A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

6. A Young Hyuga’s Step to Revenge

After spending all of yesterday since the afternoon diving into the heaps of materials that Takumi promised, including books on improving strength, and ninja skills, and the history texts he asked for, Hikari had a long sleep to properly 'absorb' all that new information into his long term memory storage inside of his brain's hippocampus where those were stored. 

That was something he knew from his past life. So, he didn't read those books and stayed up all night like some might've predicted on his first day of transmigration. He also knew that he needed to be at his best vitality and physical state today for the incoming clash and the late official beginning of his training. That was why he slept 'all the way' in like in his previous life.

He had also sent all the Side Branch servants away the day before, asking them not to bother him with tasks like helping him dress, wash up, clean his room, make his bed, and other similar things, because of his status, in the future. After a while, they complied with it. That's why they just left the breakfast outside of his room just now and notified him of it. 

There was no other way, it was not because he cared about those things, and thought that there was anything wrong with that tradition, but simply because he didn't prefer anyone breaking his focus, his 'flow state' with external stimuli to his brain, every once in a while, after he started learning something so seriously and absorbing such large chunks of new knowledge. And knowledge was power in this world like it also was in Hikari's past life.

This morning, after organizing the various books and scrolls scattered all throughout his room unwittingly yesterday toward his small personal study space and sitting area, washing his face, looking in a decorated mirror many times larger than his current frame was, and touching his childish face, Hikari felt an odd sense about being in this new young physique.

When Hikari looked at his reflection, he could see how he stood out from the typical Hyuga. His hair was not only short and messy, which was uncommon, but its color was also notably different. Instead of the usual black, his hair was a unique dark blue, a rarity within the Hyuga clan and the only other hair color present in some members, though still extremely rare.

This made his appearance very distinctive. Without his characteristic white eyes and the clan's traditional clothing, one might not even peg him as a Hyuga clan member at all at first. 

He got those rare features from his parents too, including harmonious and symmetrical facial lines that were already visible even though he was just 3 years old, hinting he'd grow up to be quite handsome. That must have been something he inherited from his parents as well.

Besides his unique looks, he dressed in blue-themed robes with a haori outfit, standard for the Hyuga clan, before he quickly stepped outside of his room toward the exit of this estate.

Within the vast Hyuga clan compound, the Fifth Elder's estate was a place of pride and tradition, covering four acres. It was located in the innermost 'circle' of the entire compound.

The living quarters were spread out, giving each of the Main Branch members potentially living inside and their servants their own space. The Main Branch members had large bedrooms with areas to study, while the servants had simpler, yet comfortable rooms.

Additionally, even though no other Main Branch members other than Takumi and Hikari currently used all of those rooms, the entire Estate still looked quite busy due to servants. Those other main rooms were always taken care of even if no one lived inside of them.

A key part of the estate was its dojo, a large indoor space for training, and the outdoor grounds, designed for practicing the Hyuga's unique fighting techniques among the trees.

The Elder's office, located at the heart of the estate, was the most important spot. It doubled as the Fifth Elder's home and the central hub for the clan's administrative and commercial activities his lineage was always in charge of.

Staffed by Side Branch personnel, this office was equipped with all the necessary materials and talent to oversee the various responsibilities the Fifth Elder's lineage managed on the highest level.

Although this was the main center, there were additional buildings within the Hyuga clan compound and throughout Konoha dedicated to specific villages and business-related tasks.

There was also a workshop and armory for weapons, traditional bathhouses for relaxing, which were of course divided between the areas for the Main Branch and the Side Branch, and storage rooms filled with supplies and food, near the kitchen, making sure the estate nearly always had everything it needed to function.

The Main Hall, which Hikari presently exited, after leaving his room previously as well, was a big room used for everything from family dinners to important meetings, surrounded by portraits and scrolls of the Hyuga's history and previous Fifth Lineage's leaders of the past.

As you entered or exited the estate, a beautifully kept path led from the estate's Main Gate to the Main Hall and vice verse. Hikari was now heading for the exit using this exact decorated pathway. It was a pathway decorated with lush and beautiful botanical forms.

At the very core of the Hyuga clan compound lay the epicenter of its power, home to the Main Branch families. Encircling the grand estate of the Patriarch, which stood as the largest single structure in the clan, were the residences of the 9 Elders.

These estates formed a protective 'ring' around the Patriarch's building, symbolizing the unity and strength of the clan's leadership.

The Patriarch's estate was more than just a residential space; it was a place of significant importance to the entire clan. Here, the Patriarch, his family, and their servants resided, but it also served as the venue for the most crucial Elder Council meetings.

