A study on the merits of queer dating apps and being yourself

Field test

This chapter is from Penny's POV

She’s sorry for the slow reply? It’s been almost 3 years! Goddammit giggling is making being angry hard. I’m starting to remember why I had a crush on this girl even for months after she blanked me, after I mentioned Bella and after Amy, like most girls do, bailed on any fledgling romance we might have had. I love Bella with all my heart but a steady girlfriend would be really nice too. I was going to be 30 next year and am not emotionally well equipped to be this single for this long.

You know what? Screw it, she knows about me being a mom and she still wants a date, if she has an even halfway reasonable justification for being ‘a bit busy’, I’ll try a date. Gotta make sure not to seem too desperate though.

Penny: I am going to need you to have a very good reason for being busy for three years to even consider a date

Ooh, typing! What reason could even explain this? Kidnapping seemed unlikely. A sudden work excursion for three years with no contact with the outside world, seemed even less likely, they worked at a university. Literally in a coma? Dubious, but would explain it. Found someone better, dated them for a few years, broke up and then came crawling back, that sounded about right, urgh, if it's that I might have to say no on principle.

Amy: So, I’m trans, I’d have told you when we spoke before but I didn’t know. At the time I thought I was a boy flirting with lesbians for a bet and having a surprisingly good time. Speaking with you helped me work myself out and I’m so grateful to you for that. The last two years I’ve been busy with transitioning, but I’m done now, sorry it took so long…

What. How dense could this idiot have been? I didn’t even feel lied to, it was too silly. And how on earth did I help them with any of that? And why would transitioning mean they couldn’t tell me? People date while transitioning! I have dated people who are transitioning. Okay, sure, people have different journeys, I didn’t know hers and if she felt there was a point she needed to reach before dating then I couldn’t really argue with that, which… huh, that would be a good enough excuse, we could go on a date!

Penny: Okay, a lot to take in, but of course you being trans is fine with me, I just wish you’d told me sooner, I’d have been happy to date you while you were transitioning! Speaking of dating, I’m persuaded, we can try going out for drinks. Would this Saturday work?

Amy: You know it’s Saturday morning right? Because if you mean today, then I think I can be free?

Penny: I didn’t mean today, but that could work too, I’ll just confirm my usual babysitter is free and then let you know!

For the first time in recorded history, my bus was on time and I was early. I was just sitting at a table for two in the queer cocktail bar she’d recommened, dealing with the anxious realisation that I had no idea what she looked like. The photos I’d seen were fabricated and I’d forgotten to ask until now, so I guess I just had to keep my eyes peeled for awkward/cute trans girls. The pretty goth in stompy boots seemed the most likely candidate in that she was the only one not here with friends, she was however really short which gave me doubts.

The next person arriving solo was probably too pretty, she wore the kind of dress only worn by people who both had amazing bodies and liked showing them off. It was deep green and complimented her hair, with a high slit that showed off pretty much her entire right leg and a low cut neck showed off boobs that were entirely distracting. She wore fairly high heeled boots that could only exaggerate the roll of her hips as she walked… straight towards me. 

This could not be her, it just couldn’t. This woman was all confidence and sex appeal and legs and taking the seat opposite me. Oh.

“Hi, you look lovely, it’s so good to meet you at last!” I did not feel like I looked lovely, not in comparison. I was in an admittedly very nice, but too flirty for work, dark red suit. It tapered hard in at the waist, it flared nicely at my hips and I’d paired it with a blouse that had one button too few done up. I’d loved the outfit and bought it before being reminded that wearing it at work would only worsen how I was treated in boardrooms. I could concede that maybe I looked sharp, or perhaps professional, but if that was what was working for her she was going to get a stark reminder that I was an awkward idiot the moment I opened my mouth.

“Umm, thank you, you look amazing and just wow, you really must have been busy the last few years. Also, sorry in advance, but I am going to be distracted by you in that dress.”

“Aww, thanks. I’ve, uh, never worn it outside before. Is it too much? I feel like it’s too much and I was super self conscious about it the whole way here. It’s just, I've not done many or uh, any dates since I worked out I was a girl.” How could she look like that and then be a cute anxious dork? Either I got to date her and the universe was not fair to everyone else, or I only got to meet her once and it was unfair just to me and everyone who met her.

“No, it’s perfect, at worst we’re both a little overdressed for this bar and besides, now everyone is jealous of me. Let me buy you a drink!”

One drink rather quickly turned into two, and then six, and then some more after that, only it was affecting me a fair bit more than her, did alcohol tolerance hold over for people during their transition.

“Hun, it’s been really fun this evening, but I think we’ve both had a few too many, I’m gonna call a taxi and take you home, then I’ll head back to mine” Gosh, she was pretty, I just wanted to hold and cuddle her, and maybe worship her a bit.

“Or you could stay the night, just saying” Please say yes and then kiss me.

“I’m both flattered and very tempted, and shit, I really shouldn’t be this tipsy alone in a taxi. Okay, I will stay at yours, if that’s alright, but not in your bed, you’ll have to ask me that when we’re both sober.” Ahh, sober me absolutely wants this too, hmm, maybe I can persuade her.

Cuddling her arm in the taxi was a brilliant plan, it’s soft and nice and her boobs are right there and she couldn’t turn down sex after how cute I was being. “Penny, we’re here, c’mon let’s get you into bed” Fuck.

Thankfully, as I led her up to my bedroom I came up with an infallible plan. “What do you normally sleep in?” The goddess asked.

I pointed, “there’s a nightie in the bottom drawer.” But while she was turned I shimmied at maximum speed, and nailed it, basically naked by the time she found a nightie and turned around. “Tadahh.” Jazz hands while naked was truly optimal seduction.

She was staring and biting her lip, my plan was working! She was getting turned on! Or was that just me, the lip bite was a lot. “Let’s get you into bed.” Damn.

She helped me get the surprisingly slippery nightie on and then I begrudgingly got into bed, without her. “You’re really cute, sleep well, gorgeous.” She then slipped up and gave me a golden opportunity. She tried to kiss my forehead goodnight, but I of course was too fast and sneaky. One little head movement and our lips met. And then we were kissing and she was kissing me back too, wow her lips were soft, I could do this forever. Unfortunately she broke off the kiss long before forever which was only slightly devastating. “Night night for real this time, sleep well cutie.” 

“Nighty night! And thanks for looking after me, you’d be a good mum.” She froze, obviously surprised at the compliment, but she was clearly ideal mum material. She was amazing, she’d looked after me, tucked me into bed and kissed me goodnight. She was allowed to meet Bella which was ideal because she uh, probably would in the morning.

My next recommendation is for Lunar Marked by flitter puff which is a charming story about an adorably dense egg in an exciting world of cultivation. It's little smutty and a lot cute!

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