A strange new life


If you're here from the feed page, go back and read 4.7 in case you haven't yet!

Awesomest of cakes, CakeEight scolded me when I asked her opinion about 4.7, and I quote her words "cus it didn't feel like enough happened? Like, kinda filler-y but not really bad in any sense."

So, yeah, it's her fault we're getting a double release today.


Proctor-san looked at Emosuke; there was a small smirk on his face. “Your name?” 

Emosuke’s eyes glinted, sharp. “Uchiha Sasuke.”

Completely unaware of the mood, Naruto butted in. “Hey! You’re real late huh? I was wondering if you got cold feet about fighting me.”

To my immense surprise, Sasuke grinned. “Heh, chill out you big dork, I gotta beat someone else first.” Sasuke’s eyes were glued to the waiting area, to Gaara, most likely. He looked back at Naruto. “From that attitude, you won against Hinata?”

Naruto’s face soured, before he grinned even wider. “And now I get to beat the crap outta you!”

While sunshine brat teased emosuke, Kakashi scratched the back of his head, looked at Shikamaru, Naruto and finally the proctor. “Don’t tell me… Sasuke lost by forfeit?” He asked.

There was a bit more back and forth between sensei and the proctor. The gist of the talk was about the same. Politics postponed the match. No one wanted the Uchiha heir to lose without fighting. Itachi, who had been silent the whole time, touched Sasuke’s forehead, then flickered away. Kakashi said a few more words, also left. 

Proctor-san called Gaara out. “Gaara, come down.”

At that point, Naruto and Shikamaru left the arena. The anticipation among the crowd and other shinobi was palpable. I knew I was missing something here. In the original story, Sasuke was famous for being the ‘last’ Uchiha, but that wasn’t the case anymore, most of his clan was still alive. What was the reason for all this hullabaloo over his fight? Clan politics? Propaganda? I regretted not trying to learn more about the affairs of the village, something I probably should rectify as soon as possible.

Gaara arrived, faced off against Sasuke. Psycho boy Gaara looked possessed.

Kakashi-sensei arrived at the stands, waved at us. “Yo, guys. And you too Lee, Gai.” He addressed the two other shinobi that had stopped to watch the match. Lee was still dressed in a hospital gown and walking with crutches. “Hinata-chan, I’m sorry I missed your match.”

I nodded at the apology. Before sensei mentioned it, I wasn’t even thinking about that, but now that he apologized, I did feel a bit miffed that he wasn’t here to see my beautiful explosions, even if I never expected him to be here in the first place. Conversation sparked between the two jounin, but I didn’t pay attention. Anticipation started to build ever since Gaara got down into the arena.

“Begin!” Proctor-san called out.

Instead of duking it out like a good shinobi should do, Gaara talked with himself. It looked creepy if one didn’t know his conversation was with the one tail. “I’m sorry, but don’t worry, this time I’m sure it’ll be tasty.” Sand billowed from the container on Gaara’s back, floated around him.

Sasuke didn’t seem keen on waiting. “Here I come,” he announced, throwing shuriken at Gaara. The sand reacted, moved in front of Gaara, blocked the projectiles, transformed into a clone. Sasuke dashed closer, traded blows with the clone, dispersed it with a powerful punch, moved closer, ready to attack again. The sand reacted, erected a wall between Sasuke and Gaara, which seemed to be the opportunity Sasuke was waiting for. His speed rose, and while the sand blocked Gaara’s vision, Sasuke’s speed burst took him behind the sand nin.

The sand wasn’t fast enough to prevent the punch to Gaara’s face. The sand armor cracked and flaked, but didn’t break.

Sasuke smirked. Stood straight, right hand in front of him, palm up. The famous come hither taunt. “Come!”

Gaara’s cracked sand armor slowly mended itself. Gaara didn’t say anything, didn’t answer Sasuke's provocation, which seemed to piss off the Uchiha.

“If you’re not going to come to me, I’ll come to you!”

Sasuke’s speed rose again. Before Gaara could react, Sasuke was at the sand-nin’s back. Sasuke was fast, but I noticed, still not as fast as me when going all out. But it was enough. The sand couldn’t keep up. Sasuke proceeded to methodically dismantle Gaara’s protection.

This wasn’t something Sasuke could keep for long. Just a few minutes into the fight he was already panting, and Gaara still had his sand armor. It made sense. Rock Lee was faster and stronger than Sasuke. If taijutsu were enough to defeat Gaara, he would have done it. Instead of attacking, Gaara did a hand seal, the sand forming into a circular barrier that surrounded him from all sides.

It was at this point that Naruto and Shikamaru arrived at the stands, panting and hollering. “Sensei, please stop the match, that guy isn’t normal!”

In the arena, Sasuke tried to attack again, but this time, his attack wasn’t enough to break the barrier. Spikes grew from the sand, cutting small nicks into Sasuke’s cheek, legs and stomach. Sasuke’s fist hit the sand blockage, his fist bled from the impact. That didn’t seem to phase the Uchiha. Sasuke smirked, cleaned the blood from his face. Tried a few more attacks, using his boosted speed to avoid the spike retaliation. But nothing came close to even damaging the protection.

