A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

87. The Hyuga Clan Pressured And Suddenly Isolated

Upon Hiruzen's concession, Fugaku Uchiha seized the moment to assert his vision for the battlefield alignment further, speaking for the first time after a long silence during this meeting. Rising to his feet, his demeanor standardly stoic for him, his face plain, as he addressed the assembly,

"Thank you, Lord Hokage, for entrusting me with such a crucial leadership role...", Fugaku began, "However, I'd like to propose further considerations for the optimal deployment.",

He continued, laying out his strategic recommendations with logical precision, "Given my position as the Uchiha clan Patriarch, it would be most effective for the Uchiha clansmen to be assembled under my command. Such an arrangement would ensure maximum operational cohesion and leverage our collective strengths.",

Fugaku didn't stop there. He delved deeper into tactical specifics, aligning natural elemental advantages with strategic positioning, "Additionally, I propose that my Division, I will lead, be assigned to the Southern Front, directly engaging Sunagakure's forces. The rationale is straightforward—the Uchiha clan's mastery of Fire Release techniques provides us a natural advantage against the Wind Release techniques predominantly utilized by the Sunagakure.",

"And the heat there also makes it easier for our jutsu to ignite and thrive in that kind of climate as opposed to some other environments for example.",

However, immediately following Fugaku's proposal, Hiashi Hyuga seamlessly took the floor, his timing impeccable, suggesting a premeditated coordination between the two leaders,

"I extend my gratitude towards the Hokage for entrusting me with this pivotal role...", Hiashi began, echoing Fugaku's sentiments of 'appreciation' but quickly moving to outline his strategic propositions for the Hyuga clan's deployment.

"Similar to the Uchiha Patriarch, I too propose that the majority of Hyuga clansmen deployed to the war front be placed under my command for optimized effectiveness...", Hiashi stated firmly. His voice carried a blend of earnestness and strategic foresight, underscoring the importance of unit cohesion and the tactical application of the Hyuga's unique abilities.

He then detailed his vision for the Hyuga clan's deployment, aligning their unique capabilities with the demands of a specific front, "Our recommendation is for the Hyuga forces to be primarily assigned to the Eastern Front, opposing Kirigakure.",

"The Byakugan offers unparalleled advantages in navigating and countering the misty environments characteristic of Kirigakure's terrain, and their shinobi' familiarity and home field advantages there, not to mention its efficacy against their Hiding in Mist Jutsu.",

Hiashi's proposal was not just a request for command but a strategic placement of the Hyuga clan's strengths against a key adversary, "Although we stand more than ready to support all fronts with our kekkei genkai's versatile capabilities, we believe our skills will be most effectively utilized against Kirigakure...", He concluded, his statement reflecting a deep strategic understanding of the Hyuga clan's potential contributions to the joint war effort. 

However, upon hearing Hiashi's proposals, the visages of Danzo, Hiruzen, Homura, and Koharu darkened significantly. The memory of the Uchiha clan consolidating its forces during the previous shinobi world war, a move born from their deep-seated mistrust towards Konoha's leadership, was still fresh, however, they were ready to accept that as a status quo during this war as well.

But, now, with the Hyuga expressing a similar desire to centralize their clan's deployment, it crossed a line for the village elders. This move not only broke from the past tradition but threatened the overturn some of the strategies they had considered.

The utility of Hyuga's supporting and auxiliary capabilities across various fronts, instead of centralization, was not only the most logical decision, in terms of what's actually truly best for Konoha's overall war efforts but had also been a cornerstone of their plan to subtly "cut up" and dwindle their clan's numbers by dispersing them thinly across multiple battle lines where they could control how they were dispatched easier, sending them to their "doom" more easily, in the end resulting in a much weaker Hyuga clan who recently defied them. 

Koharu Utanane, standing with an air of unequivocal authority, voiced her staunch opposition to the proposals, "This arrangement is entirely unacceptable. The insistence on centralizing your forces, coupled with the command roles you've been given, raises serious concerns.",

"Are the Uchiha and Hyuga clans attempting to form independent, local armies for future insurrections?", She questioned sharply, her voice echoing the suspicions of her faction.

"While we might grasp the reasoning behind the Uchiha's request, given their combat prowess, the Hyuga clan's demand is perplexing. Your Side Branch members are renowned for their support capabilities. Concentrating such forces on a single front contradicts their inherent role as supporters, who should be enhancing the village's overall war effort across multiple fronts. We could compromise on the Uchiha centralizing their forces like that this time again, but not for the Hyuga as well.", Koharu argued, her tone allowing no argument.

Takumi Hyuga, the Fifth Elder of the Hyuga clan, rose to address the concerns with a calm yet firm demeanor, "There's no need for undue concern regarding the operations of our Divisions...", He stated, his voice steady amidst the escalating tension,

"In addition to our clan members, we've planned to incorporate shinobi from the Aburame and Inuzuka clans, as well as from some other smaller clans within our Division. This diversification is intended to balance out the specialized, auxiliary nature of our forces...", Takumi explained, presenting a united front alongside Hikari who had also risen in solidarity at this time, strangely the Patriarch was still sitting.

The room's atmosphere thickened with anticipation as the Hyuga representatives stood across from the Hokage and his three advisors, all now on their feet. The moment marked a pinnacle of tension, the likes of which hadn't been seen since the council began.

Danzo's response cut through the tension first with a mix of sarcasm and outright challenge, "How amusing, to hear you speak as though this Division is already under your control. Let's not jump to conclusions. Hiashi Hyuga's appointment as one Division Commander was a decision made, but the final composition of his Division is far from settled...", He remarked with a disdainful laugh.

