A strange new life


Like every other story in existence, team seven sensei hadn’t shown up to meet in the scheduled time. Iruka-sensei had left. Naruto booby trapped the door with the eraser.

Did the interaction between Sakura-chan, Naruto and Sasuke happened? My memory was hazy after years, but I think in the original story Naruto tied Sasuke, and almost kissed Sakura-chan, by pretending to be Sasuke. Given how Naruto was still holding his belly when he entered, the milk did it’s job. No idea if teenage drama happened as well.

“That’s what you get for being late.” Naruto hollered after creating the trap.

Emosuke scoffed. “Pft. Like a jounin would fall for such a stupid booby trap.”

I stayed quiet. Kakashi-sensei had been on the other side of the door for a while, even if I couldn’t see him when Naruto opened the door. The man had dimmed his chakra, but not enough that I couldn’t feel it.

A hand opened the door, the head peeking inside in a way that made sure the eraser hit. White powder splashed everywhere. Yeah, I didn’t knew how Naruto and Sasuke didn’t see it.

“Hahaha. You fell for it!! You fell for it!!” Naruto hollered again.

Kakashi-sensei scratched his chin. “Hmm… how can I say this,” the man started. “My first impression is…” he looked at us again. His eyes stopped on me for a moment. “I don’t like you guys.”

I froze. I had to. With every fiber of my being I held back my mute squeal of joy. He was so damn cool!

Five minutes later we were at the roof. Kakashi sat on the railing. We sat in front of him.

“Well, let’s begin with introducing ourselves.” Kakashi-sensei said.

Naruto was the first to answer. “What do you want to know?”

“How about your likes, dislikes, dreams for the future and things like that?” Sensei asked.

I didn’t derail the conversation. Too busy containing my joy. I knew how this would play. And Naruto played his part to perfection. He urged Kakashi to introduce himself first, which sensei did, but said nothing other that his name. Naruto was next.

“Yo! My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I love instant ramen and Hinata-chan bento. I love it even more when Iruka-sensei pays for my ramen, and when Hinata-chan gives me cupcakes.” He looked at me, grinned brighter than the sun. What was with that introduction? “What I dislike is waiting three minutes for the ramen to cook, or when Hinata-chan doesn’t come to the academy.”

I blinked at Naruto. Was he stupid? We were done with academy. Haven’t he realized there was no more bento? Or did he just assumed I would still cook for him? What a brat.

“And my dream,” he said, face fierce. “Is to surpass the Hokage and then have the people of this village acknowledge my existence. Hobbies,” he tilted his head. “Pranks I guess.”

Emosuke introduction was the same, down to a T, except instead for a small detail. “…revenge for my clan, and to kill a certain man.”

I wanted to face-palm. Really, what bullshit was this? Who does he even want to kill now? Itachi was alive and happy. I saw him just a few days ago when Sasuke graduated. His mom and brother came to congratulate him. What the hell was he thinking now?

“Ok, and lastly the girl.” Kakashi said, looking at me.

Wealp. It was my time. I pushed chakra into my seal. Popped the arm held, portable comms board. Took my pen and started writing. The boys were already used to the sight of my sealwork. I had been using this version for about a year now. Kakashi-sensei raised an eyebrow. I wanted to dance in happiness. Take that sensei. Surprise on the first day.

I wrote, turned my board toward the three boys. “My name is Hinata. I like cooking. My hobby is music. My dream for the future is to create the best cupcake in the world!”

Naruto laughed. I could always count on him to react appropriately. Sasuke face-palmed. Really Emosuke? After that edgy introduction you have the gall to be annoyed with me? Kakashi-sensei just nodded. He was that cool.

The rest was the same my hazy memory remembered. Survival training. Bring all your stuff. Don’t eat breakfast, chance of rauling. Two thirds chance of failure, back to the academy if you do.

Naruto looked freaked out after that. Sasuke even more emo. I went back to my apartment. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to deal with this. Wrangling Naruto wouldn’t be difficult. He was loud, annoying, but he wanted to be a ninja. I just needed to tell him I had a plan and Naruto would follow through. Sasuke however, might be a pain. The boy never liked me. I never liked the boy. And I think he might refuse just because.

I didn’t knew him enough to convince him. I might have antagonized him on purpose more than a few times during academy days. My assumptions coming to bite me in the behind. All those years getting to know and be in good terms with team eight, when they put me in team seven. It was what it was.

Kunais, shuriken, exploding tags, my own custom sealwork, traps, food, gear. I prepared it all. If possible I wanted to get the bells. Offer them to the boys. There was a good chance Sasuke would help if I promised him the bell.



I walked inside the training field at six in the morning. I packed everything, but my pack was light, a small bag that wouldn’t restrict my movements. All my stuff was stored in seals. Seals didn’t take too much space, it was just paper. Both boys had huge, cumbersome bags with them. Obeying to the letter the instructions. They brought everything.

I sat by Naruto side, he looked stressed. I took a seal. Out popped three chicken sandwich, from another a thermos and cups. I popped my board, wrote up. Naruto looked like I was crazy.

“Eat up.”

“But Sensei said we couldn’t eat!” Naruto protested, but kept staring at the food. His stomach growled.

I smiled, wrote some more. “Dummy, a ninja needs his energy. And sensei said we should skip because we might throw up. He didn’t forbid us from eating.”

Naruto scratched his head. Shrugged. Took a sandwich, a cup of tea. “Itadakimasu!” He yelled. Dug in.

I turned my board to Sasuke. He read it. Raised one eyebrow. I took my share, started eating. He would eat if he wanted. I couldn’t force him. Emosuke resisted at first. Half an hour had passed and Kakashi hadn’t arrived yet. Sasuke got up, picked the sandwich, ate with his back to us. I looked at Naruto. I grinned. Naruto looked confused, but grinned back.

It was past ten when Kakashi finally arrived.

“You’re late!” Naruto yelled.

Thank you for reading. I'll prob release daily chapters for a while, not sure until when.

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