A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 12

*August PoV*

I was walking up in the mountains, with a huge smile on my face. it is after all a wonderful day, as I feel the cool summer breeze blowing on my face.

Finally lord Heracles decided to head to Orario, but he had his usual mischievous smile on his face when he told me that earlier this morning.

Oh well I'll get to that problem later. 

it's been 9 years since that fateful day, and I've spent most of my time being trained by lord Heracles, and remembering those time spent in training just put shivers down my spine.

whoever said that gods are practically powerless in the lower earth deserves to be killed a thousand times. let's see that person spar with lord Heracles.

I've learned a lot of things from my god, like fighting monsters, tracking, fighting people stronger than me, fighting multiple enemies at the same time, fighti--- wait most of what he taught me is basically just fighting. 

Well I'm thankful for that, he did promise to make me strong, and from what its worth he did deliver on his promise. well he could have turned the sparring bout a bit. My body just hurts whenever I remember his club hitting me.

I'm currently tracking some monster tracks, I got a job from a nearby village to exterminate them. This will be the last job I'll do before me and Heracles go on a journey towards Orario and I really wanna kill every vermin here before I leave so I took it.

From what I can see, it's a goblin track, a possible nest that if left unchecked would grow larger and larger in the future which may lead to the decimation of the village near here. 

I for one am done with seeing village burn because of the monster, so slaying them was a no brainer.

The downside is that goblins can be pretty boring to kill, after all, they are savages whose only tactics in fighting is attack. They pose no challenge for me whatsoever.

My level rose 3 times this 9 years. I'm now level 4 from what Lord Heracles told me, but for some reason he still wont show me my status. I wonder why? Well whatever...

As I was casually strolling, I felt my spear vibrate, the nest is near, I made my presence become faint as I walked slowly. I can sense the general direction of these goblins thanks to Beowulf. 

I'm really amazed by this weapon, as I grew Beowulf adjusted and grew with me. maintaining a size that is proportional to my body, I can even feel the weapon grow strong. 

As I thought about how amazing my weapon is, I saw a pair of goblins patrolling the area, I decided to let them go, for now. After all there's no point in killing them yet, I need them to lead me on their nest.

I followed them closely, making sure no trace of me can be spotted by them. and there it was. their nest.

I closed my eyes and let my mana pulse through the ground. another trick I picked up from lord Heracles. It's not necessary magic, the way he explained is he got the idea of using mana like that when he was stuck at a dark cave once. and he used his mana to navigate his way out.

something about being like a bat or something along those lines. 

"Hmmm... about 80 or so... maybe more." I talked to myself, this is quite a large nest. those trash had been busy. well they are all gonna die so more excelia for me.

I stepped outside the bushes as I made my presence known for everyone to see.

The goblins looked in my direction as I let my mana flare out for everyone of them to sense.

I walked slowly towards them, brandishing my spear as Beowulf glowed a violent light, I let my bloodlust reign free, enveloping the whole area. 

The weaker goblins, those who are young and elderly collapse from the pressure, I can clearly feel the fear. Pathetic...

"it's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like these, monsters like you... SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL!!!"

I charge at them as some of the braver ones got in my way, I twirl my spear and decapitate the fools who stood in my way.

A goblin rushed behind me, he slashed using a rusty blade no doubt picked for their previous victims. 

Slow, I can clearly see the slash coming in slow motion, I smiled viciously as I dodged its blade inches away from my head, As I did the stab him straight to the jaw with my spear.

Four goblins rushed at me at the same time, as the back line rained fire with their crossbow. Still I can't feel any danger from them.

With a flick of my spear I blocked the incoming arrow head and caught one of them out of the air. channeling mana into it, I threw it back towards their artillery as the force broke their back line.

I then proceeded to hold my spear at the tip of its handle and twirled it around my body cutting the incoming goblins in half.

Out of the corner of my eyes I spotted a goblin who was larger than average. "A hobgoblin?"

I stared at the monster as it took out its weapon, judging by the feeling it was around high level 3, possibly level 4.

He commanded its forces to attack as it charged towards me along with them.

"well at least you're smart." I smirked as my weapon glowed a dark red. "Maybe this will not be such a boring job after all." 

I met the force head on as I killed 6 of the small fry in one blow, Beowulf absorbing the blood greedily as I feel my attack go faster and faster. 

