A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

78. A ‘Talk’ With Kiyomi and Moving Underground

"Patriarch Hirayoshi, Patriarch Fugaku, Elder Setsuna, Elder Takumi, Hiashi-san, Kiyomi-san, Hikari-kun, my apologies for any delay. Since we are all assembled now and ready. Let's proceed right away...",

Sakumo stated with determination, his demeanor way sharper than two years ago, now appearing like a sword ready to unsheath at all times, his words signaling the complete assembly of their interest group's representatives for this pivotal, Konoha's Grand Council.

Fugaku nodded in response, his expression serious but resolute, "You were just on time, Sakumo-san. Together, our voices will be heard. Let us proceed with unity...", He affirmed.

Hirayoshi, equally composed, added, "Indeed, Sakumo-san, let's move forward and make our case clear and strong..."

Sakumo also cast a brief, acknowledging glance at Hikari and the rest of the group then, a silent gesture of readiness.

Without further delay, they then began their movement towards the meeting's designed location. This wasn't just any venue; it was a specially designated, vast, and secure chamber area situated underground, beneath the towering presence of the "Hokage's Rock" mountain.

Chosen for its discretion and security, this site was reserved for meetings of utmost importance, the kind that could define the course of the village's future for a long time. 

As the group commenced their march toward the underground meeting location, their collective presence and disciplined stride exuded an air of intimidation and purpose.

Civilians and shinobi of civilian origin who happened to be along their path couldn't help but pause and stare, intrigued and somewhat awed by the sight.

For many, it was the first time witnessing such a unified display of power and solidarity among elite shinobi, not to mention from so many different factions.

The sight of the legendary Sakumo Hatake leading the procession, flanked by the prominent figures of the Hyuga and Uchiha clans, was particularly striking.

Their close and familiar interaction, a tangible demonstration of the rumored alliances forming among them, left a lasting impression on the onlookers.

Rumors of these factions drawing closer had circulated, but witnessing it firsthand brought a new level of reality and significance to those whispers.

To the civilians and those less involved in the shinobi world, this moment was more than a mere gathering of notable figures from distinct clans and backgrounds, of various traditional-like shinobi clan attires and clan heraldic symbols.

It symbolized a significant shift within Konoha, hinting at the depth and complexity of the political and strategic machinations at play between the people of power within the village.

The unity displayed by these leaders and their factions suggested that the village was on the cusp of significant changes, both internally and in its stance and clash against external threats.

Observers were left with a mix of admiration, curiosity, and a hint of apprehension, understanding that such a display foretold impactful developments for Konoha, that could be either positive, or negative, in nature, but were certainly very dangerous and chaotic for the near future.

The exact nature of these impending changes remained uncertain, but the consensus among the civilians was clear: whatever was brewing within the village's leadership was bound to have far-reaching, and likely painful for them consequences.

However, the Hokage's longstanding influence on public perception, fortified by years of strategic propaganda and soft power, had cultivated a strong rapport with the civilian population.

His faction was perceived as more 'civilian-friendly,' a narrative carefully crafted and disseminated through decades of meticulous positioning. In contrast, the 'anti-Hokage' faction, despite its current show of unity and purpose, was often depicted as a harbinger of instability and chaos.

This portrayal leveraged the underlying envy and resentment some civilians felt towards the shinobi clans, painting them as privileged elites disconnected from the concerns of the ordinary people.

These perceptions were exaggerated under Hiruzen's propaganda, creating a skewed view of the factions' intentions and alignments.

As they moved, Hikari shared his observations with Kiyomi, who walked closely beside him, slightly separated from the rest of their group.

They discussed the civilians' reactions and the broader implications of Konoha's current political landscape, all while taking in the sights of the village's streets and central architecture.

"It's fascinating, isn't it?", Hikari remarked starting some 'small talk' with her, his voice low enough for only Kiyomi to hear,

"How deeply ingrained the Hokage's narrative is among the civilians. It shapes their entire lives and perceptions, dictating who they see as protectors and who they view as threats to their stability without any further critical thought or understanding of our own perspective or worries as well."

Kiyomi nodded, her eyes scanning the faces of the civilians they passed, "True. The power of propaganda is not to be underestimated. It's a potent tool in shaping public opinion, for better or worse.",

"Our coalition has its work cut out for it if we're to challenge the status quo and assume the leading position inside of this village somehow in the future, or else our own supposed lead wouldn't bode very well for use over the long term and we underperformed."

"I thought you didn't like and didn't consider these civilians important before...?", Hikari inquired, genuinely curious about Kiyomi's perspective.

