A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 24


The gods continue their talk as the topic of the aliases to be given to the adventurers that had ranked up this month.

"Regarding Naaza Erisuis from Miach's familia, does everyone agree on her given alias as Miyal hound?" A random god asked the question as everyone nodded their head in agreement. 

"Ok moving on then, our last adventurer is something of an anomaly for us, the child of Heracles is a level 5 who hasn't gained an alias as of yet. He is also a rookie considering that he just started diving inside the dungeon."

Multiple gods nod at this statement, no matter how strong August is, it doesn't change the fact that he was still green inside the dungeon. As a monster from the inside is vastly more superior than its counterpart outside.

"I disagree." Freya with her usual lustful smile raised her hand up, gaining the look of everyone in the room.

'What are you planning here Freya?' Heracles was on his guard. He knows Freya well, she is the type of person who doesn't do anything if there isn't any gain for her.

"You lot might regard the boy as a rookie inside the dungeon, but that doesn't change the fact that he is still level 5. He also was able to kill a monster rex on his own, calling him a rookie would be an insult to the boy." 

As usual many gods nod in agreement, he did gain quite a reputation for himself as killing a monster rex isn't a small feat.

"Big deal. Any adventurer who has reached level 5 can solo Goliath. That doesn't make the boy special." Apollo said arrogantly. "him diving head first alone against a rex shows his inexperience inside if you ask me."

"Ohh... Then why don't we ask the one who actually raised the boy regarding this topic." Freya smiled as he looked at Heracles. Her eyes were amused by the situation they were in. As the gods looked to see what the god of strength would say.

'Fucking bitch... Fine I'll play your game.'

"If you consider my child as a rookie then all of you are more of a fool than I thought." Heracles answered the gods with the arrogance he was known for. "August is the strongest level 5 in the city, he might even be a match for those who are level 6." 'How is this for playing your game bitch?' Heracles looked at Freya and gave her a vicious smile. 

The statement he made angered the gods, the arrogance of this former mortal really knows no bounds. 

"How foolish."


"Strongest level 5 he says?"

Some of the gods laughed at Heracles, some were angered, outraged, some considered him to be foolish.

Apollo was one of the gods that mocked him for his words. 

"HAHAHA!!! That's a funny joke coming from you Heracles. Oh are you serious perhaps? Then you really are an idiot who doesn't know his place. What do you expect from someone who isn't born as a god?" 

Heracles ignored them, he just stood up, and slowly he removed his bracers. Dropping it on the floor as the weight of it cracked the marbled stone. The sound was so loud that it made the gods winced. The room becomes silent as the gods stare at his action. But he wasn't done yet. He removed his cloak made of the beast that he slayed when he was still mortal revealing his well toned body for everyone to see.

The gods gasped as they saw his body, it was littered with multiple scars and wounds. Traces of hard fought battles can be seen all over him.

The gods were silent, and Heracles looked at everyone with a smirk.

"I have faced you gods in battle as both mortal and as a deity. Only a handful of you can boast in heaven of ever wounding me. Yet this boy despite being mortal had wounded me. I have faced my child in multiple fights, multiple confrontations where I unleashed my godly strength to test him, polish him, to strengthen him, to make him the warrior that he is today."

You can drop a pin inside the room and it will be heard by everyone in it, the silence was deafening.

Heracles eyes roam the room, looking at everyone who was moments earlier was mocking him for saying that his child is the strongest level 5 in Orario.

"August was able to stand in front of me as I unleashed my godly aura."


the room shook as Heracles let his aura come forth for everyone to feel. The pressure assaulted the gods making them clench their fist. Unable to accept that a man made god was able to produce such power. It was heavy, even for them. But not all gods were fazed by it. 

Thor smiled at his friend. He has faced him multiple times so this was not new to him. 'look at this idiot acting all smug. Oh Buddha you're missing quite a show right now hahaha.' 

