A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

106. Hikari’s Stand Against The Hidden Mist Swordsmen (2)

'These swords have embedded jutsu formulas enabling them to transport fellow swordsmen, though it seems this function requires proximity, as they've only summoned two others that were nearby also on this South battle heated of ours, instead of all seven. This indicates a limited range for their summoning ability.',

Internally, Hikari pieced together the implications of this first, 'This meeting was a deliberate ambush from the start, aimed at avenging the Hozuki clan patriarch.',

'They're specifically targeting me, the commander of this front, both to neutralize a major threat and to extract potentially valuable intelligence—much like what we accomplished with the patriarch. A well-conceived plan...',

'Their aggressive behavior these days also probably weren't entirely due to emotions or desperation but as a part of this objective...',

Nevertheless, Hikari, meanwhile stood poised and unshaken as he faced the four elite Mist Swordsmen outwardly, his expression betraying none of the strategic calculations whirling through his mind as he assessed his present chances and prospects regarding this battle.

His voice was cool and even as he responded to their unveiled intentions, "Who is to say that you haven't just walked into your own trap instead?",

Hikari's gaze swept across the four warriors arrayed before him, "If I were to eliminate a few more of Kirigakure's elites today, what would be left of your forces on this front?"

The Mist Swordsmen exchanged quick glances, each understanding the gravity of Hikari's threat and the need for a coordinated assault. Raiga was the first to vocalize their collective resolve.

"You think too highly of yourself, Hyuga...", Raiga sneered, his hand tightening around the hilt of his Thunder Swords, "But we are not so easily cowed. And we've prepared accordingly."

Subsequently, the Mist Swordsmen nodded toward one another and executed their strategy with precision and practiced ease, taking full advantage of their unique weapons and combat styles to coordinate their attack on Hikari.

Kushimaru and Raiga took the lead in setting the pace of the battle, leveraging their abilities to control the field from a distance in order to allow Jinin and Fumetsu to finish him off close distance more safely, after all, they were well aware of how this seemingly strongest Hyuga was dangerous in close quarter combat. 

Therefore, Kushimaru, with his Nuibari, launched a series of deadly, precise attacks aimed at pinning Hikari down or limiting his movement. 

The long needle-like sword thrummed through the air, alongside Kushimaru himself, from multiple directions, its silken thread aiming to ensnare Hikari's limbs, constraining or distracting him enough to make him an easier target for others.

Simultaneously, Raiga also started moving around extremely quickly in circles while utilizing his 'Kiba' to generate electrical attacks that zigzagged across the battlefield, traveling through both the ground and air toward Hikari.

His focus was on disruption, creating a dynamic field of electrical energy that not only aimed to harm or constrain Hikari but also to disorient him at worst, making it difficult for the Hyuga to focus or counter effectively all the more.

With Hikari distracted by the ranged assaults, Fumetsu and Jinin prepared to close in for the decisive blow. Fumetsu, wielding the explosive Shibuki, stayed slightly behind Jinin, ready to use the explosive capabilities of his blade to either create openings for Jinin or to deliver a devastating final strike should Jinin's initial attack falter.

Jinin, armed with the Kabutowari, was the primary close-combat threat. Known as the Helmet Splitter, his weapon was capable of breaking through and crashing anything. 

He moved with deliberate power, aiming to get close enough to use the massive weight and sheer force of Kabutowari to smash through any defensive technique Hikari might deploy.

Their formation was a blend of long-range harassment and close-range brute force, a tactic designed to overwhelm Hikari's defensive capabilities and prevent him from effectively using his Byakugan and Gentle Fist techniques.

As the Swordsmen converged all around Hikari like he was prey, the air was tense with the anticipation of a fierce clash, each warrior acutely aware of the stakes involved in this battle.

As the Mist Swordsmen advanced in their meticulously coordinated attack, Hikari's mind raced, analyzing and adapting to the unfolding battle. His Byakugan afforded him an unparalleled field of vision, allowing him to perceive everything as if in "slow-motion".

The onslaught from Kushimaru and Raiga was intense, their long-range attacks were designed not just to injure but to manipulate his movements and control the battlefield.

