A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

31. Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fist Technique

As the lively discussion came to a close, the Patriarch shifted the mood with a sudden but gentle command directed at Hiashi and Hizashi,

"Hiashi, Hizashi, please make your way to the main dojo and wait for us there. We shall join you shortly for a shared training session.", His voice, though firm, carried an undercurrent of familial warmth, making it clear that his request was not up for debate.

Both young Hyugas understood the importance of obeying their father's wishes without delay. With a nod of agreement, Hiashi replied, "Understood. We'll prepare for training." 

Once Hiashi and Hizashi had exited, leaving Hikari and the Patriarch in the privacy of the spacious room, a palpable sense of seriousness enveloped the space.

The Patriarch's gaze upon Hikari softened slightly, indicating the shift from a clan leader addressing his members to a mentor preparing to impart wisdom to his protégé.

"Hikari-kun, can I place my trust in you and how do you feel about our clan?", The patriarch asked suddenly.

Caught slightly off guard by the suddenness of the question, Hikari took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding, 'It seems that it is still a taboo topic for him to mention the village in front of him, so he tested me in this way...?'

"Lord Patriarch...", Hikari began, his tone respectful and earnest, "You can place your trust in me. I am fully committed to our clan and its prosperity. My feelings towards the Hyuga clan are of deep respect and a strong sense of duty. I understand the responsibilities that come with my position and potential, and I am ready to meet those challenges for the betterment of our clan. I understand that there exist both rights and obligations when you are a part of a shinobi clan. I'm fortunate enough to enjoy the tremendous attention, care, and resources from the clan, so I plan to also repay the clan and give myself to the fullest in the future!"

The Patriarch listened intently, searching Hikari's expression for the sincerity behind his words. After a moment of silence that seemed to stretch between them, he finally nodded, a slight smile breaking through his usually stoic demeanor.

"That is good to hear, Hikari-kun. Your talents and achievements have not gone unnoticed, and neither has your loyalty. The path ahead will not be easy, and it will require more than just skill—it will require wisdom, compassion for our kin, and a deep understanding of what it means to be a Hyuga.",

Leaning forward, the Patriarch's gaze fixed more intently on Hikari, "The clan is at a pivotal moment, and in the coming years, we will face challenges that will test us in ways we have not been tested before. Your role in navigating these challenges will be crucial. I hope you will continue to grow, not just in strength but in character, and help lead the Hyuga into a prosperous future.",

"Yet, it is through strength that you can offer the greatest aid to our clan. In a world where power prevails, it would be a disservice to let your remarkable abilities be stifled by trivial cross-lineage barriers of our branch.",

"Thus, I've decided to entrust you with a high-level technique, exclusive to our Patriarch's lineage, a technique not yet fully mastered even by Hiashi. This is the Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fist—a legacy of our ancestors. I trust that you will grasp its essence swiftly and exceed my expectations once more. Watch closely now...",

The Patriarch positioned himself with ample space in the living room, his posture shifting to one that denoted both concentration and readiness, "The Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fist is more than just a technique; it is a symbol of our lineage's courage and strength...", He began, his voice steady and imbued with a sense of pride.

As he spoke, he slowly channeled his chakra, his hands beginning to glow with an ethereal blue light. The air around them seemed to thrum with energy, a tangible manifestation of the Patriarch's control and power,

"This technique combines precise chakra control with the Hyuga's gentle fist taijutsu, allowing the user to create two lion-shaped bursts of chakra around their hands," he explained.

With a sudden burst of speed, the Patriarch moved, his hands darting forward in a series of intricate motions that mimicked the ferocity and grace of a lion's pounce.

The blue chakra around his hands intensified, coalescing into the distinct form of large twin lions, their ethereal roars almost audible in the charged atmosphere.

"This technique allows for powerful strikes that can penetrate even the strongest defenses, targeting the chakra system directly and causing significant internal damage, sealing multiple tenketsu points they touch, at the same time, all the while draining your foes of their own freely circulating chakra reserves, absorbing it with 'lion bites' and then transferring it to your own chakra pathway system afterward.",

The Patriarch continued his demonstration with a flawless display of technique and power, "But be warned, it requires mastery over your chakra and a deep understanding of the Gentle Fist art. It is not easy to transfer and introduce an enemy's chakra into your system.",

"This technique could be said to be the pinnace of the Hyuga clan's arts in terms of difficulty and power. It is also unique only to our Patriarch's Lineage. You are the first person 'from the outside' who got the opportunity to learn it. Therefore, please don't spread it to anyone else."

The Patriarch then carefully pulled out a special scroll from inside his robes and handed it to Hikari, "This scroll contains everything you need to know about the Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fist. I've put together all the details for you. I'll be checking in on your progress now and then when we meet again like today. But, also, don't be reserved, if you have any questions, you can always come and ask me directly. I also trust you'll keep this information safe, this scroll is now your responsibility Hikari-kun...",

He said, giving Hikari a rare, slightly warm look that Hikari couldn't quite interpret. Whether this warmth stemmed from genuine sentiment or was a calculated gesture, Hikari could not ascertain. Nonetheless, he quickly accepted the scroll after the deepest bow of respect and gratitude, fervently promising, "Thank you, Lord Patriarch. I assure you, I will not let you or our clan down...", His voice steady with determination and honor as well as a little 'touched'.

Yet, deep within his thoughts, Hikari pondered, 'If he's shared this technique with me so willingly, it suggests the Patriarch's lineage likely possesses others, some possibly even more formidable techniques. Their renowned status isn't unfounded... Hiashi's Quasi-Kage level strength, shown in the original, the only such of the entire Hyuga clan wasn't for nothing. It seems that at least in their individual strength, every Patriarch is at least on a Quasi-Kage level. It is just that this gentleman got too old now, so his skills regressed.',

'From what I've pieced together, their more potent arsenal might well involve at least one more advanced 'chakra absorption' technique, but with a far greater power, possibly extending to the technique's range, area of effect, and overall utilization of chakra... Yet, just like Takumi, it's clear that those from the Main Branch Lineage keep their most crucial techniques close to their chest, away from anyone outside their direct lineage, myself included. The likelihood of them sharing their ultimate techniques with me seems slim...'


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