I smiled excitedly as I reached in front of the hobgoblin, it snarled as it swung its weapon out wildly. Is this all it could do, it was just swinging its weapon at me. maybe it hoped that one of its attacks would hit me.

Still what a fucking disappointment 

"I take it back..." I sigh as I slashed my spear down the monster, cutting it in half along with its weapon. I really thought that he could block that strike, I didn't even put much strength into it, much less mana. "You're fucking boring as well."

The fight lasted for only a few seconds, if you would even call it a fight. As the goblins saw their leader die they started to lose their spirit.

Some tried to fight, but the majority of them started running, as If I'll let them get away. 

I started channeling mana at my feet as I burst at them and blitzed them with my spear one by one. In a couple of minutes I massacred a whole tribe of goblins without any challenge.

I closed my eyes for a moment and pulsed my mana down the ground to see if there were any stragglers. I found a makeshift tent with 12 signs of life inside it. 

I slowly made my way towards, as I reached I saw 9 younglings and 3 baby goblins inside. 

My blood started to boil. goblins are primarily male, a female goblin is an anomaly and therefore are very rare, so the primary way a goblin can reproduce is by raping female from another species. mostly humans. 

They kidnapped young girls and made them their breeding stock as they continue to rape them nonstop taking turns at them.

I looked around and spotted 4 deceased human girls with no clothes on them, their hands are tied as their legs are split apart. wounds and bruises, as well as bite marks all around their bodies.

I gripped my spear hard, I can feel the violent aura from it rising, my mana run wild as the goblins huddle in fear.

but I don't give a fuck.

"this is why you lot should all just burn in hell." 

I killed every young goblin inside with the most amount of pain I could inflict. cutting their limbs first and watching them cry in pain. 

I overloaded the babies with mana as I watch their face disfigured as they ballooned up from the amount of mana I'm forcing inside them, and their bodies soon exploded in a messy plop of flesh, blood and guts, their cry sure do make me happy. 

It was the least I could do for their victims.

I then cut their heads off and took their ears, as well as their core. Monsters outside the dungeon don't vanish after being killed so I walked around the camp while cutting the core out of them.

I cut the rope loose as I carried all the girl's body outside. I took them to a nice clean valley as I dug up the ground for them to be buried.

"May your soul rest in peace." I did a little prayer to pay respect for them as I made my way back towards the village. 

My steps are springy as I'm excited to see what Lord Heracles plans to do now. he did say that we'll go to Orario, but his smile gives me the creeps. What is my god planning now?

He might appear to be serious all the time, he even shows himself to be high and mighty, but he is a little childish and likes to hold a grudge. 

I did put extra peppers on his food last time after he broke every bone in my body even though it was just a sparring match.

Well might as well get over it, I wonder what Shakti and the others are doing. I'm sure they've all become stronger now. Especially Ottar. 

I can't wait to see them. Maybe I can even ask them for a spar. 

I ran up as fast as I could to make my way back faster. Orario awaits.







"HUH!!!" I screamed at Lord Heracles as he picked his ears out with his pinky. Did I hear what he said correctly? 

"I said that we'll leave for Orario after you beat me in a spar. Don't worry since I'm a merciful god I'll be sure to hold back." He said smiling ear to ear. 

"But you said that we'll be going to Orario now." I argued as back as my face started to twitch from hearing him. "You clearly said it this morning."

"Well you didn't let me finish, you just head out like a fool with all the excitement and giddiness of a teenage girl in love."

Oh I'm gonna beat this god to a pulp. look at him sitting there with a lazy look on his face, picking his ear. 

"Oh and if you beat me I'll even give you a reward, I'll let you see your status. how's that? aren't I a great and generous god?"

"THAT'S MY STATUS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! THIS IS ABUSE OF POWER!!!" My frustrations and anger bust off. I could even feel the veins popping up in my head. The more I talk to him the more I feel like I'm losing brain cells in my head.

"Why? can't you do it?" he stared at me, his smile was so annoying to look at, i swear to the gods that I'll beat that smug look off his face.


"Oh... the boy grew a tongue. HAHAHAHA!!!" the room suddenly turned cold, as Heracles slowly stood up, his face not smiling any more. there's a dark look deep within his eyes. "Let's pluck that off shall we."

Fuck, I fucked up big time. How could I forget,

*50 things lord Heracles hates. number 22, he fucking hates being called old.*

I'm fucked.










Hey guys. Chapter 12 is out now, how y'all like the story so far?

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thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

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