'They're using their ranged capabilities to funnel me toward Jinin and Fumetsu...', Hikari soon noted internally, his eyes tracking the trajectory of each attack with phenomenal precision,

'They're very fast... So, even though they are only kenjutsu masters, their overall average body stats on the level of Elite Jonin at least, and special sword abilities, certainly make them exceptional shinobi...',

The jungle around them provided both cover and complexity to the battlefield, offering Hikari brief moments of respite.

With a swift decision, Hikari feigned a momentary lapse under the barrage from Raiga and Kushimaru, appearing to stumble and momentarily exposing himself to a close-range attack.

This bait was designed to draw Jinin and Fumetsu into committing to a dual strike, which would place them exactly where he wanted them.

As he predicted, Jinin, seeing an opportunity, charged forward with the Kabutowari, aiming to break through Hikari's defenses with a single, devastating blow.

Fumetsu followed closely, ready to use the explosive power of Shibuki to capitalize on any breach Jinin created or cover his advance.

However, just as the two Swordsmen closed in, Hikari's feint ended. He rapidly shifted his stance, activating a powerful burst of chakra through his legs to propel himself sideways with explosive speed, dodging the incoming assault and positioning himself perfectly between Jinin and Fumetsu.

As Hikari lunged forward to execute his plan, his acute '360 degrees vision' and 'X-ray vision' caught the glint of Kushimaru's Nuibari, emerging from the ground and now weaving a deadly dance of threaded steel through the underbrush towards him.

Simultaneously, Raiga's electrically charged slashes, the strongest so far, cut through the air, converging on Hikari's intended path.

It became clear that his opponents had anticipated his tactics, adapting swiftly to counter his maneuvers.

"He was trying to bait and split us up, his tactics aren't bad...", Jinin remarked gruffly, his voice carrying a note of grudging respect.

Raiga, with a sharp grin, added from the distance, "Not bad, Hyuga. But we're not so easily outplayed."

As Hikari engaged his Wind Release: Rotation next, a protective cyclone of chakra whirled around him.

He aimed to clear the immediate area and regain control of the fight, as he realized that it was the best course of action.

The high-speed winds were designed to push his opponents back and disrupt their coordinated attack pattern. 

It was also an attempt to confuse his enemies with its wide and chaotic radius, and then strike them from a surprising direction afterward, which was his standard battle tactic.

However, his hope was short-lived as Jinin, with calculated ferocity, leaped directly into the eye of the storm with a grunting sound.

The image of the burly swordsman descending from above with his formidable Kabutowari—a unique combination of an axe and a hammer—was startling.

Jinin's timing was impeccable; he struck at the precise moment, his axe cleaving through the turbulent whirlwind of chakra, followed by a devastating smash from his hammer.

The axe made the initial contact, slicing with unyielding force, while the hammer followed in a seamless, fluid motion, falling downward.

This technique, leveraging the axe's cut to create a weak point and then using the hammer to exponentially increase the force at that exact spot, shattered Hikari's Rotation defense.

The force was so immense that it seemed to carry some weight-based enhancement, in Hikari's observation, possibly some form of fuinjutsu that magnified its mass upon impact.

Caught off guard by the sheer power and the unique mechanics behind Jinin's attack, Hikari felt the first threat of danger and a huge surprise.

The shock of seeing his strongest defensive technique neutralized, so easily, for the first time, sent a clear message: the stakes of this confrontation were higher than he anticipated.

He didn't expect Jinin's 'Sword' to work even on pure chakra and Wind Release. That's why he immediately, after instantaneous observation with his Byakugan, attributed it to some unique jutsu formulas present inside of that hammer to increase the Jinin attack's weight, after he placed it down and he jumped above it all himself, to utilize the force of gravity safely. 

Realizing his vulnerability, Hikari knew he had to quickly reassess and adapt. The broken Rotation left him exposed, and with Jinin's attack disrupting his momentum, he had to make another split-second decision.

His only viable option was to retreat toward where the other three Swordsmen awaited, potentially leading him into further danger, but it was a necessary risk to reposition next.

As he disengaged, dodging back with an agile leap, Hikari's mind raced with new strategies.


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