Freya was no slouch either. Taking the pressure in stride, she was no war god for nothing. 'Hmmm... This is getting more amusing than I thought.'

Loki was just smiling nonchalant, resting her head on both her hands and her eyes scanning the room laughing at the gods who were shaking from the pressure. 'I do love the look on their faces hahaha.'

Hades was being Hades, Sitting there, the same stoic look on his face. 'Well this is getting interesting. August was it? I'm curious to see this child.'

The other gods were not fearing well though. As Heracles aura feels heavy and dense, like a force was pushing them down on the ground.

"The very same aura that you lots are feeling right now. My child was able to stand up to it, to take it and not back down. After feeling this he still has the fire in him to fight." 

Heracles pulled his aura back, the tension and pressure vanished, as the gods who couldn't handle it breathe a sigh of relief. 

"What a joke... You expect us to believe that?" Apollo stood up from his seat as he pointed his finger towards Heracles. "You expect us to believe that a mortal child was able to face and stand up to a godly aura? Heracles there's a limit to how much arrogance you can spout."

"Enough!" Hades once again put a stop to the conversation. But this time it feels different. The gods can see a smirk rising in his always stoic face.

'What is this old man planning now?' That smile gave Heracles the creeps. He knows he is plotting something. And Hades is someone he respects and was actually cautious of.

"There's a simple solution to our predicament, and having a screaming match and arguments is not a productive way to tackle this." The god of the dead and king of the underworld rested his hand on top of the table as his green eyes looked at everyone, momentarily stopping at Apollo which made him reel back. He then continued. "Heracles believes his boy to be the strongest level 5 in the city, most of you disagree. I myself am curious about the boy and from what I hear he is quite the popular prospect."

'I've got a bad feeling about this.' Heracles kept his eyes on Hades. He can't shake the feeling that he got something up his sleeves. The other gods cling to his words, waiting for what he has planned.

"How about a tournament then, let all the level 5 of the city fight it out to see who is the strongest of the bunch." The gods went wild for the idea as the prospect of it would be quite the entertainment for them. They did come down here to ease their boredom so witnessing their children duking it out is a welcome idea for them.

Hermes was the first to agree. He loves it to be exact, the winner might be the hero he is desperately searching for. And not to mention the profit that he may take from such an event. "WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA LORD HADES! YES A TOURNAMENT TO DETERMINE THE STRONGEST LEVEL 5 OF THE CITY!" He couldn't help but raise his voice in excitement. 

Freya smiles. 'this was better than what I thought would happen.' she looked at Heracles, he was having a serious look on his face. 'what are you gonna do now Heracles?'

Loki on the other hand was quite pissed, she sent her best adventurers on an expedition deep in the dungeon and won't be back till in 3 months time. She would have loved this idea if her Ais was still here. She was pissed at Heracles for suggesting that his August was the strongest level 5 in the city when her sword princess was clearly better in all aspects. She needs to delay this event for at least 3 months. 'Wait Lefiya and the second strings haven't left yet. She can send a message to Riveria to return back here.' maybe her luck hasn't run out yet as she racks her mind on how to get her first strings to return early.

'Me and my big mouth.' Heracles was a bit annoyed, he never planned for this. He just wanted to show off his child a little but it seems like he inadvertently put a target on August's back. No doubt the gods would ask their children to go hard on August. 'well he will probably grow stronger from this so I'll just call it a win.'

The gods who have a level 5 in their familia were excited, this is a chance for them to make their familia stand out and be more prominent in the city.

"So I take it that everyone here agrees?" 




The gods gave their approval to Hades. It was a unanimous vote as everyone was on the same track. They really want to see this happen so a unanimous vote was all but guaranteed.

"Good." Hades gave his nod as he looked at Hermes and Ganesha. "Hermes I want you to take care of this event, and Ganesha I expect your familia to take care of the security of the city at the event."

""Yes lord Hades."" they both bowed at the god as they answered his call, they will make sure not to disappoint him with his expectation towards them.