Kiyomi, understanding the depth of the question, responded with an honesty that reflected their shared background and the openness between them,

"It's not about liking them or not. My viewpoint is highly rational regarding our clan's inherent superiority in comparison to them. That's an objective reality. My issue arises when those less capable begin to disregard those of us with strength, fueled by artificial support that's fleeting at best, you should know exactly from that comes from and what I mean by this...",

"Our Police Force and individual clansmen, from this village's founding Uchiha clan, face increasing disrespect and less cooperation while performing our duties, from them, by each passing day. So, everyone needs to recognize and accept their place in my opinion.",

"And it's not about whether the civilians are 'important'; it's about establishing a form of control that, over time, could hypothetically lead to more stable governance of the village, reducing future conflicts and ensuring a smoother leadership transition...",

She explained, her tone indicating a blend of realism and a strategic view of social hierarchy.

Hikari listened intently to Kiyomi's explanation, finding himself in agreement and admiration of her viewpoint.

His gaze unconsciously lingered on her with appreciation, not just for her intellect but also for her distinct appearance that diverged from the traditional Uchiha attire.

Her choice of dark, less conventional robes hinted at her independent and spirited nature, attributes Hikari found compelling.

Kiyomi's maturity into early womanhood was evident, her striking S-shaped figure and attractive features did not escape Hikari's notice.

These qualities, combined with her lively and teasing interactions, deepened the connection he felt towards her.

Despite—or perhaps because of—her playful challenges and the spirited dynamic between them, Hikari found himself drawn to Kiyomi. His appreciation for beautiful women, paired with Kiyomi's unique blend of similar outlook and allure, made their relationship all the more significant to him.

As time progressed, with Hikari gaining more influence and power as a shinobi in the world around him, he noticed a gradual, slight, shift and 'loosening' of his own past 'restraints'.

This change allowed him to more freely indulge in certain aspects of his nature that he had previously kept in check, such as a primal appreciation for female attractiveness in general.

He pondered the reasons behind this shift. Was it simply the result of becoming more secure in his position and abilities, granting him the confidence to express facets of his personality that he had previously always suppressed since his transmigration?

Or, perhaps, it was the natural progression of entering early puberty, with hormones beginning to exert a stronger influence on his thoughts and behaviors. He didn't know.

Kiyomi, perceptive as always, caught Hikari's lingering gaze, a look that had become increasingly frequent.

She especially noticed when his eyes wandered to certain 'areas' accentuated by her tight, unconventional attire—a departure from the traditional Uchiha style.

Her response, tinged with the playful yet defensive nuance characteristic of a 'tsundere', as Hikari internally dubbed her, was to feign her slight embarrassment.

Then, in a mock-serious manner, she lightly punched Hikari on the shoulder, teasing him about his behavior,

"Really, Hikari-kun, You're not as subtle as you think...", She teased, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous light. She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper

"You know, for a Hyuga, your eyes have a hard time keeping their focus more and more recently...",

She chided, half-jokingly, but she also smiled unconsciously, trying to downplay the moment with humor while also attempting to assert a boundary, playfully reinforcing the notion that he was a Hyuga and that someone like her couldn't possibly be ever interested in a Hyuga.

She has always 'convinced' herself of that fact inwardly, also constantly repeating to herself how he was just a 'brat' in her eyes.

"Why should I bother with being subtle when I've got nothing to hide? And after all the work I've put into helping you push your Sharingan to and beyond the typical third tomoe, don't I deserve a little... 'acknowledgment'?",

"You didn't even have to go through any tough emotional stuff to get there. Even your Patriarch has started looking at you with envy because of your power boost. And it's not like you actually mind my glances; your reactions say plenty, even if you act like they don't.",

"Just admit it, you probably feel a bit of pride knowing some prodigy from a totally different top rival clan is paying you so much attention...", Hikari said, his smile playful as he leaned in closer, mirroring her previous action. His words were teasing yet carried an undercurrent.

At Hikari's words, a noticeable blush tinted Kiyomi's cheeks for the first time, her usual composure wavering under the weight of his observations, actions and him being so direct.

"You! You are not right... About... About that last part. But, this isn't the time or place for such discussions, Hikari-kun, I thought you were more serious than this...", She murmured, her voice a mix of embarrassment and reprimand.

Glancing around, she noticed a few curious stares from those nearby, "We're attracting strange looks already, please be more serious for the occasion...", She added softly, pretty uncharacteristic for her.

"Haha, looks like I've won this round then...", Hikari remarked, his teasing smile indicating his playful victory,

"Next time, maybe keep your observations about me to yourself, you were the one who initiated this, remember? And just remember, if there's a 'next time,' I won't hesitate to 'expose' you completely, audience or not...",

He added quietly, ensuring only Kiyomi could hear. With that, he consciously increased the previously established distance between them, reestablishing the space that their roles and the public setting demanded.

Then observing Kiyomi's mix of slight annoyance and evident embarrassment through her subtle body language, Hikari couldn't help but smile again, reflecting on his earlier assertion.