These gatherings, essential for making decisions that shaped the future of the Hyuga clan, took place within its walls. In addition to hosting meetings, the Patriarch's estate housed various administrative offices, providing a space for entire high-level planning, collaboration, and the management of clan affairs.

And this time, Hikari didn't head towards the Patriarch's building at the center of the compound, nor did he venture into the more populous areas where the Side Branch primarily resided, outside the 'ring' of Elder estates.

Instead, he took a unique path known only to Main Branch members, a route that wove between semi-covered and open spaces, alongside various utility structures, connecting the 9 Elder Estates. His destination was the 7th Elder's estate, home to the individual who was currently his 'target'.

Since this route wasn't very long and hard to navigate, he encountered no need to ask for directions or take a long detour.

In Hikari's estimation, each Elder's estate alone, including that of the 7th Elder, which he was visiting, covered 2 to 5 acres, ensuring sufficient space for both personal and clan activities, and the entire Hyuga Clan's compound encompassed 100,000 to 150,000 square meters, providing enough room for the clan's residences, training areas, and beautiful gardens, among other buildings.

As Hikari made his way along the path to the 7th Elder's estate, he encountered numerous members of both the Side and Main Branches.

They were easily discernable due to the simple fact that Main Branch members usually proudly showcased their 'clean' foreheads, whereas every Branch Member had it covered in some way, which was an unwritten rule in the clan. 

The sight of a 3-year-old child walking alone in this area was very unusual. Side Branch members, upon noticing him, simply passed by without acknowledgment.

They were only required to formally greet Main Branch members directly 'responsible' for them, which included descendants from one of the nine elder lineages, as well as the Patriarch and his family.

Therefore, they had no obligation to greet Hikari, but their lack of greeting didn't translate to disrespect or disdain due to Hikari's family reputation, they didn't have that courage, as he was still a legitimate Main Branch member, at least they couldn't disrespect him in any way openly. As for what they talked about him behind closed doors, it wasn't Hikari's problem.

On the other hand, Main Branch members, of all ages, were more open with their thoughts. They didn't hesitate to give Hikari cold looks and even sneer and gossip among themselves.

Hikari heard bits of what they were saying and saw them pointing their fingers at him. The looks on their faces and how they talked made it clear they were not saying anything nice.

As Hikari continued on his path, a few of the Main Branch members went beyond just cold looks and whispers; they openly hurled insults at him. These harsh words, directed at a young child, were a stark demonstration of the disdain they held for his family's reputation. 

And most other older members of the Main Branch treated Hikari harshly in that exact way, however, one individual, Hiroto, a five-year-old who was the closest to Hikari in age within the Main Branch, took things a step further by becoming increasingly 'physical' with him too.

Given Hikari's age difference from the rest of the Main Branch, Hiroto was the only one who resorted to such behavior because he was closest to him in the age of the entire main family.

Initially, his bullying was a mix of verbal insults and minor physical aggression during their occasional encounters, asserting his dominance by claiming they were just "training and sparring" together. This was backed by two years of training under professional guidance, which Hiroto used to physically overpower Hikari.

However, the situation escalated three days before Hikari's transmigration. Returning from the cemetery on the monthly anniversary of his parents' passing, Hikari encountered Hiroto and his entourage of Side Branch members.

Along with the usual taunts, Hiroto insulted Hikari's deceased parents. Overwhelmed by emotion and anger, Hikari responded for the first time, standing up to the verbal abuse.

This reaction infuriated Hiroto, who then physically assaulted Hikari, causing him significant physical and emotional pain.

Hikari's new consciousness still remembered how endlessly sad, angry, alone, rejected, and hopeless he was feeling at that time. 

This incident, marking a peak in Hikari's suffering, created the conditions that facilitated the soul transmigration, bringing a new consciousness into Hikari's body.

The attack was a huge shock to him, hurting both his mind and body. This was one of the main reasons why Hikari wanted to get revenge quickly.

Even though the idea of taking revenge on a '5-year-old kid' might not seem right, especially since he was an adult in his past life, the current Hikari didn't see it that way.

He didn't care about age or any other status; in his mind, anyone who crossed him in this life would have to face the consequences and pay, whether they were a kid or not.

He also understood that kids in this Ninja World were much more advanced than in his previous world, both in how innately smart they were and in what they had experienced and learned. So, he didn't believe that Hiroto was too young to understand what he was doing. 

Hikari mulled over these thoughts as he finally reached the entrance of the Seventh Estate.


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