favorites. I waved him over, he scowled, but came. Now to see how I could help a natural genius to be even more of a genius.


Thank you for reading.


For reasons, my writing speed tanked this past week. I'll be moving to releases on mon-wed-fri until I fix stuff on my side. I don't want to lose my backlog because I often go back in the early chapters of an arc to add/remove/modify stuff because a new idea popped out.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.