The hullabaloo behind us with Naruto hollering, Kakashi and Gai talking, didn’t stop. Something about training, and the reason they were late. Sasuke dashed away, jumped and stopped midway the arena’s walls. In a flash, he did the hand seals and lightning burst from his bandaged hand. The sound of a thousand birds shushing the whole arena.

Gai said something, sounded surprised. I had my whole focus on the viewer area around me, trying to see everything without looking at anything in particular.

Down in the arena, Sasuke, now boosted by the Chidori, was fast, faster than even I could move. He closed the gap in the blink of his red eyes, lightning coated hand piercing the sand shield.

Gaara cried out from inside the sand sphere. “Arggg, waaaah. Blood… I’m bleeeding!”

Sasuke grunted, tried to pull his hand still stuck inside the sphere out. He pulled and pulled, then blasted it with lightning when he couldn’t remove it from the sand. With much effort, he pulled his hand free. And out with it came something else, it looked like some sand tentacle bug monster.

Bug monster tentacle thingy retreated inside the sand cocoon. The sphere dissolved to reveal a bleeding Gaara. At the same time, chakra built all around, and feathers fell from the sky. I felt the chakra sneaking inside my head, trying to put me to sleep. As always, It didn’t work. My own chakra slurped the invading genjutsu, leaving me feeling like I wanted to eat something. From the second level stands, where the two Hokage were, a smoke bomb exploded. I got up, flooded my body with chakra, disabled my seals.

Giant serpents, with strange red colored fabric around their neck appeared in the distance. Even from here, I could see the giant monsters outside the village. They dove toward the walls, broke through it and spilled inside, destroying everything in their path. Anyone still awake in the stands was attacked by disguised Sunagakure and Otogakure shinobi, who until now pretended to watch the battle.

I flickered toward the stand railing. Couldn’t afford to miss the opportunity to disrupt the Sound Four’s barrier.

Movement caught my attention. Kankuro and Temari jumped inside the arena. When I wasn’t looking, the Sand team jounin moved closer to Gaara, faced the proctor. With a few words from the jounin, they took the injured Gaara, leaped over the arena’s walls, fled the place. Sasuke looked confused for a moment, until proctor talked with him. The Uchiha heir nodded, followed the Suna shinobi.

A blur of movement sped toward me. A wash of cold cruel intent pressed against me, but it was nothing compared to Orochimaru’s or even Danzo’s. I turned to face the enemy, barely had time to grab a kunai, before the shinobi was on me.

Everything then was a haze of movement. I parried, dodged, counter attacked. The enemy wasn’t as fast as me, but they were more experienced. It felt like I was fighting three people at the same time. I ducked under a rock projectile aimed at my head, then flickered away from the sand clone behind me. I flickered forward, trying to end the fight with a sudden attack, but the shinobi expected that move, blocked my attack, retaliated with another of his.

On the stands, Kakashi flickered in front of Sakura, killed two attacking ninjas. Gai straight up punched a guy through the wall. 

Burst of flames, wind-blades, stone lances, shuriken. Ninja killed ninja while normal people slept under Kabuto’s genjutsu.

Up on the roof of the middle viewer stand, a purple barrier appeared. It covered most of the structure. Shit, now was the time and I couldn’t let this fucker derail all my plans. The ninja attacking me was relentless. I threw a normal explosive tag at him, out popped three shadow clones. Clone one and clone two picked up the attack, giving me some breathing room. 

I cast my mind to the beacon I left there earlier in the day while I flir— had a picnic with Ino. A lone wood clone turned beacon. A chance to change the world again.

The third clone extended her hands. I gave Suicide Clone-chan the bomb. You see, I had no intention of getting close to Orochimaru who could disable me with a look, or any of the previous Hokage, who were by all intents and purposes literal gods of shinobi. I wasn’t arrogant enough to think I could actually influence that fight. I was liable to make things worse for the Third if I went there, because I’m sure the old man would try to protect me at the cost of his own safety. No, my plan was just to explode one of the sound four. Without one of them, the barrier integrity would be compromised and the ANBU could do their job and join the fight, protect the Third.

I would need to explain later how I knew to leave a teleport beacon there, but that was a concern for the future. I concentrated on my newly developed jutsu, pushed my mind toward the beacon. I connected to it, It was still there. I looked at Suicide Clone-chan, saluted her sacrifice. 

An explosion at the roofs shook me and the whole arena. 

In the central viewing stands, the purple barrier bulged and contorted, breaking like glass before fading from view. Every manner of roots, tree branches, explosions, water and more cascaded from the roof. Hit the still sleeping people on the stands. The beacon faded from my mind before clone-chan could teleport.

I stood frozen, watching things spiral out of control. What just happened?


So, time for a longer AN:

Updates: I moved. My porcelain mugs are still intact. New city is hot and dry. I lived near a big river/sea and it was always humid. The dry air is hurting my nose.

New apartment is nice and big and cozy. Took some time to clean everything. I'm thinking of painting the walls black.


We have a few milestones I'd like to celebrate:

First, we're past 170k views and 8k favorites! Thank you very much.

We're also past 1k readers. That's frankly amazing. <3


An update on my schedule: Well, just pointing out I'm still planning on keeping Monday and Friday release for a while.

Lastly, please give CakeEight all the cookies. She deserves them all. (No, I'm not trying to fatten her up before roasting her in my evil witch children cooking oven, maybe, probably.)


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