"And now, it seems the Hyuga clan, with the Fifth Elder at the forefront, is making decisions for the Inuzuka and Aburame clans, not to mention assigning other smaller clans to their will. Have you started considering yourself the Hokage, dictating such allocations without consensus or authority?", Danzo's voice dripped with mockery, his stance embodying the belief that he stood on the firmer ground, expecting to dictate terms rather than negotiate.

Hiruzen, adopting a posture of finality and authority this time, also weighed in, fully echoing Danzo's sentiments, "Danzo's point holds merit. The accommodations extended to your clans have been considerable today. We must draw a line.", He asserted, his voice carrying a tone of resolve. Standing with his hands clasped behind him, he was speaking as if from a position of power.

However, Hiashi's own composure in the face of such an overt attempt of intimidation was strangely totally negligent and not changed in the slightest. He was still standing firm against the heavy air of coercion that sought to bend his will, having the same kind of a 'poker' face.

His expression, as if carved from stone, radiated a sense of unwavering resolve, signaling that he was not ready to retreat from the position he had previously taken and that he was not in the slightest bit scared or pressured for some reason like the rest of the Hyuga clan entourage behind him was at the moment and some other members of their broad coalition. 

On the other hand, Takumi displayed signs of the pressure the situation bore upon him. The emergence of sweat on his brow was a testament to the internal conflict he faced. He knew that they couldn't back down from this matter, or they would pay greatly later, but he also knew that they didn't have sufficient power to get this matter through and convince others. 

A glance across the hall revealed Uchiha's measured response to the unfolding standoff. Their faces, taut with tension, suggested a reluctance to further involve themselves in a dispute that had escalated beyond the realm of easy resolution. They got what they wanted already from Hiruzen in terms of concessions.

Therefore, they appeared to not want to help the Hyuga clan further now and meddle into this, which was reasonable to many, after all, they were only allies of temporary mutual interests, at the end of the day, not the same clan.

The tension within the Uchiha faction was palpable. Setsuna's expression, twisted into a grimace of frustration, suggested he was biting back words he deemed better left unsaid, perhaps out of a calculated decision to avoid escalating the conflict further or risking the position his clan had already secured.

Fugaku, ever stoic, maintained his characteristic detachment, his demeanor unchanged as if to signal his non-involvement in the current dispute. This left Kiyomi visibly distressed, her concern not just for the immediate situation but also for 'visibly shaken' Hikari, whom she regarded with a mix of worry and a plea for intervention that went unheeded by her grandfather Setsuna. Moreover, she understood that she had no right to potentially damage their clan's already secured position for her personal feelings or outlooks on the matter now.

Meanwhile, Hikari himself, adept at masking his true feelings, projected a facade of surprise that mirrored the collective reaction of the Hyuga present, yet beneath this mask lay a calm assessment of the unfolding situation. His strategic mind was at work, piecing together the puzzle of the Hyuga clan's bold stance in the council.

The unwavering demeanor of both the current Patriarch and Hiashi suggested a deeper confidence, one not easily shaken by the prospect of refusal from the Hokage's faction. This was not merely a gamble on their part; it hinted at a premeditated strategy, likely underpinned by a significant ace up their sleeve.

Observing the unusually tranquil demeanor of the Patriarch, who seemed almost unnaturally peaceful as he sat at the tables still, which was a strange thing in itself, and his gaze distant as if in some kind of a 'trance', Hikari's instincts told him that something significant was about to unfold. Something he would also need to watch attentively to later analyze very carefully.

The Patriarch appeared to be in deep concentration, possibly channeling or preparing to unleash an ancient power unique to the Patriarch lineage, after a few moments to Hikari.

Hikad speculated instantly that it was what he caught the traces of during that meeting at that secret chamber back at the Patriarch's residence and always had some intuition about.

This, he speculated, might be what they were so confident about, a secret power that could dramatically shift the current tense standoff in their favor, allowing them to 'speak from the position of strength' instead and force the Hokage's Faction to yield to all those demands.

The unwavering confidence displayed by both Hiashi and the Patriarch previously, and Hiashi currently, suddenly all made sense to Hikari; they knew they had an unparalleled advantage, one that could potentially stun everyone present and decisively tip the scales for the Hyuga.

Suddenly as Sakumo Hatake gathered his thoughts, preparing to intercede once more on behalf of the Hyuga, an extraordinary and unforeseen event unfolded that captured the attention of everyone present.

Without warning, the hall was engulfed by a formidable chakra vortex, so powerful and overwhelming and yet it seemed to materialize as if from out of nowhere.

The force of this chakra was such that it caused physical disturbances within the hall: debris began to fall from the ceiling fiercely, the grand table at which they were seated groaned under the strain, and nearby decorations and artworks succumbed to the pressure, showing cracks and signs of stress.

Amidst the ensuing chaos and shock, all eyes were drawn to the origin of this unprecedented display of power—the elderly Hyuga Patriarch.

At that moment, the Patriarch rose to his feet, and what they saw was a man transformed. His eyes, once the calm, calculating windows of a seasoned elder, now blazed with an intense white light, reminiscent of a voracious vortex that threatened to consume everything in its path.

His entire form was shrouded in a mysterious white aura, flaring with chakra so potent it seemed capable of reshaping the very landscape.

The frailty typically associated with his advanced age was nowhere to be seen; instead, he emanated a vitality, chakra, and power that suggested he could stand against the very forces of nature itself.


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