His comments weren't entirely made as teasing; he genuinely believed he had played a significant role in Kiyomi's development as a shinobi.

Their growing closeness had provided Hikari an opportunity to utilize his Byakugan's acute vision, his mastery over chakra precision, and his expertise in Yin Release to subtly 'operate' on Kiyomi's eyes during their private meetings.

He intended to stimulate her Sharingan, unlocking deeper reserves of power that had remained dormant beforehand.

This innovative and 'secret' approach then yielded remarkable results, significantly enhancing her capabilities in a relatively short amount of time by all Uchiha standards.

Kiyomi, for her part, also mulled over Hikari's words. Initially, her pride might have prevented her from accepting such intimate assistance, but witnessing Hikari's rapid advancement in strength—a widening gap she couldn't bridge on her own—and her stagnation at the cusp of unlocking the third tomoe, just as this dangerous war was approaching, led her to reconsider.

Recognizing the rising, genuine alliance between the two clans, at that time, and dismissing any notion that Hikari would act against her interests due to that, she consented to this unconventional method.

As a result, the procedure not only catalyzed her growth but also marked a shift in their interpersonal, private dynamic.

The regular, intimate nature of these sessions—Hikari's hands mere inches from her face, focusing intently on her eyes—gradually altered Kiyomi's perception of him over time.

She knew that allowing her to increase her bloodline dojutsu power in that short of a timeframe, otherwise pretty much considered impossible, greatly enhanced her chances to defend herself in the future, and probably also increased her survivability, during this war.

So, what began as a partnership rooted in mutual benefit, between their clans, evolved into a deeper, albeit undefined, connection characterized by playful interactions and a silent acknowledgment, on her part, of Hikari's crucial role in her journey as a shinobi, hence the dominant position in their relationship. Although, she would never openly admit that fact.

It was just that Hikari harbored a slight sense of regret, at this moment, that time constraints prevented him from attempting to elevate Kiyomi's Sharingan to the legendary Mangekyo level. He couldn't help but speculate about the potential upheavals and shifts in power dynamics such an advancement would trigger within the Konoha and the world in general.

However, achieving the Mangekyo Sharingan represented a quantum leap in difficulty compared to their previous endeavors. Hikari understood that even with his innovative method, the process could potentially span decades, an investment of time they simply did not have given the imminent threats and the war on the horizon.

Thus, while he had assisted Kiyomi in reaching new heights of strength, the journey to the Mangekyo Sharingan was a path she would need to navigate on her own, likely under the extreme conditions of battle.

Hikari's hope for her was not just about unlocking this formidable power but also about her survival. In the harsh realities of war, where life and death hung in the balance, Hikari's wish was for Kiyomi to find her way to the Mangekyo Sharingan, not just for the sake of power but as a means of ensuring her safety amidst the chaos. 

Hikari had considered the option of teaching Kiyomi specific Yin Release exercises that she could practice on her own, a method that, while effective, would undoubtedly be slower than the direct assistance he had been providing.

However, he ultimately decided against it for strategic reasons. Despite their alliance and growing personal connection, Hikari remained acutely aware of the delicate balance of power between the Hyuga and Uchiha clans.

By keeping the methodology to himself and not handing over such a potent tool for dojutsu self-improvement, Hikari aimed to maintain the status quo in their inter-clan dynamics.

He recognized that empowering the Uchiha with the means to potentially unlock the Mangekyo Sharingan independently could tip the scales of power too heavily in their favor.

This could disrupt the fragile equilibrium that allowed their alliance to function, transforming the Uchiha from allies into dominators in the political and martial landscape of Konoha.

In Hikari's strategic calculus, the benefits of their alliance were predicated on mutual respect and a sense of equality. Handing over a method that could significantly enhance the Uchiha's combat capabilities risked undermining the Hyuga's position and, by extension, his own too. 

Meanwhile, Hikari's contemplative state was interrupted as their sizable entourage approached the entrance to the clandestine meeting location.

The path leading to it was heavily guarded, a testament to the importance of the council they were about to attend.

As they were ushered in by a guide, Hikari took note of the robust security measures in place, a clear indication of the high stakes involved.

Glancing at Kiyomi, he noticed a hint of tension on her face, a rare sight for someone usually so composed. In response, Hikari offered her a reassuring look, a silent gesture of confidence that seemed to ease her concerns.

Together, with the rest of the group, they descended into the depths of the secret labyrinth, making their way towards the expansive underground venue designated for the meeting.

The scene that unfolded as they progressed through ancient-like hallways and chambers was remarkable. Security was tight, with members of the ordinary Shinobi, Anbu, the Police Force, and the Konoha Border Surveillance positioned throughout the complex and outside.

They were stationed above the ground, below, and on all sides, a comprehensive security detail ensuring the safety of the venue and its attendees.


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