A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

83. Assignment of Different Wartime Responsibilities

"With the General Staff now established, let's move on to discuss the rest of our command structure, starting with the Logistical Support and Medical Division...",

Hiruzen announced, shifting the focus to the next critical component of Konoha's wartime strategy.

"For this crucial role, I nominate Tsunade Senju. As the foremost medical ninjutsu practitioner and someone deeply connected to our village's medical community, her expertise is unparalleled.",

He then added, acknowledging the nuances of her situation, "Given Tsunade's unique stance on front-line combat, her skills and knowledge can be best applied in this capacity...",

Hiruzen glanced at Tsunade, who sat nearby, her expression one of calm anticipation, having expected to be called upon for such a role already and agreed beforehand under heavy urging from her teacher.

She disdained these kinds of politics, and the more she looked at this meeting, the more and more distant she felt from this entire place, however, she still retained some deep love and respect for her teacher, so she agreed.

Additionally, in the end, despite her aversion to frontline battles—a stance influenced by personal loss—her commitment to saving lives and enhancing Konoha's medical response capabilities remained unwavering, so this kind of role wasn't too hated by her in the end.

Therefore, Tsunade, with her long, blonde hair framing her face and strength in her eyes belying her legendary healing abilities, nodded slightly in agreement.

With the nomination of Tsunade for the Logistical Support and Medical Division met with unanimous approval and no objections raised, Hiruzen prepared to continue the meeting.

At this moment, Hikari took the opportunity to internally recap the purpose and function of this newly discussed division.

In essence, it was designed to operate as an emergency response unit, smaller in number than the primary frontline divisions but critically important.

While the main combat units would have their medical ninjas and logistical support, Tsunade's division was envisioned as a highly mobile, versatile force capable of rapidly deploying to areas of the battlefield that experienced crises or where support was urgently needed.

This division's role as a mobile backup was strategic, allowing for swift reactions to unforeseen complications or heavy casualties along Konoha's widespread frontlines.

Its creation underscored the village's preparation for the complexities of wartime logistics and healthcare, ensuring that even in the heat of battle, support would never be too far from those in need.

It was also an innovation of Konoha for this war, as it was the only way that Hiruzen managed to convince Tsunade to participate in this war, in hopes of maybe stimulating her combat prowess to return back, but not many other people knew about that and Hikari only vaguely speculate about that. 

"Next, for the Intelligence and Communication Division, I nominate Jiraiya...", Hiruzen announced, seamlessly moving on to the next critical component of their wartime strategy.

"His extensive network of frog summons provides us with a unique advantage. Their ability to inhabit both our world and their own joint 'special plane' to talk makes the transmission of information exceptionally efficient through his and their Summoning and Reverse Summoning Jutsu.

This also enables Jiraiya to operate effectively in this role from virtually anywhere in the world...", Hiruzen's statement carried an implicit suggestion that Jiraiya's responsibilities in the war effort would extend beyond just managing intelligence and communication only.

The versatility of his summoning abilities, combined with his widespread network of contacts and informants, positioned Jiraiya as a key asset capable of contributing to multiple domains.

Hikari, meanwhile, swiftly deduced the implications of Hiruzen's decision to nominate Jiraiya, based on the reliance on summons for communication.

'So, I was right before...', He thought to himself, "That advanced Chakra Transmission Communication Device that played a crucial role during the Fourth Shinobi World War, in the original story, isn't developed yet at this point in time. That means everyone has to rely on traditional methods like summons or ordinary messenger birds for conveying messages."

The absence of such advanced communication technology underscored the strategic value of individuals like Jiraiya, whose unique abilities could partially bridge the gap. 

Upon being nominated for the role, Jiraiya accepted with a characteristic mix of humility and playful confidence. Despite the light-hearted kind of speech he made then, there was a clear acknowledgment in his eyes of the weight his new responsibilities carried.

Jiraiya was no stranger to the burdens of war, and while he often masked his concern with humor, those who knew him understood his deep commitment to Konoha's safety and success always.

Hiruzen shifted the discussion to highlight the pivotal role the Anbu would play across the various fronts in the upcoming conflict. He spoke of their expertise and the critical support they would provide to the village's efforts.

However, Hikari couldn't help but respond with an internal sneer to this portrayal. From his perspective, the Anbu had largely transformed under Hiruzen's tenure, becoming more akin to a private guard for the Hokage and a tool for internal surveillance rather than the elite covert operatives they were originally envisioned as.

To Hikari, it was evident that while the Anbu retained their prowess in assassination and espionage, their deployment had become increasingly inward-focused.

Recent times had seen them more engaged in monitoring Hiruzen's political rivals and ensuring his security than in undertaking external missions that could decisively impact the village's strategic interests, such as eliminating key enemy figures or conducting deep reconnaissance.

It was still 'operating in shadows', unlike ordinary Konoha shinobi were operating, but only in terms of protecting Hiruzen's own closest associates, friends, family, secret locations, strategic assets, secrets, and other big-time figures within his faction, from the shadows, amongst other things that would help him personally stay in power as long as possible.

In contrast, Danzo's Root organization had taken up the mantle of conducting the more aggressive and risky operations outside the village, operations that traditionally would have been within the Anbu's purview.

The Anbu's attention also seemed diverted towards diminishing the Uchiha's influence within Konoha, slowly usurping and performing their roles and responsibilities that once belonged to the Uchiha clan, instead of their own.

Hiruzen's transition to the topic of Konoha's main shinobi force placements and the structure of frontlines marked a pivotal moment in the meeting. He was well aware of the contentious nature of these discussions and the potential for disputes to arise. Choosing to start with a less controversial aspect, he introduced a significant development regarding Amegakure.

"Now that we are finally about to talk about our main military shinobi forces placement and their frontline command structure...", Hiruzen announced, capturing the room's attention, "I would first like to announce to you some connected news. It appears we may not have to engage with Amegakure in this conflict.",

"Danzo and his 'Root' have initiated successful, clandestine dialogues with Hanzo. Our discussions have led to a tentative agreement where Hanzo has shown a willingness to cooperate with us during the war, in exchange for assistance against certain unstable factions within his village using Root's expertise.",

Hiruzen continued, outlining the strategic implications of this alliance, "In light of this, Danzo and his Root will be deployed to Amegakure. Their mission will involve supporting Hanzo in stabilizing his control over the village, ensuring the smooth facilitation of our logistical operations in the region, and keeping a close watch to ensure that Hanzo remains true to his commitments and to cultivate our unofficial alliance. I take it no one has any objections...?"

The room remained silent after Hiruzen's announcement, signaling a unanimous agreement with the proposed strategy for Amegakure. Danzo, seizing the moment, stood to formally accept the assignment.

In a speech that was characteristic of him, filled with a fervent, albeit somewhat exaggerated, passion for Konoha, he vocalized his commitment to the mission. His words, while grandiose, underscored the gravity he placed on the task ahead, albeit with a demeanor that some might find overly theatrical.

With Danzo's acceptance, the atmosphere in the room shifted, tensing in anticipation of the next agenda item. It was time to delve into the more contentious and potentially divisive discussion: the placement of Konoha's shinobi forces across the various fronts and their command structure.

This topic was not just politically charged, given the differing interests and strategic priorities among the village's factions, but it also carried the potential for direct physical consequences, as it directly impacted the lives of those who would be sent to war.


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