A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

72. The Hyuga Council’s Wartime Deliberation

A short while later, inside the spacious traditional room, with tatami mats covering the floor and a large table set in the center, all of the Nine Elders and the Patriarch sat cross-legged. They were already in the Hyuga Council's meeting room located inside the Patriarch's Estate.

Initial moments dedicated to etiquette and polite greetings gave way to a palpable tension, the air heavy with anticipation.

All eyes turned towards the Patriarch, the room steeped in a respectful silence, awaiting the commencement of discussions.

"It is as you all anticipate, the information has been verified through multiple sources by this point already. The Third Great Ninja War is indeed on the brink of full-scale eruption...",

Hirayoshi began, his voice steady yet imbued with the gravity of their circumstances. The room, already thick with anticipation, seemed to hold its breath as the Patriarch continued,

"However, before I relay all the details, I have a personal request. I would like permission for Hiashi to join this meeting. Is that agreeable to you all?", 

His request hung in the air, inviting consideration from the council. Hiashi, as the next successor to the Patriarch, occasionally could have the privilege of attending crucial, once-in-a-lifetime meetings, such as this one, a practice designed to groom him for future leadership.

Given the unprecedented nature of the impending conflict, his presence at this moment could provide invaluable experience.

Moreover, at 25 years old, Hiashi was of sufficient maturity and acumen to contribute meaningfully to their deliberations.

The elders nodded their agreement, understanding the importance of involving Hiashi in such critical discussions.

Moments later, Hiashi entered the room. With a composed and dignified air, he moved to the center of the gathering. Offering a respectful bow, he greeted everyone present simultaneously,

"I am grateful for this opportunity to join today's council.", He also exchanged glances with Hikari at the time.

His manner was impeccable, reflecting both his upbringing and his awareness of the solemnity of the occasion.

Each Elder acknowledged him in turn, some with nods, others with quiet words of welcome, signaling his acceptance into this significant meeting. Once the greetings were exchanged, Hiashi took his place among the council members, ready to partake in the next discussions.

"The Third Kazekage disappeared mysteriously some time ago, and this news got leaked and discovered by the other major villages just now. Sunagakure, having lost its leader, fell into a state of chaos since.",

"Then their shinobi started scouring the lands for any trace of the Third Kazekage, setting off a series of visible incidents and chain reactions among the neighboring smaller countries...", Hirayoshi detailed, his voice conveying the seriousness of the constantly unfolding events.

"Iwagakure was the first to start mobilizing rapidly already, citing Sunagakure's supposed 'transgressions' as their pretext. Now, it's clear that the rest of the major villages are preparing to mobilize as well, in the shortest time possible. At this juncture, it appears inevitable that another world war cannot be averted anymore, and there is no time left...",

The room absorbed Hirayoshi's words, the gravity of the situation settling heavily upon every individual present. The disappearance of such a pivotal figure as the Third Kazekage and the resultant geopolitical shifts underscored a balance now tipping inexorably toward conflict.

Hikari also pondered the unfolding events, connecting them with the information he remembered from his past life,

'This development aligns with the original series' events. It was Sasori, who, at the young age of approximately 15, managed to assassinate the revered Third Kazekage. Contrary to all expectations, he aimed to transform the Kazekage's body into one of his human puppets.',

'Following this, Sasori seemingly even participated in the Third Ninja World War, for quite some time, without arousing suspicion, likely leveraging his grandparents' status and the sheer improbability of such a young shinobi overpowering the Kazekage.',

'It's therefore likely that he exploited his familiarity with the Kazekage to deceive and probably poison him before committing the murder. Also due to the hostile geopolitical situation worldwide during the last few years, it is even more revelatory why he could avoid the blame like that...',

Hikari analyzed, recalling the intricate details of this period from his previous life's knowledge.

Meanwhile, after allowing a moment for the council members to digest the information and ponder their next steps, the Patriarch resumed, steering the conversation towards immediate and future actions.

"The Hokage has scheduled the next enlarged, pre-wartime Konoha Council meeting for tomorrow.",

"Fortunately, we have already internally formulated and then coordinated our joint response, interests, and strategy to politically counter the Hokage's Faction at that meeting, alongside our allies, a long time ago.",

"What remains now is the standard pre-war clan mobilization, and to see if anyone has any new inputs...",

Following the Patriarch's lead, the council members delved into a detailed rehearsal of their strategy for the upcoming Konoha Council meeting. They meticulously reviewed each point of their planned response, ensuring clarity and unity in their stance.