"Now lets go back to the topic regarding young August's alias."






The gods argued as to what alias to give the young rex slayer, this was always the norm regarding this topic. 

Heracles was getting irritated, the gods are talking about his child as if he wasn't in the room with them.

"And I'm feeling you greenhorn would be a good alias for the boy." one god said as he snickered. And as expected it was Apollo who said it.

"The vanguard would be the perfect alias for him, his father was Siegfried and he is wielding the same weapon." Ganesha was quite adamant about pushing the alias of his former member for August to use.

"You're comparing the boy to his father? Siegfried was a legend in the dungeon and we don't know much about his child. I say the survivor alias fits him more." 

"Then you must be stupid. The boy isn't the only survivor in the city, my child Bete is also a survivor of his clan massacre. Why don't you sit in the corner if you don't have anything good to say." Loki was insulting the random god who suggested such an lame ass alias, and he can do nothing but look down in shame as the other gods laugh at his expense. "I say giant slayer would fit his character well, he did slay Goliath on his first day in the dungeon and doing so was no small feat."

"I say Vanadis Odr would be quite a good name for him." Freya smiles seductively as she looks at Heracles. 

'This bitch really loves to annoy the fuck out of me.' Heracles just looked at Freya with a blank face and said. "No." on the spot. He was not really in the mood for her games right now.

"Why are you the one picking his alias, give his god a chance to pick the name for himself." Thor's voice booms. Heracles looked at his friend only to find him smiling at his way with his thumb up.

'Thor I owe you a drink after this.' he thought as he stood up and cleared his throat for everyone to hear. "THE STRONGEST SPEAR HERO." he said with absolute pride, with absolute emotions, with absolute conviction. He was proud of the name that he picked.

Crickets could be heard inside the room as the gods remembered why they never bothered asking Heracles for his opinion on the matter. 

Thor face palmed, how could he forget, his friend has a lame ass naming sense. He remembered he once called one of his attack •ultra super mighty mace blow• he pitied August for his god's disease. 

""NO!!!"" Everyone in the room yelled. Heracles were many things, but a good namer he was not.

At the corner of the room a god was listening to the conversation, he really wanted this to be over since he still has a lot of stuff left to do and this meeting was taking longer than he expected.

"Gáe Bulg." he spoke gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "I read his report 9 years ago, diving head first in a horde of monsters and killing everyone with his spear." The gods listen to his every word. "Tell me Heracles, does your child still fight this way? Does his spear still guarantee death to all that face his wrath?"

Heracles nodded at the god. "Yes, It still does Baldr." 

"The spear of mortal death, Gáe Bulg... I suggest this as his alias." Baldr said as most of the gods agree with him. Like him they all read the records from 9 years ago, about a 6 years old boy who slaughtered the monsters mercilessly with his spear.

'Gáe Bulg... I like it.' Heracles smiled at the god, he knows little about Baldr because they don't interact much. But he was thankful to him for suggesting such a good name.

"Is everyone in agreement?" Hades asked the question, and everyone nodded. "Very well then. From this moment on... August Kaiser will have the alias of Gáe Bulg the spear of mortal death." Hades stood up from his seat and said. "If there isn't any more topic to discuss then I would like to call this Denatus adjourned."

He scanned the room looking at everyone to see if they had more to say. Seeing that no one was bringing up a new topic Hades called for the meeting of the gods to be over and head out the door first. Other gods soon followed as the room got emptier and emptier by the seconds. 

Heracles decided to stand up and take his leave but he heard his name being called by someone.

"Heracles... A moment of your time please." 

He looked in the direction of the voice to see Ganesha walking towards him, he was expecting him to challenge him in a wargame for August but he never really brought the topic up. He wondered what he wanted.

"Ganesha... This is a surprise. What do you want?"

"A talk with you... Maybe somewhere private."












That's 24 chapters done, how do you guys like the story so far?

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good day, love y'all.

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