This preparation was crucial, as it would enable them to present a cohesive front against the Hokage's Faction, thereby maximizing their influence and safeguarding their clan's interests.

Amid their strategic deliberations, the meeting was momentarily interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

The Patriarch excused himself and stepped outside, returning moments later with a piece of paper in hand.

He resumed his seat and, after a brief scan of the document, shared its contents aloud for all to hear.

"It appears that the Hokage has initiated a mobilization on a scale far beyond anticipated. This move aligns well with the Third Elder's predictions discussed in previous meetings.",

"According to this intelligence, it's expected that Konoha will face unprecedented joint targeting, to some extent, from all the other villages this time around. There's even talk that Academy students might not be exempt from participation in the war possibly at some point...",

He paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in, then continued, "Given these developments, it was a good decision to allow the Third Elder to partake in the war this time around as well...",

"This will not only offer him the opportunity to earn merits, and improve our clan's prestige but will also preempt any speculation that the Hyuga Main Branch or its elders are shirking their responsibilities during times like these.",

He concluded while looking at the youngest person in the room who was Hikari, the Third Elder.

By this point, Hikari had firmly established his position and respect as the Third Elder, despite his young age.

His acceptance among the other Elders wasn't merely due to some 'empty title' but was rooted deeply in recognition of his unparalleled strength.

Though it remained a closely guarded secret, the Elders, through the Patriarch, were privy to the fact that Hikari was, by all accounts, the most powerful individual within the clan at this point.

This knowledge underpinned their respect and the weight they gave to his insights and predictions regarding the upcoming war and the clan's strategies. 

Additionally, It was precisely this strength that also bolstered the Elders' confidence in allowing such a valuable talent to participate on the battlefield during this war as agreed upon before as the best possible decision under the heavy fact-based kind of urging from Hikari himself. 

Not to mention how heavily protected he would be under their careful arrangements.

This would also work nearly better than sending all of the other Main Branch members combined in terms of showing Hyuga's resolute stance.

They would send their greatest genius in history there personally. What more could other people ask for?

The elders also probably understood that true potential cannot fully develop in isolation or under overly protective conditions after a certain point got reached.

These previous decisions also positioned Takumi, the Fifth Elder, and Hiashi as the only figures from the Main Branch to engage directly on the battlefield in the upcoming conflict, but also the most notable ones from the entire clan besides Hikari.

The rationale was clear: if Uchiha Patriarch Fugaku saw fit to join the fray personally, there stood no argument against Hiashi, the designated successor of the Hyuga Patriarch, doing the same.

The elder Patriarch's advanced age precluded his participation, thereby passing the mantle of leadership and representation on the battlefield to Hiashi.

Moreover, it was decided that Hiashi would not merely join the combatants but would assume a pivotal role as the leader of the Hyuga forces, and lobby efforts were underway to secure for him a general front in the war effort for Konoha.

Hiashi's age, at 25, suggested he was at the zenith of his capabilities, making him an ideal candidate for such a leadership role.

Hikari's youth, despite his unparalleled wisdom and hidden strength, meanwhile, presented a challenge in garnering the necessary support for a position of high command, which underscored the decision to nominate Hiashi.

Takumi's involvement, at 55 and a respected elder, was also strategic, intended to lend additional weight to Hiashi's command and to further persuade the broader community of the wisdom of this choice. 

Eventually, as the meeting wound down and members began to disperse, Hikari exchanged a significant look with Takumi.

Their glance was more than a mere acknowledgment; it was an exchange filled with unspoken understanding, born from the strongest personal relationship Hikari had with the man still within the council.

After sharing this moment with Takumi, Hikari turned his attention to the Patriarch and Hiashi, approaching them with a demeanor that matched the gravity of his intentions.

"Patriarch-sama...", Hikari began, his voice carrying a blend of respect and earnestness, "May I request a moment of your time? I have a matter to discuss that warrants privacy. Could we convene in your quarters later? I intend to bring along a special guest...", He proposed politely yet with an underlying seriousness.


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